Seaman W. Lewis, well known in banking circles of Humeston as cashier of the Humeston State Bank, is a native son of Iowa, born in Union township, Lucas county, January 1, 1870.  He is a son of Benjamin and Rachel (Parker) Lewis, pioneers in the state and for many years highly esteemed and respected residents of Union township.  The family was founded in the middle western states by the paternal grandfather of the subject of this review, who was born in New Jersey in 1800 and who came from that state when he was a lad of seventeen, settling in Ohio, where he learned the blacksmith’s trade.  There he married and reared his family and there passed away.  The father was born in Ohio, September 19, 1830, and spent his early life in that state.  In 1857 he and his wife moved to Clarke county, Iowa, and lived upon a rented farm in that section until the fall of 1860, when they came overland to Union township, Lucas county, and purchased a tract of raw prairie land.  Pioneer conditions prevailed everywhere and there was but one other house upon the broad expanse of rolling prairie which stretched out in all directions, and the settlements were few and far removed.  The father, however, bent his energies to the development of a profitable farm and with the exception of the period of his service in the Civil war, remained continuously upon the property until his death.  In 1861 he enlisted in Company G, Thirty-fourth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and spent three years upon the southern battlefields, securing at the end of that time his honorable discharge.  He returned to his farm in Lucas county and continued the work of development, carrying it forward successfully until his death, which occurred upon the homestead, January 22, 1884.  The mother has also passed away, dying in Lucas county, February 22, 1894.  To their union were born the following children:  Eden, who was born April 14, 1854, and who is now residing in Berry county, Missouri; Ella, who died at the age of three years; Mrs. Mary Jones, a resident of Plainview, Texas; Helen, deceased; Elizabeth, who has also passed away; John W., who was born September 23, 1860, and how is now one of the leading attorneys of Ottumwa, Iowa; Seaman W., of this review; William R., who was born May 11, 1872, and who died in October, 1907; and Amanda L., the widow of W. B. Barger of Ottumwa, Iowa.

     Seaman W. Lewis acquired his education in the public schools of Lucas county and remained a continuous resident of that section until he moved into Humeston.  When he laid aside his books he followed farming, with which he has been connected during the greater portion of his life.  He owns at the present time three hundred and sixty acres of well improved land in Union township and his activities in the management of this enterprise for many years constituted one of the factors in local development.  In 1909 he moved to Colorado in order to give his wife the benefit of the healthful climate of that state but two years later returned and on March 1, 1912, moved into Humeston and accepted the position of cashier of the Humeston State Bank.  He has already come to be regarded as an able and farsighted financier of great business and executive ability and the affairs of the bank have prospered greatly under his administrations.

     On October 16, 1891, Mr. Lewis was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Etta Carlton, who was born in Union township, Lucas county, June 20, 1871.  In that county she grew to womanhood, attending the public schools of the community.  Her father, John E. Carlton, was a native of West Point, Dubuque county, born October 31, 1836.  He came as one of the earliest settlers to Lucas county and there died September 15, 1895.  His wife, who was in her maidenhood Miss Rebecca Foutz, was born in Canton, Illinois, November 18, 1841, and died in Union township, December 17, 1893.  In their family were four children:  Charles E., born July 24, 1867, who is residing in Portland, Oregon; Orley E., who was born June 24, 1869, and who is now residing in Humeston; Sarah Etta, who became the wife of the subject of this review; and Robert F., who was born December 16, 1879, and died July 10, 1881.  Mrs. Seaman W. Lewis died April 25, 1912.  She was the mother of three children:  Lottie, who was born August 26, 1892, and died September 16, 1902; Walter Carlton, who was born August 6, 1894, and who is now attending the high school in Humeston; and Nellie, who was born September 29, 1904, and who is pursuing her studies in the public schools of Humeston.

     Mr. Lewis gives his political allegiance to the democratic party and has served ably and conscientiously as township trustee and school director of Union township.  He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of American in Derby and belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in Humeston.  He is a worthy representative of one of the most highly respected pioneer families in Iowa and possesses many sterling traits of character and mind which endear him greatly to all with whom he is associated.


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