Thayer Main Street

Some History of THAYER



J. F. Bishop who came to the county in 1853 preempted the land where Thayer is situated in 1855. The town is located on the C. B. and Q. Railroad on section 14, Jones Township, two miles from the east line of the county. It is on a gentle slope, rising from the valley of Four Mile Creek. The site was selected as a railroad station by D. N. Smith in June, 1867, but was not laid out until October, 1868.James H. Reed erected the first house in October, 1868. John Daley and John McGowan came about this time and purchased lots of C.E. Perkins, who represented the railroad interests. In 1869 the remaining lots in the town site were purchased by L. A. Willard, A. Downing, E. W. Clark and O. B. Gibson all of Boone, Iowa. James Brogan was also among the first residents.

At the time the town was located a post office, called Alaska was near by. This was moved to Thayer in 1869 and has since been an established office. A. A. Northup is the present postmaster (in 1908). Two rural mail routes in charge of Seeley Brothers, carriers, supply the farmers in the vicinity with daily mail.

Early merchants of the place were Gibson and Clark, Barnum & Raymond, LaFavre and Atkinson, James Griffin, R. H. Atkinson and George Gay. The first hotel was run by J. C. Lucas.The first physician, locating in 1870 was A. J. Guthrie. He afterwards died at Afton. James Evans, J. F. Patchin and M. B. Coltrain also practiced here. The present resident physician is W. A. Wright, who located here several years ago.

Thayer was incorporated in the year 1894.The first mayor was F. Hendricks; first recorder Louis Gibson, councilmen, Jackson, Glynn, Olinger, Burd, Gibson and Bolinger. The present officers are J. A. parsons, mayor; C. H. Landers, recorder; councilmen, C. McCauley, C. O. Booth, H. Hall, Bert Stoner, O. S. Seeley and Fred Neisimier; treasurer, Fred Seeley. Present population is two hundred.

The first child born in Thayer was Charles M. Daly.

Thayer has an independent school district two miles square, with graded school, a well equipped and convenient school building in charge of competent teachers. One thousand two hundred and twenty-two dollars and twenty-eight cents for school purposes were collected from the district in 1907.The town has two churches, the Christian and Methodist denominations, each have good frame buildings and maintain regular services of worship.The nearby cemetery has a very suitable location southwest of the town on high, dry, ground, here many of the early settlers are buried.

Mercantile interests and industrial enterprises are well represented. A number of retired farmers have their residence here. The town has the benefit of four telephone lines and a telegraph station.

 Railroad traffic from July 1, 1906 to July 1, 1907 was as follows: Tickets sold, two thousand six hundred and eighty-one dollars and eighty-one cents.Car loads received; lumber two cars, coal one, salt two, immigrants outfit two, horses one, cattle four, sheep two, flour six, freight receipts two thousand two hundred and thirty six dollars and fourteen cents, cars forwarded, corn five, oats eleven, cattle twenty-two, hog thirty-four, immigrants outfit six, hay seventeen, scrape iron one, fence posts one, freight charges four thousand and ninety-five dollars and forty cents.

The merchants of Thayer have a good patronage and her people have many of the comforts and conveniences of a larger town. The Masonic and I.O.O.F. orders are represented here.

In 1870 the C.B. & Q. opened up a gravel pit west and adjoining Thayer, which has been operated at intervals ever since. It is said to afford the best gravel between the two rivers. The Burlington reservoir or lake just west of town makes quite a resort for both young and old for miles around.Fishing is always good and in the spring and fall there is abundance of duck and other game.


Population according to 1893 city directory:

Persons residing outside of Thayer who receive mail there

Allison Dora Miss School teacher
Brinegar, G.E. General store
Burd Bros, general store General store
Burd, James Burd Bros. General store
Burd, John Burd Bros. General Store
Burnard, W.L. Agent, Q office
Burworth, R.C. laborer
Burrell, J.H. Burrell and Yount
Burrell & Yount Contractors and builders
Catholic Church Pastor resides Creston
Coltrane M B Physician and surgeon
Daly, Charles Laborer Q.
Daly, James laborer
Daly, J.W. Section foreman Q.
Daly, Nell Miss  
Daly, W J Night operator Q.
Downing, Nannie Miss
Franks, A J Propr Ohio House
Franks, Laura Miss  
Franks, Minnie Miss  
Franks, W H Clk Ohio House
Geddes W B Geddes and Zahller
Geddes & Zohller Blacksmiths and wagon makers
Gibson L farmer
Gibson O B farmer
Glynn James P
Glynn Patrick Engineer at Q pump house
Heaney W H Laborer Q
Hendrick F Hendrick & Stroup
Hendrick Lilie Mrs. Music teacher
Hendrick & Stroup General store
Hurley, J. H butcher
Loy, J M Prop Grand Central Hotel
McCleary, James Farmer and blacksmith
McCracken, G.W. Pastor Evangelical church
Morrow and Seeley Thayer Cemetery
Morrow S S SS Morrow and son
Morrow SS & Son Hardware and ag implements
Roush W T Day operator Q
Seeley, Oscar Morrow & Seeley
Seeley P farmer
Storm, Grace Miss  
Storm, Mattie Miss  
Stout, J C Drugs, patent medicine, paints, oils, varnishes and brushes, also assistant postmaster
Stout S T Laborer Q
Stroup J C Hendrick & Stroup
Thayer Creamery Morrow & Seeley
Thayer Schools Miss Dora Allison, teacher
Thurston W T laborer
Wolf D farmer
Wolf, J L farmer
Yount, M W farmer
Yount, Jasper Burrell & Yount
Zohller, J D Geddes & Zohller
Abbott David Abbott, L P
Allison, A. B Allison, James
Allison, John Arnold, J.S
Babbs, Walter Beerd, Isaac
Brown, M.A. Burd, Sam
Burges N Burkheimer, M
Claypool, Lee Claypool, William
Cooper, Charles Day, Elias
Deaver, Lloyd Emery, Sam
Goodridge, A.W. Hall, R.W.
Hemphill, J.D. Henold, C C
Hope, Charles Jackson, F.B.
Jackson, N.M Jeter, J.L
Lafaver, J.B. Lafaver, JJ
Lafaver, John O Lafaver,J.S.
Lafaver, Sam Lamm, William
Lewis, Lash Lee, A
Lozenby, J. Moores, A.M.
Neisemier C Olinger,S.A.
Olinger, Charles Olinger, S
Orr, John Perry S
Power, Sam Rusk, Robert
Shingley, J.F. Smith, George S.
Smith, G.W. Webber, Frank
Wilcox, B.J. Woolensock, P
Wright, Henry Young H.
Zahller, Henry


Abbott, David Keemmer, Alexander
Allison, Dora, Miss Keemmer, Jerry
Allison, James Keutzenderger, Jno.
Allison, John Kelly, F. C.
Arnold, Justice, Knots, Wm.
Arnold, R. Lafever, John O.
Arnold, Victor Lafever, J. J.
Barnes, J. M. Lafever, Sam
Barnhart, F. G. Lamfur, John
Barton, M. A. Lamm, Wm.
Barton, Nelson Leach, Charles
Booth, A. Lee, A.
Bolinger, F. P. Lee, J. W.
Boyer, Joseph Lee, Wm.
Boyer, Wm. Lee, W. D.
Braman, Thomas Loy, Sherman
Bridge, Dallas Long, Henry
Bridge, William Lozenby, J.
Bubles, Walter Lucke, John
Burges, Nathan Marrow, S. S.
Burd, Isaac Mazors, P. B.
Burd, James McCleary, James
Burd, John McClure, E. B., Mrs.
Burkheimer, M. McGovern, John
Burnworth, R. C. McKimpson, Louis
Burnworth, Wm. Milnes, Wm.
Claypool, Louis Moore, James
Claypool, John Morres, A. M.
Claypool, Wm. Morris, J. F.
Cooper, Charles R. Naoma, Miss
Cook, I. E. Neisemeir, C.
Critchfield, C. F. Nichols, D. J.
Daly, James Noble, D. H.
Daly, Wm. Olinger, C. H.
Day, E. C. Olinger, Squire
Denver, Lloyd Olinger, Wm.
Die, Wm. Papkar, S. K.
Donovan, S. M. Parsons, J. A.
Downey, L. L. Phillips, M. H.
Dufur, L. Power, J. O.
Emery, S. E. Reed, Frank
Fisher, J. C. Reed, John
Fitch, John Ricedorff, S. G.
Fluckey, John Robinson, George
Frank, G. Scherer, C.
Gibson, O. B. Schreantmenn, P.
Gibbs, Moses Seeley, Oscar
Glynn, James P. Shorts, N. D.
Glynn, Patrick Smith, G. W.
Gripp, I. A. Smith, Sol
Gripp, L. Staples, John
Gripp, Walter Swemker, Chas.
Gripp, W. N. Tash, L.
Hall, R. W. Thurston, W. M.
Harlam, A. Wake, Thomas
Harlan, J. C. Watkins, M. V.
Hemphill, J. D. Weter, G. M.
Hendrick, F. Wilcox, B. J.
Holcomb, Edward Wilson, C. W.
Hope, C. G. Woolensock, E. Mrs.
Howard, H. A. Woolensock, P.
Holcomb, Edward Wycoff, Wm.
Holcomb, Thomas Yount, Jasper
Huntzinger, James Yount, Lon
Jackson, John Yount, J. C.
Jackson, N. M. Yount, M. W.
Jahnke, August Zahller, Henry
Jeter, J. L. Zahller, J. D.
Kelly, F. C. Zepermick, H. D.
1927 continued


An independent town on the CBQ R.R. in Jones twp. 18 miles east of Creston. Population 250.
MAYOR, James Zahller
CLERK, G. E. Brinegar
Consolidated School of Thayer,
Supt., S. C. Williams
Teachers: Vera Jeter, Mrs. Marilyn B. Hudson, Donal Furrer, Mrs. Gladys McClure, Rose Kierulff, Ruth Blades, Midred Sweeney.

Concordia Lodge No.215 A F & A M. meets first Wed. of each month at Masonic hall. W. M. J. L. Jeter; S W, L G Wake; J. W., W. S. Gripp
Order of Eastern Star meets first and third Thursday each Month a Masonic Hall.W. M. Mrs. W. F. Holt; W. P. W. S. Gripp; A M Mrs. B. J. Parsons.
American Railway Express Co. Agent R. R. Coons
Armour Co. cream station, Wolfe and Orr, managers
Benishoff, Donald A.[Della] lab.
Bowles, John F. [Rena L.] Eng.Watchman C. B. & Q. R. R.
Brinegar Giles E. [Sarah A.] tel teacher
Brinegar, Queen M. 
Burgess, Nancy [widow Nathan]
Burham, Jessie W. [Ella P.] resturant
Burham, Mansel T, student
C. B. & Q. R.R. stockyards Chicago Burlington & Quincy R. R.
R. R. Coons, Agent Mech. Zahller Bros.
Coons, Ralph R. [Golda M.]agent C. B. & Q. R. R.
Cooper, Amos C. [Mary E.] 
Cooper, Frances M. 
Cooper, Maude, domestic
Daley, Jas. B., farmer
Downey, Jas. L. [Amanda C.] carp.
Dusenbery, Leon W. [Maude] mgr. Spahn & Rose Lumber Co.
Fisher, Jacob C. [Alice] janitor,Thayer Consolidated School
Fivecoat, Leroy R. [Maude] Section Foreman C.B.Q railroad
Florha, Albert E., laborer
Furrier, Donald c, teacher, Thayer
Garrels, Harlan C., farmer
Garrels, Jos. H. [Maggie A.] arch.
Garrels, Lambert W. [May], farmer
Gibson, Chas. T. [Emma], lawyer
Gibson, Luther J., farmerGibson, Oliver B.
Gripp, Wm. S., cashier, Savings Bank
Haler, Mae C., [widow Lewis S.]
Haler, Orpha M., Dom.
Hall, Hiram T. [Nellie B.], grocer
Hall, Marion C., clerk, H. T. Hall
Hokum, Edward, laborer
Holt, Mary E. [widow Charles] 
Holt, W. Frank, [Mamie V.], hwd.
James, Ross E. [Eullain], carrier, PO.
Jeter, Donald M., driver Zahller Bros
Jeter, Jas. L. [Nina] Stock, grain, del.
Jeter, Richard L. Clerk, J. B. Yount
Jeter, Vena I. teacher Thayer school
Jones, Charles M. harness maker
Katsenbarger, Harrison [Ida O.] 
Kinnaird, Caswell E. [Margaret L.] 
Kirschbraun Co. Creamery, Hall, mgr.
Kushian, Ernest O, [Genevieve], lab.
Landreth, Finn, [Lizzie M.] farmer
Landreth, Milo V., student
Laufffer, Jas. E. [Ruth L.] lab. CB & Q
Lear, John, [Madge L.] barber
McChesney, Ruth, [widow Alf.]
McKimpson, Jennie [wid. Ashford]
McKimpson, Lewis, [Ettie M.] farm.
McKinney, Harvey T. [Stella]PO carr.
McKinney, Myrtle, student Masonic Hall
Methodist Episcopal Church, Mrs. Myrtle Wolfe, pastor
Northrup, Nellie M., postmistress
Orr, Wendell W. [Wolfe and Orr]Thayer Savings Bank, lives Afton, IA
Parsons, Frances L, asst. bank cashier
Parsons, Jas. A. [Charlotte M.]mgr. Thayer Savings Bank
Perry, Samuel, [Belle] 
Post Office, Nellie M. NorthrupPostmistress
Rose, Geo. D., Pres. Spahn & Rose Lumber Co.Resides Dubuque, IA
1927 continued
Rusk, Leland C. Filling Sta. auto rep.
Seeley, Blossom, clerk
Seeley, Marjorie, clerk
Seeley, Oscar [Lena], salesman
Smith, Isabelle, Mrs. &nbps;
Spahn & Rose Lmbr. Co., Leon W. Dusenbery, manager
Stone, Harold S. [Carrie C.] lab. CB&Q
Stoner, Albert R. [Clara C.] lab.
Stout, S. Thomas [Mary A.] tmstr.
Stout, W. Donald, clerk, J. B. Yount
Stout, Walter D., clerk
Thayer Consolidated Schools, S. C. Williams, Superintendent
Thayer Savings Bank, [Capital $10, 000] B. J. Parsons, President, W. S. Gripp, cashier
Western Union Telegraph Co., R.R. Coons, agent
Williams, Stephen C. [Gladys E.] Superintendent Thayer Cons. School
Wolfe, Frank W. [Myrtle]  
Wolfe, Lavar, Teacher
Wolfe, Leo, custodian, CB&Q R.R.
Wolfe, Leo G., [Wolfe and Orr]
Yount, Jas. B., [Grace M.], Carp.
Yount, Jasper, [Carrie R.], Carp.
Zahller Bros. Garage, [Jas. H., Frank M., and Fred L.]
Zahller, Frank M. [Esther L., Zahller Bros.]
Zahller, Jas. H. [Sarah M.Zahller Bros.]
Zahller, John D. [Cora A.]

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