Bethel Lutheran Church, Joice, Iowa, was organized June 30, 1934, with 19 communicant charter members. For more than a score of years prior to this time the Church of the Lutheran Brethren had been well known in the Joice community. Pastors M. E. Sletta and E. M. Strom are particularly well remembered for their work in these forma負ive years, and many members of Bethel date their spiritual birthday to the awakenings in 1916, 1917, and 1923. In 1929 a small chapel was built and was a frequent meet虹ng place for special services and particularly did it probe a stepping stone of signal im計ortance in later leading to organization of Bethel Church.
In February of 1935 a church building (the former Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church, rural Joice) was purchased and moved to the present church location, 2 and a half miles Joice. In 1941 this church building burned to the ground and the following year saw the erection of the present church.
Five sons of the congregation are in the Christian ministry, namely Andrew Larson, Joseph Levang, Richard Rogness, Rollin Rogness, and David Rinden Also Beryl Ramsey Sand, a missionary in Africa.
The organizations of the congregation are Sunday School, Ladies Aid Society, Sewing Circle, Youth. Fellow貞hip, and Mission Society.
The following have served as pastors of the congregation: H.J. Aarhus, 1934-1940; E.L. Reisem, 1940-1949; O.D. Thompson, 1949-1952; H. Engebretson 1952-1961; T. Nordtvedt, 1961-1964; H.J. Aarhus, 1964- ?
Source: Lake Mills Graphic, June 18, 1969, Section H.
Recent History:
Pastors who served since 1969 are: H. J. Aarhus to 1972, Morris Vold, 1972-1982; Timothy Vettrus, 1982-1990; Lloyd Handeland, 1990-1991; Elwin Walvatne, 1991-?.
The chruch burned on July 29, 2000 and a new building was built.
Source: Mason City Globe Gazette, Nov. 20, 2006.
Transcribed by Gordon Felland, Nov. 25, 2008. Updated on 10/28/2010
Note: For burials in the Bethel Lutheran Cemetery, see "Cemeteries" on this web site or click here