Worth County IAGenWeb

Businesses in Worth County - including the towns of:

Bolan, Deer Creek, Fertile, Grafton, Hanlontown, Joice, Kensett, Manly, Meltonville, Northwood, Silver Lake, and Tenold

Population 50, on the Chicago Great Western Railway, in Worth County, 9 miles s.e. of Northwood, the judicial seat and 6 from Kensett, the nearest banking point. Exp., W. F. & Co., Tel. Postal,
F. L. Benish, postmaster
Benish, F. L. General Store
Brooke, W. M., Railroad express and telegraph agent
Gritzmacher, W. G., blacksmith

A country postoffice in Deer Creek Township, Worth County, 8 miles northeast of Northwood, the county seat, banking and shipping point. Mail, daily.
M. J. Rohne, postmaster
Wholesale Seeds, the Nebraska Seed Co., Omaha, Neb.
Davis, F. L., live stock
Hendrikson, P. I. & Co., hardware
Pederson, Ole C., harness and shoemaker
Rohne Brothers, general store
State Line Farmers’ Creamery Assoc.
Wolen, P. P., live stock

Population 190. A village on Lime Creek, in Fertile Township, Worth County, 23 miles southwest of Northwood, the county seat, 3 ¼ miles southwest of Hanlontown, the nearest railroad station, and 18 miles north of Mason City.  Has Christian and Lutheran churches, a bank, a flour mill, a creamery and a weekly newspaper, the Enterprise.  Stage coach daily to Hanlontown; fare 25 cents. Telephone connection.
James H. Kirk, postmaster
Booth, B. J., hotel
Brown, E. E., meat market
Cartwright, M. J., photographer
Dally, G. K., blacksmith
Elthon & Gullikson, general store
Englesrud, A. O., general store
Fertile Bank, Charles Eikenbong, leader
Fertile Bank
Fertile Enterprise, B. J. Booth, publisher
Fertile Lumber Co.
Fosnes, Rev. H. (Lutheran)
Jergenson, Nels, wagonmaker
Jones, J. R., physician and dentist
Kirk & Ainsworth, furniture
Land & Owenson, hardware
Logue, Murl, barber
Matson, H., tailor
Peterson, A. J., physician
Rhodes, Wm., flour mill
Stakke, L. O., harnessmaker
Stephenson, Rev. W. T. (Christian)
Vannote, J. M., blacksmith
Wald, Rev. O. O. (Lutheran)
Williams, C. L., drugs

Population 250. On the C. M. & St. Paul Railroad in Union Township, Worth County, 18 miles southeast of Northwood, the county seat. Has a private bank. Telegraph, Western Union Exp., U. S. Express
Christian Walk, postmaster
Abel, William, shoemaker
Anton, Tinnes, meats
Biederman Brothers, flour mill
Biedermann, William, restaurant
Christians, Charles & Son, general store
Christians, O. H. & Co., proprietors Farmers’ Exchange Bank
Cydness, Christian & Co., drugs
Dams, A. G., blacksmith
Domek, Henry, restaurant
Ellgen, Cliff, barber
Farmers’ Exchange Bank, O. H. Christians & Co., proprietors
Huebner & Nock, hardware
Landeck, Rev. J., Lutheran
Lutz, W. F., livery
Nock, Frank, justice of the peace
Pieper, A. W., agricultural implements
Paulus, C. W., railroad express, telegraph agent and justice of the peace
Smith, J. A., lumber
Ucker, August, furniture
Walk, Charles & Co., general store
Witt, C. H., hotel

Population 200. A village on the C. & N. W. Railroad, in Fertile and Danville Townships, Worth County, 18 miles southwest of Northwood, the county seat. Has a bank and a weekly newspaper, the News. Telegraph, Western Union Express, American Express.
A. O. Rye, postmaster
Brattrud, Henry, blacksmith
Citizens’ Savings Bank (cap. $10,000). C. H. McNider, president, F. H. Warden, cashier
Cook, R. E., livery
Englesrud, E. E., general store
Ford, O. A. & H. A., hardware
Hanlontown News
Knudson, E., meats
Larson & Myll, farm implements
Lewis, Martin, blacksmith
Long & Onverson, agricultural implements
Martin, E., harness
Myhre Brothers, photographers
Myll & Sunvold, hotel and restaurant
Northern Grain Co., coal
Nye & Schneider Co., lumber and grain
Olson, George, furs and poultry
Phillips, N. W., physician
Queal, J. H. & Co., Henry Shaffer, manager, wholesale lumber
Rye Brothers, general store
Sowles, Dr. E. E. & Co., drugs
Taylor, W. A., barber
Weekly News, News Publishing Co., editors and publishers

Population 100. On the C. & N. W. Railroad, in Bristol Township, Worth County, 16 miles southwest of Northwood, the judicial seat, and 20 miles from Mason City. Has a bank, Tel., Western Union Express, American Express.
C. A. Ingwell, postmaster
Farmers’ Savings Bank (cap. $10,000), C. H. McNeider, president, K. S. Paulson, cashier
Hammer & Malwirs, general store
Holstead & Erickson, hardware
Ingwell, C. A., general store
Lenehan, John D., restaurant and grocer
Midgarden, K. C., railroad express and telegraph agent
Northern Grain Co., S. E. Swenson, manager
Nye & Schneider Fowler Co., J. Schules, manager, grain elevator
Olmsted, Pearly, barber

Population 500. An incorporated town on the C. R. I. & P. and Iowa Central Railroads (joint depots) in Kensett Township, Worth County, 7 miles south of Northwood, the county seat, and 115 miles north of Des Moines.  It is lighted by electricity, has excellent educational advantages, Lutheran and Methodist churches, a bank, an opera house, a flour mill, and a weekly newspaper, the News.  Express, Adams and U.S. Telegraph and telephone facilities. 
A. H. Bjorgo, postmaster
Allison, David, livestock dealer
Anderson, P. A., auctioneer
Arendts, Thomas C., mason
Barth, Henry C., harnessmaker
Berry, Thomas, billiards
Birmingham, Rev. T. M. C. (Methodist)
Bjorgo, Andrew H., postmaster
Bjorgo, H. A. & Son (Holdor A. and Andrew H.), hardware
Bolkan, Gustaf P., real estate and pianos
Burgeson Brothers (Ole and John), furniture and undertakers
Burgoon, A. L., principal of town school
Cady, Howard, marshal
Cady, Warren L., restaurant
Eckert & Williams (Northwood). Thomas S. Baken, manager, grain and livestock
Field, Louis, livestock dealer
Finch, Herbert T., painter and justice
Flint, Allen C., publisher, Kensett News
Fuller, A. T., veterinary surgeon and auctioneer
Gaarder, Peter H., agricultural implement dealer
Glass, Samuel, barber
Graeser, H. Bernard, physician
Grosland & Nubson (Ole H. Grosland, Ole A. Nubson), incubator manufacturers
Haugen, Hans, well driller
Haugen, Henry O., real estate, loans, lands, insurance, notary public and dealer in pianos and organs (see advertisement)
Hoorud, Jul K., meat market
Iverson, Peter, carpenter
Jewet, Melvin B., stone quarry
Johnson, John L., restaurant
Kensett Bank, Gilbert N. Haugen, president, Nels E. Haugen, cashier
Kensett Hotel, B. L. Knudtson, proprietor
Kensett Mill and Light Co. (cap. $10,000), H. E. Gray, president, P. H. Gaarder, secretary, John Burgeson, treasurer, flour mill and electric light plant
Kensett News (weekly), Allen C. Finch, publisher
Kensett Orchestra, H. O. Haugen, manager
Kensett Parade Band, H. O. Haugen, leader
Kensett Telephone Co., H. E. Gray, president, N. E. Thone, secretary
Kindem, Mrs. Annie L., milliner
Kindem, George A., carpenter
Knudston, Bertie L., proprietor, Kensett Hotel
Knudston, Louis A., livery
Knudson, Christian L., blacksmith
Langland, Andrew, justice of the peace
Locke, C. E., Manufacturing Company, C. E. Locke, president, F. W. Locke, secretary and treasurer, adding machines
Luckson, Thomas, cattle breeder
Mikkelson, O. A. & Co. (Ole A. Mikkelson, H. A. Bjorgo & Son), jewelers
Munsell, C. H., railroad telegraph and express agent
Opperud, Ole, hardware
Pedersen, Rev. L. O. (Norwegian Lutheran)
Perkins, Henry E., drayage and ice
Peterson & Nubson (Peter S. Peterson, Martin A. Nubson), general store
Peterson-Waughtal, Edna M., photographer
Rauk, Emma O., music teacher
Rendall, Ole, grain, stock and fuel
Sagdalen & Gullickson (Christian K. Sagdalen, Henry A. Gullickson), real estate
Savre, Carl O., clothing and shoes
Smith, James A. (Osage, Ia.), Ole Halverson, manager, lumber and coal
Thoen, Edward, cattle breeder
Thoen, Nels E., general store and mayor
Thon, Anna, confectioner and restaurant
Thon, Anton K., mason
Thon, Christian K., carpenter
Thorson, Engelbert, shoemaker
Tragethon, A. S. & Co. (Arne S. Tragethon, John A. Savre), general store
Ven, Iver, blacksmith
Watson, William A., livery
Wilson’s Opera House, H. E. Gray, manager

Population 450. An incorporated town on the Iowa Central, the C. R. I. & P., and C. G. W. Railroads, in Lincoln Township, Worth County, 12 miles south of Northwood, the county seat, and 9 miles from Mason City.  Has 4 churches, a graded public school, a bank and a weekly newspaper, the Tribune.  Ships grain and livestock.  Telegraph, Postal and Western Union Express, Adams Express, U. S. and W. F. & Co., Telephone connection.
G. P. Kercher, postmaster
Aroh, Rev. H. (Evangelical)
Beaver, Albert S., carpenter
Beaver, O. S., mason
Beier, Rev. Emil (German Evangelical)
Benson, John W., proprietor, The Benson [hotel]
Benson The, John W. Benson, proprietor, the only modern hotel in Manly. Steam heat and sample rooms, rates $2 per day
Blackmore, A. C. & Co. (capital $12,000), Albin C. Blackmore, Lemuel Dwelle, J. H. Lyford, H. T. Toye, M. E. and C. H. Beckett, Ida White, Minnie Whitcomb, A. H. Gale, H. A. Merrill) proprietors, Manly Bank
Carter, Francis M., restaurant
Chicago Great Western Railroad, C. H. Jochinsen, agent
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, Frank McSpadden, agent
Clemmer, Gideon C., principal of school
Cochonour, Frank, veterinary surgeon
Cochonour Stock Food Co. (capital $10,000), Albert Cobeen, president, W. H. Meldim, secretary, manufacturers stock food
Dancliff, Henry A. Jr., hardware and harness
Dillon, George W., druggist, jeweler, books and stationery
Ehl, Rev. Gustave (Catholic)
Herum, Christian, blacksmith
Herum, Henry, wagonmaker
Hungerford, J., apiarist
Iowa Central Railroad, Frank McSpadden, agent
Jochinsen, C. H., agent, C. G. W. Railroad, Adams Express and Postal Telegraph-Cable Company
Kessy, Edward N., barber
Knowles Brothers (Daniel D. and Delavan), general store
Larkin, Mrs. Maggie, milliner and dressmaker
Logemann, Diederich B., blacksmith
Lyford, J. Howard, cashier, Manly Bank, insurance and real estate
McCraney, John T., publisher, Manly Tribune
McKercher, Gilbert P., postmaster and stationery
McKercher, William D., crockery, grocer and justice of the peace
McMurtry, John S., meat market
McSpadden, Frank, agent C. R. I. & P. and Iowa Central Railroads and mayor
Manly Bank, A. C. Blackmore & Co., proprietors, J. H. Lyford, cashier, Transacts a general banking business
Manly Cooperative Creamery Co., E. R. Stock, secretary
Manly Grain Co., D. M. Smith, manager, grain and fuel
Manly Lumber Co, Diederich B. Logemann, president, David E. McKercher, secretary, Alfred Rossiter, manager, lumber and coal
Manly Telephone Co. (capital $10,000), David Williams, president, W. H. Meldrim, secretary
Manly Tribune (weekly), John T. McCraney, publisher
Mitchell, Donald A., grain, stock and coal
Moore, Benjamin, apiarist, beekeepers supplies and lands
Moore Brothers (James A. and Benjamin), livery and drayage
Nelson, Edward, shoemaker
Odd Fellows Hall, W. H. Meldrim, manager
Olson, Nels I., hotel
Parsons, John I., billiards
Peshak, Victor, furniture and undertaker
Pitzenberger, Andrew W., general store
Sanders, Belle, music treacher
Sanders, Charles W., physician
Skude, Gustavus N., photographer
Sladovink, Joseph, wagonmaker
Western Electric Telephone Co., R. G. Mitchell, agent
Whitson, Charles E., restaurant

Population 80. In Deer Creek Township, Worth County, on the Chicago Great Western Railroad, 11 miles from Northwood, the seat of justice, and 150 miles from Des Moines.  Telegraph, Postal Express, W. F. & Co.
E. A. Bach, postmaster
Bach, E. A., general store
Gordon Brothers, orchestra
Gordon, William, barber
Gordon, Mrs. William, dressmaker
Huber, J. H., grain and lumber
Lorenzen Brothers, creamery
Markham, C. E., railroad express and telegraph agent
Pavelle, Frank, blacksmith
Rendilan, William, hotel
Shields, J., tow mills
Thompson, O. J., livestock
Tollefsrud, O. E., general store

Population 1,500. The judicial seat of Worth County, Ia., an incorporated town, located on the Shell Rock River and on the Iowa Central and Chicago, Rock Island. & Pacific Railroads (joint depot), 20 miles north of Mason City, 80 miles northwest of Cedar Falls and 170 miles northeast of Des Moines.  Is lighted by electricity, has an excellent system of water works, fire department, telephone facilities, 4 churches, good schools, 2 banks and 2 weekly newpapers, the Anchor and the Worth County Index.  Northwood is surrounded by a rich agricultural section for which it is the receiving and distributing point, and ships large quantities of livestock, grain, flour, butter, eggs, cheese, etc.  Telegraph, Western Union Express, U. S. Express Co. and Adams Express Co.
Walter Gillrup, postmaster
Abbey, Alonzo, house mover
Adams Express Company, Herbert Pixley, agent
Amundson, Alexander, tinsmith
Amundson, Engebret, furniture and undertaker
Amundson & Grosland (John C. Amundson, Halvor T. Grosland), merchant tailors and agents, U. S. Express Co.
Aurdal, Ole, Veterinary surgeon
Bakketon, Torger, carpenter
Barber, James, poultry shipper
Berg, Mrs. Ole, dressmaker
Berg, Oluf C., gunsmith
Bjorlee, Elias J., cooper
Bolton, DeWitt, photographer
Bolton, Thomas L., chairman, board of county supervisors
Borg, Magnus, shoemaker
Brookfield Cooperative Creamery, E. A. Tinold, secretary, R. F. D. 1
Brunsvold, Knut A., blacksmith
Butler, Bert, clothing and shoes
Butler, Bert & Co. (Bert Butler), real estate
Central House, Casper Moe, proprietor
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, W. R. Hall, agent
Christianson, Hans L., meats
Christianson, Nels T., general store
Clark & Goetsch (William G. Clark, Louis Goetsch), meats
Collin, Edwin, attorney-at-law
Curran, Rev. A. B. (Methodist)
Dodge, George A., veterinary surgeon
Dwelle Brothers (Elmer H. and Charles H.), managers, Northwood Music Hall
Dwelle, Elmer H., physician
Dwelle, Horace V., county surveyor
Dwelle, Lemuel, real estate
Eckert & Williams (Oliver V. Eckert, James C. Williams), coal, implements, grain and livestock
Edwards, Annie W., books and confectioner
Edwards, Frank W., principal city schools
Edwards Wood Co. (St. Paul, Minn.) H. L. Guidingen, manager, grain commission
Emery, George M., drugs and books
Erickson, Judson A., restaurant
Everson & Nelson (Ever Everson, Henry Nelson), foundry
Farmer, Matt, harnessmaker
Farmers’ Butter and Cheese Association, A. C. Lundberg, president, M. D. Johnson, secretary, creamery
Fay, C. S. (estate) (Minneapolis, Minn.), Andrew Swenson, manager, lumber
Field, Anton M., general store
Finch, Harry C., insurance
Fisher, Samuel, shoemaker
Flatdness, Andrew, dairy
Fong, You, laundry
Forbes, Frank, attorney-at-law and justice of the peace
Gilbertson, Edward, mason
Gilbertson, Ole K., plasterer
Gillrup, Walter, postmaster
Gray, Andrew, blacksmith
Guidinger, Peter G., grain, livestock and coal
Gunderson, Otto E., county superintendent of schools
Hall, Walter R., agent C. R. I. & P. and Iowa Central Railroads
Hamilton, Bert, publisher, Northwood Anchor, general book and job printer
Hanson, Hans J., blacksmith
Harmon, Louise, milliner
Hartland Creamery, Edward Loberg, secretary, R. F. D. No.2
Haugen, Honorable Gilbert N., congressman, 4th Iowa Congressional District
Hewitt, Leland G., physician
Holland & Page (Albert Holland, Jud J. Page), general store
Horton, Thomas J., proprietor, Northwood Roller Mills
Hunter, Willis W., furniture, undertaker and justice of the peace
Hurd, Charles A., physician
Iowa Central Railroad, W. R. Hall, agent
Iowa Telephone Company (Ltd.), Northwood Telephone Co. agents
Iverson, Iver Jr., county auditor
Jeffries, Rev. E. M. (Baptist)
Johnson, Gustaf, restaurant and billiards
Jorde, Nels E., harnessmaker and farm implements
Kaasa, Gilbert I., general store
Kepler, Malvern H. (Kepler & Westfall), county attorney, Worth County
Kepler & Westfall (Malvern H. Kepler, Wm. A. Westfall), attorneys-at-law and abstracts
Krogh, B. Arnold, proprietor, Union House and feed barn
Larson, Rasmus, restaurant
Lee, Gust A., sheriff
Lee, Rev. Ole T. (Norwegian Lutheran)
Linder, Erick L., shoemaker
Littlefield, Charles F., general store
Littlefield, Mrs. Etta W., milliner
Low, Oscar S., grocer and crockery
Low, Robert F., grocer
Lum, Edward D., livery and dray
Lund Brothers (Thomas O. and Ole O.), general store
Lundberg & Johnson (Severin F. Lundberg, John Johnson), billiards and lunch
McQuarry, James, carpenter
Madson, Hans, implements wood and blacksmith
Madson, Mrs. Mary, music teacher
Moe, Casper, proprietor, Central House, bowling and feed barn
Myll, Henry K., clerk of courts
Nelson, John N. hardware
Nelson, Knudt, confectioner
Nelson, Ole, piano tuner
Northwood Anchor (weekly), Bert Hamilton, publisher
Northwood Banking Co. (capital $50,000) Gilbert N. Hangen, president, Dow Simmonds, cashier
Northwood Electric Light, Heat and Power Co., Lewis F. Madson, manager
Northwood House, Ole A. Olson, proprietor
Northwood Manufacturing Co., Edward Rusted, president, Iver Iverson Jr., secretary, T. L. Ringham, treasurer, planing mill
Northwood Music Hall, Dwelle Brothers, managers
Northwood Roller Mills, T. J. Horton, proprietor, flour mill
Northwood Telephone Co. (capital $3,000), O. V. Eckert, president, W. A. Willing, secretary
Northwood Water Works, Lewis F. Madson, superintendent, city of Northwood owners
Ofsthus, John K., hardware
Oleson, John, city marshall
Olson, Ole A., proprietor, Northwood Hotel
Osmonson, Isaac O., photographer
Overjorde, Erick L., jeweler
Page, L. A., Lumber Co. (Leroy A. Page), Orange C. Johnson, manager, lumber
Pangburn, Samuel A., dentist
Park Hotel, Richard D. Sullivan, proprietor
Pixley, Herbert, agent, Adams Express Company
Pixley, J. S. & Son (John S. and Herbert), bus and drayage
Quandahl, Hans T., carpenter
Ravenscroft, Benton, horse breeder
Reinhart & Fluto (Mrs. Laura Reinhart, Belle Fluto), milliners
Remore & Snyder (Charles W. Remore, John T. Snyder), barbers
Rice, Miss Elsie, music teacher
Rice, Samuel K., dentist
Rogers, Robert E., drugs
Scammon & Gillrup (Frank Scammon, Walter Gillrup), publishers Worth County Index
Siljon, Rev. O. G. U. (Norwegian Lutheran)
Simmonds, Dow, mayor
Simmons, John J., county treasurer
Skjeveland, Martin, blacksmith
Slosson, John J., county recorder
Smith, Ransom D., carpenter and painter
Stehn, Henry P., feed mill and wood
Sullivan, Richard D., proprietor, Park Hotel
Tenold Brothers (Ole A. and John A.), hardware
Tenold Creamery Co., Rural Free Delivery #1
Thompson, Albert L., lawyer and insurance
Thompson, J. B. & Sons (John B., Albert L., Gilbert J. and Lewis J.), general store
Thompson, Sena, music teacher
Thomto, Albert, livestock
Thorson & Brown (Nels Thorson, Lewis O. Brown), drugs, jewelers and books
Toesdal, Rev. Lars H. (Lutheran)
Union House, B. A. Krogh, proprietor
United States Express Company, Amundson & Grosland, agents
Walker, Charles H., dray, ice and fuel
Whipple, Ulysses G., plasterer
Whitcomb, G. H. & Son (George H. and George E.), real estate, abstracts and insurance
Whitcome, William H., grocer
Wiley, Henry E., livery
Willing, William A., lawyer
Winslow, Fred E., barber
Woodard, William, bill poster [advertisement posters]
Worth County Agricultural Society, Edward Miller, secretary
Worth County Index, Scammon & Gillrup, publishers
Worth County State Bank (capital $60,000), Lemuel Dwelle, president, Henry T. Toye, cashier
Young, Ernst R., physician

A farmers’ postoffice in Hartland Township, Worth County, 10 miles northwest of Northwood, the county seat, shipping and banking point. 
T. E. Flaskerud, postmaster
Flaskerud, T. E., general store
Town, A. L., justice of the peace

On Elk Creek, in Brookfield Township, Worth County, 11 ½ miles southwest of Northwood, the county seat, and 6 miles from Joice, the usual shipping and banking point.
S. O. Vold, postmaster
Howe, Lewis J., blacksmith
Tenold Creamery, N. O. Dallen, manager
Tenald, Ole O. hotel
Vold, S. O., general store


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