submitted by: Julia Johnson -

[Beamer, Martha Stephenson]

Clearfield Enterprise

Thursday    November 7, 1929    [p. 1]

At Windom, Minn., Saturday evening, died Mrs. Martha [Stephenson] Beamer, widow of Mr. Zed Beamer. She had been in infirm health for many months. She was one of the fast diminishing number of Civil War widows, and leaves one son and one daughter, E. [lva] D. [ora] Beamer and Mrs. Bert Huffman [Lena]. J. R. Crew was wired to come for the body, and to bring it to Clearfield for interment.

[Beamer, Martha Stephenson]

Clearfield Enterprise

Thursday    November 7, 1929   p. 2

J. R. Crew and Clark Lynch arrived at six Monday evening from Windom, Minn., bringing the body of the late Mrs. Martha [Stephenson] Beamer. Members of the family coming home were but a few hours behind them.

[Beamer, Martha Stephenson]

Blockton News

Thursday     November 14, 1929    p. 4

Mrs. Martha [Stephenson] Beamer, widow of the late Zed Beamer, died at Windom, Minnesota, on Saturday, Nov. 2 The Beamers were long time residents on the county line north of town.

[Beamer, Martha Stephenson]

Clearfield Enterprise

Thursday    November 14, 1929    [p. 1]

Obituary Mrs. Martha Beamer.

Mrs. Martha Beamer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Stephenson, was born February 22, 1844, in the state of Pennsylvania. Early in life she moved to

Ringgold county, Iowa, where she became the wife of Zadock Beamer. They were among the early pioneers of this section of the state and knew all the hardships and discomforts of pioneer life.

To this union were born seven children, but the parents had the sad experience of losing five of them in childhood. They farmed in the vicinity of Clearfield for 46 years and then moved in to Clearfield. Her husband departed this life in 1916.

In May of this year Mrs. Beamer accompanied her son and his family to Windom, Minnesota, to spend the summer. In early July she suffered a fall that broke her hip. Her advanced age made recovery an impossibility. She entered the Bethel Mennonite Deaconess hospital at Mountain Lake, Minnesota, August 2, where all possible was done for her but to no avail. Late in October her condition steadily grew worse, and her death occurred Saturday, November 2, 1929, at 9:08 p. m. Her son, E. [lva] D. [ora] Beamer, was at her bedside when the end came. The body was taken to her old home at Clearfield, Iowa, to be laid to rest by the grave of her husband.

Mrs. Beamer's last days were full of suffering but her patience and her Christian faith were remarkable. Nurse Margaret Friesen, who cared for her, requested permission to pay her the following tribute:

"Mrs. Martha Beamer entered the Old People's Home at Mountain Lake, Minn., August 2, 1929. Upon entering the institution she was not suffering much pain but was bed fast.  Her suffering increased gradually as weeks and months went by.  The last six weeks of her life here, on this earth, were those of intense suffering.

“In spite of pain and discomfort, Mrs. Beamer always looked on the bright side of life.  She was a most pleasant and cheerful patient.  Much of her time was spent in prayer, especially remembering her daughter and son.  Her sweet, Christian life lives after her.

“Nurse Margaret Friesen cared for her during her entire time here and always found it a pleasure to care for her.

She loved to sing the songs, “There’s a Land That is Fairer than Day,” and “The Unclouded Day.”   She has gone to be with Him who loved her and gave Himself for her.

Funeral services were held at the U. P. Church on Wednesday at 2:00, Rev. H. B. Hutchman officiating. Interment was in Clearfield Cemetery.

[Beamer, Martha Stephenson]

Clearfield Enterprise

Thursday    November 14, 1929    p. 2

Mr. and Mrs. J. [ohn] Z. [adok] Beamer and son, of Des Moines, drove down to be at the funeral of Mr. Beamer's grandmother, Mrs. Martha [Stephenson] Beamer.

 [Campbell, John R., 1835-1905]

Bedford Free Press

Thursday    January 26, 1905    p. 5

Siam and Vicinity

Richard Morgan, liveryman from New Market, was in Siam Saturday morning.  He reports that Jno. [R.] Campbell, who has been prominent in the coal business at New Market for years, died there Saturday morning, aged 71 years.  He says Mr. Campbell had been ill but a short time, so we could not learn the cause of his death.

[Ferguson, Ellen Campbell]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    April 22, 1948    p. 3

New Market

Mrs. Ferguson Dies

Word was received here Tuesday of the death of Mrs. Ellen Ferguson at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. [ewis] C. Russell [Catharine] at Julesburg, Colo.  Mrs. Ferguson was a resident of New Market for more than fifty-six years.

The body arrived here Thursday and funeral services were held Saturday morning at ten o’clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. [illiam] M. Jones [Jane], conducted by Rev. Clarence Moore.  Burial was in Memory cemetery.

Ellen Campbell was born at Inverness, Scotland, Nov. 7, 1863 and died April 13, 1948, aged 84 years, 5 months, 6 days.

She was married to George Ferguson, January 2, 1888 at Bedford.  Mr. Ferguson died Feb. 17, 1901.

To them three daughters were born, Mrs. L. [ewis] C. [anfield] Russell [Catharine] of Julesburg, Colo., Mrs. W. [illiam] M. Jones [Jane] of New Market and Mrs. C. [loy] L. Hicks [Jessie] of Iowa City.

Mrs. Ferguson came with her family to the United States in 1887, moving a few years later to New Market.

She leaves three daughters, twelve grandchildren, sixteen grandchildren; one brother, Richard Campbell of Bedford; one sister, Katie Bean of Compton, Calif.


Attend Ferguson Rites

Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Mrs. Ferguson were Mrs. L.[ewis] C. Russell and two daughters, Katherine and Jacqueline, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Russell, all of Julesburg, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Siever, Norman Reins and Elmer Walters of Beaconsfield, Iowa; Mrs. C. J. Henry of Milaca, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Jackson of Onamia, Minn.; Richard Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Leighton and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell of Bedford; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hicks of Iowa City; Dr. M. L. Hicks of Dubuque, Iowa.

[Ferguson, George]

Gravity Independent

Thursday    February 21, 1901    [p. 1]

New Market News.

George Ferguson, who lives east of town in what is known as Coal Hollow, was found dead in his bed on Sunday morning. He had been sick for some time with liver and heart trouble. The funeral services were held at his home, Tuesday, conducted by Rev. Pruitt, of the M. E. church. He leaves a wife [Ellen Campbell] and three children to mourn his loss. The remains were laid to rest in the Memory Cemetery.

[Crosthwait, Jennie Graham]

Gravity Independent

Thursday    February 21, 1901    [p. 1]

New Market News

Mrs. G. [reen] B. [erryman] Crosswaith [Crosthwait] [Jennie Graham], living three fourths of a mile south of Now Market, departed this life, Saturday at about 3 o'clock, aged 61 years. She had been in very poor health for over a year, about that time having a light stroke of paralysis. During the last week she seemed considerably better and up to within a few hours of her death was up and around. The cause of her sudden death was the second stroke of paralysis. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Pruitt, at the Christian church, on Monday, February 18, and the remains laid to rest in the Memory Cemetery. The attendance at the services and at the cemetery was one of the largest over had in New Market.

[Crosthwait, Jennie Graham]

Gravity Independent

Thursday    February 21, 1901    [p. 1]

New Market News

Quite a number of the citizens of Yorktown and vicinity was over Monday, attending the funeral of Mrs. [Jennie Graham] Crosswaith [Crosthwait] at New Market.

Clarinda Herald (Clarinda, Iowa), Tuesday, February 19, 1901
YORKTOWN – News was received that Mrs. G. [reen] B. [erryman] Crosthwait, had died at her home near New Market last Saturday morning. The family were formerly residents of Tarkio township and highly respected by all who knew them. They have the sympathy of the entire community in their hour of sorrow and bereavement.

Clarinda Journal (Clarinda, Iowa), Friday, February 22, 1901
The New Market Herald says: "Mrs. G. [reen] B. [erryman] Crosthwait living three fourths of a mile south of New Market, departed this life Saturday morning about 3 o'clock, aged 61 years. She had been in very poor health for over a year, about that time having a light stroke of paralysis. During the last week she seemed considerable better and up to within a few hours of her death was up and around. The cause of her sudden death was the second stroke of paralysis. Miss Jennie Graham was born Sept. 17, 1840, in Monroe county, Ind. and in 1856 with her parents, moved to Warren county, Ia., where she was married to G. [reen] B. [erryman] Crosthwait on Aug. 29, 1872. Mr. and Mrs. Crosthwait afterwards moved to Page County, living near Yorktown for a number of years. They have resided near New Market for five years and during their residence in this neighborhood, Mrs. Crosthwait made friends of all with whom she came in contact, by her many kind deeds and her sweet, lovable disposition and the loss is not only to the family but to the entire community, who share in the sorrow of her sudden departure for the better world. She leaves a husband and four children, Victor A. [quilla], who teaches school near Yorktown, Mrs. Hattie Livingston, living south of Clarinda, and Florence and Mary, who reside at home. To these dear one who have lost a loving and ideal wife and mother, is extended the sympathy of all in this sad hour of their bereavement. The funeral services were preached by Rev. Pruitt at the Christian church, on Monday, Feb. 18, and the remains laid to rest in the Memory cemetery. The attendance at the services and at the cemetery was one of the largest ever had in New Market."

Clarinda Journal (Clarinda, Iowa), Friday, February 22, 1901
YORKTOWN – Wolf Miller, Mrs. T. E. Burton, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lafferty and daughter, Kate, and C. W. Mitchell, all of Tarkio township, attended the funeral services of Mrs. G. [reen] B.[erryman] Crosthwait Monday at New Market. The parties report that they were met at the train with carriages furnished by the kind friends and neighbors of the deceased and escorted to the home of Mr. Crosthwait; also to the church and cemetery and returned to the station. The people in and around New Market are certainly to be relied upon when the demand is made on them.

[Crosthwait, Green Berryman]

Bedford Free Press

Thursday    June 28, 1906    p. 3

—. G. [reen] B. [erryman] Crosthwait was born in Fulton county, Ill., Feb. 5, 1841 and died at his home near New Market, Iowa, on June 15, 1906, aged 65 years, 4 months and 10 days.—New Market Herald.

Clarinda Journal (Clarinda, Iowa), Friday, June 22, 1906
G. [reen] B. [erryman] Crosthwait, a former resident of Page county, died at his home near New Market, in Taylor county, last Friday night, June 15, 1906, at 11:30 o'clock, from congestion of the lungs. He was taken ill that morning at 3 o'clock. He was a man popular and respected for his good deeds, his consistent record of integrity. He was born in Fulton county, Ill., Feb. 5, 1841; moved to Davis county, Ia., in his early boyhood, was married in 1872 to Miss Jennie Graham at Indianola, Ia.; moved to Locust Grove, Fremont county, Ia., in 1869; from there to near Essex and from there to near Yorktown, thence near Hawleyville, near which latter named place he bought a farm of eighty acres, on which he and his family resided. Mrs. Crosthwait died five years ago last February. The surviving children are V.[ictor] A. [quilla] Crosthwait, principal of the Western college at Cameron, Mo.; Mrs. Harley Livingston, Hastings, Nebr.; Mrs. James Carr, Canada, and Miss Mary Crosthwait, who lived at her father's home and kept house for him. He is also survived by four brothers and five sisters as follows: Harry Crosthwait, Red Oak; Perry Crosthwait, Kingfisher, O. T.; Albert Crosthwait, St. Edwards, Nebr.; Dennis Crosthwait, Sheridan, Wyo.; Mrs. H. Turner, Red Oak; Mrs. William Dodds, Emerson; Mrs. J. A. Blair, Glenwood; Mrs. T. W. Stone, Shockla, Cal., and Mrs. Henry Giles, St. Edwards, Nebr. All the children and sisters and all but two brothers, Perry Crosthwait and Dennis Crosthwait, attended the funeral. It was held Monday at 2 p. m. at the home of the deceased, the officiating minister being Rev. D. Pruitt, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church and the burial was at the New Market cemetery. The services were under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic, Mr. Crosthwait having been a member of Co. D. of the Forty-fifth Iowa infantry. Forty-five Grand Army men attended the funeral, among them several from Yorktown.

Page County Democrat (Clarinda, Iowa), Thursday, July 5, 1906
B. P. Livingston and Mrs. Crosthwait of Trumbull, Neb. were called to New Market week before last by the death of Mr. B. [erryman] Crosthwait, and they visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McFarland of Buchanan township and other Page County friends. Mrs. McFarland accompanied them home for a short visit.

[Nelson, Gail A.]

Gravity Independent

Thursday    February 21, 1901    p. 4

Obituary - Gail A. Nelson.

The deceased, Gail A. Nelson, son of Ora [Edgar] and Jessie [May Adams] Nelson, was born November 12, 1897, died February 14, 1901, at the residence of his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams, where he has been kindly cared for since his mother's death which occurred January 28, 1899.

Little Gail was 3 years, 3 months and 2 days old, having been sick for almost three months. While his sickness was attended with much severe and prolonged suffering, he bore it all with remarkable patience and resignation for a child of his age. He was a bright, intelligent, sweet spirited promising little boy and was loved and admired by all who knew him. He was the second one of this young family of four to cross over the Jordan of death, his little brother, Claud, who lives with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Nelson, and his father being the only surviving members left to attend the funeral services.

The funeral services were conducted by the writer at the Christian church at 2 o'clock, Friday, where a large audience of sympathetic friends and relatives had assembled to pay the tribute of respect justly due him.

The following text was selected as a basis of thought for the occasion. "But now he is dead, wherefore should his fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me." After the services at the church, the remains were kindly laid to rest by the side of his mother in the Gravity cemetery. W. L. DUNLAVY.

[Nelson, Jessie May Adams]

Bedford Free Press

Thursday    June 29, 1899    [p. 1]


Jessie May [Adams] Nelson, wife of Ora Edgar Nelson, was born July 8, 1875, in Washington township, Taylor county, Iowa, which was her permanent place of residence during her entire life.

At the age of 17 Jessie gave herself to Christ and united with the church of Christ at Gravity, in which society she continued an active and faithful worker whenever health and circumstances would permit. On February 1, 1895, she married Ora Edgar Nelson. The union was a happy one and continued so until interrupted by Jessie's death, which occurred June 23,1899, at 11:15 p. m., limiting her life to 23 years, 11 months and 15 days. Death resulted from a siege of three weeks illness, which was attended much of the time with intense suffering, which was borne with the utmost fortitude and patience.

Jessie, having spent her whole life in the vicinity of Gravity, was well known throughout the community. Her spotless life had won the love and admiration of all who knew her and, as a consequence, an unusually large concourse of people attended the funeral, which was conducted from the Gravity church of Christ at 4 p. m. Saturday. The remains were laid to rest in the Gravity cemetery. Besides her husband, parents and many relatives and friends, Jessie leaves two bright boys—Claude, aged 3 years; and Gale [Gail], aged 19 months, to mourn her loss and cherish her memory.

Surely the all-wise God, who has seen fit to call Jessie to her home, will protect, preserve and provide for the helpless until they shall join her in that house not made with hands eternal in the heavens, where God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.

[Bean, Evelyn Bernice]

New Market Herald

Thursday    February 12, 1920    p. 2

Frog Valley Items

Frank Cade attended the funeral of little Evelyn [Bernice] Bean Sunday. The rest of the Bean family are improving some. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to them in their bereavement.

[Bean, Evelyn Bernice]

New Market Herald

Thursday    February 12, 1920    p. 4


Evelyn Bernice Bean was born in Taylor County, Ia., June 17, 1913 and passed away at her home east of New Market, at 6 a.m. Feb. 7, 1920.

She was next to the youngest daughter of John B.[urnett] and Lucy J. [eanette Adams] Bean. Besides her father and mother she leaves to mourn her loss 3 sisters and 4 brothers, Mrs. Clara O'Dell, [William] Hobart, Earl [Glen], John, Dan, Lizzie and Pansy [Irene] Bean all of New Market, all living at home except Mrs. O’Dell. Besides these she leaves a little nephew and other relatives and friends.

She took to her bed just 4 days before she passed away. She was always kind and patient and leaves a vacant place in her home which can never be filled, but Jesus said, 'Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Short funeral services were conducted Sunday by Rev. Fields at the Memory cemetery, where the remains were laid to rest.

[Bean, John Francis]

New Market Herald

Thursday    May 15, 1930    p. 3

Mr. and Mrs. John Bean Sr. [Lucy Jeanette Adams] and Mrs. Russell O'Dell [Clara Mae Bean] were called to Iowa City Monday night on account of the very serious condition of Mr. John [Francis] Bean Jr. Later—Word has been received here that Mr. Bean passed away Wednesday morning about eight o'clock. The body will arrive here today.

[Bean, John Francis]

New Market Herald

Thursday    May 22, 1930    [p. 1]

The W. W. Campbell and R. [ussell] E. [li] O'Dell [Clara Mae Bean] families of near Bedford were in New Market last Friday attending the funeral of Mr. John [Francis] Bean.

[Bean, John Francis]

New Market Herald

Thursday     May 22, 1930    [p. 1]

Obituary—John F. Bean.

Mr. John F. [rancis] Bean, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Burnett Bean [Lucy Jeanette Adams], was born at New Market, Iowa, twenty-six years ago, and after a long hard fight for life, passed into the great beyond Wednesday morning, May 14,1930, at University hospital in Iowa City.

He was united in marriage to Miss Myrtle [Dorothy] Winger January 28, 1922, and to this union three children were born, two of whom are living and the third passing away in infancy.

At the early age of twelve years he professed faith in Christ as his Saviour and was baptised into the fellowship of the Christian Church of New Market. It is said of him that he bore the marks of a Christian boy and the name of a splendid young man.

There remain to mourn his going his wife and two children, father and mother, three brothers and four sisters, besides a large number of relatives and friends.

The funeral was conducted by Rev. E. B. Osborn at the Christian church Friday afternoon and burial made in Memory cemetery.

[McAlpin, Martha Glassgow]

New Market Herald

Thursday    February 12, 1920    p. 4


Martha Glassgow, daughter of William and Jane Glassgow, was born in Harrison County, Ohio, March 2,1841, and passed away at the home of her daughter in Bedford, Ia., Sunday evening Feb. 1, 1920, at the age of 78 yrs, 10 mo., 29 days. Most of her girlhood days were spent around Hawleyville, Iowa, and her later life spent in Clarinda, until the death of her husband Jan. 18, 1919, and has since that time made her home with her only child, Mrs. George Clark.

On the 14th of Feb. 1861, she was united in marriage to Lyman B. [lack] McAlpin. To this union were born two sons and one daughter, one son having died at the age of 5 years and the other son, Albert, at the age of 41 yrs.

She leaves to mourn her loss the only daughter, Cora Clark, one brother, Charles Glassgow of New Market, and three grandchildren, Vesta Clark, Pearl Thompson and Glenn Clark, of Marion, Iowa, and a host of relatives and friends.

In early life she accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and for more than 40 years lived a consistent Christian life.

Funeral services were held at the George Clark home in Bedford, Iowa, Feb.  3,1920, at 9:30 a. m. Rev. Lowe conducted the services. Interment in Dallas Center.

[Aid, John Riley]

New Market Herald

Thursday     May 22, 1930    [p. 1]

John Aid Answers Final Summons

End Came About Nine O'clock Last Saturday Evening.

Mr. John Aid, who had been hovering between life and death for the past two weeks, passed away at his home last Saturday night about nine o'clock. His life had been despaired of for some time and about all that could be done for him toward the last was to make the end as easy as possible for him and his loved ones.

Mr. Aid had been engaged in the dray business in New Market for many years, being in partnership with his father, Mr. S. [tillman] B. Aid. He was always a faithful worker and any business entrusted to his care was sure of prompt and careful attention. During the past few years he has not been in the best of health and his strength had been gradually undermined until this last illness was more than he could conquer.

John Riley Aid, son of Stillman and Elba J. [ane Baker] Aid, was born near New Market, Iowa, November 18, 1892, and departed this life May 17,1930, being 37 years, 5 months and 29 days old.

He moved with his parents to New Market in 1910 and has since made this his home. On April 1, 1914, he was united in marriage to Miss Eva [Ellen] Robbins, of New Market. To this union were born three children, [Barry] Marion, Irma and Nellie Jane, who, with their mother, are left to mourn the loss of a father's loving care.

He was a member of the Baptist church, having made a public confession of his faith in Christ, and united with the church here about three years ago.

Besides his wife and children, he leaves to mourn his departure his grandfather, Mr. J. [ohn] R. [iley] Baker, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. [tillman] B. Aid, one brother, [Stillman] Roy Aid, and one sister, Mrs. C. H. Journey [Nellie Martha], all of New Market, and many other relatives and a host of friends.

Funeral services were held at the Baptist church Tuesday, May 20th, at 2.00 p. m. conducted by Rev. E. B. Osborn of New Market, and burial was made in Memory cemetery.

"We shall miss a thousand times

along life's weary track,

Not a sorrow or a joy but we

shall long to call thee back,

Yearn for thy true and tender

heart, long thy bright smile to see,

For many dear and true are left,

but none are quite like thee.

"Not upon us or ours the solemn

angel hath evil wrought,

The funeral anthem is a glad

evangel, the good die not;

God calls our loved ones, but we

lose not wholly what He has given

They live in thought and deed

as truly as in His heaven."

In this hour of deepest gloom the sympathy of the entire community is extended to the sorrowing ones in their loss.

[Aid, John Riley]

New Market Herald

Thursday     May 22, 1930    [p. 1]

Mr. Joe Norman and two children, Leslie and Cleola, of Maryville, Mo., attended the funeral of John [Riley] Aid Tuesday.

[Aid, Nellie Marjory]

Bedford Free Press

Thursday    November 10, 1921    p. 4

Death Calls Little One.

Nellie Marjory, the little three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. [Stillman] Roy Aid [Wilma Beatrice Norman] passed away early Saturday morning from that dread disease, diphtheria.

She had been ill only a few days and it was not until Friday that the disease fully developed. That afternoon antitoxin was administered, but the disease had taken too firm a hold and the little one succumbed to its ravages. Little Marjory was a winsome child, exceptionally bright and was the life and joy to the now bereaved and saddened home. The patter of her little feet and cheerful voice are stilled forever on earth, but in that great realm above we doubt not her little spirit is one of the brightest in His diadem. Burial, which was private, was in Memory cemetery Saturday afternoon.

Nellie Marjory Aid was born in New Market on Jan. 18, 1918, and died Oct. 29, 1921. All of her life was spent in the town of her birth.

This is the second visit of the death angel to this home during the present year, an infant son answering the summons last spring. In this second loss the sorrowing parents have the sympathy of all. —New Market Herald.

[Aid, Arthur Norman]

New Market Herald

Thursday    July 28, 1921    p. 3

Called Home

Saturday morning, July 23, the spirit of little Arthur Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. [Stillman] Roy Aid [Wilma Beatrice Norman], winged its flight back to Him who said “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Little Arthur was born April 29, 1921, and while his sojourn here was short, yet for all that, he had twined his little hands about the heart strings of the parents, and his untimely demise has left a void which will last many years. A short time ago the little one contracted whooping cough and he was unable to withstand its ravages.

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Baptist church conducted by Rev. Hess, and the little body was laid at rest in Memory cemetery. The sorrowing parents have the sympathy of the entire community.

Safe in the Arms of Jesus

Not on the mothers bosom,

Held by her clasping arms;

Not in the cradle rocking,

Guarded by her from harm.

Not by her side, low kneeling,

Asking the Shepard’s care;

Not in the crib, sweet sleeping,

The wee lamb was not there,

Not with the father playing,

Laughing in baby glee;

Not on his shoulder playing,

Not on the fathers knee.

Up in that beautiful city

Which hath no need of the sun

Safe on Jesus bosom

Resteth the little one.

[Cavin, Samuel Wiley]

Blockton News

Thursday    May 15, 1930    [p. 1]


Samuel Wiley Cavin, son of John and Elenor [Wiley] [Cavin, was born in Clayton, Illinois, January 17, 1861, and departed this life at his home west of Athelstan, Iowa, May 9, 1930, aged 69 years, 3 months and 22 days.

When but a boy he moved to Worth County, Mo., with his parents, where he spent the greater part of his life, with the exception of about ten years.

He was united in marriage to Cora G. [eneva] Stevens March 7, 1886. To this union four children were born — Albert M. [elvin], of Blockton; Lon G. [ilbert], of Savannah, Mo.; Frank S. [cott], of Blockton, and Hattie, of St. Joseph, Mo. His wife and all his children survive him; also 10 grandchildren and one great grandchild.

When a youth, he united with the Christian church. He was industrious, a faithful husband, loving father and well respected citizen.

The funeral services were held in the Athelstan Baptist church May 11, 1930, conducted by Challie E. Graham, assisted by David Dye, and the remains laid to rest in the Athelstan cemetery. The music was furnished by Marion Jenkins, Eleanor McDonald and Ella Knopp, with Mrs. F. A. Freeland presiding at the piano. The pallbearers were Marion Jenkins, A. J. Rusco, Roy Weaver, Raymond Treece, Vivian Cornet and Noble Campbell.

The bereaved ones have the sympathy of a host of friends. May the comforting grace and blessings of the kind Heavenly Father be with them, and may they be guided by Him to the realms of everlasting joy and life.

[Cavin, Albert Melvin]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    April 18, 1974    p. 7

Albert Cavin, 87, Last Rites Held April 11

Funeral services for Albert Melvin Cavin, 87, of Blockton, were held April 11 at the Blockton Christian Church officiated by Rev. Ward Campbell and Rev.

George W. Swan. Mr. Cavin died in Ringgold County Hospital April 8, 1974. Interment was at Athelstan Cemetery.

Albert Melvin Cavin, son of Samuel [Wiley] and Cora Geneva [Stevens] Cavin was born December 6, 1886 in Worth County, Missouri.

He was united in marriage to Jessie A. [nna] Cordell on February 28, 1910, and to this union three children came to bless their home, Estelle, Lester Lyle and Russell Wilbur.

He joined the Christian Church of Isadora, Missouri in early manhood and spent most of his lifetime in the Blockton area.

He celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary in February 1960 and lost his wife, Jessie, in September of the same year.

In 196 [?] he was united in marriage to Mildred M. Merkling by Rev. Ward Campbell. They moved to Sheridan, Missouri in 1968.

He was preceded in death by his parents, a brother, Frank [Scott] Cavin, a grandson, Aaron Lee Cavin, in November 1972, and a great grandson, Wilbur L.[eroy] Hull, in October 1973.

He is survived by his wife, Mildred M. Cavin; one daughter, Estelle G. Scanlan, of Blockton; two sons, Lyle [Lester] Cavin and family of Blockton, and Russell [Wilbur] Cavin and family of New Market, Iowa; a sister-in-law, Bessie Cordell, Detroit, Michigan; Burl Wiley and family and Betty Pauly and family, of St. Joseph. Mo.; eight grandchildren, five great grandchildren; one great, great granddaughter, Rose Marie Hull; one brother, Lon G. [ilbert] Cavin, Athelstan, Iowa; a sister, Hattie King, of St. Joseph, Mo.; a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.

Mr. Cavin was a wonderful husband and father and will be missed by all who knew and loved him.