This list of Afton and former Afton servicemen
was taken from the files of the Star-Enterprise of July 15,1945.
: |
Lyle Abbott |
William E. Clayton |
Jack E. Coon |
Robert Abbott |
Lee M. Day |
Amos Jr. Daub |
Jack D. Anderson |
John Dougherty |
Raymond E Denly |
John B Abbtt |
Wayne Carlson |
Elmer Dady |
Lloyd Abbott |
Edwin Caley |
J. A. Dunlap |
Amos M. Ames |
Lyle Cunningham |
Donald K. Donner |
Harold Malcolm Amos |
Eldon E. Carns |
George Davis |
William R. Amos |
Kenneth Christiansen |
Delbert L. Denly |
Raymond C. Brown |
Theodore Conrad |
Lucian Dunton |
Charles F. Baird |
Wm. L. Crandall |
Calvin Elliott |
Wayne Blair |
Bob Crandall |
*Lloyd Edwards |
Ivan Benbow |
Kenneth Crandall |
Ralph Edwards |
*Richard T. Brown |
Edgar C. Craig |
Russell Edwards |
Jack Blake |
Earl W. Conrad |
Oliver Eyberg |
Earl W. Brown |
James W. Canfield |
Carl William Eden |
Kenneth Berkey |
Marcus Allen Collier |
James W. Frueh |
Clarence Beaman |
Robert L. Coon |
Chas. Follett |
Donald G. Blair |
Harry O. Cole |
Daniel Follett |
Edward Batton |
Chas. F. Carter |
L. Frueh |
*Harold N. Blair |
Carl R. Conklin |
Charles R. Frank |
Delbert Benedict |
James E. Coen |
Dewey G. Fizer |
Robert Burdette |
Robert Coen |
Wm. Donald Fleming |
Martin E. Brosnahan |
Lewis Cheers |
Albert Goin |
James K. Bingaman |
Robert Ray Cheers |
Forest L. Goetsch |
David Gorman |
Newell Jacobson |
Marion Lauffer |
Paul Graham |
Kenneth L James |
*Lloyd E. Lewis |
William Graham |
Losson V. Jeffrey |
True C. Lehman |
Paul A. Gorman |
Elwin L. Jones |
Dade Locke |
Lois Olyn Glick |
Marvin James |
Gale B. Long |
R. Keith Gaumer |
Raymond Jeffreys |
John C. Long |
Lester Wm. Gross |
W. Cassel Jacobson |
Claude E. Longstreth |
Arlyn M. Gross |
Graham V. Jacobson |
Charles R. Landreth |
Raymond: Graham |
Alden D. Jacobson |
Norval Lehman |
Clarence T. Griep |
Bryson Blair Kelly |
Ray Lewis |
Marvin D. Griep |
William P. Kelley |
Ernest Lundy |
Thomas Goin |
Bernard Kelley |
Donald Paulus |
Phillip Gibson |
Fredrick Karlak |
Floyd Porter |
Forest Greenwood, Jr |
Raymond Metzger |
Roy Porter Jr |
. Willis F. Giles |
Harold W. Mateer |
Raymond Porter |
Donald J. Giles |
Robert Myers |
L. C. Parks |
Robert L. Goodridge |
Wm. Creed Myers |
*John B. Parks |
Robert B. Gaumer |
R. E. Minnick |
. Beryl F. Parks |
Lester L. Giles |
John W. Moon |
James H Parks |
Forrest W. Henrichs |
Ira R. Mateer |
Wallace Phillips |
Merwyn Hartsook |
Robert M. McKee |
Russell Parsons |
Dale E. Hastings |
Freeman Miller |
Robert Porter |
Fred Hatcher |
Morris McCann |
Geo. Wm. Pratt |
Everett Hewitt |
Gayle McKinnie |
Clarence Porter |
Kenneth Henderson |
Dwight McKinnie |
William Porter |
Billy Henderson |
Hugh McKinnie |
Russell Porter |
LeRoy Hook |
C. L. McCants |
Gerald Perry |
Dennie E. Hook |
LeRoy McDonald |
Paul Perry |
Russell Hook |
Vern McDonald |
Eldon Pingree |
Wm. F. Hook |
Lawrence J. Minnick |
Harold Roan |
Charles Hook |
Ilo Mostoller |
Harold Roe |
Paul R. Hewitt |
Marion D. Murphy |
Dean Ruckman |
Joseph W. Hess |
Charles Mielke |
Giles Ripperger |
Wm. H. Henry |
Chris Nissen |
Dwayne M. Ripperger |
Claude G. Hart |
Harold E. Nissen |
Joseph L. Repplinger |
Hanford Hart |
Robert W. Norton |
Lyle Abbott Robert |
Wayne M. Henkle |
William H. Nichols |
Herman E. Repplinger |
C. E. Hosier |
Eugene M. Owens |
Donald C. Rutledge |
Arnold Phillip Hudson |
Marion Olmstead |
Frank Ramsbottom |
Floyd Himes Jr |
Kenneth C. Perry |
Joe Ray |
Earl Gale Hammans |
Clarence Porter |
Delbert Regan |
*Carl Hannis |
Dale Porter |
Marion Ruckman |
Melvin K. Harris |
Harold D. Perkins |
Donald E. Raffel |
Chester Hadley |
David R. Shiflett |
Willard White |
Floyd G. Smith |
Kenneth Seeley |
Olin B. Wyatt |
Clifton Smith |
Max Tevebaugh |
James Leo Williams |
Robert Smith |
Geo. Oliver Thompson |
John Weir |
William Shepard |
Leonard L. Thompson |
Stanley E. Wells |
Marvin Stradley |
Kenneth Thompson |
Bernard West |
Clair Smith |
Floyd Thompson |
Joe P. Waigand |
Mark R. Spencer |
Hershal Stout |
James M. Todd |
F. Marshall Zahller |
W. M. Simpson |
Lester M. Verley |
Orner Zuber |
Chas. Simpson |
Henry Vogel |
Mern Windland |
Donald Shrimpton |
Charles F. Vogel |
Wolth Windland |
Roland A. Shute |
Boyd White |
Harold E. Walter |
Fredrick W. Shute |
Dale R. Yount |
Lorrel D. Wake |
Carroll W. Stalcup |
Arthur E. Zahller |
Clarence Wolf |
Gene Spencer |
Harold L. Wick |
Walter O. Weber |
Thad Spencer Jr. |
Woodrow Wilson |
Duane Wilson |
Clayton Scott |
Clarence Welchel |
William Rex Welling |
Donald E. Scott |
Alvin Welcher |
Lee E. Wohllaib |
Gerald L. Smith |
Langdon E. Wells |
Jay Whiteman |
Clifton Sweeney |
Fred H. Wohllaib |
Elton M. Wilson |
Benny Schwantz |
Ralph Windland |
Lauder E. Wick |
Milo Showers |
John J. Young |
James C. Shields |
*Died in service |