Worth County IAGenWeb
County School in Bristol Township, c1912
The photo is believed to be a photo school children in a country school East of Joice.

Begining at the left:
Back row: Lillian, Agnes Arneson, Lydia Aasgaard (Teacher), Claire B., Gail B.
Front row: Nola B., Norma, Milo Dahl, Claire Dahl
Additional Information: It is believed that the "B", after some of the names stands for Brunsvold. Claire Brunsvold, Gail Brunsvold and Nola Brunsvold were siblings, who were born in 1903,
1905 and 1907 respectively. Agnes Arneson was born in 1902. Milo Dahl and Claire Dahl were born in 1905 and 1907 respectively. Absent from school that day were Dena and Conrad.
They are believed to be Dena and Conrad Otterstad, born 1898 and 1901 repestively.
Note: Please advise county coordinator of any corrections or additions to the above information.
Contibuted by Donna Mason, Sept. 8, 2009