Winneshiek County IAGenWeb
Teachers Institute 1903 Attendees
Source: Decorah Republican Mar. 19, 1903 Page 1 Col 7 and Apr. 9, 1903 Page 7 Col 5
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Friday, 26 March 2021
Mar. 19, 1903
Announcement of the Winneshiek Co.
Normal Institute for 1903.
The Forty-third Annual Session of tile Winneshiek County Normal Institute will convene in the high school building in Decorah, March 30, 1903, and continue two weeks.
No effort has been spared in securing the best of talent of instructors.
The list as now made up consists of Supt. H. A. Dwelle, of Waukon, Iowa; Supt. E. L. Coffeen of Decorah; Prof. F. C. Clark of Calmar; Prof. T. I. Gifford of Valdor Normal School, Decorah; Prof. H. L. Walter of Decorah High School, and the following ladies: Miss Julia Breckenridge of Decorah Institute, Miss Ella Treat, supervisor of music. Decorah and Cresco, Miss Esther L. Bissell, teacher of English, Decorah high school, and Mrs. Mae Algyer, instructor in primary methods, Decorah Institute.
The work to be given by each is as follows
Mr. Dwelle--Civics, Economics, C. Didactics and C. and A. Arithmetic.
Mr. Coffeen—Reading and History in each of the C, B and A Divisions and B and A Didactics.
Mr. Clark—Orthography in the C. B. and A. Divisions.
Mr. Gifford—B. and A. Grammar, B. Arithmetic, and A. Geography.
Mr. Walter—Physics and Algebra, Normal Division.
Miss Breckenridge—C. Grammar, C. and B. Geography and Physical Culture Work and Hygiene for all Divisions.
Miss Treat—Music in all Divisions.
Miss Bissell—Literature in Normal Division.
Mrs. Algyer—Primary Methods, C. B. and A. Divisions.
The teachers of the county are well acquainted with Mr. Coffeen mid Miss Treat so no introduction of them is required, but the other members of the faculty may not bo so well known, and we take this opportunity of introducing briefly each of them.
Mr. Dwelle was several years ago county superintendent of Cerro Gordo county, later he was president of Nora Springs Academy, and at present is superintendent of City Schools, Waukon, Iowa.
Mr. Dwelle is an instructor of many years experience and usually returns from year to year to the counties in which he has given instruction. He is calm, clean and thorough in his work, and will make a strong instructor for us.
Mr. Gifford comes well prepared by many years experience in public school work, and later principal of Pike Seminary, New York, and now of Valdor Normal School, where he has proven a strong addition to the faculty, being a live, energetic
Mr. Clark is well known to the older teachers of the county, being himself a teacher of extended experience in the county, having been principal of Ossian schools twelve years and of Calmar school the past six years. He is a strong, thorough, and popular instructor, having had several years experience In institute work.
Mr. Walter who will have charge of the work in physics and algebra came to Decorah as science instructor in Decorah high school, after having graduated from Wisconsin University at Madison, and having taught in the high school at Algona. Mr. Walter has built up the science work In the high school until it stands at the front rank among
the schools of Its size in the state.
Miss Breckenridge is thoroughly equipped for her work, by graduating from the University of Minnesota and by several years of very successful experience in teaching, She has proven a very popular instructor with her students, and competent judge
of pronounced her second to none in the state as an Instructor In her lines of work.
Miss Bissell who will give the work in literature, Is a teacher of several years' experience In her work. She is a graduate of Cornell College, and has spent, some time as a student of languages at Chicago University. In her work In the high schools of Waukon, McGregor and Decorah she has proven a very thorough and popular teacher. Her work will be very pleasant and profitable for the teachers.
Mrs. Algyer made special preparations for her work in the Iowa State Normal School from which she graduated in 1893. She has, since then, been a successful primary teacher in the Decorah schools until recently, and now
is instructor in primary methods at Decorah Institute, where her work has been highly appreciated.
Owing to the urgent demand for trained teachers, every teacher should avail herself of every means of advancing herself in her work. The institute furnishes very much help in doing this, hence every teacher and those planning to teach should attend. The regular program and announcement will be sent on application to the county superintendent.
Arrangements are being made for two or more lectures during the institute. The lecture that everybody will want to attend will be given by Dr. George E. Vincent of Chicago University who captivated the audience at the Decorah High School Commencement last spring. Mr. Vincent will be with us Tuesday evening. March 31st. Supt. V. I. Crane of Marshalltown will probably be with us the second week. Arrangements are being made for a social evening one night during the Institute when a short program will be given and an old fashioned spelling match held, the first and second best spellers being
given appropriate prizes. For further information write for formal announcement and program to
Ellis J. Hook, County Superintendent
Apr. 9, 1903
The Largest Normal Institute for
Several Years.
The annual session of the county normal institute, now approaching its end, is
the largest of recent years, the enrollment showing 222 teachers and students in attendance.
Following is the roster.
Name | School System |
Arneson, C B | Decorah |
Arneson, Fred W | Decorah |
Auchmoody, Edna | Decorah |
Baner, Anna | Calmar |
Barlow, Cora E | Ossian |
Batchelder, Susie | Postville |
Beard, Rees A | Decorah |
Blodgert, Carlie | Decorah |
Blount, Blanche | Decorah |
Brekke, Lena | Spillville |
Brorby, Lizzie | Decorah |
Bryant, Rebecca A | Prosper, Minn. |
Bullis, Ada | Decorah |
Campbell, Harriette | Calmar |
Casterton, Myrtle | Hesper |
Chase, Elsie | Prosper, Minn. |
Child, Chas L | Decorah |
Child, Florence | Decorah |
Christofersen, Alice | Decorah |
Cooney, Rita | Lawler |
Crane, Martha | Decorah |
Crawford, Mary | Decorah |
Curtin, Jennie | Connor |
Curtin, Sadie | Connor |
Daly, Gertrude | Calmar |
Daskam, Myra | Kendallville |
Daskam, W A | Fort Atkinson |
Daubney, Edith | Decorah |
Deming, Kate L. | Fort Atkinson |
Denning, Grace | Decorah |
Dick, Blanche | Burr Oak |
Drugsvold, Tena | Spillville |
Dungey, Jennie | Jackson Junction |
Dunning, Amy | Decorah |
Eager, Arthur | Decorah |
Egeland, Wm O | Decorah |
Eiken, Gelina | Decorah |
Ellingson, Hannah | Highlandville |
Erickson, Ida | Calmar |
Espeeeth, Josie | Calmar |
Fifie, Linda | Kendallville |
Fisher, Minnie | Lawler |
Fitzgerald, Kate | Cresco |
Gaffney, J C | Decorah |
Gager, Florence | Kendallville |
Garden, Lillie | Nordness |
Garden, Mary | Nordness |
Gardner, Maude | Cresco |
Gellerman, Netta | Decorah |
Glass, Nannie | Fort Atkinson |
Glenn, Maude | Decorah |
Greer, Lillian | Decorah |
Grindeland, Nettie | Sattre |
Gunderson, Chas | Ridgeway |
Gunderson, Gina | Calmar |
Gustafson, Amelia | Calmar |
Hankedahl, Anna | Calmar |
Haugen, Agnes | Decorah |
Haugen, Sophie | Nordness |
Headington, May | Decorah |
Hegg, Elizabeth | Decorah |
Hegner, Caroline | Decorah |
Hegner, Wilma C | Decorah |
Hildebrand, Ellen D | Decorah |
Hill, Grace | Decorah |
Hislop, Rhoe | Decorah |
Holahan, Josie | Castalia |
Holahan, Lida | Castalia |
Holmes, Fannie | Decorah |
Horley, W | Volga |
Horn, Kathleen | Decorah |
Hove, Nettie | Decorah |
Hoverson, Ella | Burr Oak |
Huber, Addie | Fort Atkinson |
Huber, Celia | Fort Atkinson |
Jack, Florence | Waucoma |
Jack, Pearl | Waucoma |
Jacobson, Christine | Decorah |
Jergenson, Clara | Decorah |
Jergenson, Gullick | Decorah |
Johnson, Geo | Decorah |
Johnson, George | Decorah |
Johnson, George | Nasset |
Johnson, Henry C | Decorah |
Johnson, Katherine | Decorah |
Johnson, Lizzie | Nordness |
Johnson, Lottie | Decorah |
Johnson, Marie | Decorah |
Johnson, Myrtle | Locust |
Johnson, Pauline | Decorah |
Jossendal, Synneva | Locust |
Kapinos, Mary A E | Spillville |
Kave, Vashtl | Calmar |
Kern, George | Decorah |
Kessey, Ida | Decorah |
Kittilsby, Anna | Calmar |
Kittilson, Leander | Highlandville |
Kline, Geo. | Prosper, Minn. |
Kneeekern, Ida | Frankville |
Knox, Anna | Canton, Minn. |
Knox, Mar | Canton, Minn. |
Kornmeyer, Anna | Decorah |
Kruchek, S | Spillville |
Kubish, Tillie | Fort Atkinson |
Laudberg, Emily | Bismark, N. D. |
Lawrence, Mate | Navan |
Leland, Maggie | Highlandville |
Letchford, Mabel | Frankville |
Lewis, Alta | Cresco |
Lewis, Lucy L | Cresco |
Livingston, E May | Castalia |
Lockwood, Eliza E | Jackson Junction |
Lockwood, Florence K | Jackson Junction |
Logsden, Dilia | Decorah |
Lommen, Laura | Ossian |
Manson, Mabel | Decorah |
McGary, Anna | Ossian |
McGovern, Alice | Jackson Junction |
McGovern, Mamie | Jackson Junction |
McLaughlin, Josephlne | Dorchester |
McLaughlin, Katheryn | Dorchester |
McMullen, Bessie | Decorah |
McMullen, Mattie | Decorah |
Mestad, Emma | Highlandville |
Meyer, Edna | Calmar |
Miers, Mabel | Jackson Junction |
Moen, Bertha | Decorah |
Moen, Inger | Calmar |
Moore, Maggie | Cresco |
Moore, S J | Cresco |
Morrison, Mary | Decorah |
Mullaney, Anna | Plymouth Rock |
Munson, Amelia | Ossian |
Natvig, Annetta C | Saude |
Natvig, Matilda | Saude |
Natvig, Minnie L | Decorah |
Nelson, A Angnetus | Decorah |
Nelson, Mabel | Decorah |
Nesheim, Clara | Decorah |
Nesheim, Emma | Decorah |
Nesset, Stella | Ridgeway |
Olson, Carrie M | Calmar |
Olson, Gertrude | Decorah |
Oyloe, Lura | Ossian |
Pederson, Edward | Decorah |
Plack, Christine | Decorah |
Plunkett, John | Hesper |
Powers, Lucy | Decorah |
Putman, Grace | Decorah |
Quackenbush, Ella | Decorah |
Rathbun, Bessie | Castalia |
Reeves, Leo | Ossian |
Reid, Fred | Decorah |
Reque, Dikka | Decorah |
Riste, Clarise | Decorah |
Riveland, Thone | Ossian |
Robinson, Ada | Freeport |
Robinson, Guy | Freeport |
Roney, Roy | Decorah |
Roney, Roy E | Decorah |
Rue, Louise | Ridgeway |
Ryan, Hannah | Decorah |
Schaub, Emma | Decorah |
Schaub, Mae | Decorah |
Schissel, Felicita | Fort Atkinson |
Seifert, Adolph | Spillville |
Seim, Lena | Conover |
Sexton, Lottie E | Ridgeway |
Sharp, Tilla | Decorah |
Slinde, Carrie | Lawler |
Sluka, Kathie | Fort Atkinson |
Sonkup, Frank | Spillville |
Steele, Orn | Decorah |
Stevens, Vila | Freeport |
Stinsen, Delia | Cresco |
Stinson, Clara | Freeport |
Stone, Elma | New Hampton |
Street, Alfred B | Decorah |
Street, J P | Decorah |
Sullivan, Flossie | Ossian |
Sweningson, Ida | Decorah |
Tavener, Nettie | Decorah |
Teske, Tillie | Decorah |
Teskey, Amelia | Decorah |
Test, Ellen J | Spillville |
Thomas, H H | Decorah |
Thompson, Cora R | Ossian |
Thompson, Louise | Ossian |
Thompson, Sophie | Spillville |
Thompson, Therese M. | Ossian |
Thompson, Tilla | Decorah |
Turk, Anna L | Canton, Minn. |
Tyler, Clementine | Decorah |
Tyler, Jennie A | Freeport |
Veme, Gena | Calmar |
Vick, Ella | Decorah |
Vick, Theodore | Decorah |
Wagner, J B | Ossian |
Weber, Gae C | Hesper |
Webster, Grace | Decorah |
Welch, Mayme | Calmar |
Weldon, Agnes | Decorah |
Wemark, Oacar | Ridgeway |
Whalen, Jennie | Canton, Minn. |
Whalen, Lizzie | Canton, Minn. |
Whalen, Monnie S | Decorah |
Whitmell, Marie T | Decorah |
Whitmell, Mrs | Decorah |
Williams, Lizzie | Decorah |
Willsie, Charity | Prosper, Minn. |
Winger, Dena B | Calmar |
Winger, Ida | Calmar |
Winger, Oscar L | Decorah |
Winn, Emma G | Calmar |
Wohlford, Lillian | Calmar |
Wright, Oral | Decorah |
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