The following newspaper clips were copied from The Afton Star Enterprise.

The Enterprise

Afton, Iowa, March 16 1882

 Local news

   Mr. Paulus, last Monday, got on a spree and was taken to the cooler, and while there, thought he would amuse himself by setting fire to a woolen blanket.  The smoke would have suffocated him in a very short time, had not the Marshal come to his rescue.  He was so far gone that it took several minutes to restore him again.

The Enterprise

Afton, Iowa, March 23, 1882

   Mr. Thos Little has built, plastered, and papered his new house this winter and called it No. 16 that being the number of houses he has built to reside in since he was married.  He built eleven houses in Illinois, three in Ottumwa, one in Decatur county and one in Afton.  He was burned out four times.  The only house he ever insured burned three days after the policy run out.  High water on the Mississippi river, washed a good home with house-hold goods away once.  The above has all occurred inside of forty-five years

The Enterprise

Afton, Iowa, April 20, 1882

   A young man living in the west side of town recently proposed to a young lady and she accepted.  He asked the privilege of naming the day; she granted this.  He named the next day after the resurrection, stating if she came up good, he would take her, if not, he would not accept her.


The Enterprise

Afton, Iowa, July 20, 1882

   Jos. Smith, who was arrested at Hopeville, a short time ago, charged with horse stealing, recently turned state’s evidence and exposed an organized company of horse thieves composed of himself, John Monroe, now in jail at Afton, and Dode Smith of Ringgold Co.  The last named person was arrested, last Tuesday, and taken to Mt. Ayr.  The trial of Smith was postponed for 30 days.  Shields said Smith is the leader, that he (Smith), furnished the pony and gave all the directions for stealing a horse for which he (Shields) served a term of 18 months imprisonment at Ft. Madison and that the horse was sold and money divided between the three.  They, it appears, have been in cahoots for a number of years.  Monroe says he could have sent Smith to the penitentiary over fifteen years ago.

The Enterprise

Afton, Iowa, Oct. 5. 1882

          The new and thriving town of Tingley, Ringgold Co., was visited by a fire one day last week.  Dr. St. John’s drug store and several other buildings were razed to the ground, including a new furniture store-room.  We understand the buildings are being replaced.

The Enterprise

Afton, Iowa, Mar. 13, 1884

   Osceola has had quite a sensation on account of the body of an infant child being exhumed, on last Thursday, on the lot of a widow names Amanda Harris, (colored).  A coroner’s jury decided that the child came to its death by violent means.  A warrant for arrest was served on Amanda Harris and her daughter, and Lee Berger, her son-in-law, on a charge of murder.  All the parties waived examination and are in jail awaiting the action of the courts.  The accused admit Mrs. Harris, to be the mother of this child but deny any crime having been committed.

The Enterprise

Afton, Iowa, April 3, 1884

     Miss Amanda Barnhart, totally blind, is now making preparations and expects to start for Dakota next Tuesday for the purpose of taking up a homestead and tree claim.  This is spunk and enterprise that we feel proud of, and we are willing to wager that there is not a county in this state or in the United States which can produce her equal. Our girls are all made of just such material.

The Enterprise

Afton, Iowa, April 17, 1884

  Mrs. Mary McMillen, of this place, has recently been granted a pension of about $3,600 on account of deceased son, Lieut. William H. McMillen, member Co. E., 4th Iowa Regiment, who was killed at the battle of Pleasant Hill, in Lousiana, on the 13th day of April, 1864.  The parents will receive $15 per month.  This is one of the largest amounts received by any pensioner at this place, and while it is scarcely worth mention as compared with the loss of their son it no doubt will support the old couple the remainder of their days.  The pension was procured at the instigation and assistance of Mr. P. H. Stanfield.


The Enterprise

Afton, Iowa, May 29, 1884  

   The graduating class of the Afton High school of ’84 comprises of fourteen girls and but three boys.  The names are as follows:  Alice Bishop, Viola Baxter, Effie Bolinger, Hattie Bagg, Willie Berry, Ethel Cherry, Gertie Diven, Mollie Groves, Meda Hunter, Willie Hunter, Josie Kirkwood, Mary Martin, Cora Miskimins, Libbie Nix, Thomas Robinson, Nettie Stayt and Mary Wright

Category of “OOPS”

July 10, 1884

   Last Saturday the Marshal was called upon to kill what was supposed a mad dog, which was running around the streets frothing at the mouth.  In the evening, however, it was learned that the dog had run under a brick-kiln, at the brick yard, to get in the shade, and the boys, not knowing of his presence there, built a fire at each end of the kiln.  Later in the day, the workmen at the yard, were occasionally disturbed by a moaning sound.  The dog had been in his terrible prison five hours before he was discovered, and was so weak that he had to be dragged out and water poured over him before he was able to walk, but he would doubtless have recovered had he not been shot. 


 The Enterprise

Afton, Iowa, July 24, 1884

   The State Board of Health has issued a circular calling attention to the new law governing burial permits.  From and after October 1st, 1884, no incorporated city or town in this state shall allow the burial of the dead body of any person without a permit issued and signed by the clerk or recorder of such city or town.

   Afton Star-Enterprise Thursday July 10, 1947 Mrs. Meharry Honored at Party On Sunday June 29, Mr and Mrs. Ira Walker opened their home to a group of old friends and neighbors in honor of the 90th birthday of Mrs. Minerva Meharry, a pioneer school teacher of this community and a friend and neighbor of the host and hostess for three quarters of a century. Mr. U. S. Carey (one of the honored guests) was a pupil of Mrs. Meharry in 1876, when she taught Dodge No. 6. At this school she walked 4 miles across the open prairie, keeping a sharp eye for the Texas long horn cattle that was on the range and also keeping an eye on the snakes. Her best day of snake killing consisted of seven snakes including three rattlers. The schools then averaged about 30 pupils ranging from 5 to 21 years of age which of course included all the grades. All this was done for the princely sum of eighteen dollars per month. In the many years we have known her, wherever help was needed in sickness or death she was an ever present help, and those kindnesses should long be remembered. She has been a mother to many a homeless child. The host and hostess served a bounteous two course dinner at one o’clock such as the hostess knows so well how to serve. The afternoon was spent in visiting and taking pictures. Those enjoying the courtesy were: Mrs. Minerva Meharry, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doty, Mr. Ed. Pettigrew, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seeley, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Tyler and the host and hostess.