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Library Catalog


Return to Genealogical Society Library Catalog Index

Record # Title Author Subject Catalog # Catalog Where Stored
2117 IA Lutheran Hosp. Nurse. School

2460080 US General
1877 IA Volunteer Millitia 1856-1873 Scharlott Blevins
1365032 US General
617 Idaho IGI LDS Family Registry 4525001 US Idaho
2200 IGI 1984 Ireland LDS
4770012 Foreign Country
960 IGI 1984 Maine LDS People 4560003 US Maine
2144 IGI Canada 1984 LDS
4740008 Foreign Country
605 IGI District of Columbia LDS Family Registry 4505000 District of Columbia
2158 IGI England 1984 LDS
4750011 Foreign Country
2185 IGI Germany 1984 LDS
4760025 Foreign Country
947 IGI Kansas 1984 LDS People 4545007 US Kansas
952 IGI Kentucky - 1984 LDS People 4550006 US Kentucky
954 IGI LA. 1984 LDS People 4555000 US Louisiana
964 IGI Maryland 1984 LDS People 4565002 US Maryland
970 IGI Mass. 1984 LDS People 4570005 US Massachusetts
974 IGI Michigan LDS People 4575002 US Michigan
981 IGI Minn. 1984 LDS People 4580004 US Minnesota
1004 IGI Missosuri 1984 LDS People 4590018 US Missouri
1006 IGI Montana 1984 LDS People 4595000 US Montana
1041 IGI Nebraska 1984 LDS People 4600036 US Nebraska
1043 IGI Nevada 1984 LDS People 4605000 US Nevada
1048 IGI New Hampshire 1984 LDS People 4610004 US New Hampshire
1051 IGI New Jersey 1984 LDS People 4615001 US New Jersey
1110 IGI New York 1984 LDS Families 4625058 US New York
1126 IGI North Carolina 1984 LDS Families 4630002 US North Carolina
1128 IGI North Dakota 1984 LDS Families 4635000 US North Dakota
1255 IGI Ohio LDS Families 4640069 US Ohio
1130 IGI Oklahoma 1984 LDS Families 4645001 US Oklahoma
1131 IGI Oregon 1984 LDS Families 4650000 US Oregon
1133 IGI Rhode Island 1984 LDS Families 4660000 US Rhode Island
1135 IGI South Carolina 1984 LDS Families 4665000 US South Carolina
1143 IGI Tennesse 1984 LDS Families 4675006 US Tennessee
1147 IGI Texas 1984 LDS Families 4680002 US Texas
1148 IGI Utah 1984 LDS Families 4685000 US Utah
1154 IGI Vermont 1984 LDS Families 4690005 US Vermont
1191 IGI Virginia 1984 LDS Families 4695017 US Virginia
1155 IGI Washington 1984 LDS Families 4700000 US Washington
1162 IGI West Virginia 1984 LDS Families 4705005 US West Virginia
1176 IGI Wisconsin 1984 LDS Families 4710013 US Wisconsin
1177 IGI Wyoming LDS Families 4715000 US Wyoming
624 IL State Genealogical Society Newsletter Genealogy Society Surnames 1530006 US Illinois
623 IL State Genealogical Society Quarterly Genealogy Society Surnames 1530005 US Illinois
2368 Ilinois State Atlas 1876
Maps 1530040 US Illinois Oversized
639 Illiana Genealogist Genealogy Society
2530025 US Illinois
2371 Illinois Census Returns 1810-1818 Norton Census 1530043 US Illinois
629 Illinois Gene. Society Surname Index Genealogy Society Surnames 1530011 US Illinois
651 Illinois Int. Gen. Index LDS Family Registry 4530037 Illinois
2370 Illinois Marriages Index Earliest to 1900 WCGS Marriages 8530042 US Illinois
650 Illinois Misc Info Folder WCGS Mis. Information 1530036 US Illinois
626 Illinois State Archives Holding
History 1530008 US Illinois
630 Illinois State Archives Record Genealogy Society People 1530013 US Illinois
635 Illinois State Gen. Society Newsletter Illinois Gen. Society Surnames, Births, Marriages, Deaths 2530019 US Illinois
631 Illinois State Gen. Society Quarterly Genealogy Society History 1530014 US Illinoia
627 Illinois State Gen. Society Quarterly - Vol XVII 3&4 Genealogy Society History 1530009 US Illinois
640 Illinois State Genealogy Society ILL. Genealogy Society People 2530026 US Illinois
632 Illinois State Historical Society Library Illinois Historical Society History 1530015 US Illinois
2521 Images of Fort Dodge, Iowa Roger Natte Pictures 1720694 Iowa Webster County
2408 Immanuel Evang. Lutheran Church Center Twp. 1938
Immanuel Evang. Lutheran Church 1544915FF Iowa Calhoun County
2340 Immanuel Lutheran Church 1868 Dayton, Iowa
Births, death, marriages etc. 3720668 Iowa Webster County Microfilm
2339 Immanuel Lutheran Church 1895 Burnside, Iowa
Births, death, marriages etc. 3720667 Iowa Webster County Microfilm
2153 In Search of British Ancestory

2750006 Foreign Country
984 In the Land of Kichi Saga 1973 T. A. Norelius Kichi 1580007 US Minnesota
497 Index of Files at Fort Museum
People and Places 27200134 Iowa Webster County
183 Index to 1898 Fort dodge Newspapers WCGS Births, Deaths, Marriages, Family 1720189 Iowa Webster County
184 Index to 1898 Fort Dodge Newspapers WCGS Births, Deaths, Marriages, Family 1720189 Iowa Webster County
834 Index to Freeman 1892 - Webster City, Iowa Purchased H.H.H. Newspaper 1544940.22 Iowa Hamilton County
836 Index to Hamilton County Journal 1897 Purchased H.H.H. Newspapers 15544940.24 Iowa Hamilton County
295 Index to Scrapbooks 1928-1965 WCGS Deaths 1720301 Iowa Webster County
835 Index to Webster City Tribune 1893 Purchased H.H.H. Newspapers 15544940.23 Iowa Hamilton County
1098 Index Yesteryears Magazine
Magazine 1625037 US New York
1310 Indiana County, PA Early Photographs
Photos 1655049 US Pennsylvania
1295 Indiana County, PA Newsletters
Newsletters 2655029 US Pennsylvania
1296 Indiana County, PA Quarterlies
Newsletters 2655030 US Pennsylvania
1292 Indiana County, Pennsylvania Heritage
Indiana County Historical & Genealogy Society People & Places 1655026 US Pennsylvania
663 Indiana Genealaogical Society IGS
1535014 US Indiana
659 Indiana Genealogy 1981-82 Indiana Genealogy Society Genealogy 1535007 US Indiana
654 Indiana Genealogy Newsletters Gen. & Historical Society Newsletters 2535000 US Indiana
661 Indiana Historical Society Lectures Historical Society Lectures 1535009 US Indiana
666 Indiana IGI 1984 LDS Family Registry 4535017 US Indiana
655 Indiana Magazine of History Indian Genealogy Society History 1535001 US Indiana
656 Indiana Military History 1981
Military 1535004 US Indiana
660 Indiana Military History Journal
Military 1535008 US Indiana
665 Indiana Misc. Folder IGS Misc. Information 1535016 US Indiana
664 Indiana Newsletters IGS Newsletters 1535015 US Indiana
2373 Indiana Source Book II
Indiana 2535019 US Indiana
2374 Indiana Source Book III.
Indiana 2535020 US Indiana
2375 Indiana Source Book IV.
Indiana 2535021 US Indiana
2376 Indiana Source Book V.
Indiana 2535022 US Indiana
602 Inscriptions of Graves in Northampton & Other Towns Thomas Bridgman Grave Inscriptions 1495037 US Connecticut
2047 Int. Gen. Index Nebraska LDS
4600036 US General
1314 Int. Gen. Index Pennsylvania LDS Families 4655053 US Pennsylvania
1393 Intermill, Christian Judy Billings Ort
1075000 Family Histories
1738 Introducing Genealogy

1325048 US General
1095 Iowa Cemetery Locations Area 5 IGS Cemetery Locations 154018 Us Iowa
731 Iowa Cemetery Locations-Area 5 IGS Cemetery 1540018 US Iowa
2101 Iowa Central Com. College 1978

1460063 US General
2100 Iowa Central Com. College 1979

1460062 US General
2099 Iowa Central Com. College 1980

1460061 US General
2098 Iowa Central Com. College 1981

1460060 US General
2049 Iowa Central Comm. College 1969

2460001 US General
2050 Iowa Central Comm. College 1970

2460002 US General
2102 Iowa Central Comm. College 1977

1460064 US General
2263 Iowa Clay: Stoneway of Fort Dodge
G. W. Steffens 1720592 Iowa Webster County
673 Iowa Counties Record Manual State Historical Society County Records 1540009 US Iowa
711 Iowa County Maps, 1994 DOT Iowa Department of Transportation Maps 1540041 US Iowa
682 Iowa Cultural Resources Directory
Cultural Resources 1540020 US Iowa
669 Iowa Death Indes Iowa Department of Health Deaths 4540002 US Iowa
668 Iowa Delayed Birth Records State of Iowa Birth Records 4540001 US Iowa
342 Iowa Farmers Directory 1892 Webster County
People 1720430 Iowa Webster County
727 Iowa Genealogical Society News IGS Newsletters 2540099 US Iowa
689 Iowa Genealogy Society 20 Years IGS Genealogy 1540027 US Iowa
2377 Iowa Genelogy Society - Library Shelf List

1540122 US Iowa
675 Iowa Konferensens Augustana Sy Donated by Ardie Lewis History 2540012 US Iowa
681 Iowa Marriages 1835-1846
Marriages 1540019 US Iowa
725 Iowa Misc. Info. Folder WCGS Misc. Information 1540087 US Iowa
688 Iowa Municipalities Jan. 1968
Municipalities 1540026 US Iowa
678 Iowa Newspaper Projec
Newspaper 1540015 US Iowa
677 Iowa Newspapers 136-1976
Newspapers 1540014 US Iowa
539 Iowa Northwest 1864-1871 Purchase People Places & Things 3720422 Iowa Webster County
540 Iowa Northwest 1864-1871 Purchase People Places & Things 3720423 Iowa Webster County
1905 Iowa Ophan Train Research Booklet Madonna Harms
1390001 US General
686 Iowa Pioneer Foundations Vol. I George Parker History 2540024 US Iowa
687 Iowa Pioneer Foundations Vol. II George Parker History 2540025 US Iowa
674 Iowa Press Assoc. Who's Who In Iowa
People 1540010 US Iowa
909 Iowa Progress 1872-Published in Des Moines Des Moines, Iowa Newspapers 2544977F Iowa Polk County Oversized
679 Iowa the Home for the Immigrant
Immigrants 1540016 US Iowa
676 Iowa the Land Across the River Don Brown Pioneers 2540013 US Iowa
709 Iowa, Adj. General Report 1898
Military 2540039 US Iowa
708 Iowa, Adj. General Report Vol II
Military 2540038 US Iowa
712 Iowa, Another Year 1967 Frank Miller Iowa 1540042 US Iowa
671 Iowa, Biographical Record of 1
Bio's 2540007 US Iowa
672 Iowa, Biographical Record of 1
Bio's 2540008 US Iowa
707 Iowa, Counties & Courthouses
Places 1540039 US Iowa
721 Iowa, Historical Atlas of 1875
Atlas 2540082 US Iowa
722 Iowa, Home for the Immigrants
Immigrants 1540083 US Iowa
701 Iowans of Impact
People 2540120 US Iowa
729 Iowans of Impact
People 2540120 US Iowa
2199 Ireland
Misc. Folder 1770011 Foreign Country
2196 Ireland 1,2,3 1986

1770008 Foreign Country
2201 Ireland research Aides
Folder 1770013 Foreign Country
2202 Ireland-A Genealogical Guide for No. Americans K.J. Betit & D.A. Radford
1770014 Foreign Country
2204 Ireland-Index to Griffith's Evaluation's

870016 Foreign Country
301 Irene, McKluckie Scrapbook WCGS Deaths 2720307 Iowa Webster County
2188 Irish & Scotch-Irish Ancestral Research Vol.I

2770000 Foreign Country
2189 Irish & Scotch-Irish Ancestral Research Vol.II

2770001 Foreign Country

Is Your Name Rejsa? Mike Rejsa Family History 2150015 Family Histories
1609 It's Easy to Become A Citizen

1280000 US General

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