A Biography of Union county Soldiers. Veterans' Photographic Souvenir. (G.A.R)

Benjamin P. Snyder

Christina C. Snyder was born in the city of Boston, Mass., was the daughter of a Methodist minister. After the Civil war, in September1866, she was married to Benj. P. Snyder and in 1870, remored to Union county,Iowa, and has been identified with its interests since that time. She has"been an active and devoted member of the Woman's Relief Corps since its first institution, and is at the present time, President of T. J. Potter W. R. C., of Creston, also works in other benevolent organizations of the county.

Benjamin P. was born in New York. When but a lad his parents re-moved to Wisconsin and in 1881, at the breaking out of the Civil war, although but sixteen years of age, he enlisted in the thirteenth regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers and went out as a drummer boy. In 1862 he was discharged for disability and sent home. In about three months his health permitted him to go back and he re-enlisted in Gen. Harrison's brigrade and went with Sherman to the sea and was discharged in the city of Washington, after the grand review. He was married in 1866 and re-moved to the Union county, Iowa in 1870; he was a devoted member of the G. A. R. until hes death which occurred in August 1880.

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