Oregon Township - Town Histories

Last updated 04 March 2021


This town was laid out in October 1858 by D. H. Ainsworth, in whose honor the town was named. It is situated on the east half of the northeast quarter of section 21, township 75, range 5. A gentleman writing of Ainsworth in the year 1864, just six years after the town was first located says "Ainsworth is the name of the first station on the railroad east of Washington. It contains a good grain house, two stores, a steam grist mill, and several mechanics' shops. Although it is but a small town now, it is situated in a good neighborhood and having railroad facilities may in the future rank next to Washington in importance." During the sixteen years which elapsed since that prophecy was recorded , Ainsworth has grown considerable but does not yet rank next to Washington in importance.

One of the most commendable and praiseworthy institutions of the town is the graded public school.

Source: WCGS Fall/Winter 2005 newsletter and Atlas of Keokuk and Washington Counties, Iowa (1971). This page was prepared and posted by Norma Jennings Dec 2012


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This town was laid out in 1837, by Hill, Randolph, and Hughes. These men expected to make quite a speculation out of their town and erected a double log cabin which they called the county courthouse. However, there was no evidence that it was ever used for that purpose. Sometime afterward a man by the name of Potts located in Astoria and began a store of general merchandise. A post office was erected and named Pottsville. After the county seat was moved to Washington, Potts left, and the post office was removed to the house of David Goble, Sr .where it remained for a number of years. The prospects of Astoria for becoming a great metropolis vanished upon selecting another seat of justice and the town site fell back to being simply an ordinary claim which fell into the possession of J. L.L. Terry. Astoria was the first county seat in the county.

Source: WCGS Fall/Winter 2005 newsletter and Atlas of Keokuk and Washington Counties, Iowa (1971). This page was prepared and posted by Norma Jennings Dec 2012


The town of Haskins began to exist in 1902, the year the Milwaukee Railway was built through that vicinity. win Smouse laid out the town that year, having bought eighty acres of land for that purpose from H. G. Campbell. At fist the railway company wanted to have a station farther west about one mile, but the people who owned the land in that neighborhood were asking too much money, so Mr.Smouse bought those eighty acres deeded it over to the railway company with the understanding he could have the town site privileges in lieu of giving them ground for the railway elevator and stockyards.

A man by the name of Pickens had the first general store and shortly after William Beardsley came from Wellman to open a store which he later sold to Mr. Frey.

Some of the first families to locate in Haskins were Mr. and Mrs. John Godlove, C. W. Stephens and family, the Pickens family, and the William Beardsleys. The town was named for Haskins after some fifty names had been submitted to the Government, and all rejected because there was a town named like that somewhere else. Finally Haskins was picked suggested by the name of one of the railway officials.

Source: WCGS Fall/Winter 2005 newsletter and Atlas of Keokuk and Washington Counties, Iowa (1971). This page was prepared and posted by Norma Jennings Dec 2012


It wa son David Goble, Sr.'s land in Oregon Township. It seemed that John B. Potts located it. It was a post office, with a swift weekly mail.

Source: WCGS Fall/Winter 2005 newsletter and Atlas of Keokuk and Washington Counties, Iowa (1971). This page was prepared and posted by Norma Jennings Dec 2012


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