is a non-profit organization dedicated to
the preservation of
cemeteries, newspapers, public records and family histories for future generations.
The Union County Genealogical Society is a
member of the Iowa Genealogical Society
and State Association for the Preservation of Iowa Cemeteries (SAPIC).
Our record collection is held at
the Matilda Gibson Memorial Library,
200 W. Howard Street, Creston, IA, 50801,
and is available to the public during regular library hours.
We are very proud of our collection of information and appreciate any
records anyone wishes to donate.
Society members meet at 6:00 p.m. on the fourth Monday of each month
January through November at the Gibson Memorial Library in Creston.
There is no meeting in December.
Guests are always welcome.
Changes of meeting places will be published
in the Creston News Advertiser,
the Afton Star Enterprise and announced on KSIB Radio Bulletin Board.
The Society will do Union County research
for members at a fee of $15.00 per hour,
plus copy costs and postage and mileage if applicable.
Queries may be sent to the society address:
Union County Genealogical Society, 200 West Howard St., Creston, IA 50801.
Union County Genealogy has a new webpage. Check it out at:
Join our Society today | Publications For Purchase | CDs For Purchase
For more information, or for research requests, please contact: Kathy at: