The greater part of the life of Christian F. Sprow has been passed in Warren township, Wayne county, where he resides on a farm of two hundred acres located on section 14.  He is a native of Ohio, having been born in Wyandot county, that state, on the 19th of April, 1871, and is a son of Christian and Eva (Hetzel) Sprow.  The parents were both born in Germany, but in early life they came to America and were married in Ohio, where they made their home until 1874.  In the year last named they came to Iowa, settling in Wayne county.  Here the father purchased a hundred and sixty acres of land, which he cultivated during the remainder of his active life.  As time passed he extended the boundaries of his farm until it comprised two hundred acres and upon his retirement turned the property over to his son, Christian F., with whom he now makes his home.  He is now seventy-five years of age, while the mother, who passed away on February 28, 1908, was seventy at the time of her demise.  She was laid to rest in the cemetery at Allerton.

     Christian F. Sprow, who is the youngest in a family of three, was a child of but three years when he accompanied his parents on their removal to Iowa.  He was educated in the common schools of this county and upon laying aside his text-books turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, continuing to reside on the home place in the cultivation of which he assisted his father until the latter’s retirement, when he assumed the entire responsibility of its operation.  The entire tract is under cultivation, and the fields which have been brought into a high state of productivity annually yield abundant harvests.  His chief crops are hay and grain, as he is an extensive feeder of cattle and hogs and also buys horses for the market.  His farm is situated in one of the most desirable portions of Warren township, and, being provided with a natural drainage, and owing to the extensive improvements made thereon by himself and father, is numbered among the valuable properties of the county.

     Mr. Sprow was married in 1900 to Miss Effie Barker, a daughter of G. W. Barker, of this county.  She was born on the 18th of January, 1876, and is the fifth in order of birth in a family of six.  To Mr. and Mrs. Sprow there have been born three children:  Aileen, Dwight and Guy.

     The family attend the Methodist Episcopal church, in which the parents hold membership.  His indorsement in matters politic Mr. Sprow extends to the democratic party.  He is one of the progressive and enterprising citizens of his community and has served for one term as a member of the board of school directors.  Mr. Sprow is meeting with the success in the development of his interests which is won by the man of diligent methods and definite purpose, in any line of endeavor.


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