Concordia Lutheran Church
Joice, Iowa


Concordia Lutheran church was located 4 miles southeast of Joice in Bristol township, section 35.




From 1870 to 1906 a number of families had moved into the county and settled on what was then known as "out on the prairie". In 1873 a church was built where Sion Church now stands.

In 1874 and 1875 there was a great deal of talk about organizing a congregation further south on the prairie. Finally on Aug. 22, 1876, a meeting was held at the O.W. Bilstad home south of what later became Joice, for the .purpose of organizing a congregation, and if possible, to agree on a cemetery site. It was decided to go over on the rise where Concordia Church later was built, and consider that as a site for a church. This was agreed as a suitable place for a church and cemetery. The congrega負ion agreed to Rev. T.A, Torgerson's suggestion to name the Congregation Concordia because of the unanimous agreement in the discussions and plans for the congregation.

First officers elected were: Trustees, Even Haralson, Torbjorn Huso, and Johannes C. Johnson; treasurer, O. W. Bilstad; secretary and cantor (Kirkesanger), S. N. Storre. This same year Rev. Torger貞on's parish was divided. Lime Creek, Silver Lake, and Concordia on the west and the two others on the east. Given a choice as to which parish he would serve, Torger貞on chose to stay with the west parish.

Services were held in the different school houses in the Concordia area. At a special meeting August 25, 1884, it was decided to build a church the next year. The church was to be 32 x 48 x 20 feet.

In March 1885 the organization meeting of the first Ladies Aid in Concordia was held. The first officers included men; N. O. Storre, president; Mrs. N. N. Storre, vice president; Oley Benson and S. N. Storre, auditors.

Early in July, 1892, lightning struck Concordia church, causing a total loss to the congregation. At a meeting on the church site, is was decided to rebuild the church that fall. At first just the outside was completed, so that the church could be use for the winter. The interior was finished later.

In 1894, Rev. T. A. Torgerson was elected to president on the Iowa District of the Norwegian Synod. This necessitated changes in the local congregation.

In 1896, Rev. John Moses was called as assistant pastor and served until 1898 when Rev. A. J. Torgerson was called as his father's assistant.

He served until the death of Rev. T.A. Torgerson, Jan. 6, 1906, after which the parish was realigned.

Lime Creek, by mutual consent, sold their interest in the parsonage to Concordia and South Silver Lake and affiliated with Lake Mills.

Rev. A. J. Torgerson was called to succeed his father as pastor of Concordia and Silver Lake and served until 1918.

March 27, 1920 at a Joint meeting with Beaver Creek and Bethany congregations, Concordia and the other two congregations formed a new parish to be served by one pastor. This arrangement con負inued until it was dissolved in 1954. In April 1954, the Concordia Congregation voted to disband. Bethany made joint plans with Concordia for joint care of the Concordia Cemetery.

June 28, 1958, furnishings and contents were sold at auction for a total of $1,429.26. The church building was sold for $885. Carl Sheimo and Carl Jaspers were auctioneers. The bell was saved and mounted in a tower in the cemetery where it is used at funerals. Bethany church in Joice took over the cemetery.

Concordia pastors: Rev. T. A. Torgerson, 1870-1906; Rev. John N. Moses, 1896-1898, as assistant; Rev. A. J. Torgerson, 1906-1918; Rev. M. C. Holseth, 1918-1919, interim; Rev. O. Amadalsrud, 1919-1921; Rev. L. F. Kleppe, 1921-1933; R. O. Hjelmelund, 1933-Nov. 1933; Rev. L. F. Scheie, 1933-May 1951; Rev. Axel Shefveland, June 1951-Jan. 1952; Loren Spaulding, 1952-1954.

Source: Lake Mills Graphic, June 18, 1969 - Transcribed by Gordon Felland, 10/29/2008

Note: Burials in the Concordia Cemetery are given under "Cemeteries" on this web site.