Contributed by Karen De Groote-Johnson
Each one of these links is a large, detailed map of each township showing
many landowner names as well as topographical information. These maps
were scanned from an 1875 map of Webster County that I own.
The township maps are organized starting with the NW corner of the county,
going east and then south to the next row and east again. Basically from left
to right and from top to bottom. Please use the new key to familiarize
yourself with the placement of the townships.
Township Maps Key
Jackson Township
Deer Creek Township
Badger Township
Newark Township
Johnson Township
Douglas Township including west Fort Dodge
Wahkonsa Township including most of Fort Dodge
Colfax Township
Fulton Township
Elkhorn Township
Otho and Pleasant Valley Townships
Washington Township
Clay Township
Sumner Township
Yell and Webster Townships
Gowrie Township
Lost Grove Township
Dayton Township
Hardin Township