Additional WPA Records
Burials before 1939


Listed below are burials which were in the WPA records, but not necessarily listed under the cemeteries above. Some are not buried in Worth County, but the obituary appeared in Worth county newspapers.

SURNAME         GIVEN NAME      BIRTH           DIED            CEMETERY        LOCATION        COUNTY  COMMENTS
Aase            Bertuna         1898            1927            Shell Rock      Grove Twp       Worth 
Aase            Bertina J.      1872            2/14/1899       Shell Rock      Grove Twp       Worth 
Aase            Erick E.        1858            5/31/1897       Shell Rock      Grove Twp       Worth 
Aase            Theo            1874            8/9/1904        Shell Rock      Grove Twp       Worth 
Abraham         Carl            Age 78          1905            --              ---                     Hartland Twp. resident - Nortwood Index 2/23/1905
Adams           David           4/1/1828        ---             ---             ---                     Had wife Lucy - Northwood Anchor 11/15/1922
Ambrosen        Ole             ---             10/9/1895       ---             ---                     Forest City resisdent - Northwood Anchor 10/15/1895
Anderson        Amalie          1863            1916            Sion            Bristol Twp     Worth 
Anderson        Austin          1849            1/15/1912       ---             ---                     Father of Gaylord & Lester - Northwood Anchor 1/15/1912
Anderson        Eli             1872            7/22/1895       Beaver Creek    Fertile Twp     Worth 
Anderson        L. S.           ---             10/22/1923                                              Died in Wadena, Minn. - Northwood Anchor 10/31/1923
Anderson        Martin          1873            1929            Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth 
Anderson        Martin          ---             4/1939          Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth 
Arneson         Jensine         1865            2/22/1923       Sion            Bristol Twp     Worth 
Arneson         Gilbert         1832            3/2/1917        Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Born in Norway
Aslakson        Ole             Age 83          2/1884          ---             ----                    Worth County Eagle, 4/3/1884
Atwood          G. H.           1831            8/3/1910        Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Northwood Index, 8/4/1910
Backhaus        Louise S.       1873            2/25/1900       Manly           Manly           Worth   Mrs. Herman C.
Baker           Jesse F.        1865            1915            Bristol Twp     Bristol Twp     Worth   Son of W. S.
Baker           W. S.           1818            2/20/1886       Bristol Twp     Bristol Twp     Worth
Barber          Libbie          1852            1935            State Line      Grove Twp       Worth   Mrs. Frank
Battin          Florence        1859            1932            Manly           Manly           Worth 
Bauch           "Mother"        1819            1898            Manly           Manly           Worth 
Bauer           John G.         1856            1924            Manly           Manly           Worth 
Bauchman        Michael         Age 65          3/3/1879        ---             ---                     Worth County Eagle, 3/6/1879
Beimke          Henry F.        12/25/1891      10/2/1926       ---             ---                     Manly Signal - Dec. 1926
Benjegerdes     J. D.           1839            1/1917          ---             ---                     Born in Germany - Kensett News, 1/11/1917
Benjegerdes     William C.      ---             1/1919          ---             ---                     Died in Remsen, Ia.  - Manly Signal, 1/16/1919
Benson          Edward          1837            8/23/1905       Sion            Bristol Twp     Worth
Benson          Edward A.       1877            1/30/1907       Sion            Bristol Twp     Worth
Berentsen       Maria S.        1/2/1885        9/16/1907       Sion            Bristol Twp     Worth 
Berg            Andrew          ---             5/29/1908       ---             ---                     Resident of Lake Mill, IA - Northwood Anchor 6/3/1908
Bergh           Hans            ---             ---             ---             ---                     Northwood Index, 8/3/1899
Bergh           Iver            1826            9/17/1906       Kensett         Kensett         Worth   Civil War veteran
Bergo           Amund O.        1877            7/20/1934       Sion            Bristol Twp     Worth 
Bergo           Thom O.         1872            1929    Sion    Bristol         Twp             Worth 
Bigelow         James Newell    1857            9/15/1881       ---             ---                     Live Oak Calif.- Northwood Index 9/22/1881
Bikker          Anna            Age 35          10/14/35        Lutheran        Grafton         Worth 
Bilstad         Anna H.         ---             ---             Concordia       Bristol Twp     Worth 
Bilstad         Even W.         1844            9/30/1917       Concordia       Bristol Twp     Worth 
Bilstad         George W.       1853            4/8/1904        Concordia       Bristol Twp     Worth 
Bilstad         Gunhild P.      Age 66          3/26/1888       Concordia       Bristol Twp     Worth 
Bilstad         Lars W.         1847            8/24/1915       Concordia       Bristol Twp     Worth 
Bilstad         Margit          1846            11/22/1922      Concordia       Bristol Twp     Worth 
Bilstad         O. A.           1816            8/4/1885        Concordia       Bristol Twp     Worth 
Bilstad         Ole W.          1842            4/4/1925        Concordia       Bristol Twp     Worth 
Bilstad         Olga A.         11/23/1893      7/1/1909        Concordia       Bristol Twp     Worth 
Bilstad         Tjodvor         1814            8/31/1880       Concordia       Bristol Twp     Worth 
Bilstad         Torgus O.       1854            11/6/1877       Concordia       Bristol Twp     Worth 
Bilstad         Wraal L.        1803            12/23/1890      Concordia       Bristol Twp     Worth 
Bjerke          Daniel J.       1826            7/29/1904       ---             ---                     Born in Norway - Died in Halton, ND
Bjorgom         Andres A.       1832            1905            Kensett         Kensett         Worth 
Bjorgo          Hannah Kavina   1873            4/24/1896       Kensett         Kensett         Worth   Mrs. Andrew J.
Bjorgo          Ingri           1853            7/2/1899        Kensett         Kensett         Worth 
Blackmore       Ed              1876            8/15/1909       ---             ---                     Died in Cottage Grove, OR - Northwood Anchor, 8/18/1909 
Blackmore       Marcus O.       1849            7/1/1919        ---             Fertile         Worth   Northwood Index, 7/3/1919
Bleghton        P. A.           1/4/1830        3/13/1896       ---             ---                     Died in Eugene, ??
Boe             Knute           ---             4/18/1931       ---             ---                     Died in Kensett, IA - Manly Signal, 4/18/1931
Bolton          Thomas          1797            1/5/1885        ---             ---                     Buried in Wisconsin - Northwood Index, 1/8/1885
Boutelle        Addie Ellwood   1853            3/12/1917       Kensett         Kensett         Worth   Wife: Amanda Trebil
Braekke         Halvor H.                       4/6/1888        So. Shell Rock  Grove           Worth 
Breber          Walter          1869            1910            Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth 
Bronson	  	George	        Age 84								        Died in home of Turvold C. Haugen	
Brunsvold       Ole O.          1819            12/14/1897      Elk Creek       Brookfield Twp  Worth 
Buchanan        John            Age 80          7/13/1928       ---             ---             Worth   Northwood resident - Des Moines Register, 7/15/1928
Buehrer         Caroline        1886            4/14/1932       Lutheran        Grafton         Worth   Mrs. Carl
Buli            Ole O.          1837            2/23/1921       ---             ---                     Died in Seattle, Wash. - Northwood Anchor 3/16/1921
Butler          N. V.           Age 67          3/31/1890       ---             ---                     Northwood Index, 4/10/1890
Butler          Ragnild         1813            3/1/1891        So. Shell Rock  Grove           Worth   Mrs. Knud Vigen
Camp            Pete F.         1814            3/9/1880        ---             ---             Mitchell        Buried in Mitchell Co., Iowa
Campbell        Marion (Capt.)  ---             7/21/1878       ---             ---                     Died near New Sharon, Iowa - Worth Co. Eagle 8/1/1878
Carlsgaard      Hans P.         Age 82          3/1/1899        ---             ---                     Died near Mentonville - Des Moines News, 3/3/1899
Carr            Michael         1840            6/14/1918       St. Patricks    Bristol Twp     Worth   Northwood Index, 6/20/1918
Charlton        Edward          1833            1886            Bristol         Bristol Twp     Worth 
Christiansen    Hans L.         1855            1925            Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth 
Cole            (Husband)       ---             ---             Manly           Manly   Worth 
Calladay        George w.       ---             ---             ---             ---                     Northwood Index, 2/2/1915
Comstock        Charles         ---             ---             ---                             Worth   Fertile resident - Northwood Anchor, 7/12/1898
Converse        Wallace         Age 51          3/4/1891        Bristol         Bristol Twp     Worth   Bristol resident - Northwood Index, 3/12/1891
Cotterell       D. A.           ---             7/15/1922       ---             ---                     Fertile resident 
Cox             George W.       Age 18          12/30/1873      State Line      Grove  Twp      Worth 
Cox             John R.         Age 23          12/25/1872      State Line      Grove  Twp      Worth 
Cox             Robert          Age 64          10/22/1868      State Line      Grove  Twp      Worth 
Crawath         Samuel P.       1817            3/29/1893       ---             ---                     Buried in Poway, Calif. - Northwood Index, 4/6/1893
Crawford        W. H.           Age 73          1/21/1909       Bristol         Bristol Twp     Worth 
Crawford        Jane            1850            1926            Manly           Manly           Worth 
Crosby          W. A.           1843            2/1923          Elmwood         ---             Cerro Gordo  Hanlontown, Iowa resident 
Cunningham      Frank S.        1881            1935            Manly           Manly           Worth 
Dahl            Anne            1879            12/13/1914      Concordia       Bristol Twp     Worth 
Dahl            Chris S.        1860            12/1/1937       Kensett         Kensett         Worth 
Dahleen         Jorand O.       8/12/1882       11/8/1901       Beaver Creek    Fertile Twp     Worth 
Daley           Anna R.         1873            7/31/1892       Brush Point     Fertile Twp     Worth 
Daley           G. K.           1842            12/23/1918      Brush Point     Fertile Twp     Worth 
Daley           Mary O.         1871            1/12/1924       Brush Point     Fertile Twp     Worth 
Daley           Sarah           1841            11/12/1925      Brush Point     Fertile Twp     Worth 
Dalluge         Gotlieb         1847            1/30/1924       Lutheran        Grafton         Worth 
Davenport       A. H.           Age 67          3/27/1881       ---             ---             Scot    Died in LeClaire, Iowa
Dokken          Mari K.         11/1/1881       3/19/1912       Elk Creek       Brookfield Twp  Worth 
Dokken          Thonette Karine 1885            6/17/1905       Elk Creek       Brookfield Twp  Worth 
Dorenbush       Martin           --             1/30/1921       ---             ---             Winnebago   Buried in Buffalo Center, Iowa
Dorman          Newel Bixby     ---             3/31/1933       ---             ---                     World War veteran
Dwelle          Elmer H.        1874            3/31/1923       ---             ---                     Northwood Anchor, 3/7/1923
Ebaugh          Louis L.        ---             ---             ---             ---                     Resident of Fertile, Iowa
Eichelberger    William L.      1838            11/25/1886                                              Northwood Index, 12/2/1886
Espedakken      Helge           1853            1936            Elk Creek       Brookfield Twp  Worth 
Espedakken      Hekge E.        1841            9/3/1912        Elk Creek       Brookfield Twp  Worth 
Espedakken      Kari            1809            4/5/1887        Elk Creek       Brookfield Twp  Worth 
Evenson         Milton Edward   12/13/1895      12/6/1918       Beaver Creek    Fertile Twp     Worth 
Everson         Carl            1834            11/23/1907      ---             ---                     Resident of Northwood
Finch           Calvin          1817            1891            ---             ---                     Wife: Clarissa M. Miner
Finch           Ethan C.        1842            3/7/1922        ---             ---                     Resident of Northwood - Northwood Anchor, 3/15/1922
Flaaten         Thor K.         1832            ---             ---             ---                     Born in Norway
Flatt           James R.        1838            3/21/1901                                               Born in England - Norhwood Index 2/28/1901
Florence        John            1790            11/1879                                                 Mason City resident - Worth Co. Eagle 11/20/1879
Flores          Maria           ---             2/15/1929       Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth 
Flores          Rodolfo         ---             11/20/1929      Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth 
Folger          J. M.           ---             12/17/1926      ---             Manly           Worth   Mason City Globe Gazette 12/17/1926
Germain         Isaac           1799            2/1884          ---             ---                     Worth County Eagle, 2/7/1884
Gesme           Anna K.         1900            1926            Brush Point     Fertile Twp     Worth 
Gesme           Lewis K.        1854            1/27/1923       Brush Point     Fertile Twp     Worth 
Gesme           Nora I.         1889            1923            Brush Point     Fertile Twp     Worth   Mrs. M. L.
Gesme           Olena           1866            6/26/1924       Brush Point     Fertile Twp     Worth 
Gibson          Edgar William   1871            5/18/1934       ---             ---                     Buried in Hitesville, Iowa
Gice            Randy           Age 22          2/1/1894        Elk Creek       Brookfield Twp  Worth 
Gifford         George          1830            8/31/1886       ---             ---                     Northwood resident buried in Marshalltown, IA
Godland         Olga O.         Age 32          2/18/1873       ---             ---      
Goodell         George          1839            4/1/1920        ---             ---             Cerro Gordo  Hanlontown resident buried in Cerro Gordo Co., IA
Gordon          Thomas          ---             12/11/1910      ---             ---                     Old settler - Northwood Anchor
Gottschalk      Frank B.        1858            1936            ---             ---      
Grimstveldt     Susanna         1817            1913            ---             ---                     No cemetery given - probably Elk Grove Cem.
Groe            Thorstin O.     1821            10/3/1895       ---             ---                     No cemetery given - probably Silver Lake Cem.
Grovem          Andrew H.       1824            1922            ---             ---                     Manly Signal,  3/2/1922
Gulekson        Everise C.      1808            7/25/1892       Elk Creek       Brookfield Twp  Worth 
Gulekson        Peder           1802            1/19/1888       Elk Creek       Brookfield Twp  Worth 
Gullickson      Caroline        1868            2/6/1891        So. Shell Rock  Grove Twp       Worth   Mrs. Levinelson
Gunderson       Gunerius        1845            10/10/1919      Elk Creek       Brookfield Twp. Worth 
Gunderson       Oliva           1846            9/22/1925       Elk Creek       Brookfield Twp  Worth 
Guttormson      T.              1826            1/23/1913       ---             ---                     Born in Norway - Northwood Anchor, 2/5/1923
Hagen           Inga            1893            1925            Silver Lake     Hartland        Worth 
Hagen           Johannes I.     1862            1932            Silver Lake     Hartland        Worth 
Haley           Patrick         Age 80          5/1/1879        ---             ---                     Silver Lake Twp. resident - 'Worth Co. Eagle, 5/8/1879
Hall            Ageline V.      1826            1893            Sunset Rest     Grove Twp.      Worth   Mrs. Eli Collins Hall
Hall            Eli Collins     1822            1910            Sunset Rest     Grove Twp.      Worth 
Hall            Michael J.      1844            4/11/1927       Brush Point     Fertile Twp.    Worth   Mrs. Levi
Hall            Levi            1845            1927            Brush Point     Fertile Twp.    Worth 
Halsted         Henry O.        1869            3/24/1894       Sion            Bristol Twp.    Worth   Son of Ole B.
Halsted         Marie           1842            1911            Bristol Luth.   Bristol Twp.    Worth   Mrs. Martin S.
Halsted         Martin S.       1838            1915            Bristol Luth.   Bristol Twp.    Worth 
Halversen       Ole             1851            1922            ---             ---                     Cemetery not given but probably Kensett
Halverson       Ole             1851            1/16/1922       ---             ---                     Kensett resident - Northwood Anchor 1/18/1922
Hansen          Esther          ---             ---             Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth 
Hansen          Martin          1841            8/13/1909       ---             ---                     Northwood Anchor, 9/1/1909 page 2
Hanson          Anna            1852            19--            Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth 
Hanson          Hans Jens       1842            1/15/1923       ---             ---                     Born in Denmark - Northwood Anchor 1/24/1923
Hanson          Katrina         Age 72          11/1893         Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth 
Hanson          Kristi O.       1857            1927            Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   (mother)
Harmon          Andrew O.       1839            3/21/1915       Sion            Bristol Twp.    Worth 
Harp            Samuel          Age 87          9/17/1890       ---             ---                     Northwood Index 9/25/1890
Hartsock        Caleb           ---             11/1882         ---             Dubuque, IA     Worth   Worth Co. Eagle, 11/16/1882
Heiny           John H.         ---             10/11/1894      ---             Plymouth, IA    Cerro Gordo     Northwood Anchor, 10/18/1894
Helgeland       David S.        1870            11/13/1890      So. Shell Rock  Grove Twp       Worth 
Helling         Ingeborg        1847            5/26/1919       Kensett         Kensett         Worth 
Helling         Erick           1831            12/20/1915      Kensett         Kensett         Worth 
Helling         Margueret       1880            1905            Kensett         Kensett         Worth 
Heltne          Ardel           ---             1921            ---             ---      
Hengesteg       Kari            ---             ---             Silver Lake     Hartland Twp    Worth   (Mrs.)
Hermanson       Iver            1839            1887            Elk Creek       Brookfield Twp. Worth 
Hessletine      Grover          ---             ---             ---             ---                     Manly Signal, 10/14/1920
Hogloe          Ole Halverson   ---             ---             Brush Point     Fertile Twp.    Worth   Nothwood Anchor 7/5/1922
Holland         Norman          1913            2/16/1934       Somber          Bristol Twp.    Worth 
Holm            John            1839            11/13/1912      London/Deer Cr. Deer Creek Twp. Worth 
Holstad         Annie           1830            5/4/1901        Sion            Bristol Twp.    Worth 
Holstad         Bendek Olson    1858            10/31/1880      Sion            Bristol Twp.    Worth 
Holstad         Lewis O.        1856            3/1/1938        Somber          Bristol Twp.    Worth 
Homes           Tom             ---             10/13/1921      ---             ---                     Manly Signal, 10/20/1921
Howard          W. B.           ---             6/1883          ---             ---             Floyd   Died in Floyd Co., Iowa.  Worth Co. Eagle 5/24/1883
Hrubetz         Emma            1875            1931            Kensett         Kensett                 Lot 201
Huber           Minnie          ---             ---             Manly           Manly           Worth 
Hunchis         Catherine       ---             1877            Wise's          Union Twp       Worth   Wife of Franz
Hunchis         Franz           Age 65          1875            Wise's          Union Twp.      Worth 
Hunderby        Anne G.         Age 80          1/25/1890       Silver Lake     Hartland Twp.   Worth 
Hunderby        Gunnerius K     1834            9/14/1867       Silver Lake     Hartland Twp.   Worth   3rd Iowa Battery
Hunderby        Knud A.         Age 76          3/10/1884       Silver Lake     Hartland Twp.   Worth 
Hunderby        Treda A..       Age 4           9/2/1878        Silver Lake     Hartland Twp.   Worth 
Hunt            William J.      1825            2/27/1908       Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Resident of Glenwood, Minn.
Hunter          Gaylord G.      1851            1929            Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Lot 19
Hunter          Kate B.         1854            1922            Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Lot 19
Hunter          Margaret J.     1864            11/17/1936      Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Lot 64
Huso            Thorbyson       1844            3/21/1916       Concordia       Bristol Twp.    Worth 
Jannerson       Lark Johan      ---             5/1870          Shell Rock      Grove Twp.      Worth 
Janson          Peder           1834            9/22/1901       Brush Point     Fertile Twp.    Worth 
Jensen          Anna M.         1848            1926            So. Shell Rock  Grove Twp.      Worth   Mrs. C.
Jensen          Chveaton        1848            3/1921          ---             ---                     Northwood Anchor 3/16/1921
Jensen          Engeline        ---             8/3/1867        N. Shell Rock   Grove Twp.      Worth 
Johnsen         Peter K.        1832            5/9/1867        So. District    Silver Lake Twp Worth   Born in Norway
Johnson         Anders          1837            1/23/1921       ---             ---                     Northwood resident born in Sweden
Johnson         Anton           ---             1/7/1912        ---             Deer Creek Twp. Worth   Northwood Anchor 1/10/1912
Johnson         Berget H.       Age 19          6/09/1907       Sion            Bristol Twp.    Worth 
Johnson         Martin E.       1840            1916            London/Deer Ck. Deer Creek Twp. Worth 
Johnson         Ragna Bakken    ---             ---             ---                                     Mrs. Ole
Jones           Zella           1861                            Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Lot 83
Jorde           Clara           1885            10/1/1914       Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth 
Julson          Thomas          1859            1936            Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Lot 110
Kaasa           Gunheld         ---             ---             South District  Silver Lake Twp Worth   Mrs. Ingrebret O.
Keeler          Jane            Age 42          1873            Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Mrs. William
Keeler          William H.      1822            10/11/1891      ---             ---                     Died in Lake Mills, Iowa.  Northwood Index 11/15/1891
Kimmell         Clara Bork      6/17/1900       3/21/1928       Lutheran        Grafton         Worth 
Kisner          David Pattee    1831            6/1/1913        ---             ---                     Died in Danville Twp.  Northwood Index 6/19/1913
Kjerland        Signe           1857            5/12/1905       So. Shell Rock  Grove Twp.      Worth 
Knapp           Clarence A.     1846            11/1/1918       ---             ---                     Died in Sioux City, Iowa.  Northwood Index 11/7/1918
Knowles         Delivan         1861            11/23/1917      Manly           Manly           Worth 
Knudson         Bjorn           1857            9/13/1923       Elk Creek       Brookfield Twp. Worth 
Knudson         Chester E.      1876            8/10/1907       Manly           Manly           Worth 
Knudson         Kari            1856            1/3/1902        Elk Creek       Brookfield Twp. Worth 
Knutson         C. L.           Age 65          6/15/1911       ---             ---                     Kensett resident - Des Moines Register 6/17/1911
Kober           Emil Herman     Age 42          3/29/1935       ---             ---                     Died in Manly, Iowa
Kruse           Otto H.         1864            ---             Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Lot 8
Kuchar          Mary            1858            7/7/1928        Manly           Manly           Worth   Mrs. James
Kvambek         Gunild          1818            4/4/1891        So. Shell Rock  Grove Twp.      Worth 
Lageson         Lewis           Age 51          7/13/1938       Sion            Bristol Worth 
Larson          Lewis           Age 67          8/26/1906       ---             ---                     Resided & buried in Marietta, Minn.
Lee             Gunil           ---             6/22/1865       N. Shell Rock   Grove Twp.      Worth   Mrs. T.
Lee             Peder Pederson  1830            8/31/1865       Shell Rock      Grove Twp.      Worth   Born in Norway
Lee             Valborg         1803            1921            N. Shell Rock   Grove Twp.      Worth 
Linter          Lewis           1860            1935            State Line      Grove Twp.      Worth 
Maren           Sanba           1831            4/20/1877       So. Shell Rock  Grove Twp.      Worth 
Lum             Ethel           ---             ---             Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Lot 116
McEnelley       John M.         Age 55          3/7/1871        Bristol         Bristol Twp.    Worth 
McGrath         Etta L.         1874            1937            State Line      Grove Twp.      Worth 
McGrath         George          1860            1921            State Line      Grove Twp.      Worth 
McKercher       Gilbert P.      1858            2/14/1922                                               Died in Mason City - Northwood Anchor 2/22/1922
McKercher       Harold Erwin    10/7/1887       4/18/1921       Manly           Manly           Worth   Manly Signal 4/21/1921
McQuatters      Eliza           1856            2/16/1882       Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Mrs. William
Maren           Sanba G.        1831            4/20/1877       So. Shell Rock  Grove Twp.      Worth 
Marken          George          1844            4/4/1921        ---             ---                     Born in Germany - died in Manly, Iowa 
Marsden         Bertha          1873            1930            Manly           Manly           Worth 
Matthews        Wilhelmina      1858            8/4/1930        Lutheran        Grafton         Worth   Mrs. William
Mattock         Charles         Age 51          9/2/1880        ---                                     Resident of Kensett - Worth Co. Eagle
Mellem          Nellie          1854            1924            Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth 
Mellem          Ole             1853            1925            Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Lot 43
Midbo           Carl            ---             9/15/1903       ---                                     Lived near Lake Mills, Iowa - Northwood Anchor 9/22/1903
Miller          Alma May        7/21/1905       12/25/1929      Brush Point     Fertile Twp.    Worth 
Moen            Knudt L.        2/25/1883       9/19/1927       Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Father
Moir            Alexander C.    1828            2/3/1922        Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Lot 5 - Born in Scotland
Mooers          C. S.           1797            12/26/1878      ---             ---                     Des Moines resident - Worth Co. Eagle 1/2/1878
Moore           Alexander S.    1808            8/16/1888                                               Northwood Index 8/23/1888
Moore           E. G.           1849            7/1899          ---             ---                     Northwood Index 7/20/1899
Mostrom         Knut            1838            1925            Elk Creek       Brookfield Twp. Worth   Lot 68
Nelson          Christina       1846            1906            So. Shell Rock  Grove Twp.      Worth 
Nelson          G. T. (Dr.)     1845            9/18/1909       ---             ---                     Born in Norway - Resident of Northwood
Nelson          Gunda           1855            1934            N. Shell Rock   Grove Twp.      Worth 
Nelson          Martin          1854            1930            N. Shell Rock   Grove Twp.      Worth 
Nelson          Marcus          Age 60          3/1878          ---             ---                     Worth County Eagle 3/7/1878
Nelson          Neally          8/20/1921       ---             ---                                     Manly Signal
Nerby           Gjertrud        1815            10/11/1882      Elk Grove       Brookfield Twp. Worth 
Neville         Catherine       Age 39          1877            St. Patrick     Bristol Twp.    Worth   Mrs. William
Nicholson       Robert          Age 44          6/30/1866       State Line      Grove Twp.      Worth 
Nikirk          Harry D.        1852            6/23/1895       Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Lot 92 - Father
Northway        James H.        1843            5/27/1922       Manly           Manly           Worth   Died in Danville Twp. - Son of James F.
Nye             A. N.           1843            10/14/1885      ---             ---                     Northwood resident - Northwood Index 7/16/1885
Nyhus           Clara           1888            1916            Elim            Fertile Twp.    Worth 
Nyhus           Edward          ---             ---             Elim            Fertile Twp.    Worth   No dates or marker.
Nyhus           Jeanette        ---             ---             Elim            Fertile Twp.    Worth   No dates or marker.
O'Connor        James           Age 72          1879            St. Patricks    Bristol Twp.    Worth 
Connor          John C.         Age 89          1937            ---             ---                     Died in Manly - Manly Signal 3/12/1937
Olmstead        A. E.           1849            2/23/1917       ---             ---                     Had son Elmer - Northwood Index 3/1/1917
Olson           Nels            Age 70          2/23/1917       ---             ---                     Fertile resident - Northwood Anchor 2/28/1917
Olson           Ole             Age 78          3/25/1908       ---             ---                     Died on Poor Farm - Northwood Anchor 3/31/1908
Orpen           Charles         Age 50          7/29/1934       ---             ---                     Manly resident - Des Moines Register 7/30/1934
Paine           F. T.                           State Line      Grove                           Worth   Co. A, 21 Iowa Infantry, Civil War
Paxton          Mary            1828            ---             ---             ---                     Mrs. H.
Pedelty         Simon           Age 80          1/8/1916        ---             ---                     Mason City resident - Northwood Anchor 1/12/1916
Pedersen        Oline           1870            4/19/1895       London/Deer Cr. Deer Creek Twp. Worth 
Pennel          J. M.           1822            4/24/1881       ---             ---                     Worth Co. Eagle 5/5/1881
Perkins         Ella Maude      1886            1905            Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Lot 114
Peterson        Olivia          1862            1919            Elk Creek       Brookfield Twp. Worth   Lot 116
Peterson        Peter           1852            9/22/1927       Silver Lake     Hartland Twp.   Worth 
Peterson        Peter M.        1878            10/23/1921      ---             ---                     Born in Sweden - Manly Signal 10/27/1921
Pixley          Joseph          ---             ---             Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Co. A, 18th Mich. Infantry - lot 25 
Platts          Emily D.        1832            1876            Bristol Bristol Twp.            Worth   Mrs. Henry
Presholt        Julie           1836            1878            Brush Point     Fertile Twp.    Worth 
Pribyl          John            1845            7/15/1914       Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth 
Pribyl          Mary            1855            9/2/1915        Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth 
Quandahl        Nels N.         1828            2/1/1905        ---             ---             Worth   Died in Decorah, Iowa - Northwood Anchor 2/6/1905
Ranum           Olina A.        1874            7/8/1909        So. Shell Rock  Grove Twp.      Worth 
Remore          Jacob F.        1822            9/17/1899       ---             ---             Worth   Died in Bermidge, Minn. - Northwood Index 9/28/1899
Richardson      B. T.           1840            12/2/1915       ---             ---                     Died in Hanlontown, Iowa
Rinden          Tellef          1858            1934            Elim            Fertile Twp.    Worth 
Rislow          Iver            ---             2/18/1912       ---             ---             Worth   Worth Co. resident - Northwood Anchor 3/20/1912
Robertstad      Andrew          ---             ---             ---             ---                     No dates or localities  given.
Robertstad      Arthur          ---             ---             ---             ---                     No dates or localities  given.
Rode            C.              1854            9/1/1914        Lutheran        Grafton         Worth 
Sabe            Helge Olsdtr.   1869            3/1924          So. Shell Rock  Grove           Worth 
Sage            John H.         1826            1/19/1909       ---             ---                     Cannon City, Minn. resident - Northwood Anchor 2/3/1909
Schmidt         LeRoy O.        10/27/????      2/9/1920        ---             ---                     Died in Clarkville, Ia. - Northwood Anchor 2/18/1920
Schroh          Barbara         ---             ---             Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth 
Schulte         F. W.           1870            1937            Manly           Manly           Worth 
Schwirtz        Otto A.         ---             11/20/1931      Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth 
Sime            Arne O.         1827            1/18/1897       Sion            Bristol Twp.    Worth   Son of Ole
Skinner         Caroline        Age 70          ---             Bristol         Bristol Twp.    Worth   Mrs. J. S.
Sladoonik       Joseph          1843            12/25/1921      ---             ---                     Born in Bohemia - Manly Signal 12/29/1921
Slattum         Claus           ---             2/1910          ---             ---                     Died in Fertile Twp. - Northwood Index 2/24/1910
Slattum         Julia           1876            7/12/1936       Beaver Creek    Fertile Twp.    Worth 
Sondrol         Andus J.        Age 71          12/8/1900       Silver Lake     Hartland Twp.   Worth 
Spain           John            ---             7/1904          ---     ---                             Died near Welton, Ia. - Northwood Anchor 8/4/1904
Spencer         Isaac           1807            5/27/1884       ---             ---                     Buried in Springfield, Wis. - Worth Co. Eagle 6/5/1884
Spilde          Mikkel P.       1851            6/19/1931       Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Lot 38
Stensrud        Andrew          1830            1920            ---             ---                     Died in Canton SD - Nortwood Anchor 1/7/1920
Stewart         Archibald       1843            2/4/1915        ---             ---                     Northwood Index 2/18/1915
Storms          Beonard I.      12/28/1893      7/22/1921       Manly           Manly           Worth   Lot 10
Stott           Walter          Age 52          1877            Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   M. E. Minister
Sullivan        Edward          ---             9/24/1921       ---             ---                     Resident of Cickasaw Co., Ia. - Manly Signal 9/29/1921
Swenson         Carrie          1836            4/20/1906       Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Lot 183 - Mrs. Andrew
Taylor          Charles W.      ---             8/26/1908       ---             ---                     Died in Jefferson Co., Ia. - Northwood Anchor 8/19/1908
Tegard          Lewis           Age 76          4/11/1897       ---             ---                     Died in Bristol, Ia. - Northwood Index 4/13/1897  
Theal           Daniel          Age 63          2/7/1895        Lutheran        Grafton Worth           Lot 2
Theel           Louise          Age 79          3/14/1908       Lutheran        Grafton Worth           Lot 5
Thoen           Reuben          7/1/1881        1/9/1914        ---             ---                     Kensett resident - Northwood Anchor 1/21/1914
Thompson        Gilbert         Age 65          7/15/1937       Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth 
Thompson        John B.         1845            5/1923          ---             ---                     Resident of Northwood - Northwood Anchor 5/23/1923
Thompson        Sarah           ---             10/13/1890      Bristol         Bristol Twp.    Worth   Wife of Rev. E. L.
Thorson Hans    ---             5/10/1885       ---             ---                                     Died near Forest City, Ia. - Worth Co. Eagle 5/29/1884
Thorstensen     Anne            ---             1883            Sion            Bristol Twp.    Worth 
Thorstvedt      Albert          1876            11/17/1902      ---             ---      
Torgerson       Dena            1843            3/11/1935       Sion            Bristol Twp.    Worth   Mrs. L. A.
Togerson        Gudmond         1844            1/12/1867       N. Shell Rock   Grove Twp.      Worth 
Torgerson       Knut            1/10/1881       8/22/1906       Sion            Bristol Twp.    Worth 
Torgerson       Ole             ---             8/28/1894       ---             ---                     Northwood resident - Northwood Anchor 8/30/1894
Torney          Will            ---             9/12/1921       ---             ---                     Died in Riceville, Ia. - Manly Signal 9/15/1921
Towne           Elias F.        1833            1/23/1886       ---             ---                     Died in Hartland Twp. - Northwood Index 1/28/1886
Towne           John T.         1839            6/10/1866       Towne           Hartland Twp.   Worth   Co. A 21st Iowa Infantry
Tretz           W. F.           1868            1933            Manly           Manly           Worth   Lot 2, block 3
Troe            Isabel I.       1855            1/28/1898       Silver Lake     Hartland Twp.   Worth   Mrs. G. N.
Troe            Liv B.          1830            2/10/1917       Silver Lake     Hartland Twp.   Worth   Mrs. Nils N.
Turbett         Ann             Age 38          8/24/1884       State Line      Grove Twp.      Worth   Mrs. J. M.
Turvold         Nels H.         1855            1929            So. Shell Rock  Grove Twp.      Worth   Lot 12
Turvold         Ole O.          ---             3/24/1937       So. Shell Rock  Grove Twp.      Worth   Lot 7
Valentine       Mrs. Harm       1853            1928            Sunset Rest     Grove Twp.      Worth   Grandmother - buried by Harm
Viken           Lars T.         Age 79          11/22/1874      So. Shell Rock  Grove Twp.      Worth 
Urbatsch        Ida A.          1874            1933            Lutheran        Grafton         Worth   Lot 199 - Mrs.Casper
Urbatsch        J. C.           1846            12/11/1909      Lutheran        Grafton         Worth   Lot 69
Urbatsch        Johan           1815            1/12/1896       Lutheran        Grafton         Worth   Lot 2
Urbatsch        Sherrin E.      4/8/1912        5/30/1930       Lutheran        Grafton         Worth   Lot 37
Urbatsch        William G.      3/11/1883       8/25/1916       Lutheran        Grafton         Worth   Lot 37
Werle           Henry           1858            3/18/1915       Manly           Manly           Worth   Lot 2, block 28
Werle           Jacob           1831            11/21/1909      Manly           Manly           Worth   Lot 12, block 30
Werle           Margaret        1835            10/4/1909       Manly           Manly           Worth 
Werner          Anna            1830            11/24/1911      Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth   Mrs. Jacob
Werner          Jacob           1834            1917            Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth 
Werner          Frank           1870            1933            Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth 
Wertz           Jerome          Age 82          1/9/1916        ---             ---                     Northwood Anchor 1/12/1916
Whitcomb        Christena       1845            7/4/1917        Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Lot 11
Whitcomb        Daniel E.       1842            3/17/1924       Sunset Rest     Northwood       Worth   Lot 192
Wise            Anna            1857            1935            Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth 
Witt            Henry           1842            5/12/1916       Lutheran        Grafton         Worth 
Witt            Wibke           1841            7/16/1902       Lutheran        Grafton         Worth 
Wright          David           1804            5/1880          ---             ---                     Worth County Eagle 5/13/1880
Wyborney        Hattie Sands    1878            7/27/1903       So. Shell Rock  Grove Twp.      Worth 
Yezek           Adelaide C.     9/21/1899       9/20/1917       Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth 
Yezek           Atce Joseph     1827            1908            Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth 
Yezek           Anna                                            Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth 
Yezek           Elise           1899            1932            Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth 
Yezek           Emma                                            Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth 
Yezek           Frank           1863            1933            Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth 
Yezek           Mary            1838            1905            Sacred Heart    Manly           Worth 
Youmans         Frank           Age 28          5/7/1903        ---             Northwood       Worth   Son of Lafe - buried in Northwood, Iowa
Source: Tombstone Records of Worth County, Iowa. Copied by the Graves Registration a WPA project.
Transcribed by Gordon Felland, 2/23/2006.