Zapadni Cesko Bratrska Jednota (Z.C.B.J.) Lodge
The Zapadni Cesko Bratrska Jednota (Z.C.B.J.) organization was supposedly founded in 1897. Prior to that time, members were part of the first organized Czechoslovak fraternal group called Cesko-Slovanske Podporujici Spolecnosti (C.S.P.S.) - in English: Czech Slavonic Benevolent Society. The Z.C.B.J. when translated into English is - Western Bohemian Fraternal Association. There was a lodge (Zora) of Z.C.B.J., organized in Richmond, IA (Lodge number 112). Middle row, 3rd from the left, is supposed to be Anthony Horak (he was a tall man and may be sitting on a hay bale). Meanings for the Czech words on the picture: rad - means lodge, zalozen – means founding, rijna- means October.
Members of Zora Lodge of the Z.C.B.J. were photographed at the front of the hall.
Front, left to right: Mrs. Yaro Horesowsky, Mrs. Frank Kos, Mrs. Ed Kos, unknown, Mrs. George Sojka, Sr., Mrs. Frank Tellin, unknown, unknown, unknown, Mrs. Frank Triska, Sr., Mrs. Alois Musil, Mrs. Ted Kos.
Center, left to right: unknown, unknown, unknown, George Sojka, Sr., Mr. Novy, Mrs. Anna Novy, unknown, unknown, unknown, Frank Tellin, unknown, unknown.
Back, left to right: Ed Kos, Yaro Blecha, Tod Kos, unknown, Charles Bohac, Alois Musil, unknown, unknown, Geroge Sojka, unknown, unknown.

Last updated 06 Aug 2015