submitted by: Julia Johnson -

[Bailey, Alta Jemima Putnam]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    July 29, 1954    [p. 1]

Former Resident Buried Here Monday

Mrs. Alta J. [emima] Bailey, a former resident of Bedford, died at the home of her grandson, Ralph Calderwood in Kansas City, Mo., July 23. She had been in falling health and had gone from her home in Topeka, Kans., to see a specialist in Kansas City and was not able to be taken home.

The body was brought to Bedford and funeral services held at the Wetmore Funeral Home at 10 a.m. Monday, July 26 conducted by Rev. Fred H. Cowles of the Baptist church, of which she had been a member during her residence here. Burial was in Fairview Cemetery.

Alta J. [emima] Putnam, daughter of Sidney [Clay] and Josephine Smith Putnam, was born in Malcom, Ill., Oct. 14, 1872, and died at the age of 81 years, nine months, nine days.

She moved with her parents to a farm near Bedford when she was a baby and was reared to young womanhood in this community.

In 1894 she was married to Charlie Bailey of Bedford. They farmed for a number of years in the East Mission community, moving to Bedford later, where Mr. Bailey operated a grocery store. In  1908 they moved to Garden City, Kans. and later to Topeka. Mr. Bailey died in 1919.

They were the parents of two children: Mrs. Vera Calderwood of Topeka and Kenneth H. [arry] Bailey of both of whom survive. There are two grandchildren: Ralph Calderwood of Kansas City and Mrs. Jean Stephenson of Dayton, Ohio; five great grandchildren; two brothers, George I. [srael] Putnam and Ed S.[idney] Putnam both of Bedford. The parents and one sister, Mrs. Cora Nethers, preceded her in death.

[Bailey, Charles H.]

Bedford Free Press

Wednesday    January 15, 1919    [p. 1]

Obituary—Charles Bailey

Charles Bailey passed away Saturday Jan. 11 at his home in Topeka, Kansas. The body was brought to Bedford Monday noon and the funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon from the First Baptist Church, C. C. Hatcher assisted by Rev. Goodwin and Rev. Lowe conducting the service. Interment was made in the Fairview cemetery.

Charles H. Bailey, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bailey of North Bedford was born in Cedar county, Iowa, Jan. 12, 1871, went away to his home beyond from their home in Topeka, Kans. Saturday Jan. 11th, 1919.

With his parents he came from Cedar County to Taylor County where he grew to young manhood.

In 1893, when 22 years of age, he went to Montana. After two years he returned to Bedford, making his home here till in 1908 when he went to Garden City, Kans. and later to Topeka, where with his family, he resided till the grand summons was answered after a week of acute illness.

On Feb. 12th 1895 he was united in marriage to Miss Alta Putman of Bedford, Iowa.

To them were born two children, Miss Vera Hazel and Harry Kenneth.

When but a boy [he] turned to his Lord and publicly professed his faith in him.

Some years later he united with the East Mission branch of the First Baptist church of Bedford and was faithful in every way to the challenge here offered. As Supt. and teacher in the S. S. his work was effective. Coming to town his life and work was on the same telling basis He always transferred his membership to the place of his residence. In this he was happily associated and supported by his devoted family. In the realm of Christian endeavor he bore out his lively and determinate nature, willing to undertake any challenge tho an honest failure might await him.

In this as in all life activities he like Chas. Wagner, was an exponent of the Simple Life eschewing the gorgeous superficial.

Brother Charlie was loyally patriotic. He tried to join the army, and the Navy, but being beyond the age limit was unable. For three months prior to his decease he gave his services to his country in ship construction in the shipyards at Portland, Oregon. Truly he gave his life for his country. Handling asbestos and otherwise he seemed to become poisoned, which effect he was never able to rid from his system.

With an application on file for overseas Y. M. C. A. service, he withdrew same, declining to stay in line for said advantage when not able to get into the "Big-Game" while the fighting was on. He hated to give up his work for his country, working overtime and days when unable because engaged in his country's business.

Giving up his work in the yards he paid a visit to his father's family in Bedford and others at Omaha, returning to his home in Topeka soon took to his bed and after seven days of acute illness and suffering gave up his noble worthful life on earth to enter into the reward of the faithful.

Deceased was one of four children. Erwin J. or Winnie, Bedford, Ia., Clarence D. Stewart, Nebr. Mrs. Florence M. Russell, Omaha, Nebr. survive with the father and mother, the widowed companion, the son and daughter, seven nieces and nephews and other relatives and friends suffer the loss this beautiful and happy young life.

For 53 years this good family of Baileys was not invaded by the messenger of death. Till the 6th of Oct. last the circle remained unbroken. At that time a nephew of the deceased, Walter E. Bailey gave up his life by pneumonia in a hospital in France.

Thus has gone from labor to rest an earnest Christian, noble citizen, devoted companion—father.

A good soldier of the Cross of Christ, an exponent of the best in home life serving well his day and age, a patriot of true Americanism. Truly when our country shall call the roll of her heroes the name of Charles H. Bailey should be in the list.

Tho' not permitted to wear the colors, honor is due him in that he helped make possible the victory to our soldiers in colors.

[Bailey, Charles H.]

Bedford Times-Republican

Thursday    January 16, 1919    p. 5

Clarence Bailey came Monday from Nebraska to attend the funeral of his brother, Charley Bailey.


[Clapp, Cynthia Bissel]

Clearfield Enterprise

Thursday    March 4, 1937    [p. 1]

Cynthia Bissel Clapp

This sister of Miss Mary Bissel died recently at Alhambra, Calif., from the weakness incident to advanced years.

Cynthia B. Clapp was born in Painesville, Ohio, Jan. 23. 1845. She was the daughter of Judge Benjamin Bissel and Sarah Bright Bissel, and descended from rugged New England ancestors.

She was a member of the first class entering Lake Erie Seminary, Painesville, in 1859, and graduated in 1863. Her marriage to Albert A. Clapp took place soon after the close of the Civil War.

In 1887 Mr. and Mrs. Clapp went to Calif., first to Pasadena, and later to Alhambra, where they established a home that was her home for over forty years. Her husband was Alhambra's first city clerk, and died in 1911.

Mrs. Clapp was a member of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church.

An accomplished musician, Mrs. Clapp was a pianist of ability, and was the possessor of a fine soprano voice. During her early life, she appeared in light operas in the east, among them being "Pinafore" and "Pirates of Penzance," in which she sang the leading roles.

She was the first matron and a charter member of Alhambra Chapter No. 163, O. E. S., and by the chapter came in later years to be known as “mother.” She was active in women’s clubs.  She was prominent in the Women’s Relief Corps in Pasadena and in Los Angeles, and was first president of the Corps in Pasadena.

She leaves four living sons; four grandchildren; a sister, Miss Mary Bissel of Clearfield, Iowa, and two great grandchildren.


[Faucett, William Thomas]

Bedford Free Press

Thursday    September 20, 1923    p. 6

W. [illiam] T. [homas] Faucett passed away at the Methodist hospital in Des Moines Saturday after a lingering illness. Mr. Faucett was a resident of Conway many years.

[Faucett, William Thomas]


Thursday    September 20, 1923    [p. 2]

William Thomas Faucett

William Thomas Faucett of 2315 Mahaska Ave., died Saturday evening at the Methodist hospital at Des Moines.  He was a member of the Masonic order and Grotto.  His widow and two daughters survive him.  Mr. Faucett has many friends in Conway who will be grieved at his passing.  He lived among us a number of years and served as postmaster for a term of several years.


[Griffith, William D.]

Bedford Times-Republican

Tuesday    September 18, 1923    p. 3

W. D. Griffith Dead

W. [illiam] D. Griffith of near Conway passed away Saturday morning at 8:00 o’clock, after a lingering illness. The funeral was set for yesterday, but was postponed indefinitely.  Full particulars and obituary will be published later.

[Griffith, William D.]

Bedford Times-Republican

Tuesday    September 18, 1923    p. 3

Mrs. R. H. Widner of Kansas City and Amelia Widner of Adrian, Mo., arrived here Sunday to attend the funeral of W. [illiam] D. Griffith.

[Griffith, William D.]

Bedford Free Press

Thursday    September 20, 1923    p. 6

Conway Items

Rev. Brown was called home from Ames Monday to preach the funeral of W.[illiam] D. Griffith.


[Phillips, Lee Elda]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    April 20, 1944    [p. 1]


One Of Three Brothers Originating In Taylor Co.

L. [ee] E. [lda] Phillips, one of the three Conway farm boys who founded the Phillips Petroleum Company, died Sunday at Bartlesville, Oklahoma. He was 67 years old and had been seriously ill since last summer when he suffered a stroke. He is survived by his wife, the former Miss Nora Carr of Bedford, a sister of Mrs. Walter H. [oward] Lake [Eva], and by his two sons and one daughter.

According to the news dispatch appearing in the Des Moines Register Mr. Phillips left Iowa at the invitation of his brother, Frank, who struck oil near Bartlesville in 1904 when Oklahoma still was Indian territory.

Later, Waite, a brother, was taken into the company as field superintendent. The brothers had a falling out in 1915 and Waite bought a large interest in the Independent Oil & Gas Co., becoming chairman of the board. From then until 1930 the brothers waged a lively war over oil business in the Middle West.

The feud was settled in 1930 when the two companies were consolidated into a 316 million dollar concern.

Frank remained president, and L. [ee] E. [lda] vice president and general manager of the Phillips Co., and Waite retained the individuality of his firm.

Before going into the oil business, L. [ee] E. [lda] Phillips was an insurance man and coal dealer at Creston, and operated a coalmine near Knoxville.

He made frequent visits to Iowa. In 1929 he was in Iowa in connection with the tour of Col. Art Goebel, who won the $25,000 Dole prize for his flight to Honolulu, Hawaii.

At that time he described himself as a graduate of "McGuffey's Institute of Learning," referring to his grammar school reader.

His principal hobby after retirement was breeding Iowa-sired Poland China hogs on a model farm near Bartlesville.

Phillips was extremely adverse to personal publicity. That, perhaps, accounts for the fact that only now can it be revealed that he could have been governor general of the Philippines.

He was offered that post by Maj. Gen. Patrick Hurley when the latter was secretary of war under President Herbert Hoover.

[Phillips, Lee Elda]

Taylor County Herald

Thursday    April 20, 1944    [p. 1]

L. E. Phillips Dies at Bartlesville, Okla.

Mrs. Ray Walker of Gravity received word Sunday that her brother, L. [ee] E.[lda]Phillips, died that day at his home in Bartlesville, Okla. He had been in ill health for some time.

Phillips was born and reared near Conway and engaged in the petroleum business with his two brothers.  They founded the Phillips Petroleum Company as well as several subsidiary organizations.

[Porter, Ruth Ann Bickford]

Clearfield Enterprise

Thursday    February 25, 1937    p. 2

The funeral service for the late Mrs. Ruth [Ann Bickford] Porter is being held this afternoon four miles southwest of town. Interment will be in the Conway Cemetery.  We will give obituary next week.

[Porter, Ruth Ann Bickford]

Clearfield Enterprise

Thursday    February 25, 1937    p. 2

Mrs. Ruth [Ann Bickford] Porter, widow of the late S. [ilas] R. [ite] Porter, died Monday evening at five o'clock, after a long illness. She was a pioneer in the community, and had lived a long time on the home farm where she died.

[Porter, Ruth Ann Bickford]

Clearfield Enterprise

Thursday    March 4, 1937    [p. 1]

Mrs. Ruth Porter

Ruth Ann Bickford was the youngest daughter of James K. [inney] and Rhoda [Anna Martin] Bickford, and was born near Moulton, Iowa, Sept. 23rd, 1854. She died at the old homestead near Clearfield, Iowa, on February 22, 1937, at the age of 72 years, 4 months, 29 days.

She came to Taylor County in 1877, and was married to Silas R. [ite] Porter on Aug. 22, 1877. He preceded her in death on February 18, 1921.

To them were born five children, Jessie May dying in infancy—the others were: Leota D. [ome] Henderson who died February 21, 1931; Mrs. Nona Stingley; Frank Porter and Ralph Porter----all of the Clearfield community.

She is also survived by six grandchildren—Milton Henderson of Detroit, Mich., and Guy Henderson; Ruth, Helen and Leota Stingley; and Leanne Ruth Porter; also by one great-grandson, Gerald Henderson.  There is also a niece, Mrs. Lillie Dean, whom Mrs. Porter raised from her early childhood.

Two half-sisters survive: Mrs. Tom Condon of Orange, California, and Mrs. Rhoda [Evans] Shearer of Idaho; and there are a number of nieces and nephews.

This loving mother had been an invalid for nearly three years. Her entire lifetime interest was centered in her home, family and friends.

When fourteen years of age, she became a member of the Methodist church. Her membership was later transferred to Greenwood Chapel, and then to the Methodist Church in Clearfield.

Pallbearers were close neighbors: —Lester Groves, Guy Beggs, Harry Curry, Harry Beggs, Bert Knox and Dan Bruner. Singing was by Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Crew, Mrs. Ben Anderson, Miss Margaret Swan, and F. J. Anderson.

"They rest from their labors and their works do follow them".

[Putnam, Josephine Adella Smith]

Bedford Free Press

Thursday     December 12, 1912    p. 3


Mrs. Sidney C. [lay] Putnam, who has been an invalid for a long time and whose condition reached the critical stage three weeks ago, was relieved of her suffering last Friday, passing away peacefully, in the midst of her loved ones who all have been constantly at her side since it became assured that the end was near. Mrs. Putnam was a woman whose kindness and pure Christian character endeared her to all who came in contact with her and it is with the keenest sorrow her many friends and acquaintances learn of her death.

Mrs. Putnam's maiden name was Josephine Adella Smith and she was born February 2, 1844, at Wardsboro, Vermont, and died at her home in Bedford, Friday, Dec. 6th, 1912. In July, 1870, she was married to Sidney C. [lay] Putnam at Bennington, Vermont. The same year they moved to Amboy, Illinois, and two years later they came to Taylor county and settled on the farm northwest of Bedford, where they always lived until their removal to Bedford when they decided to retire from farming. To them were born four children, all of whom, with their father, survive her. They are Mrs. Cora Nethers, near Gilead church; Mrs. Alta Bailey, of Topeka, Kas.; Edwin S. [idney], of Bedford, and George, who lives on the home farm northwest of town.

Mrs. Putnam has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for twenty-seven years, her membership until coming to town being with the congregation at Gilead, where she was identified with all of the church activities, for many years teaching a class in the Sunday school.

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon, Dec. 8th, at the M. E. church, conducted by her pastor, Rev. Wm. B. Thompson, assisted by Mart Gary Smith, of the Christian church.

Interment was in the Fairview cemetery.

[Putnam, Josephine Adella Smith]

Bedford Free Press

Thursday     December 12, 1912    p. 9

Chas. Bailey arrived Saturday noon from Topeka, Kas., to attend the funeral of his mother-in-law, Mrs. S. [idney] C. [lay] Putnam [Josephine Adella Smith]. Mrs. Bailey was already here, having come when her mother's condition became so grave a few weeks ago.

[Putnam, Sidney Clay]

Bedford Times-Republican

Monday    December 20, 1920    p. 2


Sidney Clay Putnam was born Nov. 6th, 1842 at Wilmington Vermont. He was one of a family of nine children, seven boys and two girls and of this large family only the two sisters are left, Mrs. Lawana White of Townsend, Vt., and Mrs. Etta Smead of South Newfane, Vt.

Mr. Putnam was a young man of eighteen living on his father’s farm in Vermont when the Civil War broke out and he joined the 8th Vermont Volunteers and remained with his regiment for three years until broken in health he was compelled to return home on sick leave and before he had recovered the war was over.

He was united in marriage to Josie A. [della] Smith, July 4th 1870 and at once moved to Illinois where he and his good wife made their home for two years when again the call of the west became too strong and they moved to Iowa, locating on the farm about five mile's northwest of Bedford where they lived for thirty three years.

 Four children were born to this union, Cora A. [della] Nethers of, Bedford, Alta J. [emima] Bailey of Topeka, Kansas, Edwin S. [idney] and George I. [srael] both of Bedford.

Brother Putnam and wife moved to Bedford from the farm in 1906 where he could enjoy a well-earned rest from the farm labors. Then death entered the home December 6th, 1912 and the wife and mother was taken to her reward.

For the last two years he has been a great sufferer for age and disease had begun their cruel work upon his body but he remained active and cheerful up to the very last.

Brother Putnam was converted and joined the Methodist Church at Gilead thirty-five years ago and through the years he has been a faithful member of that church, transferring his membership to Bedford when he came here in 1906. When it was possible he was always found in his place in the church services and taught a class in the Sunday school for many years.

Since last April he has made his home with his son George and from this home he passed to his crowning in the early morning of Dec. 17, at the advanced age of 78 years, 1 month, and 11 days.

Thus one more of the grand good men who wore the Blue have passed to the last roll call. His was the highest type of manhood. He was true to his country, to his home, and to his God. He leaves to cherish his memory his two sons and two daughters, five grandchildren and two great grand children besides numerous relatives and a host of friends.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Monday, December 20, 1920
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bailey who were called here by the death of their grandfather, returned to their home in Topeka, Kansas, Monday afternoon.

[Stickelman, Missouri Ann Ingram]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    February 15, 1934    p. 5

Attend Funeral

Among those from Bedford who attended the funeral services of Mrs. J. [ohn] M.[onroe] Stickelman [Missouri Ann Ingram] at Siam Monday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stickelman and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Roe Bradley and family, Mr. and Mrs. George I. Putnam, Mrs. C. C. Catuska, Guy Stickelman, Mrs. Ira Talkington, Mrs. Orville Jefferies, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Bradley, Mrs. Margaret Bradley, Mrs. A. M. Johnson, Mrs. Mattie Jeffers, Mrs. Roy Melvin, Mrs. Ira Weingarth.

[Stickelman, Missouri Ann Ingram]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    February 15, 1934    p. 6


Attend Funeral

Several from this community attended the funeral of Mrs. J. [ohn] M. [onroe] Stickelman [Missouri Ann Ingram] at Siam, Monday. Mrs. Stickelman was a sister of W. C. Ingram of this neighborhood, also the grandmother of Mrs. Francis Daniels.

[Stickelman, Missouri Ann Ingram]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    February 15, 1934    p. 8

Pioneer Resident Of Siam Dies

Mrs. J. [ohn] M. [onroe] Stickelman, 76, pioneer resident of Siam, died at her home near that place Saturday, Feb. 10. The funeral services were held at the Christian church in Siam Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. B. H. Harmon of Hopkins. Burial was in the Siam cemetery.

Mrs. J. [ohn] M. [onroe] Stickelman, whose name before her marriage was Missouri A. [nn] Ingram, was born in Nodaway County, Mo., April 8, 1857. She grew to womanhood in Missouri and was united in marriage to J. [ohn] M. [onroe] Stickelman Feb. 8, 1882.

To them were born three sons and six daughters. One son and one daughter died in infancy and Elma E. Jeffers in 1912. Surviving relatives are the husband and six children, Arthur Ross Stickelman of Hopkins, Iva Alice Glover, Nellie Elizabeth Cobb, Elda C. Henderson, Lonesa Bradley and John Loyd Stickelman, all of Bedford. There are also two brothers, three sisters, seventeen grandchildren, and twelve great grandchildren.

[Tinkham, Phyllis Maud]

Bedford Free Press

Tuesday    May 20, 1913    p. 4

Mrs. Ben Tinkham [Laura McBrien], who has been at the home of O. [rlando] B.[enjamin]  Tinkham since the death of their little one [Phyllis Maud] some weeks ago, left for their home in Farragut Monday night.

[Weaver, Thomas Wesley]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    September 30, 1937    p. 3


Wes Weaver Dies

[Thomas] Wes [ley] Weaver died Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson near New Market with whom he had been making his home for some time. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Walker Funeral Home in Clarinda.

[Wheeler, Minerva Elizabeth Campbell]

Bedford Times-Republican

Thursday    December 19, 1912    [p. 1]

Mrs. Ben Wheeler.

Mrs. Ben Wheeler died at her home north of Bedford Friday, after an illness of more than a year. She was 40 years of age. Funeral services were held at the church of Christ at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Mart Gary Smith. Interment was in Fairview cemetery.

Minerva Elizabeth Campbell was born in Mercer County, Missouri, April 8, 1872. She was united in marriage with Ben Wheeler September 21, 1893. Surviving are the husband, one brother, and two sisters.

[Wheeler, Minerva Elizabeth Campbell]

Bedford Free Press

Thursday    December 19, 1912    p. 7

O. F. Campbell, of Mercer, Mo., who was here to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Ben Wheeler [Minerva Elizabeth Campbell], returned to his home Monday. Mrs. W. Branum, a sister of Mrs. Wheeler, was here at the time of her sister' s death but was compelled to return home before the funeral on account of the illness of her husband.

Mrs. A. L. McPherson and sons, Harry and Robert, of Tarkio, attended the funeral of Mrs. Ben Wheeler last Sunday.