Plymouth County

Charles L. Bissell





Charles L. Bissell, S1/c, USNR, and Miss Bessie Gaedicke, of Los Angeles, Calif., were married on Sept. 23, in Seattle, Wash., according to a message received Monday by Mrs. Cora Bissel of Kingsley.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, Monday, October 2, 1944


Charles Bissell, seaman first class, has arrived home to spend Christmas with his family at Kingsley. In the service since November 1941, he spent 18 months in the southwest Pacific. He wears three service ribbons and three stars for major engagements at Tarawa, Kwajalein and Eniwetok.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, December 21, 1944

***Further Research: 

Charles Lester Bissell was born May 23, 1918 to Lucien G. and Cora Vaninwiegan Bissell. He died May 29, 1976 in Los Angeles, CA.
