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Teachers Institute
1901 Attendees

Source: Decorah Republican Apr. 11, 1901 P 6 C 5


this page was last updated on Friday, 26 March 2021

Herewith we give the complete roster of those In attendance at the teachers’ normal. The sessions of the Institute have been procreating In a very satisfactory manner. A feature of the past week has been the presence of Mr. Henry Sabin, who conducted the class In didactics for two days and delivered his lecture upon American schools on Tuesday evening. Like himself the lecture is strong, earnest and deep, leaving: that lasting Impression which brilliancy of diction not infrequently just, misses.

Following is the list of those in attendance.

NameSchool System
Aanaas, HenriettaOssian
Aker, BelleSattre
Aker, LottieSattre
Allen, WardCastalia
Anderson, LouiseDecorah
Anfinson, ClaraDecorah
Arneson, C BDecorah
Asseln, TillieDecorah
Baker, Flora EDecorah
Bakke, IsabellaDecorah
Barlow, Ida CDecorah
Bates, Cora EDecorah
Beard, Bess ADecorah
Berg, IdaWashington Prairie
Blanchaine, Estella AOssian
Blodgett, CarlieDecorah
Blodgett, GraceDecorah
Bolman, FlorenceDecorah
Brorby, JosephineDecorah
Brorby, LizzieDecorah
Burns, BeatriceJackson Junction
Cahill, KathrynOssian
Carter, Edna MCastalia
Chamberlin, GertrudeFrankville
Childs, Chas ADecorah
Christopherson, ClaraNasset
Clark, Dennis PHarmony Minn
Clark, E HDecorah
Closter, EmmaOssian
Cornell, FannyCastalia
Cornell, Zoe ROssian
Crane, MarthaDecorah
Dahlen, EmmaDecorah
Daly, GertrudeCalmar
Daskam, W AKendallvlle
Daunbney, EdithDecorah
DecJow, EthelOssian
Dempsey, D PSpillville
Donaldson, J AProsper, Minn
Drake, CoraFreeport
Drogsvold., IdaScarville, Iowa
Duxbury, MarthaCanton Minn
Einwalter, LizzieFort Atkinson
Ellingson., HannahHighlandville
Elwick, Fred GDecorah
Elzen, MayBluffton
Embretson, O LSt Olaf, Iowa
Espeseth, JosieRidgeway
Fifield, LindaKendallvlle
Gager, FlorenceKendallvlle
Garden, LillieNordess
Garden, MaryNordess
Gellerman, NettaDecorah
Glenn, MaudeDecorah
Glenn, S BDecorah
Goldsworthy, W JHarmony Minn
Greer, LillianDecorah
Griffin, NellieLawler
Gunderson, CharlesRidgeway
Halvorsen, H HLime Springs, Lowa
Halvorson, HansDecorah
Hanson, MarieDecorah
Harter, MinnieLocust
Hartley., Helen SWaukon
Harvey, AliceBurr Oak
Hazelton, MaryCalmar
Headington, MayDecorah
Hegg, ElizabethDecorah
Hegner, CarolineDecorah
Helme, BelleCresco
Hendricks, EdnaRidgeway
Hertz, Gertrude DCalmar
Hislop, InezDecorah
Holmes, FannieDecorah
Horne, KathleenDecorah
Huber, Anna LFort Atkinson
Huber, OelinFort Atkinson
Jack, FlorenceJackson Junction
Jacobson, HelgaDecorah
Johnson, George BNasset
Johnson, KatherineDecorah
Johnson, LottieDecorah
Johnson, MarieDecorah
Johnson, MyrtleLocust
Johnson, PaulineDecorah
Jorgenson, ClaraDecorah
Kapinos, Mary ASpillville
Kittleson, LeanderDecorah
Kneeskern, IdaFrankville
Knox, AnnaBurr Oak
Kopet, CharleyFort Atkinson
Landswerk, MarieSaude
Larsen, AnnieSpring Grove Minn
Larsen, EmilyRidgeway
Lawrence, Edna BNavan
Lawrence, MateNavan
Lee, Edna BOssian
Lemon, CleoraCresco
Lewis, Lucy LCresco
Livingstone, E MaeDecorah
Lockwood, FlorenceJackson Junction
Londgren, Mary ECalmar
Lynne, MillaDecorah
Marlow, NoraDecorah
McGary, AnnaOssian
McGovern, AliceJackson Junction
McKay, MayDecorah
McKinley, WilliamPostville
McManus, AliciaOssian
McMullen, BessieDecorah
McMullen, Mattie MDecorah
Miller, SarahFrankville
Minter, Lillie GDecorah
Moen, BerthaDecorah
Moen, lngierCalmar
Moore, MaggieKendallvlle
Moore, Samuel JKendallvlle
Munson, AmeliaOssian
Nash, KarenWashington Prairie
Nassett, StellaRidgeway
Natvig, Annetta JSaude
Natvig, Annette CSaude
Natvig, MinnieSaude
Nelson, LucindaConover
Nenfert., HelenaGreenleafton, Minn
Nesheim, SarahDecorah
O’Brien, EllaBluffton
Olson, Carrie MCalmar
Olson, DagnyDecorah
Olson, GydaLocust
Olson, JulianDecorah
Opheim, Nettle PQuandahl
Osmomdson, LizzieQuandahl
Oxley, IdaDecorah
Painter, BessieDecorah
Pelt, Mabel VanFreeport
Peterson, ChristineDecorah
Powers, JuliaDecorah
Puffer, NoraFort Atkinson
Quandahl, EllaQuandahl
Quandahl, SarahQuandahl
Rathbun, BessiePostville
Reed, Jessie ADecorah
Riveland, ThoneOssian
Roe, Ole ODecorah
Rollins, MaryProsper, Minn
Rudie, HildaDecorah
Rue, LouiseRidgeway
Russell, C ADecorah
Schaub, EmmaFreeport
Schaub, MaeDecorah
Schecnck, R WDecorah
Seeloy, JeannetteDecorah
Seelye, ViolaMabel, Minn
Shales, S LRidgeway
Sharp, TillieDecorah
Snyder, NannoCanton Minn
Snyder, Peter LCanton, Minn
Spriggs, Grace ECresco
Steele, OraDecorah
Steensland, HenriettaFreeport
Stinson, ClaraSuade
Stinson, DeliaDecorah
Teske, DellaDecorah
Test, Ellen JSpillville
Thompson, Cora ROssian
Thompson, SophieSpillville
Thompson, ThereseOssian
Todd, EvangelineKendallvlle
Todd, JosieKendallvlle
Turk, Anna LCanton Minn
Tyler, ClementineDecorah
Tyler, Jennie AFreeport
Unley, MaryDecorah
Vaala, MamieDecorah
Vance, CarrieCastalia
Vick, EllaDecorah
Walsh, NellieHarmony Minn
Wampler, AnnaRidgeway
Webster, AdaOssian
Weitgenanat, LorenaOssian
Welch, MaymeCalmar
Weldon, AgnesDecorah
Weldon, AnnaDecorah
Weldon, JohnDecorah
Whalen, Lizzie ACanton, Minn
Whalen, MamieKendallvlle
Whalen, MonnieDecorah
White, Alta GBurr Oak
Willsie, CharityProsper, Minn
Winger, DenaCalmar
Winger, IdaCalmar
Winn, EmmaCalmar
Wise, LucyLocust
Wohlford, LillianCalmar
Wohlford, MinnieBurr Oak
Zbornik, Jos FFort Atkinson

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this page was last updated on Friday, 26 March 2021