Ide School Records District 3 Grant Township

The following records were copied from old teacher's record books.

Fall Session Sept 1, 1902-Oct. 25, 1902

Bessie Hood, Teacher

Notes: Edna, Georgia and Orville Grubb and Harry Hood moved away during this time period.

School should get new speller. Books studied included, McMasters History, Milner Arithmetic, Milnes Inter.,
Syr's Reader,Harpers Reader, Barnes Geography, Watson's Speller, Physiology.

Teacher's report to successor: Times varies for each recitation according to the nature and value of recitation from 5 to 15 minutes.
The second and third reader had writing after language from cards.
The first reader had language lessons from cards and pictures. Had written spelling.

George Ide age 6
James Ideage 7
Otis Drew age 8
Clinton Drew age 10
Harry Drew age 13
Fred Drew age 16
Pearl Ramsey age 8
Tina Ramsey age 11
Una Ramsey age 13
Jannie Lynch age 7
James Lynch age 9
Anna Lynch age 11
Ella Lynch age 13
Mary Bradley age 6
Katie Bradley age 7
Eddie Bradley age 9
Arthur Hood age 7
Mattie Hood age 13
Fred Hood age 15, dropped, needed at home
Winter Term
Nov. 3, 1902-Feb. 1, 1903
Bessie Hood teacher
Pearl Ramsey age 8
Tina Ramsey age 11
Una Ramsey age 13
Otis Drew age 8
Clinton Drew age 10
Harry Drew age 14
George Ide age 6
James Ide age 7
Eddie Bradley age 9
Katie Bradley age 8
Mary Bradley age 6
Mattie Hood age 13
Fred Hood age 15
Arthur Hood age 7
James Lynch age 9
Jonnie Lynch age 17
Earl Keifer no age given
Ella Lynch age 13
Fred Drew age 16
Mary Lynch age 16
Charles Ramsey age 16
Anna Lynch age 11
James Ramsey age 20
March 1, 1903-
Jessie Lawson Teacher
Mattie Hood age 13
Arthur Hood age 8
Una Ramsey age 14
Tina Ramsey age ll
Pearl Ramsey age 8
James Ide age 8
George Ide age 6
Edward Bradley age 9
Katie Bradley age 8
Mary Bradley age 7
Georgia Grubb age 11
May Grubb age 5
Edna Grubb age 12
Lottie Henry age 13
Maud Henry age 10
Ora Henry age 15
Samuel Reid age 7
Sept. 7, 1903-
Jessie E. Lawson Teacher
Edna Grubb age 13
James Ide age 9
Georgia Grubb age 11
George Ide age 6
May Grubb age 5
Arthur Hood age 8
Lottie Henry age 13
Mattie Hood age 13
Maud Henry age 11
Edward Bradley age --
Katie Bradley age --
Mary Bradley age --
Samuel Reid age 7
Charlotte Reid age 5
Tina Ramsey age 12
Pearl Ramsey age 9
Ora Henry age 16
Charlie Ramsey ---
No term given
Jess Lawson Teacher
No ages given
Edna Grubb
Georgia Grubb
May Grubb
James Ide
Cleo Ide
Fred Hood
Mattie Hood
Arthur Hood
Charlie Ramsey
Pearl Ramsey
Tina Ramsey
Samuel Reid
Charlotte Reid
Lottie Henry
Ora Henry
Maud Henry
Edward Bradley
Katherine Bradley
Mary Bradley
April 4, 1904-June 1904
Jess Lawson Teacher
Tina Ramsey age 12
Pearl Ramsey age 9
Edna Grubb age 13
Georgia Grubb age 12
May Grubb age 6
Katie Bradley age 9
Mary Bradley age 8
Nellie Bradley age 6
Franics Ide age 5
Maud Henry age 11
Lottie Henryage 14
Lowell Webb age 9
Marie Webb age 6
Eddie Bradley age 10
James Ide age 9
George Ide age 7
Arthur Hood age 9
Harry Hood age 5
Una Ramsey age 15
Mattie Hood age 14
Sept. 2, 1904
Jessie Lawson Teacher
Students Ages
Tina Ramsey age 13
Pearl Ramsey age 10
George Grubb age 12
Edna Grubb age 14
May Grubb age 6
Lottie Henry age 14
Maude Henry age 12
Kate Bradley age 9
Mary Bradley age 8
Nellie Bradley age 6
Frances Ide---
Edward Bradley age 11
James Ide age 9
George Ide age 8
Arthur Hood ---
Harry Hood, age 6
Charles Ramsey, age 18
Una Ramsey age 15
Mattie Hood age 15
Winter, 1904
Jessie Lawson Teacher
Students Ages
Una Ramsey ---
Tina Ramsey age 13
Pearl Ramsey age 10
Edna Grubb-
George Grubb age 12
Mae Grubb age 6
Lottie Henry ---
Maude Henry---
Kate Bradley age 9
Mary Bradley age 8
Mattie Hood ---
Frances Ide age 6
Nellie Bradley age 6
Charlie Ramsey age ---
Fred Hood age ---
Arthur Hood age 9
Harry Hood age 6
Edd Bradley age 11
Ora Henry age ---
George Ide age 8
James Ide age 9
Frank Woodhull age 13
Donald Woodhull age 9
Roy Woodhull age 8
Noel Woodhull age 6
Sept. 1, 1905-May. 1906
Eula Hawthorne Teacher
Albertina Ramsey age 14
Georgia Grubb age 13
Rank Woodhull age 13
Pearl Ramsey age 11
Katie Ramsely age 11
Edie Ramsey age 12
James Ide age 10
Arthur Hood age 10
Donald Woodhull age 10
Mary Bradley age 9
George Ide age 9
Roy Woodhull age 8
Nellie Bradley age 7
May Grubb age 7
Francis Ide age 7
Harry Hood age 7
Noel Woodhull age 6
Added Nov. 13, 1905
Edna Grubb age 15
Charlie Ramsey age 19
Added March 13, 1906-5/18/1906
Edward Ramsey age 15
Nov. 1906-March 1907
Ide School
Region Grant No. 3
Sophia Wood Teacher
Edna Grubb Age 16
Tina Ramsey age 15
Georgia Grubb age 14
Seventh Grade
James Ide age 11
Pearl Ramsey age 12
Intermediate Grade
Donald Woodhull age 11
Frank Woodhull age 14
Edward Bradley age 13
Catharine Bradley age 11
May Grubb age 9
Geo Ide age 10
Frances Ide age 8
Arthur Hood age 11
Mary Bradley age 10
A Third Grade
Nelly Bradley age 8
Harry Hood age 8
B Third Grade
Ray Woodhull age 10
Second Grade
Noel Woodhull age 7
Primary Grade
Thressa Bradley age 6
Agnes Ide age 5
Clarence Grubb age 6
Orville Grubb age 5
Charles Ramsey age 20
Ide School, March 25, 1907-May 31, 1907
Grant Township
Mabel Lipsett, Teacher
Primary Department
Raymond Schoonoverage 5
First Grade
Agnes Ideage 5
Tressie Bradley age 6
Third Grade
Roy Woodhullage 10
Nellie Bradleyage 9
Guy Schoonoverage 8
Noel Woodhull age 8
Purl Hewitt age 11
Sixth Grade
Mary Bradley age 11
Catharine Bradley age 12
Frances Ide age 8
George Ide age 10
Donald Woodhull age 11
Seventh Grade
Pearl Ramsey age 13
James Ide age 12

The school building needs repairs, badly.
Needs some large, single desks and seats.

3rd Monthly term report
Total number of pupils enrolled this term 15
Total number of days attendance 590
Average daily attendance 11.8
Total number of days absence 159
Total cases of tardiness 85
Number neither absent nor tardy 0
Number of visits from directors 1
Number of visits from patrons 4
Number of visits made to patrons 2
Total number of volumes in library 16
Total number of days taught 49
Amount of compensation paid teacher per month: $35.87 ½.

August 31, 1908 to Oct. 23, 1908
Ide School
3rd District, Grant Township
Edith Callagy Teacher
Primary Department:
Bernice Borland age 5
Faye Shanon age 7
First Division
Raymond Schoonover age 6
John Borland age 7
Third Grade
Tressia Bradley age 8
Agnes Ide age 7
Kenneth Borland age 10
Grammar department 4th Grade
Guy Schoonover age 10
Noel Woodhull age 9
Roy Woodhull age 11
Nellie Bradley age 10
Seventh & Eighth Grades
Frances Ide age 10
Donald Woodhull age 13
Catharine Bradley age 13
Mary Bradley age 12
Edward Bradley age 15
Robert Borland age 13
Pearl Ramsey no age given.

A complete set of maps is needed which would benefit and add
greatly to the interest of the whole school.
Several new seats are really very much needed.
A globe would also be a very wise investment for the school.

Monthly and term report:

Whole No. of different pupils enrolled since Sept. 1st 18
Total number of pupils enrolled this term 18
Total number of days attendance 622
Average daily attendance 15.55
Total number of days absence 98.5
Total number cases tardiness 12
Number neither absent nor tardy 1
Number of visited from directors 2
Number of visits from patrons 2
Number of visits made to patrons 1
Total number of volumes in library
Total number of days taught 40
Amount of compensation paid teacher per month $37.50
Average cost of tuition per month for each pupil
Sept 2, 1908 to June 11, 1909
Ide School
District No. 3 Grant Township
Mable Lipsett Teacher
Pupils ages
Raymond Schoonover age 6
John Borland age 6
Second Grade
Kenneth Borland age 9
Agnes Ide age 6
Third Grade
Tressie Bradley age 7
Fifth Grade
Nelly Bradley age 9
Purl Hewitt age 11, moved away March 1st.
Noel Woodhull age 8
Roy Woodhull age 10
Guy Schoonover age 8
Seventh Grade
George Ide, age 11 Died Dec. 19, 1907.
Frances Ide age 9
Donald Woodhull age 12
Catharine Bradley age 12
Mary Bradley age 11
Edward Bradley age 14
Frank Woodhull age 15
Robert Borland age 12
Advanced Department
Eighth Grade
James Ide age 12
Pearl Ramsey age 13
Tina Ramsey age 16

Teacher Notes: School needs a new set of maps. Seats and desks are needed. Single desks Door step is in bad condition. Well-curb is in very bad condition.

Monthly and term report: Whole No. of different pupils enrolled since Sept. 1st 21
Total number of pupils enrolled this term 21
Total number of days attendance 2404
Average daily attendance 13+
Total number of days absence 3738
Total number cases tardiness 110
Number neither absent nor tardy 0
Number of visits from directors 0
Number of visits from patrons 3
Number of visits made to patrons 2
Total number of volumes in library 38
Total number of days taught 180
Amount of compensation paid teacher per month $40.00
Average cost of tuition per month for each pupil $2.96.

Nov. 16, 1908 to June 1909
Ide School # 3
Grant Township
Gertrude Franke Teacher
Advanced Division
Pearl Ramsey age not given
Edward Bradley
Catherine Bradley
Donald Woodhull
Robert Boreland
Mary Bradly
Frances Ide
Advanced intermediate Division
Roy Woodhull
Guy Schoonover
Nellie Bradley
Noel Woodhull
Second Intermediate Division
Tressia Bradly
Agnes Ide
Kenneth Boreland
Primary Division
First Primary
Raymond Schoonover
John Boreland
Second Primary
Bernice Boreland
Faye Shannon

Teachers Note: Harry Boreland did good work while here
Teria Ramsey only came a very short time, but was studious when here.

Curtains in very bad condition. Have ordered globe, charts and library books.
Like Scholars very much. Beware of patrons.
Success to my Successor.

Monthly and Term Report
Total number of pupils enrolled this term: 17
First month
Second Month
Third Month
Fourth month
Total number of days attendance 169
Average daily attendance 89
Total number of days absence 203
Total cases tardiness 173
Neither absent nor tardy 0
Number of visits from directors 4
Number of visits from patrons
0 Number of visits made to patrons 3
Total number of volumes in library 24
Total number of days taught 100
Amount of compensation paid teacher per month $40.
Average cost of tuition per month for each pupil $ 2
Signed, Sylvia Cook, County Superintendent

Spring Term
April 1, 1909 to June 11, 1909
Ide School # 3 Grant Township
Ethelyn Young teacher
Katherine Bradley age 14
Mary Bradley age 13
John Bradley age 6
Nellie Bradley age 11
Tressia Bradley age 9
Harry Borland age 16
Robert Boreland age 13
John Borland age 8
Bernice Borland age 6
Kenneth Borland age 10
Pearl Ramsey age 15
Albertina Ramsey age 17
Donald Woodhull age 14
Noel Woodhull age 10
Roy Woodhull age 13
Guy Schoonover age 11
Raymond Schoonover age 7
Frances Ide age 10
Agnes Ide age 8
Fredrick Ide age 5
Faye Shannon age 8

Total number of pupils enrolled this term 21
Number of visits from directors 0
Number for visits from patrons 0
Number of visits made to patrons 6 Total number of volumes in library 28 Total number of days taught 40 9/15/09 I have carefully examined above and within reports and the same are hereby not approved.
Not complete.
Signed Sylvia Cook, county superintendent.

Record of Visitors
Ralph Hood (Dad) 9/5/02
Mrs. Ide 10/8/02
Earl Keifer 10/13/02
Ester Hurr 10/10/02
Harry Hurr 10/10/02
Earl Shields
Earl Kiefer
John Hood
Fred Rice
Addie Dawson
Mrs. Ide
Mrs. Ide
Mrs. Glen Coats
Mrs. Ide
Supt. F. M. Abbott
Mrs. Ide
Mrs. Ide
Miss Ford
Mrs. Woodhull
Miss Woodhull
Mrs. Glen Coats
Miss Mable Kilgore
Miss Kate Watson
Miss Coleman
H.M. Abbott

Visitors for the Spring Term 1909
Eddie Bradley
James Ramsey
Vincent Bradley
Charlotte Reid 3/27/07
Una Ramsey
Tina Ramsey
Mr and Mrs. Woodhull
Eddie Bradley
Miss Ethel Woodhull
Mrs. Ramsey
Miss Tina Ramsey
Miss Una Ramsey
Arthur Hood
Tina Ramsey
Maggie Bradley
Supt. F.M. Abbott
Mrs. F.A. Ide
Pearl Ramsey
Mary Howe
Ms. Wensel
Una Ramsey
Sylvia Cook

Grant Township
Sept. 3, 1917 to May 24, 1918
Grace Brown Teacher
Students Ages
Lillie Berkel 16
Albert Berkel 14
Albert Bradley 9
Beatrice Bardley 7
German Rechtstirulr (unsure of spelling) 9
Hans Rechtstirulr 7
Paul Francis 10
Raymond Francis 8
LeRoy Francis 6
Clifford Bible 5
Irene Bible 8
Charles Hood 10

Teachers Note:
Name of School District #3,
Union county, Iowa
Seven students
Taught 180 days
Condition of building: fair
Teacher's salary: $46.20 month

Sept 2, 1918 to May 16, 1919
Nellie Bradley Teacher
Students: Ages
Alden Madison 14
Charles Hood 11
Albert Bradley 10
German Rechtstiener 10
Beatrice Bradley 8
Hans Rechtstiener 8
Mary Rechtstiener 7
Franklin Hood 5
Albert Birkel 15
Fredrick Ide
Kathryn Murphy
Catherine Hood
Grace Wakefield
Miriam Lester
Thelma Lamb
John Bradley
Fredrick Ide
Teresa Bradley
Catherine Hood
John Ide
Vincent Bradley
John Bradley
Teacher's Notes:
Teacher's salary: $50.00 per month
Taught 180 days
Sept. 1, 1919 to May 21, 1920
Mary J Bradley teacher
Students Ages
Albert Birkel 10
Alden Madison 15
Albert Bradley 11
German Rechtstiener 11
Willie Trinkel 10
Hans Rechtstiener 10
Beatrice Bradley 9
Mary Rechtstiener 8
Joseph Trinkel 8
Irene Trinkel 7
Marvel Graham 5
Irene Swanson 8
Ruth Swanson 5
Harold Toland 11
Helen Hood 12
Lola Tilford 6
Kenneth Lents 11
Earl Lents 9
Melvin Lents 7
Anna Peterson 6
Frank Hood 14

Teacher's Notes:
Days taught: 180
No. of visits from superintendent: one
No of visits from director: two
No. of other visitors: 19
Condition of school: fair
No. of volumes in school library 83 Value of school library: $30.00
Number of trees on school ground: 3; condition: good
No. of students completing high school: 2 girls

Sept. 6, 1920 to May 20, 1921
Mary J. Bradley teacher
Students Ages
Albert Bradley 12
Helen Hood 13
Harold Toland 12
German Rechtstiener 11
Dean Hood 10
Beatrice Bradley 10
Hans Rechtstiener 10
Mary Rechtstiener 8
Irene Swanson 8
Ruth Swanson 6
Lola Tilford 6
Anna Peterson 6
William Bradley 5
Robert Whittington 7
Fern Clem 12
Jay Welling 11
Gladys Welling 8
John Mayer 7
Bernice Hartman 13

Teacher's Notes: My success to successor.
Teacher's address: 205 SW Poplar
No. of months taught: 9
No. of visits from county superintendent: one
No. of other visitors: 20
Condition of building: good
No. of volumes in school library: 83. Value of school library: $25.00
No. of students completing work below the high school: 2 girls

Sept. 5, 1921 to May 12, 1922
Nellie Bradley Teacher
Students: Ages
Helen Hood 13
Bernice Hartman 13
Dean Hood 11
Lola Tilford 7
Robert Bierstedt 6
Mary Bierstedt 5
Emma Twidwell 15
Lucilla Twidwell 11
Teacher's Notes:
Teacher's address: 205 S W Poplar
Number of days taught: 175
No. of visits from director: none
Number of other visitors: 7
Condition of school: fair
No. of volumes in school library: 83, value of library: $30.00
No. of trees on school ground: 3, good condition

Vera Widger
Mary Biersted
Miss Nancy Bell
Roy Youngren
Leona Callagy
Lucien Ide
Lanning Twidwell
Carl Hood
Lloyd McGrath
Frank Hood
Roy Crable
James Ide
John Ide
Fredrick Ide

Sept. 4, 1922 to June 1, 1923
Lula Bredahl Teacher
Students Ages
Kenneth Lents 13
Dean Hood 12
Lucille Twidwell 12
Earl Lents 12
Melvin Lents 9
Lola Telford 8
John Lents 8
Helen Lents 5
Emma Twidwell 15
Leigh Taylor 9
Eugene Taylor 6
Robert Taylor 5
De Ole Ripplinger 5
Teacher's Notes:
Teacher's address: Orient, Iowa
No. of days taught: 180
No. of visits from superintendent: one
No. of visits of director: two
No. of other visitors: 22
Condition of building: fair
No. of volumes of library: 83. Value: $35.00
Teacher's salary per month: $65.00
Charolotte Bredahl
Dean Hood
Laronna Twidwell
Mrs. John Lents
Mrs. John Lents
Hazel Jenkins
Mrs. H. Bredahl
H.N. Bredahl
Mrs. Nancy Bell
Lloyd Hilmeth
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hood
Mr. and Mtrs. Geo. Lents
Mr. and Mrs. Hy Repplinger
Mr. and Mrs. K. Tilford
Mr. and Mrs. Dibble
Miss Helen Hood
De Ole Repplinger
Floyd Hilmouth
Helen Hood
Frances Ide
Mr. and Mrs. H.N. Bredahl
Floyd Nilmeth
Earl Lents
Kenneth Lents
Ella M. Day
Sept. 3, 1923 to No other dates given
Mariam L Lester teacher
Students: Ages
Leigh Taylor 9
Lola Tilford 9
Eugene Taylor 7
Robert Taylor 5
August 26, 1926 to May 13, 1927
Mabel Ferguson teacher
Students: Ages
Kenneth Baker 15
Dean Hood 11
Wayne Hood 9
Estamae Baker 8
Donald Rasmussen 6
Willis Stoner 5
Jay Ohler 6
Eva Miers 14
Eunice Miers 9
Roberta Miers 5

Teachers Notes:
Wishing you the best of success for the coming year.
Teacher's address: Lenox, Iowa
Number of days actually taught: 78
No. of visits of county superintendent: three
Condition of building: good
No. of square yards of black board: 22 sq. yard
No. of volumes in school library: 90
No. of trees: 3, good condition.

Sept. 5, 1927 to May 18, 1929
Lola Homan teacher
Students Ages
Eva Miers 14
Eunice Miers 9
Estamae Baker 9
Roberta Miers 5
Willis Stoner 6
Carl Dibel 5
Susie McHughes 6
Jay McHughes 9
Ford McHughes 15
Lela Reed 9

Teachers Notes: Teacher's institute Oct. 3 and 4 at Afton
Thanksgiving day and Friday given Nov. 24 and 25.
Teacher's address: Creston
No. of days taught 176
No of visits of county superintendent 2 and 1 for deputy
No. of visits of director none
No. of other visitors: 22
No. of square yards of blackboard: 22
No. of trees 3 in good condition
Teacher's salary: $75.00 per month

Visitors: Mrs. Zella Miers
Ruby McHughes
Leona McCann
John McCann
Morris McCann
Doris McCann
Helen Hood
Gale Dibel
Mrs. P.C. Stoner
Keeneth Baker
Margaret Baker
Ella Day
Mrs. Gale Moreland
Mrs. Stoner
Mrs. Ray Dibel
F.E. Fuller
Ralph Ickis
Elmer Homan
Franics Baker
Lethal Kiesling
Leona McCann
Mrs. Bert Reed
Martha Reed
Florence Cooper Donald Francis Dovie McHughes

Sept. 3, 1928 to May 17, 1929
Students Ages
Dovie McHughes 5
Susie McHughes 7
Carl Dibel 6
Willis Stoner 7
Jay McHughes 10
Estamae Baker 10
Lela Reed 10
Ford McHughes 13
Scott Matlock 10
Norma Cherington 9

Teacher's Notes: School closed Oct. 1 and 19 for South Central Teacher's Association at Corning.
No school New Year's Day, Monday, Dec. 31 was given instead of Thanksgiving Day.
Total students: 10
No. of days taught: 176
Teacher's salary: $80.00
Condition of building: fair
Square yards of blackboard: 22
No. of volumes in library: 94
No. of trees on school ground: 7

Sept. 2, 1929 to Jan. 10, 1930
Florence B. Miller Teacher
Ford McHughes 14
Lela Reed 11
Jay McHughes 11
Norma Cherington 10
Willis Stoner 8
Charles Dibel 7
Susie McHughes 8
Dorrie McHughes 6

School room in poor condition
Outbuildings fair
Coal house , good condition
Community meetings--- one
$17.00 Income
Bought Victrolla records, needles and new window shades.
Frederick Ide, Director
Ella Day, Superintendent

Madge McNess
Lethal Keisling
Gail Dibel
Agnes Ide
Mrs. Stella Stoner
Helen Miller
Pauline Miller
Gail Dibel
Ruby McHughes
Martha Reed
Mrs. Dibel
Gail and Carl Dibel
Mrs. Cherington
Agnes Ide
Ruth Hayden
Martha Reed
Gail Dibel
Charles Parsons
Mrs. Stoner
Mrs. Delay and Barbara Jean
Mrs. Cherington
Mrs. Cherington
Gail Dibel
Mrs. Cherington
Ella Day
Gail Dibel
Martha Reed
Gail Dibel
Mrs. Dibel
Gail and Earl Dibel
Martha Reed
Berna Berry
Ella M. Day
Bea Bradley
Margaret Black
Adnell Leonard
Ray Dibel
Frederick Ide
John Ide

Sept. 3, 1930 to Jan. 9, 1931
Aline M. Kilgore teacher
Pupils Age
Carl Dibel 8
Gail Dibel 5
Donald Francis 12
Lela Reed 12
Martha Reed 4
Willis Stoner 9
For semester, commencing Jan. 12, 1931 to may 15, 1931
Added following students:
Pearl Woosley 8
Cleo Woosley 6

One day no school, roads impassable, made up on Saturday, March 14, 1931
One day no school, favor to teacher, made up Saturday, March 28, 1931

Grading system indicated:
E = 95 to 100
G+ = 92 to 94
G = 88 to 91
G- = 85 to 87
F+ = 82 to 84
F = 78 to 81
F- = 75 to 77
U = 70 to 75
f = failed

Teacher's summary:
86-90 days taught. Salary $60.00 per month
Purchased: paper towels, waste basket, thermometer,
dictionary, primary books, teter totters, sewing.
Income: 14.72 from box supper and stamp sale.

January 13, 1930 to May 16, 1930
Florence B. Miller teacher
Students Grade
Lela Reed 7
Norma Cherrington 6
Willis Stoner 4
Carl Dibel 3

Teacher's Notes: I have found that the children are
more enthusiastic
about their work when prizes are offered
in such as spelling and citizenship.

Teacher's salary---$60.00 per month
Two boys and two girls enrolled
Average cost of tuition per month for each pupil…$20.00
No book case, globe not in satisfactory condition, set of maps,
good coal house, three trees,
outbuildings in fair condition.
Have taught Constitution of U.S. and Iowa.
Spent money on records, repairs, curtains, picture, soap and health aides.

Number of visits from superintendent, 2 from school officers
2, from others, 19.
Signed May 16, 1930 by Frederick Ide, Director and Florence B. Miller, Teacher.

Visitors: Florence Miller, Agnes Ide
Ella M. Day, Mildred De Lay
Lyndon Kilgore, Ella Day
P C. Stoner, Anna L Peterson
Basil Sanderson---Boyce's Café,Clair Kilgore
Frances Peterson, Hazel Henry
Mrs. Bret Reed, Earl Dibel
Wilma Richarson, Des Moines, Magaret Elder
Mrs. Bent Reed, Mrs. Ray Dibel
P.C. Stoner, Mrs. C.J. Francis
Mrs. Pete Woosley, Mrs. Bernard Reinberg
Ella M. Day, Berna Berry
Mamie Pratte,

Aug. 31, 1931 to Jan. 1932
Grant township # 3 School
Teacher: Miss Mamie Pratt
Pupils Age
Willis Stoner 10
Carl Dibel 9
Gail Dibel 6
Jan. 4, 1932
Pupils Age
Willis Stoner 10
Carl Dibel 9
Gail Dibel 6
Walter Baker 12
Dale Baker 14
Adaline Baker 10
Wilma Notz 13
Mary Jane Notz 11
Billy Notz 6

One day school missed, made up ½ day on Saturday
No school on account of teacher's exams, 12 day afternoon.

Teacher's note:
All passed required number of choir songs, except one student.
Citizenship, health, picture study and nature study fifteen minutes each day.
One subject each day.
Expenditures: baseball, bat, paper towels, seat work, chart outfit,
peg board and pegs, beads.
Income: $10.77 from box supper and stamp sale.

Visitors: Amie Pratt, Mrs. Ray Dibel
Earl Dibel Mrs. Baker Margaret Louise Baker
Mrs. P.C. Stoner
Ella M. Day
Mrs. Edd Pratt
Mrs. P.C. Stoner
Mrs. Ray Dibel
Earl Dibel
Barbara Jean DeLay
Amie Pratt
Mrs. Edd Pratt
Amie Pratt
Gwendolyn McDonald
Ruth Swanson
Mrs. P.C. Stoner
Mrs. Ray Dibel
Earl Dibel
Donald Perry
Dean Swanson
Merlin Swanson
Allen Swanson
Jean Cochran
Mrs. Edd Pratt
Amie Pratt
Ella Day
Miss Berry
Mrs. Notz
Mrs. Ray Dibel
Mrs. P.C. Stoner
Mrs. Clifford Penock
Mrs. Sherman Baker
Mrs. Edd Pratt

Aug. 29, 1932 to June 6, 1933
Grant Township School, # 3
Miss Mamie Pratt teacher
Pupils Age
Wilma Notz 13
Mary Jane Notz 11
Dale Baker 14
Willis Stoner 11
Carl Dibel 10
Walter Baker 13
Adaline Baker 11
Gail Dibel 7
Billy Notz 7

Teacher's notes: You will find the children a very agreeable group to work with.
I have enjoyed being with them both in work and in play.
Their school work does not seem too difficult for them.
They are all well up in their work. They are a very industrious
group especially since the second semester. Wishing the new teacher much
success in the coming year. Signed: Mamie Pratt.
Teacher's salary $70.00 per month.
Expenditures: Shellac, soap, clock, toy money, paste, toilet paper.


Earl Dibel Miss Hughlin
Miss Ella Day Mrs. Edd Pratt
Miss Pearl Ritter Miss Wilma Rogers
Miss Ella Day Mrs. P.C. Stoner
Miss Ella Day Mrs. John Ide
Mr and Mrs. F.L. Reed, Clarinda, Iowa
Miss Berry Amie Pratt
Charles Parson Earl Dibel
Ella Day
Sept. 4, 1933 to May 18, 1934
Grant Township #3
Teacher: Miss Clara Mae Giles
Pupils Ages
Dale Baker 16
Willis Stoner 12
Walter Baker 14
Adaline Baker 12
Carl Dibel 11
Gail Dibel 8
Dorothy Hood 5
Russell Ide 5
David Gault 11

Teacher's Notes: Number of days taught: 180
Teacher's salary $40.00 per month
Average cost of tuition per student: $5.71
Coal house in good condition, outbuildings in fair condition.
Have complied with the law in teaching the effect of stimulants and narcotics.
Have taught citizenship, flag pole is in good condition,
Income: $2.75
Expenditures: hammer, kitten ball, books, hooks, dust pan,
wash pan, cretonne, orange crates, ball and screwdriver.

Earl Dibel Mrs. P.C. Stoner
Keith Hood Miss Day and Miss Harpin
Lacie Ann Sternberg Louise Carroll
Betty Lou Henry Gretchen Brick
Louise Ide Mrs. Ray Dibel
Earl Dibel Mrs. P.C. Stoner
Miss Ella M. Day Mrs. F. W. Ide
Robert Curtis Ide Florence Miller Lynch
Mrs. F.W. Ide and Robert Mrs. D.E. Gault

Teachers meeting: Miss Day, Miss Ritter,
all of Grant teachers, some mothers and the primer,
first and second grades.
Keith Hood
Margaret Louise Baker
Mrs. Ray Dibel
Earl Dibel
Mary Lou Hood, (Teacher's meeting)
Keith Hood
Mrs. F.W. Ide, Robert and Agnes Ide, Cleveland Ohio
George E. Johnson, Platte
Kenneth W. Johnson, Platte
Helen M. Cornelison, Platte

August 1934 to May 4, 1935
Grant Township # 3
Teacher: Clara Mae Giles
Students Ages
David Gault 12
Adaline Baker 13
Carl Dibel 12
Walter Baker 5
Gail Dibel 9
Russell Ide 6
Earl Dibel 5
Bobby Woosley 5
Harold Dory 7

Teacher's Notes:
Days taught: 180

Teacher's salary: $45.00 per month
Average cost per student: $6.61
Income: 75 cents
Expenditures: swing rope
Willis Stoner
Keith Hood
Margaret Baker
Benice Wosley
Mavis Woosely
Margaret Baker
Ella M. Day
Mary Dibel
Jan. 18, reading party:
Miss Ritter, Miss Day,
Miss H. Miller, Miss P. Miller and Miss Nelson, Miss Sparr
and Miss Giles:
The scholars: Hanson, Eklund, Hood, Ide, Richter,
Hood, Henry, Ide, Woosley, Hufmann, Dibel.
Keith Hood, Mary Lou Hood, Margaret Baker
Clair Dory, Mrs. Gault

Dorothy Hood Harold Day Merlon Hood
August, 1935 to May 15, 1936
Grant Township #3
Teacher: Mary Louise Francis
Students: Ages
Gail Dibel 10
Russell Ide No ages given for rest of students
Earl Dibel
Bobby Woosley
Keith Hood

Teacher's Notes: Days taught: 176
Teacher's Salary: $50.00 per month
Average cost of tuition per student: $7.57
School has: a flag, 111 volumes in school library, a globe, a set of maps.
School room, coal house and outbuildings are all in fair condition.
Income: $14.08
Expenditures: books, arithmetic cards, ball.

Mary Lou Hood
Dr. Ritter, Miss Day, Miss Nelson, Miss Trapp, Miss Giles,
Evelyn Dory, Mavis Woosley, Ella M. Day, Miss Berry
Bobby Ide, Jerry Ide, Mary Lou Hood

August 31, 1936-May 14, 1937
Teacher Mary Francis
Students Ages
Gail Dibel 11
Russell Ide 8
Harold Dory 9
Earl Dibel 7
Bobby Woosley 7
Mavis Woosley 5
Jerry Ide 5

> Expenditures

6 boys 1 girl 7 students
Visits from patrons 2
From school board 0
Money earned
10/3 Platte Center Festival $1.40
Dec. X-Mas Seals $1.50
Dec. Selling Pencils $3.00
Swing and rubber ball $1.40
Ball and Bat $1.50
Books, paper, printing set $3.00
Mrs. Ella Day, Sept. 24, 1936 Lucille Hurley, Oct. 22, 1936 Bobby Ide, Oct. 30, 1936 Eleanor Peters Ella M. Day
1936-37 visitors
Teddy Ide
Margaret Baker
Mrs. John Ide
Teddy Ide
Lois Madden, Kent, IA
Lucille Hurley
Bobby Ide
Teddy Ide
Teddy Ide
Miss Day
Teddy Ide
Mrs. T. Ide
Mrs. J. Ide
Mrs. Walton
Mrs. Ford
Mrs. Weisshaar
Mrs. Dibel
Bobby Weisshaar
Billy Ford
Davd Walton
Teddy Ide
Billy Ide
Miss Day
Johnny Walton
Carl Swanson
Bobby Woosley
Teddy Ide
Fern Adams
Amanda Wimmer, Afton
Margaret Nisson
Mrs. John Ide, Teddy and Billy Joe
Mrs. David Walton, and David
Mrs. Cecil Ford and Billy
Mrs. Lyle Grandfield and Ivan
Mrs. Pearl Baldwin
Marjorie Huss
Vern Dudney
Caroline Lamb
August 30, 1937 to 5/18/1938
Anna L. Peterson Teacher
Gail Dibel 12
Russell Ide 9
Harold Dory 10
Earl Dibel 8
Calvin Ford 5
Bobby Ide 4
Edward Grandfield 6
Beverly Ford 7
Jerry Ide 6
Richard Grandfield 8
Ruby Watson 11
Merlin Swanson 12
Blanche Wilson 10

10 boys 3 girls 177 days in session

August 29, 1938 to May 17, 1939
Anna L. Peterson Teacher
Students Ages
Merle Swanson 13
Ruby Watson 12
Russell Ide 10
Blanche Walton 11
Earl Dibel 9
Harold Dory 11
Richard Grandfield 9
Jerry Ide 7
Beverly Ford 8
Edward Grandfield 7
Calvin Ford 7
Bobby Ide 6
Billie Weisshaar 6

10 boys 3 girls 177 days in session
10/8 Platte Fall Festival .60
10/9 Baseball .50
10/9 rubber ball .10

No visitors except at parties and programs

Sept. 4, 1939 to May 22, 1940
Anna L. Peterson Teacher
Students Ages
Russell Ide 11
Richard Grandfield 10
Jerry Ide 8
Robert Ide 6
Edward Grandfield 8
Billie Weisshaar 6
Ivan Grandfield 5
Teddy Ide 5

Days Not in School
Sept. 7---Horse Show
Sept. 15-Teacher's Meeting
Nov. 30-Thanksgiving
8 boys 0 girls
177 days in school
Foundation badly needs repair
Fall Fest .60
Baseball and rubber ball .60
17 cases of tardiness

1939-1940 visitors
Mrs. John Ide
Mrs. Frederick Ide
Mrs. Lyle Grandfield
Billy Joe Ide
Roger Ide
Frank Ide
Ella M. Day
Marvin Griep

Sept. 22, 1940 to May 22, 1941
Anna L. Peterson Teacher
Students Ages
Russell Ide 12
Richard Grandfield 11
Jerry Ide 8
Robert Ide 7
Edward Grandfield 9
Bilie Weisshaar 7
Ivan Grandfied 6
Teddy Ide 6
Bobbie Wesshaar 5

No School
Thursday, Sept 5, Institude at Mt. Ayr
Thursday, Nov. 28, Thanksgiving
9 boys 0 girls enrolled
10/05 FALL Festival $2.10
Prize money
baseball $1.00
Basketball sewed .25
First Aid Kit .85
Money from previous PTA and our program is at John Ides
Cases of tardiness 11

Visitors 1940-41
Dick Ide, Shannon City
Mrs. John Ide, Creston
Mrs. Lyle Grandfield, Creston
Mrs. Frederick Ide
Billy Joe Ide
Dick Ide
Judy Ide

Sept. 8, 1941 to May 29, 1942
Reba Campbell Teacher
Student Grade
Richard Grandfield 7
Jerry Ide 5
Edward Grandfield 4
Robert Ide 4
Teddy Ide 2
Ivan Grandfield 2
Billy Ide Primary
Chester Francis Primary
Charles Francis Primary

9 boys 0 girls Fall Festival Income .90

1941-42 Visitors Mrs. H.A. McMillan
Mr. H.A. McMillan
Mrs. John Ide
Eulla Mae Turner
Russell Ide
Frank A. Ide
Miss Ella Day
Mr. Schliekelman
Mrs. Frederick Ide
Mrs. Frederick Ide
Mrs. John Ide
Mrs. Paul Francis
Mrs. Howard Woods
Mrs. Lyle Grandfield
Mrs. Frederick Ide
Judith Sue Ide
Margaret Ann Herring
Richard J Ide

August 31, 1942 to May 14, 1943
Emma C. Stoll teacher
Richard Grandfield 13
Jerry Ide 10
Edward Grandfield 11
Robert Ide 9
Teddy Ide 8
Ivan Grandfield 8
Billy Ide 6
Chester Francis 6
Charles Francis 6

No School
9/8 Teachers Meeting
9/16 Tri County Meeting
11/26 Thanksgiving
9 boys 9 girls
Income from Fall Festival nbsp$2.90
Scrap Drive 7.69
Total Income $10.59
Junior Red Cross .50
First Aid Supplies .72
Boards for shelves .80
Total Expenditures $2.02

1942-43 visitors
Mrs. John Ide, Oct. 9, 1942, Creston
Mrs. Frank Ide, Oct. 13, 1942, Creston
Mrs. Frank Ide, Oct. 13, 1942, Creston
Dr. Arthur Ide, Oct. 13, 1942, St. Paul, MN
Mrs. Arthur Ide, Oct. 13, 1942, St. Paul, MN
Doris O'Riley, Oct. 14, 1942, Creston
Doreen O'Riley, Oct. 14, 1942, Creston
Mrs. Hubert South, Shannon City
Dorothy South, Oct. 27, 1942 Shannon City,
Miss Ella M. Day, Oct. 27, 1942, Creston
Mattie Brass, R.N, Nov. 27, 1942, Creston
Mary Ann Cihak, Nov. 27, 1942, Creston
Dick Ide, Nov. 27, 1942, Creston
Judy Ide, Nov. 27, 1942, Creston

August 30, 1943 to May 19, 1944
Doris Moffitt, teacher
Grant Township Number 3 School
Pupils Age
Jerry Ide 11
Edward Grandfield 12
Robert Ide 10
Ivan Grandfield 9
Teddy Ide 9
Billy Ide 7
Charles Francis 7
Chester Francis 7
Roger Ide 7
Donald Perry 6
Russell Perry
Sandra Perry

11 boys 1 girl

Sept. 23, 1944
Joyce James Teacher
Student Grade
Jerry Ide 8
Robert Ide 7
Donald Perry 7 (general poor health)
Teddy Ide 5
Russell Perry 5
Bill Ide 3
Charlie Francis 3
Chester Francis 3
Sandra Perry 2
Roger Ide 1
James Francis Primer

10 boys, 1 girl

Complete Record of Classification and Standing. No dates
There are no words or grades given, just people's names and ages.

Primary Grade
Albert Bradley age 7
Frank Ide age 7
Harold Comstock age 8
Marguerite C. age 8
Lucile Messer age 9
Intermediate Grade
John Ide age 10
Vincent Bradley age 11
Beatrice Messer age 11
George Ide age 10
Advanced Grades
Maurice Lester age 11
Miriam Lester age 13
John Bradley age 13
Frederick Ide age 12
Aleatha Messer age 14
Ruth Comstock age 13
1944-1945 Visitors
Mrs. Donald Porter Oct. 19, 1944
Donna Jean Brown, Oct. 20, 1944
Miss Ella Day, Nov. 17, 1944
Margaret Ann Herring,
Jan 8 and 9, 1945
Richard F. Silcott, Jan. 10, 1945
Dorothy E. Silcott, Jan. 10, 1945
Eldon James, January
Ella Day, January
Kyoko Ishiyama, March 30, 1945
Mrs. Frederick Ide, April 13, 1945