WCHS Information


The Board meets the fourth Thursday of each month at 9:00 AM, April-November at the Conger House Museum and December-March at the Washington Public Library. All members are welcome to attend the meetings.

Annual meeting with the entire membership and guests are held annually, usually in April.


The Society could not function without the generous support of our volunteers. They perform a variety of duties and provide skills, including the ones listed below. We cannot thank these special members enough for the devoted hours, but do want them to know they are deeply appreciated. Please volunteer today!


Membership dues are greatly appreciated and needed to continue preservation efforts throughout Washington County. Thank you for your past contributions! Membership includes a membership card, a year's admission to all county historical sites, and invitations to the annual dinner, special programs and tours.

The Society encourages current members to inform others of our preservation efforts and invite them to become members also. Growth in membership numbers is important to insure continued development of the museums and educational programs.

Board of Directors

Jo Breen, Tom Dayton, Mary Levy, Ferd Marie, Carole Martins, Larry Weidner and Mike Zahs

Contact Information

Mail address: PO Box 924, Washington, IA 52353

Email address: Washington County Historical Society


Please remember the Historical Society in your estate planning. Gifts may be designated toward a specific historic site, project or as general funding.


Donations of historic artifacts, material or equipment for projects and gifts of monetary value are always needed to improve the quality of the museums and educational programs. If you would like to make a donation please contact the Society at the address above or by calling 319-653-1656. Donations are tax deductible.

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