Transcribed by Ann Selvig, from:  Allerton, Iowa Centennial,
July 5-6 1874 -1974, 100 Years



     On Jan. 12, 1946, Warren Randolph purchased the funeral and furniture business in Allerton from Mr. Miner Chase.  It was one of the oldest firms in Wayne County.

     Mr. Randolph, his wife, Edna and son, Roger, came here from Iowa City and took up residence in the furniture store – later moving to the Goughnour property.  Here daughter Diana, was born, 1948.

     In 1948, Mr. Randolph purchased the present funeral home from Perry Sears.  It was then completely redecorated, with added improvements on both inside and out, making it one of the country’s newest modern funeral homes to date.

     Warren expired on July 7, 1969, and since then the business has been continued by his son Roger.

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