Some of the First Things in Washington County

Last updated 06 Oct 2021

This information was found in a small brown book written by Harry Wilkinson-no date was listed and published in a WCGS newsletter.

The pioneers came to Washington County here ostensibly for land, and they came before surveys were made and the land offered for sale, and did not wait for surveys and auctioneers. They staked out claims and improved them, built cabins and fences, broke prairies, felled woods and for mutual protection, in making and holding claims, formed "claim associations" and "land clubs", their by-laws and constitution being for pioneers the law of the land. Our pioneers were an orderly set,a nd, though they did form such organizations, it was to keep cut-throats from jumping their claims before the public land sales.

The first Indian treaty for land in Washington County was made September 1st, 1832.
The second treaty for land on October 21, 1837.
Third treaty for land October 11, 1842.
First settler Adam RItchey, 1835
First white child born in the county, Isabelle Richey, June 12, 1837
First marriage, Hulock-Goble Sunday morning early in 1837
County named and boundaries set, January 25, 1839
Washington located as county seat, June 1839
First land entered by Mathew Moorhead, September 11, 1839
First land transfer, C. D. Haskell to Abe Owens, December 31, 1839
First chattel mortgage, to Allen Phillips, December 31, 1839
First saw and grist mills, Holcomb and Hullock 1837 and 1839
First mail to Washington, March 10, 1839
First land sale in Burlington for this county, March 1840
First school house was built on Tom Becker's claim and Miss Matie J. Crawford was the first teacher.
Court house built in July 1841
First newspaper, The Argus 1854
Celebration of the completion of the Rock Island Railroad in Washington, September 1st, 1858.

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