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Alumni of Fort Dodge High School

1931 - 1932

Class of 1931Class of 1932
Rachael E. Ainsworth
Dale Alstrand
Jeanette Alstrand
August W. Anderson, Jr.
Donald E. Anderson
Joe Anderson
Idabelle Anderson
Stuart A. Baird
Ruth Beck
Ione Beers
Alfred Belfer
Ruth Benson
Mildred Bidstrup
Lorena M. Blomgren
Ella Mae Blunk
Vernon Bock
Agnes Boge
Ross Booth
Frances Bradt
Helen G. Bridgman
Agnes Broskey
Marvin Burleson
Warren Burleson
William Burnquist
Bernard Cahill
George Caldwell
Norman Chelstad
Irving Chesling
Leo Campbell
Pearl Cibert
Verna Clarken
Albertis Cleveland
Jack Collins
Frank Cooley
Margianne Coyle
Jordyce Crouch
Sarah Cuckie
Ione Curtis
Olga Daniels
Opal Davidson
Lucille Davis
Viva Davus
Fredrick Dorheim, Jr. 
Jack W. Dorton
Catherine Edvenson
Pauline D. Edvenson
Gertrude Elings
John Evans
Anna Feeney
Ray Follett
Roy Fremming
William F. Frost
Maurine Furrow
Lina Gadbury
Jack Garlock
Ruth Gawtry
Dorothy E. Gilbert
Mary Gleason
Vernice Gramstad
Edith Green
Melvin Hall
Wilbur Hallet
Eunice Hanes
Bernetha Hanson
Evelyn Hanson
Ruth Hanson
Berniece Harris
Dolores Hart
Evelyn A. Hay
Ethel Hesser
Violet A. Hilton
Peter Hinsch
William Hinsch
Richard Hogan
Carol Holmberg
Doris Huston
Harold Hutchinson
Melvin Jacobson
Evelyn Jeffries
Robert William Jenson
Evelyn Johnson
Lawrence E. Johnson
Olive B. Johnson
Wallace J. S. Johnson
Pauline Johnston
Kenneth Jordan
Gordon Julander
Ervin Koke
Frances Koll
Margaret Kourey
Jean Kramer
Harry Largent
Arthur Lentz
Lucile Irene Lewis
Arthur Lindsley
Alice Lohr
Silvis Maricle
Reuben Mater
Dolores Mattice
William O. Merritt
Larkin Merryman
Dorothy Metter
Jack Meyer
Jane Minogue
Don Mitchell
Carl Moeller
Mildred Mogenson
Fletcher Moore
Kenneth E. Muench
Gretchen E. Mueller
Sam Mulmed
Jack Mulroney
Richard Mulroney
Carl Munson
Evelyn Murphey
Robert McCormack
Elbridge McCullough
Dorothy McCurdy
Eleanor McQuilkin
Frances McTigue
Malcolm Nelson
Lillian Marie Nelson
Lewis Newburry
Russell Nelson
Donald G. Newell
Harold R. Nichols
Elizabeth Norman
Leroy Nydegger
Harry O'Brion
John O'Connell
Doris Olson
Mildred Olson
Kenneth Olsen
Dorothy Peterson
Helen Peterson
Mildred Peterson
Omer Peterson
Rex Peterson
Dean James Pink
Donald Pink
Floyd Pollard
Lloyd Pollard
Thelma Porter
Eldred Prang
Virginia Quante
Thora Reeck
George Reed
Margaret Reed
Verval Rhodes
Arthur C. Robinson
Opal Robinson
Dan Rodman
Veronica Rohn
Mando Ross
Wayne Rule
James Rush
Irene Rusnak
Helen Saunders
Marvin L. Scheideman
Roberta Schofield
Priscilla Schossow
Minnie Schwendemann
William Schwendemann
Ruth Seidensticker
Ethel Sell
Catherine Sheldon
Ralph Shields
Mildred Simonson
Audrey Smith
Roy William Smith
Blythe Stanbra
Alvina Stanek
Martha Stickel
Gwendolyn Stilwell
Blanche Stowe
Marguerite Streff
Vivian Suer
Marlys Swan
Mary Swanson
Richard Tang
Donald Thatcher
Erna Margaretha Thode
Nellie Thompson
Leila Tobey
Eileen Todd
Doris Van Valkenburgh
Margaret Gail Van Scoy
Joyce Van Osdoll
Myron Van Osdoll
Marvin A. Vieg
William Walker
Lee Walters
Margaret Warner
Ruth Fern Weihe
Thomas Welch
Henry Earl Wells
Jane Whalen
Ronald Wheat
Doris White
Grace White
Vaughn Wicks
Donald Williams
Cecil Wills
Wilma Wilson
Erma Woodard
Gwendolyn Woodard
Robert Woolington
Margaret Abramson
Roy H. Ackerson
Ernest W. Alpers
Bernice E. Anderson
Bertha K. Anderson
Elizabeth M. Anderson
Glenn E. Anderson
Keith A. Andersen
Mildred E. Anderson
Signe V. Anderson
Virgil M. Anderson
Robert Arn
Mandel Ashkenaze
Paul E. Barnes
Ione E. Beer
Lois L. Bergeman
Lucille M. Bilstad
Bruno Birocci
Editha Jane Boaler
Charlotte A. Boge
Viola M. Booge
Ellouise Bourdeaux
Dorothy C. Box
Lavina F. Boyle
Edward K. Brainerd
Donald V. Brand
Harold E. Brown
Frances E. Bruce
Russell J. Butterworth
Emmett M. Cahill
August Calandrine
Stanley E. Cammerer
Charoltte L. Campbell
Carol D. Carlson
Evalyn M Clagg
Robert B. Clagg
Lillian R. Clare
Donald W. Clark
Beryl G. Clausen
Harold M. Clausen
Dorothy A. Codner
Alberta J. Cole
Clayton M. Core
Eugene O. Cornell
Luin B. Cox
Isabel M. Crosby
Ertle G. DeWinter
Hazel A. Davis
Harry H. Dilges
Lenore M. Dittmar
Edward L. Dobmeier
Eula G. Drayton
Whitney R. Drayton
Helen T. Dunsmoor
Thomas B. Dunsmoor
Blenn H. Eckhardt
Arthur G. Edwards
Mildred V. Enburg
Viola M. Fecht
Earla L. Finck
Jessie L. Forbes
Harrison S. Frantz
Ruth E. Frost
Howard B. Gamper
Elmer W. Gansz
Anthony Gargano
Donald W. Geyer
Caroll B. Granseth
Stanford W. Griffith
John W. Gustin
Homode HabHab
Philip R. Hardie
Maurice L. Harris
Francis R. Hartman
Maxine L. Hauge
LeRoy F. Hauser
Mildred R. Hauser
Glenn Hay
Elsie M. Hayward
Mary Ellen Hefley
Kermit W. Hendrickson
Edward O. Hershewe
Gevevieve L. Higgins
Norrine E. Hoberg
Claude A. Hooper
Robert P. Horn
Grace E. Hilton
Lenore G. Hoch
Bernadine C. Hofmann
Mable A. Hoyer
Juanita D. Huntley
Kathryn M. Ivers
Edgar J. Jaques
Mervin J. Jeffers
Bernice E. Johnson
Harold S. Johnson
Harold C. Johnson
Vincent L. Johnson
Ada Mae Kalahar
Dorothy W. Kehm
Joseph F. Kelly
Bruce A. Kenyon
Pearl E. King
LaVonne M. Kinney
Geneva S. Knutson
Paul A. Kramer
Joella M. Larson
Kathryn H. Kuhlman
Robert W. Larson
Dorothy V. Lalor
Jennie V. Lind
Gladys E. Lindstrom
William N. Lyons
Arthur H. MacDowell
Jean E. Madole
Mildred E. Magner
Fred D. Marmie
Frank D. Medd
Dorothy E. Merrill
Ruth E. Merris
Harriett E. Merritt
John W. Merryman
Ermil M. Meyer
Paul R. Meyer
Elizabeth A. Minkel
Margaret H. Mishler
Agnes A. Moline
Mike Mori
Wallace E. Mueller
Roger A. Nelson
Isabel F. Newell
Donald G. Newell
Lenore M. Olsen
Thelma L. Olsen
Evelyn C. Olson
Mildred L. Osborn
William R. Oswald
Shirley J. Oswalt
Glenn R. Pauley
Ellen E. Penterman
Gladys I. Perkins
Marvin J. Peterson
Rachel Porter
William L. Pray
Frances K. Quade
Helen W. Reeck
Yula E. Reid
Mary Jane Rigby
Harold B. Rossing
Hazel L. Rowell
Eunice M. Russell
Katharine M. Sayles
Walter Schiff
Bernard A. Schmidt
Robert M. Schmidt
Walter M. Sell
Lois K. Scholes
Mildred B. Sheffield
Mary J. Sheldon
Robert Sinnott
Alice L. Skoland
Elva C. Smith
Mavis Smith
Viola C. Smith
Wilda Smith
Gene C. Strauss
Ruth S. Strauss
Loyl Stromberg
Signe E. Stomberg
Miriam F. Suer
Francis C. Svehla
Catherine M. Swanson
Helen E. Swanson
William R. Swanson
Ermil M. Thomas
Reynolds B. Thomas
Robert G. Thomas
Virginia A. Thomas
John E. Thompson
Clarrine Thornton
George F. Tierney
Roberta A. Turner
LaVon M. Utley
Lois A. Von Stein
James H. Warmuth
Alice M. Welch
Leota R. Wells
Mae Etta Wheat
Thelma M. White
Ivadel M. Wickersham
Vaughn E. Wicks
Delbert E. Williamson
John H. Wolfe
Earle J. Woodbury
Robert W. Wretman
Earleen E. Wright
Dorothy E. Zuerrer
Marguerite L. Foster
Albertus Cleveland
Mae Kellum
Donald Maxan
Juanita Dayton
Frank Larsen
Wayne Shelton
Gaylord R. Parmely

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