Postcards from Wayne County
Shared by David Shedlock

Christian Church, Corydon - not mailed
United Methodist Church, Corydon - not mailed

Proposed High School, Corydon - postmarked October 17, 1924
Union Station & Jos. L. Humphrey Plant, Humeston - postmarked June 30, 1909

Old Courthouse, Corydon - not mailed High School, Corydon - postmarked June 12, 1909

High School, Corydon - not mailed Two gals & a guy, Humeston - postmarked June 22, 1912

Promise City Bank, Promise City - Postmarked May 19, 1913
Greetings from Seymour, Seymour - postmarked August 3, 1907

Humeston Baptist Church, Humeston - not mailed

Still Living Here in Corydon, Corydon  - not mailed Don't wait so long, Promise City - not mailed

Residence street scene, Humeston - postmarked September 18, 1914
Birdseye View, Humeston - postmarked April 8, 1914

Street scene, Humeston - postmarked September 2, 1908
East Side Square, Seymour - postmarked August 2, 1914

Seymour High School, Seymour - postmarked August 13, 1910

Postcards acquired by the Wayne County Coordinator

Main Street,  Promise City - postmarked October 27, 1913
M. E. Church, Allerton - not mailed

M. E. Church, Corydon - not mailed
Methodist Episcopal Church, Seymour - postmarked July 26, 1920

Little Red School House, 3 miles north of Lineville - not mailed Presbyterian Church, Lineville - postmarked November 29, 1909

Broad Street, Humeston - postmarked November 16, 1909 Seymour State Bank, Seymour - not mailed

Wayne County Historical Museum, Corydon - not mailed
M. E. Church, Promise City - not mailed

Street Scene, Humeston - postmarked September 11, 1908
 High School, Humeston - not mailed

Grades, Corydon - postmarked February 7, 1911
  Main Street, Clio - not mailed

Greetings from, Allerton - postmarked June 10, 1911

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This page was last updated September 29, 2019