Obituaries |
submitted by: Julia Johnson - |
New Market Herald
Thursday July 13, 1922 p. 3
Cora Oleva Davison McCurdy born in Nodaway county, Mo, Jan. 29, 1876, and died July 8, 1922, aged 46 years, 5 months and 8 days.
She lived in Nodaway County, Mo., until about 15 years of age, then moved to Page County, Iowa, where she was united in marriage to Franklin N. McCurdy, Dec. 15, 1922 [Dec 15, 1892]. They moved on his father's place 3 1/4 miles north of Braddyville, Iowa where they have resided ever since.
She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, Franklin N. McCurdy, an aged mother and one brother: Mrs. Sarah A. [lmeda Cunning] Davison, Wm. I. [saac] Davison, of Shambaugh, Iowa; Three sisters, Mrs. John [Henry] Wirth [Margaret Elzora], Mrs. Geo. Lathrop [Ruth Laurada] of New Market, Ia., and Miss Ollie Davison of Braddyville, Ia., Her father [James Robert Davison] preceded her in death, Sept. 6th, 1897.
Having never joined church, since her sickness she expressed a good many times the hope of meeting her Lord and going to a better home.
She was a loving wife, and loved by all who knew her.
Dearest loved one thou has left us
We thy loss most deeply feel.
But 'tis God who hath bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal.
O silent grave to thee we trust
This precious part of earthly dust
Guard it safe, sacred tomb
Until we, her loved ones, ask for
[Source of correct marriage date: Cora McCurdy’s obituary, Clarinda Herald, June 13, 1922.]
Bedford Times-Republican
Thursday March 9, 1922
Died in Distant Land
Word was received here this week of the death of Mrs. Grace Welch at her home in Dallas, Texas.
Mrs. Welch was formerly Miss Grace Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Palmer, former residents of Bedford. Friends here will be grieved to learn of her death.
I. [rwin] C. [laire] Welch, father-in-law of the deceased, left yesterday afternoon for Dallas, to be in attendance at the funeral, which is to be held there tomorrow morning.
[Welch, Grace Palmer]
Bedford Free Press
Thursday March 9, 1922 p. 8
Mrs. Ellis Welch Dies.
Mrs. [Walter] Ellis Welch, who will be remembered here as Miss Grace Palmer, died at her home in Dallas, Texas Tuesday as a result of an operation. This sad news was received by Mr. and Mrs. I. [rwin] C. [laire] Welch [Margaret Jane Black] and Mr. Welch left here Wednesday afternoon for Dallas. The funeral will be held there Friday.
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday November 8, 1928 p. 2
H. [allick] T. Yaw, a blacksmith at Diagonal since there was a town there, died very suddenly Tuesday evening, presumably of heart disease. He was the father of Lee Yaw of this city.
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday November 15, 1928 p. 2
Mr. Andy Melson attended the funeral of Mr. H. [allick] T. Yaw on last Thursday at Diagonal.
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday November 15, 1928 p. 2
Mr. John Wertz went on Thursday to Diagonal to attend the funeral of Mr. H.[allick] T. Yaw
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday November 15, 1928 p. 5
Obituary-W. H. Melton.
William Henry Melton died at his home at Wessington Springs not long ago [September 29, 1928]. The family lived in Clearfield for some years prior to 1915, when they moved to Dakota. He was a member of Ed Otis Post, G. A. K. while here.
Mr. Melton was born Aug. 22, 1847, near Corydon, Indiana. He was thus a little past his 81st birthday at his death. He enlisted in the 13th Indiana Calvary. Three brothers served in the Union Armies, and his father lost his life in the Civil War. He was wounded at Over-All Creek near Murfreesboro, Tennessee, in December 1864. He was in hospitals for more than six months, and then mustered out of service.
In 1870, he was married at Fontanelle, Iowa, to Alice Lenora Melton [Leonora Alice]. She passed away April 18, 1926. They had ten children, two of whom died in infancy.
The surviving children are: — Mrs. Eva Smith, Hopkins, Mo., O. [tis] W. [illiam] Melton, Timberlake, South Dak., Mrs. Grace [May] Shanholtzer, Ft. Morgan, Colorado, Fred D. [onald] Melton, Opal, S. Dak., Gene [Clarence Eugene] Melton, Hollywood, Cal., Zelda Melton, Wessington Springs, S. Dak.
There are 24 living grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren.
Mr. Melton was a pioneer; he moved to parts of Illinois and of Iowa after coming from the army, and at a time when unbroken prairie prevailed. Later with the wife and one child, he took a homestead in Antelope County, Nebraska, then the far frontier.
Since leaving Southern Iowa in 1915, he has lived at Wessington Springs except for two years spent in the Black Hills country. He was a member of the Methodist Church since he was a young man.
Clearfield folks will remember well Mr. and Mrs. Melton, and the younger ones of the children. At the funeral, Oct. 1st, the local Legion Post was in charge.
[Note: The South Dakota Death Index gives his wife’s name as Leonora A. and her death date as April 19, 1926. She died in Jerauld County, South Dakota.]
Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, November 22, 1928
W. [illiam[ H. [enry] Melton, who some twenty years ago was a resident of Blockton for a time, residing in the residence now occupied by Ralph Smith, died recently at his home in Wessington Springs, South Dakota, aged 81 years. He was a veteran of the Civil war.
[Coe, Elizabeth Jane Williamson]
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday April 22, 1926 [p. 1]
Elizabeth J. Coe.
Elizabeth J. [ane] Williamson was born Aug. 7, 1851 near Steubenville, Ohio. Her parents both died while she was a child and she was reared in the home of her aunt. She had no brothers or sisters. She grew to womanhood in the community and prepared herself for teaching in the public schools.
Mrs. Coe was united in marriage to Ross B. [lair] Coe at the Ohio home on Feb. 7, 1871. They came west in 1876 making their home near Winterset. In 1895 they removed to Clearfield; eleven years later they removed to Va. and thence to Ohio, returning to Clearfield in 1920.
Six children were born to this union: Jessie, who died in infancy; Harry, who passed away at the age of nineteen; Mrs. Etta May Davis of Waukegan, Ill.; Mrs Annie McLaury of Clearfield; George Coe of Idaho Falls, Ida; and Roy Coe of San Bernardino, Calif.
Mrs. Coe united with the Presbyterian Church in her girlhood. At her marriage she united with the Methodist Episcopal church. She has been a consistent Christian and very devoted in her work for the church. Mrs. Coe was a faithful wife and companion, a devoted mother, the pride of her children and husband. Mrs. Coe was about her ordinary tasks on Friday afternoon, was stricken with paralysis and passed beyond within three hours. She died as she lived, a consistent follower of Christ. She is survived by her husband, the four children, fifteen grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
The funeral services were held by her pastor, Rev. A. J. Matthews, at the church, Tuesday, Apr. 20, and interment was made in the Clearfield cemetery.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday September 15, 1938
Mrs. J. S. Walton
Zella McNair was born at Milo, Iowa, Feb. 26, 1877, and, in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McNair, grew to young womanhood. In 1898, when about 22 years of age, she was married to Mr. J. [ames] S. [tafford] Walton. For two or three years, they resided on a farm near Milo—then in 1901 moved to Clearfield, in which place they continued to reside, and where Mrs. Walton, after several years of poor health, died August 26, 1938, aged 61 years and 6 months.
Besides Mr. Walton, she leaves one brother, Ray McNair of Des Moines; and also a niece, Mrs. Lois Oldaker Gunter of Denver, Colo.
Mrs. Walton attended the Presbyterian Church in Milo and on April 12, 1936 she and Mr. Walton united with the United Presbyterian church of Clearfield.
The funeral services were held at the residence Monday, August 29. The pastor, Rev. C. A. Pollock, conducted the service. Burial was at Milo, Iowa.
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday September 1, 1938 [p. 1]
Mrs. J. S. Walton
Zella McNair was born at Milo, Iowa, on Feb. 26, 1877, and in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. McNair, grew to young womanhood. In 1898, when about 22 years of age, she was married to Mr. J. [ames] S. [tafford] Walton. For two or three years, they resided on a farm near Milo—then in 1901 moved to Clearfield, in which place they have continued to reside, and where Mrs. Walton, after several years of poor health, died August 26th, 1938, aged 61 years and 6 months.
Besides Mr. Walton, she leaves one brother, Mr. Ray McNair of Des Moines, Iowa; also a niece, Mrs. Lois Oldaker Gunter of Denver, Colo., other relatives, and a host of devoted friends.
Mrs. Walton attended the Presbyterian Church while living in Milo, and on April 12, 1936 she and Mr. Walton united by profession of faith with the United Presbyterian church of Clearfield.
The funeral services were held at the residence at 10:30 a. m., Monday, Aug. 29th. The pastor, Rev. C. A Pollock, conducted the service. Singing was by four young ladies, Misses Margaret and Sue Swan, Mrs. Lois Seibert, and Miss Lila Marie Brown, with Mrs. Mary Anderson at the piano. Pallbearers were Gene and Joe Baxter, Claud Brown, G. W. Swanson, M. W. Palmer and Ray Speer. The floral offerings were profuse and very beautiful. Interment was at Milo, Iowa, near the family home in years gone by.
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday September 1, 1938 p. 3
The community was shocked and deeply grieved on last Friday evening when the news went around that Mrs. J. [ames] S. [tafford] Walton [Zella McNair] was dead. This surprise was deepened when it was known that beyond a doubt, she had taken her own life, using a large amount of chloroform.
Mr. Walton went home at six, after closing up at the post office, and as Mrs. Walton was not in any of the rooms on the first floor, was mildly surprised and started a search. He went into the basement, then to the garage and looked over the grounds. Up stairs was next, and she was found on a bed, dead, fully dressed except for shoes.
A brief note made all clear, except that no sufficient motive was disclosed. A recurrence of an illness that had before taken her to a hospital seems the nearest to an explanation.
The funeral was on Monday forenoon and an obituary is given elsewhere. There are no children. The sympathy of many friends is extended to the relatives.
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday January 29, 1948 [p. 1]
Death of J. S. Walton
James S. [tafford] Walton, a resident of Clearfield for nearly fifty years, died on Thursday, Jan. 22nd at near 10:30 in Don Routh's Cafe.
He had felt bad, and had come down town to see a doctor, intending to go home soon. Advised by Dr. Mahoney to go a hospital, he died before any arrangements could be made.
A funeral service was held at 9:00 on Sunday at Crew’s Funeral home, the Rev. C. F. Hoffman speaking briefly on "I am going the way of all the earth". Burial was at Milo, Iowa where he grew to manhood and married.
Mr. Walton came to Clearfield near the close of the century. He retired some four years since from the position of postmaster.
His first business venture here was in Wells & Walton, and after a few years the firm became Walton & Oldaker. Ill health had led Mr. Oldaker to retire and Mr. Walton went on alone.
He sold the store, and shortly after became President of the local First National Bank, until it went down in the 1933 depression. Soon he became postmaster, continuing from 1934 to 1943.
He was married at Milo to Miss Zelda [Zella] McNair. They had no children, and she died here [in] 1938, —and her niece, Mrs. Lois Oldaker Gunter of Denver, Colo, is the only survivor of both these families.
James S. [tafford] Walton was born on August 25, 1873.
[Robinson, Edith Geraldine Harvey]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday September 15, 1938
Mrs. Ralph Robinson
Edith Geraldine Harvey was born at Clearfield, Iowa, Jan. 1, 1904 and died at her home in Fort Morgan, Colo., Sunday evening, August 28. She was the daughter of Granville and Dora Knox Harvey and a graduate of Clearfield High, being a member of the class of 1923.
She was married to Ralph M. Robinson of Fort Morgan, Sept. 24, 1925. She is survived by her husband and one son, Dean Harvey Robinson. She is also survived by brothers and sisters, Mrs. D. C. Mann and William Harvey of Des Moines; Forrest Harvey, Hazel Knox and Paul Owens of Clearfield; and by her step-mother and her half-brother, Mrs. May Harvey and Clifford of Clearfield.
The deceased was a member of the Fort Morgan Methodist church and of the Christian Workers class in the Sunday school of the Young People's Missionary society, and a member of the Riverside Club.
Funeral services were held at Fort Morgan on the following Wednesday afternoon and interment was in Riverside cemetery.
[Note: The same obituary was published in the Clearfield Enterprise, September 8, 1938, p. 1.]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday March 7, 1935 p. 3
Felix Brown Succumbs After Long Illness
Felix [G.] Brown, 85, died at 9:30 o'clock Saturday night at his home. He had been ill for several years. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the M. E. church, conducted by Rev. J. Howard Thompson of Westboro. Burial was in the Hopkins cemetery.
Mr. Brown came to Nodaway County from Illinois. He had lived in the Hopkins vicinity for many years. Surviving are a son, Roy Brown, Hopkins; four daughters, Miss Bertha Brown, at home; Mrs. May Gladman and Mrs. Edith Freeman, both of Kansas City; Miss Katherine Brown, Wichita, Kans.; and a brother, George Brown, living in Illinois.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday March 7, 1935 p. 4
Walter Long Dies in Los Angeles
Walter [Fred] Long, son of Mrs. H. [enry] P. Long [Carrie Parks] of Bedford, died suddenly at his home in Los Angeles, California, Wednesday morning, according to word received here by the family Wednesday forenoon. The body will be brought to Bedford for burial but at this time no particulars are known as to when it will arrive here nor when the funeral will be held.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday May 30, 1935 p. 6
Body of Dorothy Damewood Is Moved To Villisca
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Damewood, Mrs. I. M. Damewood and Mrs. Dave Peck went to Villisca Saturday and met the body of Miss Dorothy Damewood, which was being moved from Burlington, Iowa, to the Damewood family lot in the Villisca cemetery.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday August 30, 1906 p. 8
—Prof. Walter W. Bell died in Chicago last week. He was brother of Prof. Wm. Bell and taught school in Jackson Township at the same time his brother was principal of our schools. He went to South Carolina with his mother for a visit when he took suddenly ill with malaria fever. They started back home, but was too ill to continue the journey and stopped in Chicago where his death occurred. He was principal of the schools at Fonda. The many friends of Prof. Wm. Bell will be pained to learn of his bereavement.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday February 21, 1935 p. 2
Mary Ann Young, two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Young of Burlington, Iowa, died Tuesday in the hospital at Burlington. Death was caused from glandular fever. The funeral services were held Thursday. Her mother, who was formerly Miss Evelyn McCain of Lenox, is in the hospital suffering from the same illness. Her brother had been seriously sick with the same illness and just left the hospital.
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday February 21, 1935 [p. 1]
Mary Ann Young, the daughter of a former Clearfield teacher, —then Miss Evelyn McCain died last week in Burlington of pneumonia. She was under 3, and a niece of Mrs. Jay R. Henderson.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday February 21, 1935 p. 5
Charles Ferris Dies
Was Father of Mrs. C. C. Beatty; Bury at Talmage
Charles Ferris died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. [larence] C. [harles] Beatty [Florence] Wednesday. The funeral services were held at the Beatty home Saturday forenoon conducted by Rev. John C. Turner. Burial was at Talmage, Iowa.
Mr. Ferris had made his home in Clearfield for several years. He is survived by five daughters, Mrs. W. H. Davis of Ottumwa, Mrs. C. [larence] C.[harles] Beatty [Florence Elizabeth Ferris] of Clearfield, Mrs. Fred Whiteman [Ida Ferris] of Afton, Mrs. J. [esse] A. [lbert] Ransom [Myrtle Rachel Ferris] of St. Joseph, Mrs. M. V. White [Gertrude Ferris] of Des Moines; his son, J. [ohn] W.[illiam] Ferris of Des Moines; also several grandchildren.
[Ferris, Charles]
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday February 14, 1935 [p. 1]
Charles Ferris
Charles Ferris was born at Hamilton, Canada, Sept. 15, 1850 and passed away on February 6, 1935, aged 84 years, 4 months, 21 days. When about 5 years old, he moved to Kewanee, Illinois.
He united with the Methodist Episcopal Church when a small boy at Galva, Illinois, where his membership remained throughout his lifetime.
In October of 1876, at Ottumwa, Iowa, he was united in marriage to Jennie Brown, and to this union were born eight children. His wife died in May 1923, and two daughters, Mrs. Charles Shepard and Mrs. B. B. White, also preceded him in death.
He moved to Talmage in 1900, and resided there until 12 years ago when he came to the home of his daughter south of Clearfield, where he has since made his home—with the exception of visits with other daughters, and with the son.
Ha leaves to mourn his death, five daughters: — Mrs. H. W. Davis of Ottumwa, Iowa; Mrs. C. [larence] C. [harles] Beatty [Florence Elizabeth] of Clearfield; Mrs. Fred Whiteman [Ida] of Afton; Mrs. J. [esse] A. [lbert] Ransom [Myrtle Rachel] of St. Joseph, Mo.; Mrs. W. V. White [Gertrude] of Des Moines; his son J. [ohn] W. [illiam] Ferris of Des Moines; many grandchildren, other relatives and friends.
Funeral services were held on Saturday at 11 a. m. at the Beatty farm home. Pastor John C. Turner of Clearfield Methodist Church conducted the service. The party proceeded to Talmage where there was a brief public service, followed by interment in the Otterban Cemetery near that town.
[Ferris, Charles]
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday February 14, 1935 p. 2
The [Charles] Ferris funeral party on Saturday drove to Talmage via Mount Ayr, over 3 and 169.
[Ferris, Charles]
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday February 14, 1935 p. 2
Mr. and Mrs. J. [esse] A. [lbert] Ransom [Myrtle Rachel] of St. Joseph, Mo., with two children, were here on Saturday, attending the funeral of Mrs. Ransom's father, Charles Ferris.
[Beatty, Florence Elizabeth Ferris]
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday April 15, 1943 p. 4
Mrs. Clarence Beatty
Florence Elizabeth [Ferris] Beatty was born in Clarke County, Murray, Iowa, January 24th, 1881, and passed away at her home near Clearfield, Iowa, Sunday, April 11th, 1943, after an illness of 2 ½ months.
She was married to Clarence [Charles] Beatty, of Clearfield, Iowa, Jan. 15th, l929.
She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, four sisters and one brother; Mrs. H. H. Davis of Ottumwa, Iowa; Mrs. Ida Whiteman, Boise, Idaho; Mrs. J. [esse] A.[lbert] Ransom [Myrtle Rachel] of St. Joseph, Mo.; J. [ohn] W. [illiam] Ferris of Des Moines, Iowa; and Mrs. Gertrude White, St. Joseph, Mo., and a host of nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Beatty has lived in this community for the past 33 years and was a member of the Christian Church of Clearfield, Iowa. She was a devoted wife and exemplified her Christian spirit in doing for others, which were her happiest moments. She will be missed so much by her loved ones and her neighbors, as shown by the kindness extended at this time.
Funeral services were held in the Clearfield Christian Church on Tuesday afternoon, April 13th; Rev. C. M. Rowe conducted the service. Singing was by a ladies quartette. —Mrs. Marie Crew, Mrs. Edna Lyddon, Mrs. Bess Barrans and Miss Dora Baxter. The church was scarcely large enough to seat the congregation. Beautiful flowers attested the esteem of relatives and friends. Interment was in Clearfield Cemetery.
[Beatty, Florence Elizabeth Ferris]
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday April 15, 1943 p. 2
Mrs. Clarence Beatty [Florence Elizabeth Ferris] died at her home at 8:00 Sunday morning. Death was caused by cerebral hemorrhage, after some weeks of critical illness.
[Beatty, Florence Elizabeth Ferris]
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday April 15, 1943 p. 2
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Davis of Ottumwa, Iowa, attended the funeral on Tuesday of her sister, Mrs. C. [larence] C. [harles] Beatty [Florence Elizabeth Ferris].
[Beatty, Florence Elizabeth Ferris]
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday April 15, 1943 p. 2
Mr. and Mrs. J. [esse] A. [lbert] Ransom [Myrtle Rachel] and some of their family, of St. Joseph, came to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Florence [Elizabeth Ferris] Beatty.
[Beatty, Florence Elizabeth Ferris]
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday April 15, 1943 p. 2
Attending the funeral of Mrs. Florence [Elizabeth Ferris] Beatty were her brother, J. [ohn] W.[illiam] Ferris of Des Moines, Mrs. Ferris, and a niece, Mrs. Dean Ferris.
[Beatty, Florence Elizabeth Ferris]
Clearfield Enterprise
Thursday April 15, 1943 p. 2
Mrs. Gertrude White, a sister, came from St. Joseph for the funeral Tuesday of Mrs. Clarence Beatty [Florence Elizabeth Ferris].