Winneshiek County IAGenWeb
Teachers Institute 1894 Attendees
Source: Decorah Republican Apr. 12, 1894 P 3 C 3
this page was last updated on
Friday, 26 March 2021
A Full List of the Teachers Attending the Annual Session of the Normal Institute of 1894. The Normal Institute for Winneshiek county is nearing its close. The sessions have been of unusual Interest, and the attendance very gratifying to Superintendent Colleen. The balance of the week will be consumed with examinations.
Following is the complete list of all those who have been present:— |
Name | School System |
Ambli, Fred | Decorah |
Amunrud, Minnie | Nasset |
Anderson, Louise | Decorah |
Arneson, Thos. | Freeport |
Aye, Etta | Decorah |
Babcock, Alice | Prosper, Minn. |
Baker, Rollin | Ridgeway |
Bakken, Tillie | Ridgeway |
Barloon, William | Fort Atkinson |
Becker, Matilda | Ossian |
Berg, Henrietta | Washington Prairie |
Berg, Ida | Washington Prairie |
Bergeson, Nettie | Decorah |
Birdsell, Stella | Freeport |
Blanchard, Edna | Burr Oak |
Blodgett, Grace | Decorah |
Botner, George | Ridgeway |
Bragestad, Anna | Decorah |
Brichner, Anna | Decorah |
Brown, Liliie | Ossian |
Brown,, Hattie Mrs. | Decorah |
Burns, Bee | Jackson Juction |
Burrows, Minnie | Burr Oak |
Cahill, Kate | Ossian |
Cameron, Flora C. | Hesper |
Carolan, Margaret | Bluffton |
Carter, Grace | Ossian |
Chase, E. F. | Wacoma |
Child, Alice | Decorah |
Chilson, Susie | Decorah |
Clark, F. C. | Ossian |
Connor, Thomas | Conover |
Cooney, Edith | Fort Atkinson |
Cooper, Agnes | Ossian |
Coughlin, Agnes | Decorah |
Coughlin, Joeie | Decorah |
Crane, Martha | Decorah |
Crane, Mary E. | Decorah |
Crawford, Hattie | Cresco |
Crawford, Lottie | Decorah |
Curran, Celia G. | Decorah |
Curtin, Julia | Thoton |
Cutting, Jas. A. | Decorah |
Dahlen, Nellie | Thoton |
Darling, Grace | Burr Oak |
Daskam, W. A. | Kendallville |
Deeny, Ed | Jackson Juction |
Deming, Kate L. | Fort Atkinson |
Dempsey, D. V. | Castalia |
Drake, Cora | Freeport |
Drake, L. S. | Freeport |
Dyrland, Amelia | Decorah |
Einwalter, Lizzie | Fort Atkinson |
Ellepon, Carrie | Decorah |
Elwick, Anna M. | Decorah |
Elzen, May | Bluffton |
Enger, Minnie | Decorah |
Evenrud, Maria | Washington Prairie |
Fosse, Alvin | Ridgeway |
Fossum, Josephine | Cresco |
Fossum, Julia | Decorah |
Fossum, Louise | Decorah |
Gellerman, Nettie | Decorah |
Glise, Ray | Burr Oak |
Gminder, Lily | Decorah |
Goddard, Gertrude | Jackson Juction |
Gossmnn, A. T. | Decorah |
Gram, Christian | Decorah |
Grant, E. C. | Decorah |
Gray, Alma | Postville |
Greer, Lillian | Decorah |
Groth, Carrie | Postville |
Gullikson, Julia | Decorah |
Haas, Emma | Decorah |
Haas, Margaret | Decorah |
Haines, Ed. R. | Hesper |
Haines, Lizzie M. | Hesper |
Hand, Pat | Lawler |
Hastings, P. H. | Decorah |
Headington, Hallie | Decorah |
Headington, Hattie | Calmar |
Headington, Nellie | Decorah |
Hegg, Clara E. | Decorah |
Herold, rancis | Fort Atkinson |
Hiller, Libbie | Decorah |
Hislop, Ray | Decorah |
Hoff, K. W. | New House, Minn. |
Holly, M. Mrs. | Spillville |
Holmes, Hattie H | Jackson Juction |
Holton, Martin | Forest City. |
Horan, Kate | Decorah |
Hougland, Winnefred | Fort Atkinson |
Hover, Clara | Locust |
Hover, Ed. | Decorah |
Hovey, Julia | Ridgeway |
Hoyme, Anna C. | Decorah |
Hoyme, Tina | Decorah |
Hrushka, Joe | Spillville |
Huber, Joseph A. | Fort Atkinson |
Hutchinson, Mary | Decorah |
Jacobson, Clara | Nordness |
Jaeger, Lucy | Decorah |
Jerviss, Thomas Jr. | Decorah |
Johnson, Elise | Ridgeway |
Johnson, Ida | Spillville |
Johnson, Lottie M. | Decorah |
Johnson, Marie | Spillville |
Johnson, Rachel | Spillville |
Kearns, Ella | Ossian |
Kelly, M. D. | Spillville |
Kelson, lda | New Hampton. |
Kennedy, Thos. S. | Decorah |
Kidder, Maude | Decorah |
Kinkor, V. Fr. | Spillville |
Kinney, Clara | Decorah |
Kirkeberg, Dena | Decorah |
KIrkeberg, J. M. | Decorah |
Kjorlien, Fred | Bluffton |
Knutsen, Marie | Calmar |
Kornmeyer,, Mamie | Decorah |
Kovarik, Al. F. | Spillville |
Kratz, Nellie | Ridgeway |
Kratz, Sarah | Cresco |
Krucker, Stephen | Spillville |
Lambert, Alma | Castalia |
Lamm, Emma | Decorah |
Landon, Alice | Burr Oak |
Lawrence, Maude | Navin |
Lemon, Genie M. | Cresco |
Little, Grace E. | Burr Oak |
Logsdon, Stella | Ossian |
Lundgren, Mary E. | Calmar |
Maley, Belle | Castalia |
March, Almyra | Decorah |
Marlow, John A. | Decorah |
Marsh, Mellie | Decorah |
Martin, Edward | Ridgeway |
McAndrew,, Rose | Decorah |
McCabe, Mame | Plymouth Rock |
McEnany, Etta | Wacoma |
McEnany, Thos. | Wacoma |
McIntosh, May | Cresco |
McKay, Mae | Decorah |
McKinney, Mary E. | Canton, Minn. |
McMillen, Anna | Hesper |
McNevln, Alice | Plymouth Rock |
Mikelson, Lena | Decorah |
Mikesh, Jessie E | Conover |
Miller, Emma | Calmar |
Moen, Bertha | Decorah |
Moen, Gustine | Decorah |
Moen, Julia | Decorah |
Moore, Mary | Kendallville |
Morrison, Cora | Burr Oak |
Mott, Annis | Springwater |
Murray, Alice | Decorah |
Murray, Mary | Decorah |
Mvacek, M. | Little Turkey |
Nelson, Clara A. | Decorah |
Nelson, Ida | Decorah |
Nelson, Lucinda | Conover |
Neufert, Helena | Decorah |
Norby, Ella | Freeport |
Nygard, Petra | Decorah |
O’Brien, Ella | Bluffton |
Olson, Martin | Kendallville |
Owens, Nellie | Ossian |
Owens, Sarah | Ossian |
Oxley, Idamae | Burr Oak |
Peacock, Blanche | Decorah |
Peck, Wilbur L. | Frankville |
Pederson, Henry V. | Decorah |
Peterson, Christine | Decorah |
Peterson, Louise W. | Decorah |
Powers, Mary A. | Decorah |
Price, Janie | Burr Oak |
Protheroe, Kittie B. | Decorah |
Puffer, Nora | Fort Atkinson |
Quandahl, Sarah | Quandahl |
Quinn, Mamie | Decorah |
Reed, Ida | Decorah |
Reed, May | Decorah |
Remmen, Gilbert | Nordness |
Riggs, Blanche | Castalia |
Riley, Mary E. | Decorah |
Robinson, Ada | Freeport |
Robinson, Jennie | Freeport |
Rocksvold, Clara | Thoton |
Rollins, Clara | Prosper, Minn. |
Rollins, Mary | Prosper, Minn. |
Rue, Lars | Ridgeway |
Sandager, Elise | Conover |
Sandager, Emma | Conover |
Sandager, Marie | Calmar |
Schanck, Bernard H. | Burr Oak |
Schoonmaker, Rebecca | Ossian |
Seim, Helena A. | Decorah |
Selsvold, Emma | Washington Prairie |
Selsvold, Minnie | Washington Prairie |
Sexton, Kate | Ridgeway |
Sharp, Josie | Decorah |
Sharp, Tillie M. | Decorah |
Shortley, Ben | Fort Atkinson |
Simmons, Paul | Decorah |
Sleeper,, Orra | Decorah |
Sleetager, Lena | Istad |
Stinson, Chas. | Freeport |
Stortz, Emma | Decorah |
Stortz, Josie | Decorah |
Strayer, Emma | Burr Oak |
Strayer, Genevieve | Calmar |
Strong, J. Carver | Decorah |
Sturble, Geo. | Dell Rapids, S. D. |
Sullivan, J. E. | Decorah |
Swennumson, S. | Saude. |
Swenson, Belle | Quandahl |
Sydow, Emelie | Conover |
Talbert, Grace | Hesper |
Test, Ellen J. | Ossian |
Thompson, A. V. | Decorah |
Thompson, Anna | Spillville |
Thorson, Stena | Highlandville |
Todd, Ella | Kendallville |
Turk, Annie L | Canton, Minn. |
Turk, Julia G. | Canton, Minn. |
Turk, Lizzie M. | Fort Atkinson |
Tyler, Chas. | Freeport |
Tyler, Jennie | Freeport |
Uhley, Mary | Castalia |
Van Wey, Emma | Frankville |
Wagar, Clara B. | Decorah |
Webster, Mae | Decorah |
Weitgenant, Bena | Ossian |
Weitgenant, Vina | Ossian |
Weldon, Anna | Decorah |
Whalen, Mamie | Decorah |
Whalen, Tena | Decorah |
Whitmell, Alice | Decorah |
Wildman, F. A. | Ridgeway |
Williams, Mae | Decorah |
Wilson, Kate | Decorah |
Wingate, Julia | Burr Oak |
Wohlford, Lillian | Decorah |
Wohlford, Minnie | Decorah |
Wulfsberg, Sina C. | Decorah |
Young, Marea | Hesper |
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