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Searching for an obituary or details on the lives of Wenzel SUSANK died 9/28/1902 or wife Annie LEGATT SUSANK died December 31 1893. Both born in Bohemia and buried at Catholic Cemetery. Had 6 children, many of whom later moved to Barton County KS. Descendant families included LAKART, STRUNCE, PESIK, YUSTIN. Contact
I am looking for info on ISAAC N. HATFIELD. He died in Creston Ia in 1913 and was buried in Linwood Cemetery Galesburg, Ill. I think my great grandfather John M. Hatfield of Galesburg, Knox Co. Ill was one of his brothers. I am seeking any info on descendants.Thanks, Mary Anne Fontaine
Kathy Touvell 4863 Telephone Road Ventura, CA. 93003 Searching for GEDDES familly settled in and around Lorimor l860's, John was a teacher and his daughter Bellzora also. Some of family buried in Lorimor cemetary oldest sons moved on to Ok in l900. John, Mary, Bellzora, Samuel, Georgia, William , John, Simpson L.
Many years ago my sister sent my a partial copy of a publication that was assembled for the Lorimor Cent. program. In it were mentioned many of the Hammans from that area. The Craigs, Hammans, Moffits are all my relatives. I would like to secure a copy of that publication so that some of the more distant relatives can be checked also. Solomon Moffitt, William F. Craig, and all the Hammans are tied together.
Subject: CONLEY Looking for Bloomar Conley, Shannon City.
I am interested in finding descendant information on the Joseph WHITE family. Family notes indicate that they lived in or around Creston, Iowa. Joseph WHITE emigrated from Lancashire, England around 1850, with his parents John and Jane WHITE and had five brothers, James WHITE last known Chicago, IL; Benjamin WHITE, lived Piatt and Knox Counties, IL; Thomas WHITE, same as Benjamin; William WHITE; and John WHITE who was born in Illinois. Joseph WHITE had three children, Ann WHITE, Alva WHITE, and Ben WHITE. Any information on this family group and/or their descendants would be greatly appreciated. Joseph WHITE was born September 27, 1840 and died March 7, 1898.
Subject: looking for records Chester , Thomas and Children about 1850
Subject: RECKNOR, Jesse Seeking info on Jesse Recknor who lived in Union County, Iowa, in the period 1880 to 1890. I believe that he died in Union County. Wif's maiden name Mary Frazee. Thank you.
Looking for date of death, place of burial etc. for JAMES M. MILLER and his wife ELIZA (HOYT) MILLER. James was born June 18, 1862, and died in 1850. Would love to contact descendants of this couple to get family information, and perhaps acquire obituaries. Please help! I am the great-granddaughter of Alonzo Miller, a brother to James. Thanks! Dixie A. Laire Red Oak, Iowa
Looking for date of death and place of burial for WILLIAM N. MILLER and his wife EDNA (YOUNG) MILLER. William was born Oct. 18, 1869. Would love to contact descendants of this couple to get family information and perhaps acquire obituaries! Please Help! I am the great-granddaughter of Alonzo Miller, brother to William. Thanks! Dixie A. Laire Red Oak, Iowa
Looking for the death date, place of burial of JOHN R. MILLER and his wife ROSE (MOON) MILLER. John was born Dec. 14, 1863. Would love to contact descendants of this couple to get family information and perhaps acquire obituaries! Please help! I am the great-granddaughter of Alonzo Miller, a brother to John. Thanks! Dixie A. Laire Red Oak, Iowa
Looking for the death date and place of burial for NANCY "ELLA" (MILLER) GRAHAM, and her husband CHARLES GRAHAM. Nancy was born Feb. 18, 1867. Would like to contact descendants of this couple and get family information and perhaps acquire obituaries! Please Help! I am the great granddaughter of Alonzo Miller, brother to Nancy "Ella". Thanks! Dixie A. Laire Red Oak, Iowa
Home | QueriesLooking for the death date and place of burial for FRANKLIN MILLER and his wife MATTIE (SPERAU) MILLER. Franklin was born Aug. 8, 1871. Would love to contact descendants of this couple to get family information and perhaps acquire obituaries! Please Help! Thanks! I am the great granddaughter of Alonzo Miller, brother to Franklin. Dixie A. Laire Red Oak, IA