Obituaries |
submitted by: Julia Johnson - |
Thursday January 12, 1922 p. 2
Obituary of William Antill
William Antill was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, August 16th, 1855, and died at the Greater Community Hospital at Creston, Iowa, Dec. 30, 1921, at the age of 66 years, 4 months, and 14 days. At the age of one year he came with his parents to Adams County, Iowa, where they located at Corning, Iowa, where he lived until about 7 years ago. Since then he has made his home with his cousin, Fred Borden at Sharpsburg, Iowa.
He was taken sick with blood poisoning and everything that loving hands could do was done but to no avail. He leaves to mourn his death, several cousins, his parents having preceded him in death several years ago.
Funeral services were held at the Methodist church at Corning, Iowa, Sunday, Jan. 1st, 1922, and the remains were laid to rest beside his parents at the Corning Cemetery.
Thursday January 12, 1922 p. 2
Obituary of William Hanna
William Hanna was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, Oct. 23, 1855, and died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Sarah Borden, Sharpsburg, Ia., Dec. 21, 1921, at the age of 66, years, 1 month and 29 days. In 1878 he came to Taylor County where he resided until his death. He united with the Presbyterian church of Sharpsburg 8 years ago, during the revival held by Rev. Rayburn.
He leaves to mourn his death one brother and two sisters, Mrs. Amanda Blair and Mrs. Sarah Borden of Sharpsburg, Iowa, John Hanna of Gravity, Ia.; 13 nephews, 7 nieces and a host of friends. His parents and one brother preceded him in death years ago. Another friend and neighbor has crossed the bar and only pleasant memories of his life remain. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church at Sharpsburg, Iowa, Thursday at 2 p. m., and the remains were laid to rest in the Gravity cemetery.
Bedford Argus
Thursday April 17, 1879 p. 5
Alpheus Williams, formerly a schoolteacher in the county, residing near Platteville, died of consumption last Monday [April 14th], and was buried on Tuesday in the Platteville cemetery. Mr. Williams had attended the Keokuk Medical College during the past winter. He leaves many warm friends to mourn his loss.
Bedford Argus
Thursday April 17, 1879 p. 5
Mrs. Mary Hankins was buried at Platteville last Tuesday [April 15th]. She died of lung fever. Mrs. Hankins was an old resident of the county and greatly beloved and respected by all who knew her. Though supporting a large family on slender means, she was one of the most helpful of women, in all cases of sickness or distress, never turning a deaf ear to any call, and never failing to render timely and valuable aid. Her influence was always for good. The humble, kindly, Christian heart is cold now, but her example will live so long as the memory of her endures.
Iowa South-West
Saturday April 19, 1879 p. 3
---Mrs. Mary E. Hankins, a very estimable lady, died at her residence a few miles south of Platteville, last Monday [April 14th], and was buried in the Platteville cemetery Tuesday [April 15th]. She was up till this spring, a resident of Platteville where she was very popular, and many warm friends thereabouts mourn because of her death.
Bedford Argus
Thursday March 6, 1879
Mr. A. [dam] D. [Jesstine] Allkire [Alkire], one of the oldest residents of Polk Township, died Wednesday of last week of lung fever. Mr. Allkire [Alkire] was well along in years, and had been ailing with a complication of disorders for several months. He was much respected in his town, and his loss will be sincerely mourned.
Thursday July 26, 1928
Samuel Alkire
Samuel Alkire, son of Adam [Jesstine] and Ellen [Pugh] Alkire, one of the older residents of Taylor County, was born in White County, Indiana, Aug. 14, 1847, and died at his home in New Market, Ia., July 14, 1928 at the age of 80 years and 11 months. He moved with his parents to Taylor County in 1864 at the age of 17 years. He was married to Eliza Jane Adams February 19, 1869, she having preceded him to the better world February 6, 1925. To this union were born six children: Jonathan E. [lsworth], Richard E. [ldon], Thomas M. [arion], Hiram W. [ilson], Ora and Willard, the two latter dying in infancy. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Christian church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Grubbs, and the interment was made in the Memory cemetery.
Iowa South-west
Saturday November 2, 1878 p. 3
Frank Latham is no more. His death occurred at the residence of his mother in this city, Monday evening. He will be greatly missed. He was an exemplary young man, industrious, pure minded,---of good habits. A general favorite among the young men of his acquaintance. He died of consumption. He was twenty-one years and four months old, and a member of the M. E. church. The remains were interred in the cemetery, at Isadora, Missouri, Wednesday.
[Ormsby, Margaret Ferry Brown]
Thursday July 9, 1908
Mrs. Luther Ormsby passed away at the home of her son L. [ucian] P. Ormsby, on June 15th after an illness, and was buried from the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday afternoon. Her maiden name was Margaret F. [erry] Brown, born in Alleghany Co., Penn., September 30,1831. At twelve years of age her parents moved to New York State where she was married to Luther Ormsby, Dec. 19, 1854. In 1863, she with her husband and one child moved to Iowa, where her husband died May 5, 1888, after which time she has lived with her son, who with his family moved to Edgeley, N D., in 1904.
At the age of 13, Mrs. Ormsby joined the Baptist church in which body she has ever been faithful in both church and Sunday school. She was always ready to lend a helping hand in times of sickness and death. She dies leaving a wide circle of friends to mourn her loss, but who know she has gone to a richly earned reward.—Edgeley Mail, Lamoure County, North Dakota.
Mrs. Ormsby, mention of whose death is made above, will be well remembered by all the older settlers of Bedford and vicinity, as a woman of highest character and most amiable disposition. During her residence here she won the highest regard of all within her circle of acquaintance, and hundreds of Taylor county friends will sincerely regret her death.
Thursday July 9, 1908
Lottie Opal, daughter of William and Alice [Clabaugh] Leonard, was born June 14, 1901, died July 4, 1908, aged 7 years and 20 days.
The day little Lottie was taken sick she seemed so happy, constantly singing her favorite little song. "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam."
In the afternoon she was taken suddenly with a severe pain in her side. A physician was called and after an examination pronounced her disease appendicitis. A nurse was called and everything was done that possibly could be done to relieve the little sufferer, but all to no avail, and the angel of death claimed her as his own at 7:30 a. m. July 4, 1908, after a week of intense suffering.
A short time before she passed away she called the family and relatives to her bedside, and placing her arms around their necks and kissed each of them, seeming to realize that she was going to leave them.
Lottie was an exceptionally bright child, and was loved by all who knew her, but the Lord wanted her, and has claimed her to make up His jewels.
There is a vacant place in the home, a loving voice is stilled. May the Heavenly Father comfort the hearts of the sorrowing and bereaved ones left to mourn the loss of their loved one.
The funeral was held at the home, conducted by J. D. Corbitt, pastor of the Blue Grove Church of Christ of which the family are members, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Prairie Rose cemetery. W.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday May 20, 1937 [p. 1]
C. F. Underwood Succumbs Tuesday
C. F. Underwood, a resident of Taylor County and the Bedford community his entire life, succumbed with a heart attack at his home southwest of Bedford, Tuesday morning, while doing his morning farm chores. Although he had been ill during the winter his health had improved and death came as a shock to his family and friends.
The funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. F. Overhulser. Burial was in the Bedford cemetery.
Charles Franklin Underwood, son of Lemuel and Elizabeth Underwood, was born in Taylor, county, Iowa, Oct. 2, 1873 and was 63 years, 7 months and 16 days, at the time of his death.
He was married March 28, 1903 to Mrs. Lulu Bixler at Red Oak, Iowa. He spent his entire life in Taylor County and had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for many years.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday May 27, 1937 [p. 1]
Here For Funeral
Those from out of town who attended the Chas. Underwood funeral services in Bedford Friday were the following:
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bixler of Cody, Wyo., Tom Baker, Floyd Baker, Mrs. Don Bond, Mrs. Ruby Baker, Robert and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Delpha Bixler, of Lincoln, Nebr., Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wisdom and Patsy and Orie Underwood of Omaha.
Garnet Herrington of Carson, Iowa; Dan Underwood, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Patton, William Frist, Orpha Frist Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Coy, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stallings, Eunice, Danie and Branard, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adkins of Villisca; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Baker and Donald Baker of Nodaway; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finley, Mrs. Lawrence Gray, John, Raymond, and Dorothy of Clarinda.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday December 10, 1970 p. 3
Robert Swartwood Rites Dec 4
Funeral services for Robert [Paul] Swartwood, 42, of Clearfield were held Fri., Dec. 4 at the Clearfield United Methodist Church with Rev. Edward Tschetter officiating. Mr. Swartwood died at Veterans Hospital in Des Moines December 1. Interment was at Bethel Cemetery, southwest of Diagonal.
He is survived by his wife, Donna; son, Robert Jr., two daughters, Debbie, of Des Moines and Guyla Jean at home; mother, Mrs. Rena [Scott] Swartwood of Bedford; brother, G. [uy] W. Swartwood of Kansas City, Mo.; a sister, Mary Lou Kredill of Moline, Ill.
Thursday June 4, 1931
Mrs. J. D. Shearer
Mrs. J. [acob] D. [orsey] Shearer [Laura Belle Fine], age 62, passed away Wednesday night at her home in Hopkins following a prolonged illness. She was born at Bedford, Ia., and moved to the Hopkins community forty-two years ago. Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the Methodist church in Hopkins, conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. Howard Thompson. Burial was at the Shearer cemetery. Surviving is the husband, a daughter, Mrs. Roy King [Neva] of Hopkins, a son, H. [enry] C. [oy] Shearer of Monrovia, Calif.; three sisters, Mrs. J.[ames] R. [ussell] Woldruff [Amanda Florence] of Hopkins, Mrs. R. E. [mmett] Bradley [Cora May] of Bedford, Mrs. [Samuel] Roy Cavender [Cavner] [Flovia Rosa] of College Springs; three brothers, Perry [Pleasant] and Delbert Fine of Hopkins, and Roy Fine of Raymond, S. D. She also leaves two grandchildren.
[Woldruff, Amanda Florence Fine]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday July 11, 1935
Mrs. James Woldroff Dies At Home July 3
Amanda Florence Fine Woldroff [Woldruff], daughter of A. [aron] C. [olumbus] and Armina [Davidson] Fine, was born August 15, 1873, near Siam, Iowa, and died July 3, 1935, at her home six miles east of Braddyville, at the age of sixty-two years, ten months and eighteen days. All her life, except four years spent in Colorado, was spent in the Siam vicinity.
Funeral services were held at the Siam Methodist church, the pastor, Rev. L. M. Kirby, in charge. All of the children were present except Mrs. Ethel Neal, who was hindered by sickness. The pall bearers were her eight sons. A large number of relatives and friends were present to pay their respects. The body was laid to rest in the Shearer cemetery.
April 9, 1892, she was united in marriage to James R. [ussell] Woldroff [Woldruff]. She was the proud mother of thirteen children, two of whom have preceded her in death. The living children are [Ernest] Loy, of Clarinda; Orie [Elmer], of Braddyville; Glen, of Hopkins, Mo.; Elbert of Colorado Springs, Colo.; Mrs. Ethel Neal of Greeley, Colo.; Cecil, Loren, Mrs. Vera Clayton and Mrs. Lois Orme of Siam; George and Marvin still at home.
She is also survived by her stepmother, Mrs. Harriet Fine of Hopkins, Mo., 26 grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Cora Bradley of Bedford and Mrs. Flovia Cavner of Hopkins; three brothers, Dell [Delbert] and Perry Fine of Hopkins, and Roy Fine of Raymond, So. Dak.; also a number of other relatives and many friends. One brother, Benton Fine, and two sisters, Ellen Maxwell and Laura [Belle] Shearer preceded her in death.
[Thirkield, Sarah Jane Sweney]
Thursday June 4, 1931
Mrs. Sarah J. Thirkield
Mrs. Sarah J. [ane Sweney] Thirkield, wife of J. [ames] M. Thirkield, was born in Ohio, Jan. 11, 1844, and died at Marionville, Mo., on May 30, at 6:00 a. m., 1931. Her husband died in 1912 and is buried in Bedford cemetery. One daughter was born to them, who died at the age of eight months, and is buried at Xenia, Ohio. Mrs. Thirkield has lived in Ohio, Iowa and Missouri. She united with the Methodist Episcopal church when a little child and has continued a member of that church until her death. In 1926 in the month of May, she entered the Methodist Home for the Aged, and has made that her home until her death. Two brothers survive her, George Sweney of San Francisco, Calif., and C. B. Sweney of Indianapolis, Ind., together with two nieces and one nephew.
The body was received at Bedford and funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home last Sunday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev J. T. Ward of Marionville, Mo., assisted by Rev. M. R. Talley. Interment was made in the Bedford cemetery.
Mrs. Thirkield was an old time resident of Bedford before going to the home at Marionville, Mo.
Thursday June 4, 1931 p. 4
Mrs. Alice Swain
Mrs. Alice Swain passed away at her home in Council Bluffs, Sunday afternoon. The funeral services were held at that place today (Thursday). Mrs. Swain was a former resident of Bedford.
Thursday March 7, 1929
Samuel N. McNees
Samuel N. [H.] McNees, son of Elihu and Ary [Emeline Hays] McNees of Green county, Tennessee, was born Feb. 12, 1856, and died at his home in New Market, Iowa, Feb. 26, 1929, at the age of 73 years and 14 days. He grew to manhood in Tennessee, and in May 1877, was married to Miss Fannie McKay. In 1901 they moved to Taylor county, Iowa, and have lived in or near New Market, since that time. About 40 years ago, Mr. McNees united with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at Pleasant Vail, Green County, Tenn., where he retained his membership up to the time of his death. Samuel was the last of a family of six children; his father, mother; 2 brothers, Joseph H. and John C. [rittenden]; 3 sisters, one in infancy, Mary J. [ane] Mathews, and Martha, all having preceded him to the better world. He leaves to mourn their loss, his widow, and a large number of nephews and nieces, besides a host of friends. Brother McNees has been a great sufferer for about a year. We mourn his going, but our loss is his eternal gain. At the age of six years, his mother died while his father was in the Union Army in the South. He was cared for by his Aunt Sarah McNees. He was a kind and loving husband, a good neighbor, and a true friend. He was highly respected in the community for his sterling qualities as neighbor, friend and citizen.
Funeral services were held at the M. E. church in New Market last Thursday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, conducted by the pastor, Rev. C F. Smith. Burial was made in Old Memory cemetery.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday October 4, 1956 p. 12
Obituary - Jessie Houck
Jessie Houck, daughter of Austin S. and Laura E. Houck, was born in Bedford, Oct. 18, 1878, and died in Clarinda Municipal hospital, Sept. 13, 1956.
She received her education in the Bedford schools, became a member of the Presbyterian Church here in 1897 and had been a faithful member of the Clarinda United Presbyterian church since 1945.
Jessie, with her sister, Ola, became telephone operators, first at Bedford, then Clarinda and followed with 22 years of service at Bethesda, at which place they became known and greatly appreciated by the whole community. After retirement the two sisters moved to Clarinda.
Although in poor health most of the time in recent years, Jessie kept up her interest in her friends, her church, her home and her flowers.
She leaves to mourn her passing her sister Ola Houck of Clarinda; two brothers, Walter A.[ustin] Houck of Bedford and Arthur S. Houck of Portsmouth, Va.; three nephews and two nieces.
Funeral services were conducted Sept. 15 at Clarinda with Rev. C. K. Hawthorne in charge. Burial in Bedford cemetery
Tuesday April 25, 1905 [p. 1]
Death of John Shearer
From Monday’s Daily
John [Slater] Shearer, an old resident of Taylor County, died at his home in Gay Township Saturday morning, of cancer of the stomach, age 46 years. The funeral was held at 11 o'clock today at the M. E. Church in Conway, Rev. Coe delivering the address. Interment at Conway cemetery.
The deceased was born in Ohio but came to Iowa with his parents when a small boy, and has since resided in Gay township. In early manhood he was married to Miss Lizzie [Elizabeth Jane] Eaton of Ringgold County. To them have been born four children, three boys and one girl, all of whom are nearly grown.
Mr. Shearer was taken ill nearly a year ago. Growing gradually worse he finally was taken to the hospital at St. Joseph, thinking perhaps an operation might save his life. But it was discovered that nothing could be done, and an operation would only hasten his death. He returned home, and within a few days the summons came.
The deceased was well known and universally respected, and his death, coming as it did just when he should have been in the prime of life, has cast a shadow of gloom over the entire community.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday January 27, 1938 p. 3
Long-Time Resident Succumbs With Pneumonia
William [Elias] Myers, 79, a resident of Nodaway county all of his life, died at 6 o'clock Saturday evening at his home near Hopkins. His death followed a few days illness of pneumonia.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Baptist church in Hopkins, conducted by Rev. H. T. Busby, pastor of the Clearmont Baptist church. Burial was in the Hopkins cemetery.
Mr. Myers is survived by his widow; three daughters, Mrs. Hazel Lasley and Mrs. Edgar Williams [Opal] of Hopkins, Mrs. Bert Eggers [Lucille] of Pacific Junction, Iowa; four sons, Walter Myers of Hopkins, Mary Myers [Martin Joseph] of St. Joseph, R. D. Myers of Pacific Junction, and P.[ercival] E. [ugene] Myers of Nebraska City, Nebraska.
[Sturgeon, Hebron Siloam Euphrates]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday January 27, 1938 p. 3
Hebron Sturgeon, 77, Spent His Entire Life in Hopkins
Funeral services were held at the Baptist church in Hopkins Tuesday, Jan. 18, for Hebron [Siloam Euphrates] Sturgeon, who died the Monday previous, following a long illness. He was seventy-seven years old and had lived his entire life in this vicinity.
He is survived by his wife; one daughter, Mrs. Everett Orme [Lula]; one son, Roy Sturgeon; one brother, James [Fremont] Sturgeon; and two grand daughters, all of Hopkins. Burial was in the Hopkins cemetery.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday January 21, 1926 [p. 1]
Joshua Florea Dead
Joshua Florea, one of the pioneer residents of the vicinity of Blockton, died very suddenly at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. [harles] S. Cobb [Druzella Eva Jane Florea], in Blockton, Monday afternoon, January 18th. He was assisting with some work in the yard when he became ill. After being assisted to the house he only lived a few minutes.
He had lived in the vicinity of Blockton for nearly 58 years. He was born near Newport, Ohio, February 29, 1844, and was aged 81 years, 10 months, 18 days. He grew to manhood in Ohio and on September 28, 1865, was united in marriage to Mary S. [usan] Peterson, who preceded him in 1923.
In the autumn of 1863, they moved to the vicinity of Blockton where they have since resided. He was the father of ten children, six sons and four daughters, all of whom are living and were present at the funeral service. He was a man of strong religious convictions, being a member of the Church of Christ since early in life and in which body he served as elder for 32 years.
Funeral services were held at the Tent Chapel Church on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by L. R. Cobb. Interment was in the local cemetery.
Blockton News, Thursday, January 21, 1926, [p. 1]
Joshua Florea Dead
Joshua Florea, a long time resident of this vicinity, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Chas. S. Cobb, Monday afternoon, Jan. 18, 1926, about 3:30. His death was quite sudden, he having been in the yard a short time before, where he became dizzy and had to be helped into the house.
Mr. Florea was almost four score and two years of year. He would have been 82 years of age on the 29th day of February. He was born on Feb. 29, 1844.
Mr. Florea was united in marriage to Mary Susan Peterson on Sept. 28, 1865, in Ohio, where they lived until the autumn of 1868 when they located on the farm south of the line in Worth County, Mo., south of town, and where they lived until the time of Mrs. Florea's death which occurred on August 6, 1923. Since that time Mr. Florea has made his home with his children.
Ten children came to the Florea home, and all survive the parents. The children are Mrs. Chas. S. Cobb, Blockton; A. [lbert] E. [dward] Florea, Thedford, Nebr.; J.[oseph [N. [elson] Florea, Alton, Mo.; Mrs. Geo. Glenn and Mrs. Albert Goff, Irena, Mo.; L. [eroy] R. [oscoe] Florea of Lenna [Leona], Kansas; W. [alter] G. [eorge] Florea and F. [rancis] L. [loyd] Florea, Mrs. J. [ohn] L. [arkin] Hall, and Al Florea, Blockton.
The children were all expected to be at the funeral which was held in Tent Chapel yesterday afternoon at 3 ?clock.
Blockton News, Thursday, January 28, 1926, [p. 1]
Joshua Florea, son of John and Elizabeth Florea, was born Feb. 29, 1844 and passed to his reward Jan. 18, 1926. He was of a family of fourteen children all of whom have passed away except two sisters, Mrs. M. Q. Turner, of New Vienna, Ohio, and Mrs. David McDermoth [McDermit] of Lawshe, Ohio.
He was born near the town then called New Port, in Adams County, Ohio, where he grew to manhood. On the 18th of September 1865, he was married to Mary S.[usan] Peterson, who preceded him in death two and one-half years. They resided in Ohio until the autumn of 1868 when they came to Worth County, Mo., near Blockton, Ia., where they continued to reside until bereft of his companion, since then he made his home with the children near the old home. He was the father of ten children---six sons and four daughters—all of whom survive. Namely: Mrs. Chas. S. Cobb, Blockton; A. [lbert] E. [dward] Florea, Thedford, Nebr.; J. [oseph] N. [elson] Florea, Alton, Mo., Mrs. Geo. Glenn and Mrs. A.[lbert] L. Goff, Irena, Mo.; L. [eroy] R. [oscoe] Florea, Leona, Kansas; W. alter] G. [eorge] Florea, F. [rancis] L. [loyd] Florea, Mrs. J. [ohn] L. [arkin] Hall and B. [arton [A.[llen] Florea, Blockton. All with twenty-nine grandchildren, twelve great grandchildren, a great number of relatives, and a host of friends, mourn his departure.
Early in life he became obedient to the Gospel, lived faithful to the [closing?] and died in the triumph of a living faith. He united with the church at Newport, Ohio, and when he came to Worth County, placed his membership with a congregation [located] at Isadora and afterward united with the church at Pleasant Ridge [words unreadable] September, 1898, he became a charter member of the Church of Christ at Tent Chapel, was ordained an elder and continued until death. It was through his efforts the congregation was established. His home was one of hospitality and many faithful preachers have partaken of its blessings.
Thus marks the passing of another pioneer of good ripe old age, as a ripe sheaf for the garner, whose pilgrimage covered the period of 81 years, 10 months and 18 days.
The funeral services were conducted at Tent Chapel on Wednesday, Jan. 20, by L. R. Cobb of Bedford. The pallbearers were Will, Charles, Albert, Denver, Samuel and Delbert Florea, of Nodaway County, Mo., nephews of the deceased. After the service the remains were laid to rest in the Tent Chapel cemetery to await the resurrection.
Blockton News, Thursday, January 28, 1926, p. 4
Will, Charles, Albert, Denver, Samuel and Delbert Florea and Mrs. Meda Stone, nephews and a niece of the late Joshua Florea, of near Hopkins, attended the funeral of their uncle on Wednesday of last week.
Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, January 28, 1926
A. E., J. N. and L. R. Florea, who were called here last week by the death of their father, Joshua Florea, departed on Thursday and Friday for their respective homes at Thedford, Neb.; Alton, Mo., and Leona, Kansas.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday January 21, 1926 [p. 1]
Mrs. M. Miller
Mrs. Emma Gilham Miller, long resident of Bedford, passed away on January 15, 1926, at the home of her daughter in Ogallala, Nebraska. Mrs. Miller was born September 18th, 1857, and with her husband came to Bedford shortly after their marriage on June 10, 1879. Mrs. Miller's sons and daughters, well known in this community, are Grey Miller, Mrs. Eva Wehn, Mrs. Rebecca Secore, Mrs. Dorothy Curell, Mrs. Olive Wilcox, Mrs. Pattie Hoag Searle, Worth Miller.
Funeral services were conducted at the late home, January 19th, by the Rev. Paul G. Luce, pastor of the local Presbyterian church of which she was for many years a member. Interment was given in the Fairview cemetery, Bedford, Iowa.
Bedford Times-Republican, Thursday, January 28, 1926, p. 3
Emma Gilham Miller
Mrs. Emma Gilham [Gillham] Miller, long a resident of Bedford, passed away Jan. 15th, 1926, in Ogallala, Nebr., at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Miller was born Sept. 18th, 1857, and with her husband came to Bedford shortly after their marriage on June 10, 1879. Mrs. Miller’s sons and daughters, well known in this community, are: Grey Miller, Mrs. Eva Wehn, Mrs. Rebecca Secore, Mrs. Dorothy Curell, Mrs. Olive Wilcox, Mrs. Pattie Hoag Searle, Worth Miller. Funeral services were conducted at the late home, Jan. 19th, by the Rev. Paul G. Luce, pastor of the local Presbyterian Church, of which she was for many years a member. Interment was given in the Fairview cemetery, Bedford, Ia.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday January 21, 1926 [p. 1]
B. F. William.
Benjamin F. [ranklin] Williams was born December 17, 1885, near Greenview, Illinois. He was one of a family of nine children, and lived with his parents at Greenview until 1904, when he came to Bedford with his sister, Mrs. E. T. Brice, and except for two years, has made this his home since. In 1907 he was united in marriage to Eva Pratt. To this union one son was born, Donald B.
He was a member of the Baptist church, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, a member of the Masonic Order, Taylor Lodge 156 A. F. & A. M. and the Woodmen of the World He is survived by his wife and son, his mother, Mrs. Kate Williams, one brother and three sisters, all of Greenview, one sister of Portland, Oregon and Mrs. Brice of Bedford.
Mr. Williams had never been strong since he was 12 years of age when he was injured in a fall, the results of which remained throughout life. He had not been well the past ten days but never gave up to stay at home from his work at the Oak barbershop, until last Saturday. He was considered dangerously ill until 21 hour before his death, which came about 6:30 Tuesday evening Pneumonia was the cause of his death.
The funeral services were held at the Baptist church this afternoon at 2 o'clock conducted by the Rev. C. W. Fletcher. Interment was made In the Fairview cemetery.