Last updated 28 Feb 2020


Civil War Diary
James Taylor Thomas

Transcribed by Kristen Twinam and submittted by Mike Huston

Spelling Differences

Knight ~ Night      Reg. ~ Regiment
Gard ~ Guard      Regt. ~ Regiment
Drawed ~ Draw      Four ~ For
Pare ~ Pair      Cloudey ~ Cloudy
Doliars ~ Dollars      Rainey ~ Rainy
Cule ~ Cool      Lian ~ Line
Gout ~ Got      Bout ~ Bought

Bout at Memphis January 17, 1863

January Thursday, 1, 1863

Struck our tents and marched four miles down on the railroad with 3 other companyes under Major Porter to guard the engineers while fixing a bridge.

Friday, 2

Lay in camp nothing exciting ore of any importance.

Saturday, 3

Have gard about noon. The engineers finished the bridge and in the internment the train started thrue four Memphis loaded with the engineers.

Sunday, 4

Come off guard gout orders to return to camp 2 miles very mudey.

January Monday, 5, 1863

Lay in camp gout a very large mail gout 2 letters one from home one from elsewhere.

Tuesday, 6

Caled out in lian about 3 in the morning expecting an attack but all was quiet.

Wedensday, 7

Lay in camp fine weather all is quiet.

Thursday, 8

Lay in camp dull cloudey rained some all is quiet in camp

January Friday, 9, 1863

Lay in camp rainey and cold all is quiet in camp

Saturday, 10

On picket with Doson, Ferguson all is quiet in camp clear and knice.

Sunday, 11

Come off picket Beautiful day. Received orders to bee redy to march by 7 in the morning.

Monday, 12

Struck hour tents about daylight and formed lines on the road west towards Memphis traveled 22 miles went in camp about dark.

January Tuesday, 13, 1863

Resumed our march at daylight 12 oclock found us in the suborbs of Memphis we went in camp about a mile from town signed the pay rolls

Wednesday, 14

Rained all day very hard commensed snowing in the evening snowed all knight

Thursday, 15

Very disagreeable day snowed about one foot gout hour pay four July and August 1863 26 doliars.

Friday, 16

Very cold day boys is all gone to town I went to town bout a pare of boots 5 doliars.

January Saturday, 17, 1863

Layed in camp wrote to letters one home one to Ohio I sent to town and gout this book 75 cents 10 cents worth of thread 10 cents worth of paper 10 cents worth of invelops indeted to W P S.

Sunday, 18

Struck hour tents and marched to the landing lay their till 5 oclock in the evening then we gout aboard of Maria Dening with the 15 saleboy(?) and 18 Westonsion clear and mudey.

Monday, 19

Cloudey rainey and could lay at the warf all day borrowed of J B Wallace 50 cents.

January Tuesday, 20, 1863

Couldey and rainey we formed in lian about 1 oclock and started the state(?) valey (Jeannie Tessal 2 Maria Denning Tiligent 4 Sunnyside 5 Superior 6 Minniehaha 7 City of Madison 11 Arago 12 Silver Moon) We landed about sundown four the knight on the Arcanse side.

Wednesday, 21

Could(cold) and cloudey we was started by 1 oclock ten found hour at Helenia. We started about 1 from their stoped about sundown four the knight clear in the afternoon

Thursday, 22

Clear and cule we started about seven oclock passed Wapolian about nine. Stopped a little while after dark.

January Friday, 23, 1863

Clear but cule we started about seven our company was put on top of the boat four guard we landed about 3 oclock.

Saturday, 24

Cloudey we lay at the landing all day on the boat.

Sunday, 25

Clear and warm we went off the boat about eight oclock and put up our tents but tore down and moved about a quarter up the river.

Monday, 26

Clear and warm I went to the 25th Reg.

January Tuesday, 27, 1863

Cloudey and rainey but cleared off about knoon came back and David came along and we moved camp about a half a mile up the river.

Wednesday, 28

Clear and cloudey I went on camp gard David is here and wrote a letter home and wrote a few lines and sent to father.

Thursday, 29

Clear but cule I came off gard bove sun was shining.

January Friday, 30, 1863

Clear and warm I washed a little David went home I received a letter from home.

Saturday, 31

Cloudey but warm I wrote a letter to Will and one elsewhere Cansion is roring in the west and some in the east.

February Sunday, 1, 1863

Rainey and warm all was quiet.

Monday, 2

Clear but warm one of hour gun boats run the blocade heavy firing.

February Tuesday, 3, 1863

Clear and cule I was detailed to work on the levey all is quiet.

Wednesday, 4

Cloudey and rainey all is quiet.

Thursday, 5

Cloudey and cule all is quiet.

Friday, 6

Clear and warm I got my likeness taken all is quiet.

February Saturday, 7, 1863

Clear and warm all is quiet except in the evening McConiaha (McConnaughey) Lemons was promoted to orderly and the company raised a fuss Jabez Hitchcock 3rd sargent.

Sunday, 8

Cloudey and cule I received a letter from home and write one home and sent my likeness we struck tents and went board of the Empress about 5 oclock.

Monday, 9

Clear and warm we started about 9 oclock in the morning landed about 9 oclock in the evening at Providence levy lay on the boat all knight.

February Tuesday, 10, 1863

Clear and warm we went on shore about 9 oclock and traveled about a mile and camped on the bank of lake Providence.

Wednesday, 11

Clear and warm I patched my briches.

Thursday, 12

Cloudey and rainey hour company was detailed to go on a foriging we went on the Arago about 2 oclock in the evening and started about 3 up the river landed about 9 at knight I went on picket.

February Friday, 13, 1863

Clear and warm we left the boat and went out in the country was gone all day after foraige.

Saturday, 14

Clear and warm we moved up the river about 4 miles then we went out in the country was gone all day came back I went on picket.

Sunday, 15

Cloudey and cule we started down the river about 8 oclock in the morning we came about 5 miles then stopped and went out but didn’t do much then we came down and landed about 1 P M.

February Monday, 16, 1863

Cloudey and rainey all is quiet I wrote a letter to Union Brigad I received a letter.

Tuesday, 17

Cloudey and rainey all is quiet.

Wednesday, 18

Cloudey and rainey all is quiet.

Thursday, 19

Cloudey and very windey.

Friday, 20

Clear and very warm all is quiet.

February Saturday, 21, 1863

Cloudey and windey and rainey all is quiet.

Sunday, 22

Cloudey but cleared out in the afternoon all is quiet.

Monday, 23

Clear and warm all is quiet I received a letter from Ohio.

Tuesday, 24

Clear warm all is quiet I write a letter to Ohio we gout orders to go with 3 days rations we went on the Maria Denning with the 13th Iowa and we started up the river. I was on gard.

February Wednesday, 25, 1863

Turned cloudey after traveling all knight we gout to our destination after staying their about 2 hours we returned and arrived in camp safe about 4 oclock it was raining.

Thursday, 26

Cloudey and rainey all is quiet.

Friday, 27

Clear and warm all is quiet preparing for inspection.

Saturday, 28

Clear and warm all is quiet we was mustered at 10 oclock four day.

March Sunday, 1, 1863

Clear and warm all is quiet we had inspection at 2 oclock.

Monday, 2

Clear and warm all is quiet I done some washing.

Tuesday, 3

Clear and warm all is quiet.

Wednesday, 4

Clear and warm all is quiet the boat Rawlins was put in the lake Providence and officers took a ride.

March Thursday, 5, 1863

Clear but clouded over in the evening we had inspection at 10 P M and signed the payrolls about 1 AM all is quiet.

Friday, 6

Warm and clear all is quiet and we got ---- tents and while on inspection we had a speech from the colonel and the major and we adopted resolutions to be sent to Iowa.

Saturday, 7

Cloudey and rainey but cleared off in the afternoon.

Sunday, 8

Clear and cule all is quiet we had company inspection.

March Monday, 9, 1863

Cloudey and rainey all is quiet I was on gard.

Tuesday, 10

Cloudey and raining all is quiet I got a letter from John D. Goble.

Wednesday, 11

Clear but cule all is quiet.

Thursday, 12

Clear and cule all is quiet we got our pay 26 dollars I sent home 20 dollars.

March Friday, 13, 1863

Clear and warm all is quiet I write a letter home one to John D. Goble, one to brother Will and received one from Will.

Saturday, 14

Clear and warm all is quiet.

Sunday, 15

Clear and warm all is quiet.

Monday, 16

Clear and warm all is quiet our company went on picket.

March Tuesday, 17, 1863

Clear and warm all is quiet we came off picket they opened the canal and let the water thru.

Wednesday, 18

Clear and warm all is quiet we drilled company.

Thursday, 19

Clear and warm all is quiet we drilled company drill in the four knoon and batalion drill in the afternoon.

Friday, 20

Clear and warm all is quiet we drilled batalion I gout a letter from home and write one home.

March Saturday, 21, 1863

Clear and warm we struck our tents about 3 oclock and moved on the river about 2 miles and went in camp.

Sunday, 22

Cloudey and dripping we was fixing bunks.

Monday, 23

Raining and cule all is quiet.

Tuesday, 24

Clear and warm all is quiet.

Wednesday, 25

Clear and warm all is quiet.

March Thursday, 26, 1863

Clear and warm all is quiet till about 5 oclock in the evening we got orders to strike tents and we went on the Superior.

Friday, 27

Clear and warm we started down the river about 9 oclock and went down 2 miles below Providence and went into camp I was on fatigue.

Saturday, 28

Cloudey and warm all is quiet I drawed a hat 1dollar 60 the 24th Iowa went down the river.

Sunday, 29

Cloudey and cule and rainey I got a letter from elsewhere.

March Monday, 30, 1863

Cloudey and very cold all is quiet.

Tuesday, 31

Cule but clear all is quiet.

April Wednesday, 1, 1863

Clear and warm all is quiet I got 3 letters I from brother Asa 1 from J.D. Goble 1 from elsewhere.

Thursday, 2

Clear and warm all is quiet I write a letter to J.D. Goble.

Friday, 3

Clear and warm all is quiet.

April Saturday, 4, 1863

Clear all is quiet I write a letter to Asa we signed the payrolls.

Sunday, 5

Clear and warm all is quiet we had regimental inspection.

Monday, 6

Clear and warm all is quiet I write a letter to David in the 25th reg.

Tuesday, 7

Clear and warm all is quiet.

Wednesday, 8

Clear and warm our company goes on picket.

April Thursday, 9, 1863

Clear and warm we come off picket I got a letter from home we got two months pay 52 dollars.

Friday, 10

Clear we was inspected I write a letter home Joseph Rickey started home discharged I sent 50 dollars home with him to father.

Saturday, 11

Clear I write a letter it clouded up in the evening and rained.

Sunday, 12

Cloudey and cule Moses Ross went to the hospital.

April Monday, 13, 1863

Clear but clouded up in the evening and rained all is quiet.

Tuesday, 14

Cloudey and cule all is quiet there was a lot of troops that had been down the narrow pass passed down the river.

Wednesday, 15

Clear and I was on gard.

Thursday, 16

Clear and warm I come off gard Marshall Cuinlies(?) division passed down the river.

April Friday, 17, 1863

Clear and warm we had general line review some -------.

Saturday, 18

Clear and warm review wasn’t satisfactory yesterday so we had to try it over so we had general review which proved satisfactory.

Sunday, 19

Clear and warm we had company inspection.

Monday, 20

Clear and warm we got orders to be ready at any minute.

April Tuesday, 21, 1863

Cloudey and warm John Ralston went to the hospital 3 oclock we struck tents and went on the Plaltialley(?) it was raining very hard we lay there till April 21 in the knight we sailed down to Millikens Bend.

Wednesday, 22

Cloudey and warm we got off the boat and went into camp.

Thursday, 23

Clear and warm I went to the 1st Iowa nothing worth writing about.

Friday, 24

Saturday, 25

April Sunday, 26, 1863

Clear we got orders to turn over tents and be ready to move by 2 oclock 3 oclock found us on the road we went within a mile of Richmand.

Monday, 27

Cloudey and raining we moved about 20 miles and went in a Coton Gen.

Tuesday, 28

Clear and warm we started and went to a farm within 7 miles of (New) Carthage the planters name is Homes he is gone to the Confeds.

Wednesday, 29

Clear and warm we lay here all day.

April Thursday, 30, 1863

Clear and warm heavy bombarding we took general Gralf (?) with 700 hundred prisoners and 5 artillery guns besides several small pieces.

May Friday, 1, 1863

Clear and warm Crocker left us and Hall took command of Brigade.

Saturday, 2

Sunday, 3

Clear we had company inspection.

Monday, 4

Clear and warm the 8th and 25th reg. passed on their way to Carthage

May Tuesday, 5, 1863

Clear and cule I write a letter to Asa Thomas there was 400 prisoners passed.

Wednesday, 6

Thursday, 7

Clear and warm 200 prisoners passed.

Friday, 8

Saturday, 9

Clear and warm there was 60 prisoners passed.

Sunday, 10

Clear and warm we had Reg. inspection the 13th Iowa went to Richmand and I write a letter home.

May Monday, 11, 1863

Clear and warm we started about 5 oclock in the morning and traveled about 2 miles passed Carthage.

Tuesday, 12

Clear we started about 5 oclock and traveled within 4 miles of Grand Gulf.

Wednesday, 13

    Clear we started about 6 oclock and got to Grand Gulf about 9 oclock crossed about 2 oclock and went into camp.

May Thursday, 14, 1863

Clear we lay here all day all is quiet this is where the city of Grand Gulf was destroyed it is just below the mouth of Big Black River.

Friday, 15

Clear and warm there was a boat come out from Red River they report all quiet.

Saturday, 16

    Clear and warm we got the knews that Grant was in Jackson.

Sunday, 17

Clear and very warm we had inspection the report come that our troops have burnt Warrenton.

May Monday, 18, 1863

Clear and very warm we got orders to go with nothing but our canteens we went about 6 miles up the Big Black River and fixed a bridge and returned.

Tuesday, 19

Clear and warm I am on gard here bombarding we got marching orders about 11 oclock in the knight with blanket haversack canteens and on the boat we went I was left on gard.

Wednesday, 20

Clear I am still on gard got relived from gard.

May Thursday, 21, 1863

Clear all was quiet in camp we got orders to go to the Regt., but didn’t go that knight.

Friday, 22

This morning is very warm we start to Regt. McComiah(?) several and Samual Gordan is left.

Saturday, 23

Clear we landed at Warrenton at daylight and laid there till evening then we went to Regt. The Regt. was on picket.

Sunday, 24

Clear we was relived from picket and laid on the left wing all day.

May Monday, 25, 1863

Clear and warm we laid still all day heavy fighting on the right shelling all day all around the lines.

Tuesday, 26

Clear and warm we started about 9 oclock and traveled around to the center. (unreadable)

Wednesday, 27

Clear we started to -------- and traveled all day all is quiet.

Thursday, 28, 1863

Clear and warm we traveled till about noon ------ Reg. ------------ all afternoon.

Friday, 29

Clear we turned back and came down the Yazoo bottom --------- a skrimished ---- several wounded.

Saturday, 30

Sunday, 31

Clear and very warm we traveled all day and stopped late in the evening at---

June Monday, 1, 1863

Clear we lay here all day I write a letter home.

Tuesday, 2

Clear and warm we lay around the camp all day.

Wednesday, 3

Clear and warm we lay here all day heavy bombarding in the evening.

Thursday, 4

Clear we started at 4 oclock and traveled within a half mile of our lian.

June Friday, 5, 1863

Warm we lay still all day went to the (?) in the evening we were called in lian to near a (?).

Saturday, 6

Cloudey but warm nothing of importance only ------ I write a letter to brother Will.

Sunday, 7

Cloudey and rainey and very windy I write a letter to Crawfordsville.

Monday, 8

Clear and cule.

Tuesday, 9

June Wednesday, 10, 1863

Cloudey it rained pretty knear all day.

Thursday, 11

Cloudey and windy we gout orders to bee reddy at any minute I write a letter to A W Thomas. Espey and Ferguson was detailed a sharp shooter.

Friday, 12

Clear but cule all is all quiet as we moved to the left about a mile and went in camp.

Saturday, 13

Clear and warm we gout orders to be ready within 4 days --------- we started in the afternoon and went about 6 miles and went on picket.

June Sunday, 14, 1863

Clear I came off picket we moved back about a half mile and was now 6 miles from Vicksburg towards the Big Black River.

Monday, 15

Clear and warm we lay here all day.

Tuesday, 16

Clear all is quiet.

Wednesday, 17

Clear and warm I write a letter to W.F.

Thursday, 18

Friday, 19

June Saturday, 20, 1863

Clear and warm heavy bombarding.

Sunday, 21

Clear and warm I went on picket.

Monday, 22

Clear and warm I came off picket we got orders to be ready at any minute to go to the rear.

Tuesday, 23

Clear we packed up and started to the rear and traveled all day went in camp about 3 oclock about 7 miles from were we started.

June Wednesday, 24, 1863

Clear we lay still all day it clouded up and rained in the evening.

Thursday, 25

Cloudey we lay still all day.

Friday, 26

Clear our company went on picket but was relived in the evening we got marching orders.

Saturday, 27

Clear we started and went 5 miles toward Big Black River then went in camp.

June Sunday, 28, 1863

Clear we had inspection all is quiet has usual.

Monday, 29

Clear our co. and 3 others went out to the Black River and our company skirmished across the river all day but did not advance any.

Tuesday, 30

Clear I went on brigade gard all is quiet.

July Wednesday, 1, 1863

Clear I came off gard and got a letter from W.C.T and answered it the letter I got had his likeness in it.

July Thursday, 2, 1863

Clear all is quiet as usual.

Friday, 3

Clear we lay in camp until late in the evening when we got orders to go to day we started about 9 oclock and went to Big Black and formed a line of battle.

Saturday, 4

Clear we are still laying in line of battle there is sharp scrimmaging the 10th Ohio battery commenced shelling across the river kept shelling all day we lay still.

July Sunday, 5, 1863

Clear we lay in line of battle till 10 oclock then we started for our old camp and came to Bear creek and our company was detailed for picket.

Monday, 6

Clear we came off picket and came back to our old camp and got 2 months pay 37.25 dollars for March and April 1863 I was detailed to -----.

Tuesday, 7

Clear I sent home to father the pay forms 40 dollars I write a letter home.

Wednesday, 8

Clear there was a heavy storm that knight.

July Thursday, 9, 1863


Friday, 10

Clear I write a letter to Aron.

Saturday, 11

Clear we started early in the morning to gard a train of 250 wagons through to the front we went to Clinton about 25 miles we over took the train about 9 oclock we stopped at Clinton for the knight.

Sunday, 12

Clear we started and went to the lians within 2 miles of Jackson and lay there all day I went to the 8th Iowa camp.

July Monday, 13, 1863

Clear we started back about 8 A M with the train and went to Black River bridge about 28 miles we ride in the wagons there was about 250 wagons.

Tuesday, 14

Clear we lay just above the railroad bridge all day.

Wednesday, 15

Clear we started about 4 A M and came to Edward station about 5 miles and laid there the train came along the next morning.

July Thursday, 16, 1863

Clear we started about 9 oclock A M and traveled till 3 P M then stopped and went in camp at Clinton on the railroad about 35 miles from Vicksburg and 10 miles from Jackson.

Friday, 17

Clear we stay here all day Jackson was evacuated by the Rebs.

Saturday, 18

Clear all is quiet.

Sunday, 19

Clear we had company inspection.

July Monday, 20, 1863

Clear our CO. went on picket I was on the reserve there was 400 hundred prisoners came to Clinton that was taken at Jackson.

Tuesday, 21

Clear we came off picket and started about 3 A M on the road towards Vicksburg we went about 5 miles and camped.

Wednesday, 22

Clear we started and went to Bakers Creek camped it rained a heavy shower in the evening.

July Thursday, 23, 1863

Cloudey we started and crossed Black River and went 8 miles towards Vicksburg and camped.

Friday, 24

Cloudey and lay there all day.

Saturday, 25

Clear I went on commissary gard we moved back within a mile of the river J.D Miley came back Regt. Has assistant sergent he brought me 2 letters from home.

Sunday, 26

Cloudey I came off gard we had CO. inspection it rained in the evening heavy there was one of company G buried.

July Monday, 27, 1863

Cloudey and rainey we started about 4 A M and traveled till about sundown and went in camp.

Tuesday, 28

Clear we started and came through the edge of Vicksburg and went out the river to our line of Brestworks and went in camp about 3 quarters of a mile from the river.

Wednesday, 29

Clear I went down to the 25th old camp and seen several of the boys Will Twinam is pretty, sick James Paxton started home on furlow.

July Thursday, 30, 1863

Clear I went down and seen Will Twinam start to the hospital.

Friday, 31

Clear all is quiet.

August Saturday, 1, 1863

Clear all is quiet I write a letter to Crawfordsville there was a heavy shower in the evening with considerable wind and hail.

Sunday, 2

Cloudey we had company inspection then we was marched over to the Colonels tent and inspected by Major Foster I went to town and seen John D. Goble and Andy Johnston.

August Monday, 3, 1863

Clear we got our tents and moved camp and put our tents and cleared off camp. John T Martins and F.M Beauchamp started home on Furlow.

Tuesday, 4

Clear I got a letter from William and answered it.

Wednesday, 5

Clear all is quiet.

Thursday, 6

Clear all is quiet we got 2 months pay 26 dollars we was paid by Stanton from Washington.

August Friday, 7, 1863

I got a letter from brother A. we had dress parade.

Saturday, 8

Clear all is quiet we had CO. drill 2 hours in the four noon.

Sunday, 9

Clear we had CO. inspection I write a letter to brother A.H.T.

Monday, 10

Clear we had drill 2 hours in the four noon.

Tuesday, 11

August Wednesday, 12, 1863

Clear but clouded up we had a heavy rain.

Thursday, 13

Clear I was on camp gard and I bought a tew 3 dollars.

Friday, 14

Clear all is quiet I came off gard.

Saturday, 15

Clear all is quiet.

Sunday, 16

Clear our CO. went on picket I was on the reserve Jack Coulter started home on a sick furlow it rained in the evening.

August Monday, 17, 1863

Clear we came off picket.

Tuesday, 18

Clear but clouded up in the evening then rained I lay in camp all day.

Wednesday, 19

Cloudey I went to town the City Madison blowed up while I was there and sunk quite an excitement there was 2 stampedes was caused by the ammunition on the shore liking to --- fire.

Thursday, 20

Cloudey and rainey the report is that we are going to move tomorrow all is quiet Marshall Neal was at our camo I lay in camp all day.

August Friday, 21, 1863

Clear we started with 10 days rations we went to the river about 12 oclock 1 mile above Vicksburg we lay there till dark we got on Faney Bullet and sailed up the river.

Saturday, 22

Clear we got to Gudrielyes landing about daylight we got off the boat and went up the river about 2 miles and laid there all day I was sick.

Sunday, 23

Clear we went back to the landing and started out across the country and went about 8 miles to Tennessee Bayou and lay there all day I was very near give out.

August Monday, 24, 1863

Clear we started in the morning and went the Bayou Macon about 7 miles I was sick and got my cutridge box holed.

Tuesday, 25

We started and traveled pretty much all day and camped in a swamp I was better.

Wednesday, 26

Clear we started and went to Boeuf River in the four noon we started after dinner and went to Oakland where there had been some rebel cavalry camp.

August Thursday, 27, 1863

Cloudey we started and came within 8 miles of Monroe and on Bayou Sahara.

Friday, 28

Cloudey and rainey and we came within 1 mile of Monroe and camped in the Washta River bottom it rained very heavy the 1st brigade of Doyenp division went into Monroe.

Saturday, 29

Cloudey we commenced our retreat we started at daylight and came to Oakland about 25 miles.

Sunday, 30

Clear we started and came to Boeuf River.

August Monday, 31, 1863

Clear we came to Bayou Macon and was Mustered by Major Foster he was in command of the Regt. Lieutenant Trotter was acting Regt. General Steveson was in command of the exercise.

September Tuesday, 1, 1863

Clear we lay at Bayou Macon all day there was 5 of CO. F --- Shakny with --- the 8 one time.

Wednesday, 2

Clear we started at 12 oclock at knight and crossed at Bayou Tennessee about 5 oclock in the morning we got to the river about 9 oclock AM and lay there all day.

September Thursday, 3, 1863

Clear we got on the Saint Louis Gaty about 11 oclock AM and started down the river and landed about 3 PM and came to camp I got a letter from brother Will Furlow boys got back.

Friday, 4

Cloudey we are all in camp but the biggest part of the boys are sick.

Saturday, 5

Clear all is quiet

Sunday, 6

Clear I was on camp gard.

September Monday, 7, 1863

Clear I came off gard and hade a light chill and a high fever.

Tuesday, 8

Clear I am still sick.

Wednesday, 9

Still sick.

Thursday, 10

Still sick we got orders to be ready to move inside of the brestworks.

September Friday, 11, 1863

Clear we struck tents about 5 PM and started and went about 3 miles below town and went in camp in another hollow I was sick and ride on a wagon.

Saturday, 12

Clear I am still not well.

Sunday, 13

Clear I am still not well got to ---- about 2 oclock and went to the warth about 3 oclock and went on the City of Teercon and lay there all night.

September Monday, 14, 1863

Clear we are still laying at the warth we lay there till half past ---- in the evening we started on the river and went to Good----- landing then we stopped to take on some -----.

Tuesday, 15

We are at the Goodriyes landing we started about 1 oclock PM and traveled all day and all that knight.

Wednesday, 16

Cloudey and looks like rain Naipolian we passed about 7 PM then we passed the mouth of White River about 9 PM.

September Thursday, 17, 1863

Cloudey we passed Helena about 3 PM and got to Memphis about 3 PM and lay there all knight.

Friday, 18

Clear we started up the river about 10 PM and passed Fort Tillow after part of the knight about 2 PM.

Saturday, 19

Cloudey ----------------------------------------------- got on the cars about 11 PM and started.

Sunday, 20

Clear we got to ---- about 10 PM and got on the cars and went to ----- and lay there until morning.

September Monday, 21, 1863

We started and went to Hasell and lay there till next morning.

Tuesday, 22

We started and came to Davenport about daylight then we came to ----- and changed cars and got home about 12 o’clock.

September 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 no writing

September 28 through October 9 is missing

October Saturday, 10, 1863

Clear we landed at Memphis about 10 AM and lay there all knight.

October Sunday, 11, 1863

Clear I got off the boat and went to ---- home stayed there until evening and then went on the Madison and went down the river.

Monday, 12

Cloudey went down the river.

Tuesday, 13

Clear we came to ----- and lay over for the knight.

Wednesday, 14

Cloudey and we came to Warrington lay over for the knight.

October Thursday, 15, 1863

Clear we came to Youngs ----- lay over for the knight.

Friday, 16

Clear we came to Vicksburg about 4 PM I got to camp about 11 PM the Regt. was gone out to Black river but the camp was here yet.

Saturday, 17

Clear I stayed in camp all day.

Sunday, 18

Clear I went out to the Regt. On the Black river we moved back this way about 2 miles and lay there a knight.

October Monday, 19, 1863

Clear we lay there all day.

Tuesday, 20

Clear we lay still all day.

Wednesday, 21

Cloudey we came back to our other camp.

Thursday, 22

Clear I was on gard it rained that knight.

Friday, 23

Cloudey and rained --------- all day and -------.

October Saturday, 24, 1863

Cloudey and cold.

Sunday, 25

Cloudey and raining.

Monday, 26

Cloudey and cule we gout our pay four August and July 26 dollars.

Tuesday, 27

Clear I was on fatigue working on the brestworks.

Wednesday, 28

Cloudey and cule.

October Thursday, 29, 1863

Clear and cule.

Friday, 30

Cloudey and cule it rained pretty much all day and our camp was overflowed and drove us out four a while but soon fell so we could stay in that knight.

Saturday, 31

Clear and cule I was on fatigue on the brestworks Coney Lemons started home and I sent 20 dollars home with him we was mustered.

November Sunday, 1, 1863

Clear and warm we move camp about a mile up the breastworks all in a stir.

November Monday, 2, 1863

Clear and very warm all was quiet in camp today except fixing of the camp and ---- -----.

Tuesday, 3

Clear and warm.

Wednesday, 4

Clear and very warm we drawed clothing I drawed 1 shirt 1 blanket.

Thursday, 5

Clear I was on fatigue on the brestworks.

Friday, 6

Clear and warm write a letter bro A.E Thomas.

November Saturday, 7, 1863

Clear and warm I write to Crawfordsville.

Sunday, 8

Clear and warm we had CO. inspection.

Monday, 9

Clear I went on fatigue on the breastworks.

Tuesday, 10

Clear I write a letter to Crawfordsville.

Wednesday, 11

Clear I write a letter to J.S Maxwell.

November Thursday, 12, 1863

Clear all was quiet.

Friday, 13

Cloudey I am writing.

Saturday, 14

Clear and warm all is quiet.

Sunday, 15

Clear and warm we had regimental inspection and review (?).

Monday, 16

Clear and warm all is quiet.

November Tuesday, 17, 1863

Clear I was on fatigue on the brestworks.

Wednesday, 18

Clear all is quiet.

Thursday, 19

Clear I went to town and gout my Rashen (ration) money 4 dollars and 45 cents.

Friday, 20

Clear I went on picket our regiment gout are pay 26 dollars per man.

November Saturday, 21, 1863

Clear I came off picket and gout my pay 26 dollars and sent home 30 dollars.

Sunday, 22

Clear and warm we had dress review I went to church to the city of Vicksburg.

Monday, 23

Clear and warm I write a letter home.

Tuesday, 24

Cloudey and rained in the evening.

Wednesday, 25

Cloudey but cleared off in the afternoon I was detailed to cut and hall wood.

November Thursday, 26, 1863

Clear and warm all is quiet I went to church to the city of Vicksburg it is Thanksgiving day appointed by the president.

Friday, 27

Cloudey and rainey.

Saturday, 28

Cloudey and windey and cule.

Sunday, 29

Clear and very cule.

Monday, 30

Clear and cule.

December Tuesday, 1, 1863

Clear all is quiet I was on picket.

Wednesday, 2

Clear I came off picket all is quiet.

Thursday, 3

Clear all is quiet.

Friday, 4

Cloudey McConuha (McConnaughey) Lemons and James Hood gout back Furlow.

Saturday, 5

Cloudey I write a letter home.

December Sunday, 6, 1863

Clear I was in camp we had Co. inspection dress review.

Monday, 7

Clear I went on picket it clouded up in the evening and rained all night I sat on a little stick all knight.

Tuesday, 8

Clear but clouded over I came off picket and shout (shot) at the target we had orders to get ready for review but it was put off.

Wednesday, 9

Cloudey and cule.

December Thursday, 10, 1863

Cloudey and cule and rainey.

Friday, 11

Clear and cule I was on picket I gout a letter from Crawfordsville our Regt. Had inspection.

Saturday, 12

Clear I came off picket all is quiet.

Sunday, 13

Cloudey and raining and very windey I write a letter to Crawfordsville.

Monday, 14

Clear but very cule and frosty I went to town and gout my likeness taken.

December Tuesday, 15, 1863

Clear and cule all is quiet.

Wednesday, 16

Clear and warm but clouded over and rained all knight the wind blue heavy.

Thursday, 17

Cloudey and rainey I went on picket and had to go away from town to get across the hollow.

Friday, 18

Cloudey I came off picket and gout 2 letters I from Crawfordsville J.M I from Ohio From brother A.E.

Saturday, 19

Clear all is quiet.

December Sunday, 20, 1863

Clear I write a letter brot D.T we had CO. inspection.

Monday, 21

Clear I went on camp gard all is quiet I gout a letter from.

Tuesday, 22

Clear I came off gard I write brot A.E Williamson and Steve Lation (Layton) came back to the CO.

Wednesday, 23

Cloudey and looks like rain.

December Thursday, 24, 1863

Cloudey I went to town to church in the evening and when I come back we had gout orders to be ready to march 7 oclock we started in and went to Redboand by 3 oclock.

Friday, 25

Cloudey we lay there all day all is quiet.

Saturday, 26

Clear all was quiet till about 3 oclock then we gout orders to return to camp we was escorted out of town by the 16th Wisconsin we gout to camp about sundown all was quiet.

December Sunday, 27, 1863

Cloudey and rained very heavy I was on patrol down in town all was quiet it cleared in the afternoon and was could(cold).

Monday, 28

Clear I came off patrol all was quiet.

Tuesday, 29

Clear and frosty I gout a letter from the 8th all was well.

Wednesday, 30

Cloudey and cule I write a letter to the 8th all was quiet.

December Thursday, 31, 1863

Cloudey and raining I went on patrol snowed some in the afternoon all was quiet.

January Friday, 1, 1864

Clear and very cold I came off patrol and was mustered for pay and then the year 1864 commences I sent home in 1863 170 dollars out of my pay this year ends and finds us about as it began.


March the 1st Drawed from the government 1 pair of pants 1 shirt 1 pair of socks 1 haversack. March the 12th sent home 20 dollars. March the 28th drawed from government 1 dollar 60 cents. July 7th I sent to farther by Espery 40 dollars. July 10th I drawed from the government 1 pare of pants 1 blous 1 hat 1 pair of shoes.

September 19th 1861 I volunteered to serve Uncle Sam four the period of 3 years unless sooner discharged. September 24th left home went to Washington elected our officers and went to Camp McClellen at which place we arrived about 7 in the evening found several other Companies there but was some what disappointed about the 8th Iowa having gone. They had left in the morning nothing worthy of note.

Nothing worth of note took place up to October 8th the 11th Iowa was organized. We was sworn into the U.S. service. Nothing going on worth of note till November 16th we left Camp McClellen for Saint Louis about 3 oclock we gout aboard Genie(?) Whapple and 2 old barges and sailed for Dixie late in the eve we landed at Muscatine half past 5 had a parade then gout aboard again and off we went at a slow rate stuck on several sand bars before we arrived in the city of Saint Louis but nothing serious took place.

The evening of the 2nd December we arrived was raining like Blue Blazes but off we gout formed in a line and marched to Benton Barracks some 4 miles. After we arrived our good friends of Company H 2nd Iowa called on us invited us up to a good warm fire and prepared a supper four us which we had quite a relish four having had nothing much to eat on the boat. We remained in the Barracks until the 8th of December when we marched to St. Louis gout aboard the car and started four Jefferson city arrived there about midnight laid in the cars till morning then went to Camp McKean on the 10th recived pay 10 dollars. The 11th we received marching orders on the 12th we started four Booneville on the Sue City arrived at Providence the next morning. Went out on a scout took 17 prisoners returned to the boat gout aboard and started up the river arrived at Booneville the eve of the 14th. Next morning we crossed the river and went out on a scout was gone 2 days and returned with 172 kegs of powder and some horses. The 17th we started down the river arrived in Jefferson City the 19th. Went ould camp found all things right. On the 23rd half of the Regt. under command of Lient. Col. Hall moved to California. December 24th the other 5 companies of us gout orders. We marched down to the landing lay there till afternoon then gout on the Sue City and tried to cross the river but found the water to low four the boats. 25th crossed the river about 3 oclock in the evening company F was sent some distance around to scout look up some powder that was said to be hid in the timber. We traveled some 20 miles but all to no purpose. 26th rather cule we started off four Fultun arrived there about sundown and quartered in the Death and Dumb Asylum. Fultun is a most beautiful town of probably 2000 inhabitants. December 27th afternoon started on a forced march of some 10 miles found nothing came back the same knight. December 31 started for Columbia gout there in the evening camped there all knight had all the turkey chicken and henney(?) we wanted. Knext morning we started back gout back in the afternoon on New Years in the year 1862. January 2nd 62 Company F started on a scout and marched all knight gout back the knext morning about 6 AM with some 8 prisoners and a number of chickens. J.T.T

Moving to Shiloh

March 2nd CO. F and D started to Mexico (Missouri) 1st knight we styed in Concord 3rd we started and went to Mexico 4th we lay in town gout orders to go back to Fultun 5th we started out quite early march clear to Fultun stayed there until the 8th when we gout orders to move and we started four Jefferson City march to the river and camped till morning. About knoon the 9th we crossed the river and stayed in state house until midknight till the cars came gout aboard and started four Saint Louis arrived the 11th at knoon gout off the cars and marched to the boat gout aboard the South Western to sail four the sunny South. The 11th we gout started down the river 12th we arrived at Cairo IL about 3 oclock we stayed there a while then we moved up the Ohio river reached Mound City about 5 oclock and midknight we arrived in Paducah lay there till morning then started up the Tennessee River evening finds us at Fort Henry 17th finds us at Savannah TN we lay on the boat till the 19th then gout off and went into camp marched the 23rd gout orders to march we went to the river gout aboard the West Moreland sailed up the river to Pittsburgh Landing gout off the boat and went into camp on the 24th in a open field 3 miles from the landing passed the time pleasantly until the 4th of April in the evening was called into lian of battle and remained on that position till 10 oclock at knight but no enemy appeared. Sunday April 6th all is quiet as usual till after breakfast then lonny(?) rool(?) and orders “fall in boys.” Canons are roaring we were soon in line of battle and marched fourth to the field we had not gone far till we met the wounded coming back one by one. We wound our way up some ¾ of a mile then formed into lian and laid down. Waited till the rebs came up then commenced firing the fire was returned we stood our ground four the hour then I was wounded and left the field and went to the river and gout on a boat and lay there till the knight of the 7th when we were taking down to Savannah. The tide of the battle turned the 7th and our fellows gained all the ground they had lost all went well after that. April 8th I was taking to a hospital in the east part of Savannah and was there till the 10th when I had my finger cut off on the 11th I returned to the Regt. Which was still in there old camp at Pittsburgh Landing I found there had been 2 killed dead on the field Mr. Barnes and H Riley Martin McClain died at knight.

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