Staff—Thayer School 1939-1940

From “The Echo” 1939-40



Zahller, Rose

Osceola High School

Iowa State Teacher’s College—2 summers

Rural Schools—3 years

Thayer—fifth and sixth grade—1 year

Thayer—primary—10 years

Thayer—helper in primary—3 years


Thompson, Edith Alberta—Primary, First, Second Grades.

Thayer High School

Des Moines University

Extension Summer School, Creston

Iowa State Teacher’s College—summer of 1934

Talmage—11 years



Johnson, Genevieve Alice—

3rd and 4th grades

Afton High School

Iowa State Teacher’s College—2 summers

Simpson—1 summer

Rural Schools—2 years



Seifkes, Mabel Pauline---4th and 5th Grades

Osceola High School
Iowa State
Teacher’s College—2 summers

Simpson—2 summers

Rural School—5 years



Saunders, Margaret Catherine—7th and 8th Grades

Cromwell High School

Creston Junior college

Rural School –1 year



Hammer, Elda M.—Home Economics and English

High School—Le Harpe, Kansas

College—John Fletcher, University Park

Nevinsville, Iowa – 1 year

Decatur, Iowa – 2 years

Thayer, Iowa – 1 year


Humphrey, Veryl Raymond—Commercial, Mathematics, Physics, & coach.

Grant City, MO High School

Maryville College

Graduate Work at Missouri University.

Grandview Consolidated, Mc Fall, MO—1 year



Wineinger, Lloyd Oral—superintendent, Science, Law, Coach, History

Cambria Consolidated School

Parsons College

Graduate Work at Iowa University and Chicago

Willow Grove Rural School—2 years

Millerton High School – 6 years

Thayer -- 1938

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