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Emanuel Lutheran Church

Dayton, Iowa

Book 4 Miscelanious

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Sandahl, Elmer C. 4 193 November 30, 1947 Reception
Sandahl, Everett 4 193 November 30, 1947 Reception
Sandahl, Everett M. 4 245 November 12, 1953 Dismissal
Sandahl, Luella 4 193 November 30, 1947 Reception
Sandall, Elmer & Mrs. 4 246 February 12, 1955 Dismissal
Sandeen, H. Lawrence 4 191 December 17, 1939 Reception
Sandeen, Larence & Mrs. 4 243 January 28, 1947 Dismissal
Sandeen, Lawrence H. / Danielson, Ruth A. 4 156 June 12, 1937 Marriage
Sandeen, LuAnn Rae 4 16 & 17 May 25, 1941 Baptism
Sandeen, Ruth A. 4 191 December 17, 1939 Reception
Sandeen, Ruth Danielson Mrs. 4 240 November 12, 1937 Dismissal
Sandell, Edna Sandstrom (Mrs.) 4 238 September 28, 1932 Dismissal
Sandholm, Brent Alan 4 28 & 29 July 28, 1957 Baptism
Sandholm, Gary Lee 4 20 & 21 February 23, 1947 Baptism
Sandholm, Gary Lee 4 140 April 15, 9162 Confirmation
Sandholm, Kathleen Marie 4 140 December 30, 1962 Confirmation
Sandholm, Sidney L. 4 132 May 25, 1947 Confirmation
Sandquist, C. A. (Mrs.) 4 283 July, 1929 Funeral
Sandquist, Edwin C. / Erickson, Mildred P. 4 155 March 14, 1929 Marriage
Sandquist, Mildred Erickson (Mrs.) 4 236 September 18, 1929 Dismissal
Sandstrom, Anna M. E. 4 233 December 17, 1919 Dismissal
Sandstrom, Gustaf Theodore Gottfried 4 286 April 21, 1938 Funeral
Sanquist ?, Claes A. (can't read) 4 281 August 31, 1920 Funeral
Schlief, Beverly Estelle 4 195 March 22, 1951 Reception
Schlief, Debra Rae 4 28 & 29 November 18, 1956 Baptism
Schlief, Debra Rae 4 141 May 24, 1964 Confirmation
Schlief, Jeffrey Alan 4 34 & 35 July 21, 1963 Baptism
Schlief, Kenneth Woodrow 4 22 & 23 March 20, 1951 Baptism
Schlief, Kenneth Woodrow 4 138 March 22, 1959 Confirmation
Schlief, Lillian (Mrs.) 4 195 March 22, 1951 Reception
Schlief, Robert (Mrs.) 4 199 December 15, 1963 Reception
Schlief, Robert Mrs. 4 141 December 15, 1963 Confirmation
Schlief, Robert Wayne 4 22 & 23 March 20, 1951 Baptism
Schlief, Robert Wayne 4 135 April 3, 1955 Confirmation
Schlief, Woodrow 4 195 March 22, 1951 Reception
Schultz, Hilma Lofgren (Mrs.) 4 285 April 7, 1935 Funeral
Schwendemann, Lois 4 141 June 28, 1964 Confirmation
Schwendemann, Lois (Miss) 4 200 June 28, 1964 Reception
Seagren, Wilfred 4 282 May 24, 1926 Funeral
Seashore, Christine Sophia (Mrs.) 4 283 February 6, 1930 Funeral
Seashore, J. Edwin 4 288 September 21, 1944 Funeral
Selgren, Anna (Mrs.) 4 291 December 1, 1956 Funeral
Sellstrom, John E. 4 186 June 11, 1922 Reception
Sellstrom, John E. & Mrs. 4 235 March 24, 1926 Dismissal
Sellstrom, Wilhelmina (Mrs. John E.) 4 186 June 11, 1922 Reception
Semprini, Jeffrey Michael 4 28 & 29 April 15, 1956 Baptism
Semprini, Joan (Mrs.) 4 198 December 28, 1958 Reception
Semprini, Joan Anderson (Mrs. Theodore) 4 246 January 25, 1957 Dismissal
Semprini, Joan Anderson (Mrs. Theodore) 4 248 April 10, 1960 Dismissal
Semprini, John Edwin 4 30 & 31 April 12, 1959 Baptism
Semprini, Theodore 4 198 December 28, 1958 Reception
Semprini, Theodore M. 4 135 June 13, 1954 Confirmation
Semprini, Theodore M. 4 196 June 13, 1954 Reception
Semprini, Theodore M. 4 246 January 25, 1957 Dismissal
Semprini, Theodore M. 4 248 April 10, 1960 Dismissal
Semprini, Theodore M. / Anderson, Joan 4 160 June 14, 1953 Marriage
Shafer, Kerwyn Dallas 4 28 & 29 July 29, 1956 Baptism
Shafer, Wayne & Mrs. 4 197 April 1, 1956 Reception
Shafer, Wayne & Mrs. 4 247 April 13, 1957 Dismissal
Showers, Christina (Mrs.) 4 189 December 29, 1933 Reception
Showers, Christine (Mrs.) 4 240 March 2, 1939 Dismissal
Showers, Dale Arthur 4 12 & 13 May 20, 1934 Baptism
Showers, Edward 4 128 May 17, 1936 Confirmation
Showers, Edward L. 4 240 Mar. 2, 1939 Dismissal
Showers, Edward LeRoy 4 12 & 13 May 20, 1934 Baptism
Showers, James 4 127 April 14, 1935 Confirmation
Showers, James S. 4 240 Mar.2, 1939 Dismissal
Showers, Lloyd Donald 4 12 & 13 May 20, 1934 Baptism
Showers, Margaret Irene 4 12 & 13 May 20, 1934 Baptism
Showers, Philip C. 4 287 February 14, 1943 Funeral
Showers, Richard Calvin 4 12 & 13 May 20, 1934 Baptism
Skog, Alice Hildegard 4 4 & 5 September 3, 1922 Baptism
Skog, Anna (Mrs.) (Skoog) 4 186 December 30, 1922 Reception
Skog, Anton & Mrs. (Skoog) 4 239 January 14, 1935 Dismissal
Skog, Helge Herbert 4 4 & 5 September 3, 1922 Baptism
Skog, Robert Emil 4 6 & 7 October 9, 1926 Baptism
Skoglund, ? (child of Bert Skoglund's) 4 281 September 18, 1921 Funeral
Skoglund, Alisa Lynn 4 32 & 33 May 22, 1960 Baptism
Skoglund, Augusta (Mrs.) 4 290 January 4, 1951 Funeral
Skoglund, Bert (Mrs.) 4 185 February 6, 1921 Reception
Skoglund, Bert & Mrs. 4 243 April 4, 1946 Dismissal
Skoglund, Charles (Mrs.) 4 199 July 9, 1961 Reception
Skoglund, Charles Roger 4 16 & 17 November 10, 1940 Baptism
Skoglund, Charles Roger 4 136 March 25, 1956 Confirmation
Skoglund, Gary 4 248 March 2, 1961 Dismissal
Skoglund, Gary Ivan 4 14 & 15 August 21, 1938 Baptism
Skoglund, Gary Ivan 4 134 June 22, 1952 Confirmation
Skoglund, Gregory Dean 4 34 & 35 December 15, 1963 Baptism
Skoglund, Ivan 4 124 April 1, 1928 Confirmation
Skoglund, James Bryan 4 18 & 19 September 17, 1944 Baptism
Skoglund, James Bryan 4 138 March 22, 1959 Confirmation
Skoglund, John 4 284 February 23, 1934 Funeral
Skoglund, Joyce 4 130 April 6, 1941 Confirmation
Skoglund, Joyce B. 4 243 April 4, 1946 Dismissal
Skoglund, Joyce Bernice 4 6 & 7 August 26, 1926 Baptism
Skoglund, Kent Allen 4 34 & 35 August 19, 1962 Baptism
Skoglund, Lenore 4 125 April 13, 1930 Confirmation
Skoglund, Leon 4 128 April 10, 1938 Confirmation
Skoglund, Leon B. 4 243 April 4, 1946 Dismissal
Skoglund, Leon Bernard 4 4 & 5 August 26, 1923 Baptism
Skoglund, Martina 4 121 May 22, 1921 Confirmation
Skoglund, Maurine 4 126 March 20, 1932 Confirmation
Skoglund, Olive 4 121 June 11, 1922 Confirmation
Skoglund, Sadie 4 123 May 23, 1926 Confirmation
Skoglund, Sue (Mrs. Gary) 4 248 March 2, 1961 Dismissal
Skoog (see also Skog) 4
Skoog, Anna (Mrs.) 4 193 November 30, 1947 Reception
Skoog, Anton 4 193 November 30, 1947 Reception
Skoog, Mary Ann 4 133 July 18, 1948 Confirmation
Skoog, Nancy Ann 4 24 & 25 March 15, 1952 Baptism
Skoog, Robert 4 193 November 30, 1947 Reception
Skoog, Robert Andrew 4 24 & 25 September 18, 1953 Baptism
Skoog, Robert E. 4 249 September 14, 1961 Dismissal
Smith, Deane Edward 4 8 & 9 February 13, 1927 Baptism
Smith, Myrtle C. (Mrs.) 4 238 February 4, 1932 Dismissal
Smithart, Leon 4 137 April 3, 1958 Confirmation
Smithart, Leon 4 198 April 3, 1958 Reception
Smithart, Viola 4 198 April 3, 1958 Reception
Snell, Alberta 4 189 April 1, 1931 Reception
Snell, Alberta 4 239 June 8, 1936 Dismissal
Snell, Eleanor 4 125 March 29, 1931 Confirmation
Snell, Eleanor 4 239 June 8, 1936 Dismissal
Snell, Howard 4 188 December 29, 1929 Reception
Snell, Howard C. 4 241 March 31, 1939 Dismissal
Sonquist, Allan James 4 26 & 27 August 25, 1955 Baptism
Sonquist, Carolyn Lee 4 12 & 13 July 5, 1936 Baptism
Sonquist, Charles E. 4 293 January 28, 1961 Funeral
Sonquist, Dennis Gayle 4 18 & 19 January 16, 1944 Baptism
Sonquist, Gerald 4 236 December 31, 1927 Dismissal
Sonquist, Inez 4 124 March 24, 1929 Confirmation
Sonquist, Inez H. A. 4 240 March 30, 1938 Dismissal
Sonquist, Leslie 4 201 ???, 1966 Reception
Sonquist, Leslie E. / Manguson, Hazel D. 4 153 February 14, 1922 Marriage
Sonquist, Leslie, & Mrs. 4 242 December 15, 1941 Dismissal
Sonquist, Richard Eugene 4 6 & 7 March 29, 1925 Baptism
Sonquist, Robert Eugene 4 14 & 15 January 2, 1938 Baptism
Sonquist, Verner 4 123 May 23, 1926 Confirmation
Sonquist, Verner (Mrs.) 4 190 January 10, 1936 Reception
Sonquist, Verner D. & Mrs. 4 244 June 22, 1949 Dismissal
Stark, Patricia Ann 4 10 & 11 January 15, 1933 Baptism
Stark, Sadie (Mrs.) 4 237 December 16, 1930 Dismissal
Stenlund, Arvid 4 122 April 27, 1924 Confirmation
Stenlund, Arvid 4 238 December 26, 1931 Dismissal
Stenlund, Frances 4 124 March 24, 1929 Confirmation
Stenlund, Frances 4 238 December 26, 1931 Dismissal
Stenlund, Frank & Mrs. 4 238 December 26, 1931 Dismissal
Stenlund, Mae Evelyn 4 8 & 9 September 23, 1927 Baptism
Stenlund, Mildred 4 123 May 23, 1926 Confirmation
Stenlund, Mildred 4 237 December 16, 1930 Dismissal
Stephenson, Clarence 4 294 September 8, 1963 Funeral
Stephenson, Earl 4 235 ???, 1926 Dismissal
Stephenson, Johanna (Mrs.) 4 288 June, 1946 Funeral
Stephenson, John Edward 4 284 December 26, 1932 Funeral
Stephenson, Roy 4 235 December 31, 1924 Dismissal
Sterrett, Charles Robert / Newman, Carolyn Jeanette 4 159 September 5, 1949 Marriage
Stevens, Beth Cecile 4 141 May 24, 1964 Confirmation
Stevens, Clarence 4 198 December 15, 1957 Reception
Stevens, Colette Justine 4 34 & 35 October 14, 1962 Baptism
Stevens, Dale LeRoy 4 30 & 31 April 6, 1958 Baptism
Stevens, Ivis Lorraine (Mrs.) 4 200 March 31, 1965 Reception
Stevens, Marion LeRoy 4 248 March 9, 1959 Dismissal
Stevens, Marion Leroy 4 200 March 31, 1965 Reception
Stevens, Marion LeRoy 4 198 Jan.19, 1958 Reception
Stevens, Roger (Mrs.) (LaVon Campbell) 4 199 October 28, 1962 Reception
Stevens, Roger Mrs. 4 139 October 28, 1962 Confirmation
Stevens, Roger Crary 4 198 December 15, 1957 Reception
Stevens, Ruby (Mrs.) 4 198 December 15, 1957 Reception
Stewart, Don W. / Anderson, Margaret V. 4 158 February 3, 1946 Marriage
Stewart, James Lee 4 24 & 25 March 16, 1952 Baptism
Stewart, John Hugh 4 20 & 21 March 16, 1947 Baptism
Stewart, Margaret V. (Mrs.) 4 245 October 17, 1952 Dismissal
Stewart, Martin Edward 4 22 & 23 August 14, 1949 Baptism
Stoneburner, Keith & Mrs. Beverly 4 201 ???, 1966 Reception
Stoneburner, Patricia Lou 4 30 & 31 June 7, 1959 Baptism
Stoneburner, Patricia Lou 4 138 April 10, 1960 Confirmation
Stoneburner, Robert & Mrs. 4 200 October 10, 1965 Reception
Strait, Dillon & Mrs. 4 197 March 30, 1956 Reception
Strait, Imogene 4 136 April 14, 1957 Confirmation
Strait, Imogene 4 249 January 3, 1963 Dismissal
Strand, C. Arthur 4 187 April 13, 1927 Reception
Strand, Carl Arthur 4 240 March 2, 1939 Dismissal
Strand, Christina Ruth 4 34 & 35 November 8, 1964 Baptism
Strand, Earl 4 126 March 25, 1934 Confirmation
Strand, Earl (Mrs.) 4 199 July 9, 1961 Reception
Strand, Earl Mrs. 4 139 July 9, 1961 Confirmation
Strand, Ellen 4 234 November 27, 1923 Dismissal
Strand, Estelle L. Morrison (Mrs.) 4 240 March 2, 1939 Dismissal
Strand, Estelle Louise Morrison 4 127 December 23, 1934 Confirmation
Strand, Laura (Mrs.) 4 291 August 28, 1954 Funeral
Strand, Leona (Mrs.) 4 195 March 22, 1951 Reception
Strand, Leonard 4 195 March 22, 1951 Reception
Strand, Leonard & Mrs. 4 245 March 8, 1953 Dismissal
Strand, Lisa Teresa 4 32 & 33 January 28, 1962 Baptism
Strand, Olger (Mrs.) 4 189 December 1, 1932 Reception
Strand, P. Aug. 4 288 December 13, 1944 Funeral
Strand, Ralph Earl 4 2 & 3 October 12, 1919 Baptism
Strandberg, Anna (Mrs.) 4 293 November 2, 1959 Funeral
Strandberg, Carl Gustaf 4 287 December 6, 1942 Funeral
Strandberg, Charles Ray 4 14 & 15 June 23, 1940 Baptism
Strandberg, Charles Ray 4 135 April 3, 1955 Confirmation
Strandberg, Donald 4 131 April 2, 1944 Confirmation
Strandberg, Donald George 4 8 & 9 January 6, 1929 Baptism
Strandberg, Donald George 4 245 August 18, 1953 Dismissal
Strandberg, F. Gustaf 4 281 October 26, 1922 Funeral
Strandberg, Fern (Mrs.) 4 188 April 4, 1928 Reception
Strandberg, Fredrick 4 131 March 25, 1945 Confirmation
Strandberg, Fredrick Dale 4 10 & 11 June 29, 1930 Baptism
Strandberg, Fredrick Dale 4 245 December 16, 1953 Dismissal
Strandberg, Helena (Mrs.) 4 234 November 19, 1923 Dismissal
Strandberg, Jack 4 131 April 2, 1944 Confirmation
Strandberg, Jack / Okey, Mary Lou 4 160 September 18, 1954 Marriage
Strandberg, Jack Evert 4 8 & 9 January ??, 1929 Baptism
Strandberg, Keith Lee 4 12 & 13 July 14, 1935 Baptism
Strandberg, Keith Lee 4 133 June 4, 1950 Confirmation
Strandberg, Nancy Kay 4 34 & 35 July 21, 1963 Baptism
Strandberg, Pamela Sue 4 32 & 33 November 8, 1961 Baptism
Strandberg, Patricia Ann 4 133 June 4, 1950 Confirmation
Strandberg, Patricia Ann 4 12 & 13 ???, 1935 Baptism
Strandberg, Timothy Jack 4 28 & 29 December 1, 1957 Baptism
Stromberg, Beata (Mrs.) 4 281 September 7, 1921 Funeral
Stromberg, Maria (Mrs.) 4 287 February 15, 1942 Funeral
Sundell, Clarence J. / Youngdale, Fern 4 154 January 24, 1924 Marriage
Sundell, Fern Youngdale (Mrs.) 4 234 June 27, 1924 Dismissal
Swanburg, John 4 285 April 26, 1937 Funeral
Swanlund, Charles 4 284 August 11, 1931 Funeral
Swanson, Alma H. 4 233 March 1, 1920 Dismissal
Swanson, Amanda J. (Mrs. Olof R.) 4 233 March 1, 1920 Dismissal
Swanson, Arlene 4 126 March 20, 1932 Confirmation
Swanson, Arlyne (Mrs.) 4 195 February 17, 1952 Reception
Swanson, Barbara Joyce 4 30 & 31 April 25, 1959 Baptism
Swanson, Bruce Edward 4 22 & 23 April 29, 1951 Baptism
Swanson, C. O. 4 233 October 14, 1921 Dismissal
Swanson, Carl V. / Cloud, Ethel M. 4 157 July 12, 1940 Marriage
Swanson, Charles Elmer 4 30 & 31 February 16, 1958 Baptism
Swanson, Christine Mildred 4 26 & 27 June 13, 1954 Baptism
Swanson, Debra Frances 4 30 & 31 April 25, 1959 Baptism
Swanson, Delores 4 125 April 13, 1930 Confirmation
Swanson, Dennis Lee 4 10 & 11 September 14, 1930 Baptism
Swanson, Dennis Lee 4 131 March 25, 1945 Confirmation
Swanson, Doris M. (Cling) 4 240 ???, 1938 Dismissal
Swanson, Emma E. 4 233 March 1, 1920 Dismissal
Swanson, Emma O. (Mrs. C. O.) 4 233 October 14, 1921 Dismissal
Swanson, Esther J. 4 233 March 1, 1920 Dismissal
Swanson, Everett 4 191 October 20, 1940 Reception
Swanson, Everett / Cling, Pauline 4 157 June 4, 1940 Marriage
Swanson, Everett M. / Will, Gladys 4 154 September 23, 1925 Marriage
Swanson, Floyd 4 123 May 23, 1926 Confirmation
Swanson, Floyd 4 241 February 10, 1940 Dismissal
Swanson, Forest R. 4 233 March 1, 1920 Dismissal
Swanson, Gladys Will (Mrs.) 4 235 March 25, 1926 Dismissal
Swanson, Harold & Mrs. 4 243 October 27, 1945 Dismissal
Swanson, Harold E. & Mrs. 4 191 December 15, 1940 Reception
Swanson, Irene 4 243 December, 1946 Dismissal
Swanson, Irene Ruth 4 130 December 6, 1942 Confirmation
Swanson, Irene Ruth 4 16 & 17 December 6, 1942 Baptism
Swanson, James Alan 4 20 & 21 April 6, 1947 Baptism
Swanson, Kathleen Kregel (Mrs.) 4 196 December 27, 1953 Reception
Swanson, Lavern 4 190 December 31, 1938 Reception
Swanson, LaVern / Swanson, Arlyne M. 4 156 April 12, 1938 Marriage
Swanson, Lavern Wesley 4 195 February 17, 1952 Reception
Swanson, Laverne & Mrs. 4 242 September 15, 1941 Dismissal
Swanson, LaVerne Wesley 4 291 March 11, 1956 Funeral
Swanson, Lee Edward 4 16 & 17 November 10, 1940 Baptism
Swanson, Lowell Mrs. 4 134 December 27, 1953 Confirmation
Swanson, Lowell W. 4 196 December 27, 1953 Reception
Swanson, Nellie (Mrs. T.W.) 4 294 June 16, 1962 Funeral
Swanson, O. August 4 283 June 30, 1929 Funeral
Swanson, Olof Aug. 4 235 August 30, 1926 Dismissal
Swanson, Olof R. 4 233 March 1, 1920 Dismissal
Swanson, Paul Everett 4 20 & 21 October 20, 1946 Baptism
Swanson, Paul Everett 4 139 March 26, 1961 Confirmation
Swanson, Sandra Kay 4 26 & 27 January 8, 1956 Baptism
Swanson, Sharon Pauline 4 20 & 21 December 12, 1948 Baptism
Swanson, Sharon Pauline 4 141 May 24, 1964 Confirmation
Swanstrom, Alice (Mrs.) 4 197 October 27, 1957 Reception
Swanstrom, Alice Mrs. 4 235 March 4, 1926 Dismissal
Swanstrom, C. Elmer 4 192 December 26, 1943 Reception
Swanstrom, Charles 4 126 April 9, 1933 Confirmation
Swanstrom, Charles E. 4 245 January 29, 1951 Dismissal
Swanstrom, Charles Elmer 4 291 July 3, 1956 Funeral
Swanstrom, Grenevere 4 124 April 1, 1928 Confirmation
Swanstrom, Gust Albert 4 290 May 15, 1953 Funeral
Swanstrom, Hilma (Mrs.) 4 295 October 2, 1964 Funeral
Swanstrom, Linda Suzanne 4 20 & 21 May 23, 1948 Baptism
Swanstrom, Richard Kent 4 18 & 19 September 9, 1945 Baptism
Swenson, Anna (Mrs.) 4 192 February 23, 1944 Reception
Swenson, Anna (Mrs.) 4 293 February 11, 1961 Funeral
Swenson, Axel 4 289 July 15, 1948 Funeral
Swenson, Carl John Ludwig 4 293 October 1, 1960 Funeral
Swenson, Carolina (Mrs.) 4 234 April 4, 1924 Dismissal
Swenson, Etta Elizabeth 4 289 September 27, 1950 Funeral
Swenson, G. Arnet 4 286 July 11, 1937 Funeral
Swenson, Mathilda 4 288 May 19, 1944 Funeral
Swenson, Per Gustaf 4 281 March 12, 1920 Funeral
Swenson, Swen Peter 4 287 April 12, 1941 Funeral
Sykes, Berneil Plahn (Mrs.) 4 247 March 20, 1958 Dismissal
Sykes, Linda Jo 4 26 & 27 December 13, 1953 Baptism
Sykes, Michael Lynn 4 26 & 27 October 30, 1955 Baptism
Sykes, Willis Joe / Plahn, Erma Berniel 4 160 April 19, 1952 Marriage
Talbott, Elizabeth (Mrs.) 4 294 October 14, 1961 Funeral
Thomann, Belinda (Mrs. Phillip) 4 294 March 2, 1962 Funeral
Thomann, Belinda Charity Mrs. 4 127 December 8, 1935 Confirmation
Thomann, Louis 4 124 April 1, 1928 Confirmation
Thomann, Louis F. 4 239 December 23, 1936 Dismissal
Thomann, Marie 4 123 May 23, 1926 Confirmation
Thomann, Phillip 4 12 & 13 December 1, 1935 Baptism
Thomann, Phillip 4 127 December 8, 1935 Confirmation
Thomann, Phillip 4 291 December 3, 1956 Funeral
Thomas, William Monson ? (can't read) 4 287 September 6, 1943 Funeral
Thompson, Helen Sonquist (Mrs.) 4 238 December 26, 1931 Dismissal
Thompson, Ina 4 294 September 22, 1963 Funeral
Thompson, Ruby 4 125 March 21, 1931 Confirmation
Thomsen, Helen Marget 4 2 & 3 July 11, 1920 Baptism
Thomsen, John & Mrs. 4 242 July 3, 1941 Dismissal
Thomson, Helen 4 127 April 14, 1935 Confirmation
Thomson, Helen M. 4 243 March 4, 1947 Dismissal
Thomson, John & Mrs. 4 189 July 23, 1933 Reception
Thomson, Ruby 4 245 April 1, 1953 Dismissal
Thorne, Carl 4 124 April 1, 1928 Confirmation
Thorne, Carl Albert 4 290 September 18, 1953 Funeral
Thorne, Carl S. Mrs. 4 130 November 23, 1941 Confirmation
Thorne, Hedvig Marie 4 291 November 30, 1956 Funeral
Thorne, I. M. 4 284 May 9, 1930 Funeral
Thorne, John Carl 4 16 & 17 May 9, 1943 Baptism
Thorne, John Carl 4 137 March 30, 1958 Confirmation
Thorne, Karen Amanda 4 289 September 24, 1948 Funeral
Thorne, Phyllis Ann 4 20 & 21 March 16, 1947 Baptism
Thorne, Phyllis Ann 4 140 April 15, 1962 Confirmation
Thorne, Ruth 4 122 April 27, 1924 Confirmation
Thorne, Sadie Christine 4 294 January 12, 1962 Funeral
Thorne, Selma (Mrs.) 4 292 May 7, 1958 Funeral
Tomlinson, Roy 4 238 December 26, 1931 Dismissal
Townley ?, Elizabeth (Mrs.) 4 285 May 6, 1936 Funeral
Uhrig, Edward E. / Newholm, Rose M. 4 161 March 4, 1956 Marriage
Umsted, Rose L. A. Eklund (Mrs.) 4 233 ???, 1921 Dismissal
Urelius, C. E. Luther 4 192 September 3, 1944 Reception
Urelius, C. G. Arthur / Mollenhoff, Aimee 4 157 November 7, 1939 Marriage
Urelius, Edith 4 186 March 1, 1925 Reception
Urelius, Gustaf Alfred 4 282 November 7, 1926 Funeral
Urelius, Hattie 4 186 March 1, 1925 Reception
Urelius, Hattie Josephine 4 291 October 3, 1955 Funeral
Urelius, J. Aug. 4 186 March 1, 1925 Reception
Urelius, Jonas August 4 289 February 3, 1948 Funeral
Urelius, Klara H. (Mrs.) 4 192 September 3, 1944 Reception
Urelius, Luther 4 292 October 5, 1959 Funeral
Urelius, Marilyn P. 4 192 September 3, 1944 Reception
Vance, Connie Fay 4 24 & 25 February 10, 1952 Baptism
Vance, David Bernard 4 20 & 21 August 7, 1948 Baptism
Vance, Harriet Bjornson (Mrs. James) 4 247 April 13, 1957 Dismissal
Vance, James Howard 4 26 & 27 August 14, 1955 Baptism
Watson, Denise Kay 4 34 & 35 September 29, 1963 Baptism
Weaver, Catharine 4 194 April 17, 1949 Reception
Weaver, Catharine 4 133 Holy Wk, 1949 Confirmation
Weaver, George Michael 4 30 & 31 May 3, 1959 Baptism
Weaver, Robert / Carlson Clarice 4 160 November 27, 1954 Marriage
Weber, Tilda Marie (Mrs.) 4 282 October 30, 1926 Funeral
Weddige, Diane 4 18 & 19 Nov. 14, 1943 Baptism
Weddige, Esther (Mrs. LaVerne) 4 192 November 7, 1943 Reception
Weddige, LaVern & Mrs. 4 247 July 15, 1957 Dismissal
Weddige, LaVerne 4 192 November 7, 1943 Reception
Weddige, Richard L. 4 248 September 20, 1960 Dismissal
Weddige, Richard LaVern 4 135 April 11, 1954 Confirmation
Weick, Paul H. / Weaver, Catharine J. 4 159 June 3, 1951 Marriage
Westberg, Einar (Mrs.) 4 239 September 18, 1935 Dismissal
Westberg, Einar F. / Anderson, Evelyn E. A. 4 156 August 28, 1935 Marriage
Wieck, Paul (Mrs. 4 246 April 3, 1956 Dismissal
Wilde, Donald H. 4 250 October 10, 1963 Dismissal
Wilde, Donald H. & Mrs. 4 199 April 28, 1963 Reception
Wilde, Janet Mae (Mrs. Donald) 4 250 October 10, 1963 Dismissal
Wilde, Michael Christopher 4 34 & 35 April 28, 1963 Baptism
Will, Carl 4 126 April 9, 1933 Confirmation
Will, Carl J. F. 4 287 June 9, 1942 Funeral
Will, Carl Verner 4 245 March 2, 1950 Dismissal
Will, Clarence 4 234 January 20, 1922 Dismissal
Will, David Alan 4 30 & 31 De. 28, 1958 Baptism
Will, Dennis Richard 4 24 & 25 July 26, 1953 Baptism
Will, Diane Marie 4 28 & 29 July 29, 1956 Baptism
Will, Emma E. (Mrs.) 4 287 January 12, 1943 Funeral
Will, Eunice (Mrs. Vincent) 4 195 December 23, 1951 Reception
Will, Gladys 4 121 May 22, 1921 Confirmation
Will, Marie (Mrs.) 4 195 February 17, 1952 Reception
Will, Richard 4 130 April 6, 1941 Confirmation
Will, Richard Eugene 4 6 & 7 November 14, 1926 Baptism
Will, Vincent 4 128 April 10, 1938 Confirmation
Will, Vincent & Mrs. 4 249 August 25, 1963 Dismissal
Will, Vincent Leroy 4 4 & 5 June 17, 1923 Baptism
Willardson, William 4 198 March 22, 1959 Reception
Willardson, William 4 138 March 26, 1959 Confirmation
Wilmers, Swen J. 4 285 May 21, 1937 Funeral
Wise, Deloris Hanson (Mrs.) 4 243 February 20, 1947 Dismissal
Wistrom, James Richard / Strandberg, Patricia Ann 4 162 August 30, 1958 Marriage
Wistrom, Patricia Strandberg 4 248 October 24, 1958 Dismissal
Witt, Edith Lucille (Mrs. Leonard) 4 250 January 20, 1964 Dismissal
Witt, Edith Perret (Mrs.) 4 196 June 13, 1954 Reception
Witt, Jr., Leonard John 4 140 April 15, 1962 Confirmation
Witt, Jr., Leonard John 4 250 January 20, 1964 Dismissal
Witt, Kenneth Dean 4 32 & 33 May 7, 1961 Baptism
Witt, Leonard 4 196 June 13, 1954 Reception
Witt, Leonard John 4 250 January 20, 1964 Dismissal
Youngdale, Bonnie (Mrs.) 4 194 January 29, 1950 Reception
Youngdale, Bonnie Mrs. 4 133 January 29, 1950 Confirmation
Youngdale, Carlyle 4 124 April 1, 1928 Confirmation
Youngdale, Carlyle 4 238 August 11, 1931 Dismissal
Youngdale, Charley A. 4 286 November 10, 1938 Funeral
Youngdale, Doris 4 125 April 13, 1930 Confirmation
Youngdale, Doris E. 4 243 October 14, 1946 Dismissal
Youngdale, Dorothy (Mrs. Kermit) 4 248 August 27, 1959 Dismissal
Youngdale, Douglas Arthur 4 24 & 25 September 28, 1952 Baptism
Youngdale, Fern 4 185 April 2, 1920 Reception
Youngdale, G. A. (Mrs.) 4 286 August 19, 1939 Funeral
Youngdale, Gustaf Algot 4 289 July 7, 1949 Funeral
Youngdale, Harry & Mrs. 4 238 Aug. 11, 1931 Dismissal
Youngdale, Harry E. 4 185 April 1, 1920 Reception
Youngdale, Julie Ann 4 28 & 29 May 12, 1957 Baptism
Youngdale, Kenneth 4 131 April 18, 1943 Confirmation
Youngdale, Kenneth & Mrs. 4 245 December 30, 1953 Dismissal
Youngdale, Kenneth & Mrs. 4 197 February 17, 1957 Reception
Youngdale, Kenneth A. & Mrs. 4 249 January 3, 1963 Dismissal
Youngdale, Kenneth Arthur 4 8 & 9 May 13, 1928 Baptism
Youngdale, Kermit 4 127 April 14, 1935 Confirmation
Youngdale, Kermit (Mrs.) 4 194 December 26, 1948 Reception
Youngdale, Kermit Emanuel 4 2 & 3 March 14, 1920 Baptism
Youngdale, Kermit, Pastor 4 248 August 27, 1959 Dismissal
Youngdale, Lauren E., Rev. & Mrs. Norma (Anderson) 4 245 August 12, 1954 Dismissal
Youngdale, Lauren Edward 4 6 & 7 March 8, 1925 Baptism
Youngdale, Linda Christine 4 26 & 27 February 21, 1954 Baptism
Youngdale, Norma (Mrs.) 4 195 December 24, 1950 Reception
Youngdale, Olga (Mrs.) 4 290 May 8, 1951 Funeral
Youngdale, Philip Lauren 4 24 & 25 December 28, 1952 Baptism
Youngdale, Randel Kenneth 4 22 & 23 July 16, 1950 Baptism
Youngdale, Ruby 4 124 April 1, 1928 Confirmation
Youngdale, Sylpha (Mrs. Harry E.) 4 185 April 1, 1920 Reception
Youngstrom, Anna Maria (Mrs.) 4 190 September 22, 1939 Reception
Youngstrom, Earl 4 129 March 17, 1940 Confirmation
Youngstrom, Earl Robert 4 16 & 17 March 10, 1940 Baptism
Youngstrom, Earl Robert 4 245 October 30, 1950 Dismissal
Youngstrom, Erma 4 128 May 17, 1936 Confirmation
Youngstrom, Inga (Mrs.) 4 286 January 26, 1940 Funeral
Youngstrom, Joe F. 4 292 April 14, 1957 Funeral
Youngstrom, Johan A. 4 282 June 14, 1923 Funeral
Youngstrom, Joseph 4 128 March 21, 1937 Confirmation
Youngstrom, Joseph F. 4 233 December 31, 1920 Dismissal
Youngstrom, Joseph Fridolf 4 190 September 22, 1939 Reception
Youngstrom, Jr., Joseph F. 4 246 October 23, 1956 Dismissal
Youngstrom, Paul 4 130 March 29, 1942 Confirmation
Youngstrom, Roland Paul 4 16 & 17 March 10, 1940 Baptism
Youngstrom, Roland Paul 4 245 October 7, 1952 Dismissal
Youngstrom, Wendell 4 121 May 22, 1921 Confirmation
Youngstrom, Wendell T. 4 244 June 30, 1947 Dismissal
Zoss, Fredrick LuVerne / Burkgren, Kathryn Inez 4 159 November 13, 1949 Marriage
Zoss, LaVerne (Mrs.) (Kathryn Burkgren) 4 245 October 5, 1950 Dismissal

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