Obituaries |
submitted by: Julia Johnson - |
Thursday July 9, 1931 p. 4
Mrs. E. E. Stickelman
Mrs. E. [lliott] E. [lmer] Stickelman passed away at her home in Braddyville, Iowa, at 5 o’clock Saturday evening, July 4. The funeral services were held at the Christian Church at that place Monday afternoon and interment was made in the Braddyville cemetery. Eight granddaughters acted as flower girls at the funeral.
Joan Bradley, daughter of Rebekah [Rebecca] Ann [Means] and De [laney] [I.] Bradley, was born October 23, 1852, at Cameron, Ill. She was one of a family of 7 children, and moved with the family to Siam, Iowa, in 1869. When 16 years of age she united with the Christian Church and remained a faithful member until her death. In 1871 she was united in marriage to E. [lliott] E. [lmer] Stickelman of Siam, which place they made their home until 26 years ago when they moved to Braddyville. To this union were born 9 children, the oldest, a daughter [Myrtle] having passed away in infancy. The surviving children are: Guy and [Lorenzo] Dow of Bedford; Paul and Mrs. Daisy Lister of Braddyville; Irvin and Mrs. Ona Dunn of Clarinda; Ernest of Gothenburg, Nebr., and Orr of Chicago. She is also survived by the husband, one sister and one brother, Mary Rankin and Sid Bradley of Bedford.
[Stickelman, Guy Wilbur “Stick”]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday May 16, 1935 p. 4
Guy Stickelman, 60, Succumbs Saturday
Guy Stickelman, 60, a resident of Bedford for many years, died at his home Saturday morning after a short illness.
His death came as a shock to the community as he was absent only a few days from the schoolhouse where he had faithfully served as janitor for the past 19 years. During that time he had endeared himself in the heart of every student. “Stick,” as he was called by all the pupils, will be greatly missed.
Guy Wilbur Stickelman, son of Elliott [Elmer] and Joan [Bradley] Stickelman, was born near Siam, Iowa, May 8, 1875. He was the oldest of a family of eight children and was the first to be taken. His mother died several years ago.
He was married in the year 1897 to Elizabeth Dunn. To them were born three children, Bert Stickelman of Sheridan, Mo., Mrs. Opal [Othella] Rodgers and Miss Ona [Marie] Stickelman of Des Moines.
Surviving with the wife and three children are two grandchildren, Betty Del Stickelman and Samuel Robert Rodgers. Also the aged father, Elliott Stickelman of Braddyville; the brothers and sisters, Mrs. Daisy Lister of Braddyville, Mrs. Ona Dunn of Clarinda, Irvin Stickelman of Clarinda, Ernest Stickleman of Gothenburg, Nebr., Paul Stickelman of Braddyville, Orr Stickelman of Chicago, and Dow Stickelman of Bedford.
He had been a member of the Christian church for the past forty years.
The funeral services were held at the Church of Christ Sunday afternoon, conducted by Leslie R. Cobb. Burial was in the Fairview cemetery.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday August 12, 1937 p. 3
Passing Of Pioneer
J. M. Stickelman Resided On Same Farm 60 Years
Funeral services for J. [ohn] M. [onroe] Stickelman were held Wednesday afternoon at the Church of Christ and were largely attended.
Mr. Stickelman resided on the same farm for more than sixty years. There he took his bride, Miss Missouri Ingram, and in the old home their family was born and reared. Uncle John, as he was lovingly called by all, was ever ready to lend a helping hand to those in distress or sorrow and the entire community is grieved by the passing of this grand, good man. The children have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.
[Stickelman, John Monroe]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday August 5, 1937 [p. 1]
J. M. Stickelman, 91, Succumbs August 1
J. [ohn] M. [onroe] Stickelman, 91, a resident of the Siam community for many years, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed Glover in Bedford, Monday, August 2, after a lingering illness.
The funeral services were held at the Church of Christ in Siam Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. C. Max Buck of Bedford. The Masonic burial service was given at the grave in the Siam cemetery.
He is survived by four daughters and two sons: Mrs. Ed Glover, Mrs. Elmer Henderson, Mrs. Roe Bradley, Mrs. Nellie Cobb, Lloyd Stickelman and Arthur Stickelman. Also by one brother, E. [lliott] E. [lmer] Stickelman of Braddyville. Mrs. Stickelman died several years ago.
[Stickelman, John Monroe]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday August 12, 1937 p. 8
J. M. Stickelman
John Monroe Stickelman, son of John and Clara [McMillin] Stickelman, was born in Gallia county, Ohio, Feb. 28, 1846 and passed away Monday, August 2, 1937 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed Glover in Bedford, Iowa, at the age of 91 years, 5 months and 4 days.
When but an infant six months old he moved with his parents to Fort Recovery in Mercer county, Ohio, where he resided until he became a man. In the year 1870 he, together with his mother, three brothers and one sister, moved to a farm near Siam, where he had since resided.
April 14, 1872 he was united in marriage to Mary A. Howe who passed away just two years later on April 14, 1874. To this union one daughter was born, Clara Gay. She passed away on May 6, 1874. He was united in marriage to Missouri A.[nn] Ingram Feb. 8, 1882 and to this union nine children were born, three sons and six daughters. Two of these children, one boy and one girl, died in infancy. His daughter Mrs. Elma E. Jeffers passed away Sept. 21, 1912, and his faithful and beloved wife also preceded him in death, passing away on Feb. 10, 1934.
Mr. Stickelman made the confession of his faith and placed his membership in the Church of Christ in Siam in the year 1874. This statement does not begin to express his interest in the Church of Christ. Throughout the years of his life he was vitally interested in the work of the Master. He loved the Word of God and made it the ruling power in his life. He was anxious concerning the spiritual welfare of all close around him. His devotion to the church made him a leader in his local church and during his lifetime he held every office of importance that is possible in the church's life. He served as a deacon for many years, and as an elder for many, many years. It can be truly said of him that he was a pillar of strength in the Church of Christ in Siam. His great faith in Christ and God remained with him until the end. He was not afraid to die, but on the other hand was ready and willing to go when God saw fit to take him. God was good to him and gave him many years of life. In turn Uncle John, as he was affectionately known, devoted the most of these years to his God.
Mr. Stickelman joined the I. O.F. lodge in 1868 and the masonic lodge in the year 1877. His lodge brothers will all testify to his good life. He was one of the active members of these organizations and because of his sincerity was given many posts of honor in the lodge of which he was a member.
Mr. Stickelman lived a very active life and because of his willingness to help others he made a host of friends. He was a fine neighbor, loved and respected by all people. He was a kind and generous husband and father and was deeply loved by all his family. While he lived long among us, and his passing away was expected, still he will be greatly missed by all his loved ones and his many many friends.
Mr. Stickelman is survived by his six children, A. [rthur] R. [oss] Stickelman of Siam, Mrs. Ed Glover and Mrs. Nellie [Elizabeth] Cobb of Bedford, Mrs. Rowe Bradley of Winterhaven, Calif., Mrs. Elda Henderson and [John] Lloyd Stickelman of Bedford; also his brother, Elliott E. [lmer] Stickelman of Braddyville, seventeen grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday August 17, 1972 p. 4
Last Rites Held Aug. 15 For Carl Stickelman
Funeral services for Carl Austin Stickelman, 84, of Blockton, held August 15 at the Blockton Christian church, were conducted by Rev. O. A. Streepy and Rev. George W. Swan. Mr. Stickelman died August 11, 1972 at Ringgold County Hospital in Mount Ayr. Interment was at Rose Hill Cemetery, Blockton.
Carl Austin Stickelman, son of Joseph and Jennie [Fordyce] Havner Stickelman of Siam, was born December 16, 1888.
He was a faithful member of the Christian Church.
Mr. Stickelman, a graduate with high distinction from the College of Telegraphy, was a telegrapher for the Chicago Great Western from 1910 to 1949, when ill health forced his retirement. During these years he was granted the highest honors from the company for his competency and excellency of work.
He was united in marriage to Pearl King Kemery in 1916. She preceded him in death in December 1961.
Carl was preceded in death by his parents, brothers, John and Waldo, and his sisters, Velma, Allie, Christine and Girda.
He was a genius with flowers, in growing them and floral arrangements. It was a joy to him to share this beauty with beautiful arrangements for church services. During his years of employment he supplied several floral shops in Des Moines, Ia., with gladioli and iris.
On January 6, 1968, he was united in marriage with Ola May Streepy.
Carl was a kind and loving husband, a perfectionist, always helpful and considerate.
He is survived by his wife; brothers and sisters-in-law: Mr. and Mrs. Everett (Bob) Streepy and family, Oklahoma City, Okla.; Rev. and Mrs. O. A. Streepy and family, Long Beach, Calif.; nephews and wives, Mr. and Mrs. Vearon John, Bedford, Mr. and Mrs. Albert John and family, Corning, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Docken and family, Gig Harbor, Wash., Mrs. Dorothy [Henry] John, San Francisco, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Byron Stephenson and family, San Bernardino, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMullin and family, Barstow, Calif.; sister-in-law, Mrs. Clara Stickelman; a host of friends wherever he lived.
Rev. O. A. Streepy, Long Beach, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Streepy of Oklahoma City were here for the services.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday December 22, 1966 p. 10
Allie Stickelman Rites Dec. 16
Funeral services for Miss Allie Maude Stickelman, 92, of Blockton, were held December 16 at the State Street Shum-Novinger Funeral Home with Rev. Clarence Landis officiating. Miss Stickelman died in a nursing home in Bedford December 14. Interment was at Graceland Cemetery, near Bedford.
Allie Maude Stickelman was born on a farm near Siam in Taylor County, Iowa, on September 13,1874. She was the eldest daughter of Joseph and Jenny Havner Stickelman.
She was preceded in death by her parents, a brother, Loren E. [mmitt], Blockton, December 1951 and a sister, Velma Marie Ostrander, Barstow, Calif., Oct. 29, 1948.
She is survived by two brothers: Waldo S. Stickelman and Carl A. [ustin] Stickelman, both of Blockton; two sisters, Mrs. Girda John of Bedford, and Mrs. Minnie Dell Berstrand of Tacoma, Wash.; four nephews and three nieces.
She was a long time member of the Methodist Church of Blockton, having joined at an Evangelistic meeting in Blockton under minister Clara Whittenmyer in 1905.
She was a 50-year member of the Eastern Star, Blockton Chapter No. 447.
She made her home in Blockton until her health necessitated her going to a nursing home in Bedford, Ia.
She will long be remembered and memories cherished by all who knew her.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday December 11, 1969 p. 2
Last Rites Held In Bedford For Loyd Stickelman
Funeral services for John Loyd Stickelman, 75, of Bedford, were held December 5 at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home in Bedford, conducted by Rev. D. I. Draper. Mr. Stickelman died in Northwest Hospital in Des Moines, December 2, 1969. Interment was at Fairview Cemetery, Bedford.
Loyd was born Sept. 15, 1894 at Siam, Iowa, and spent his entire life in and around this community.
On Feb. 19, 1918, he was married to Kila [Merle] Miller. Two daughters were born to bless their home: Mrs. Helen Croat of Des Moines and Mrs. Martha Wilson of Des Moines.
Mr. Stickelman was employed by the Postal Department here for 34 years. He served in World War I for one and one-half years and was a 50-year member of the American Legion. He was a member of the Bedford United Methodist Church.
Preceding him in death were his father, mother, one sister, Elma, and brother, Arthur.
He is survived by his wife; two daughters, three grandchildren: John Randall Croat, Rebecca Ann Croat and Tracie Ann Wilson; four sisters, Mrs. Nellie Cobb, Mrs. Iva Glover of Bedford, Mrs. Elda Henderson, Wymore, Nebr., and Mrs. Lonesa Bradley, San Diego, Calif.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday December 11, 1969 p. 2
Mrs. Stickelman Rites Here Mon.
Funeral services for Mrs. Guy (Elizabeth) Stickelman, 89, of Bedford, were held Mon., Dec. 8, at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home here, conducted by Rev. Ollie Odle. Mrs. Stickelman died December 6, 1969 at Municipal Hospital in Clarinda. Interment was at Fairview Cemetery, Bedford.
Elizabeth Dunn Stickelman, daughter of Benjamin J. and Victoria Mitchell Dunn, was born at Sheridan, Missouri, February 1, 1880.
She was married to Guy Stickelman, December 23, 1897 at Siam, Iowa. To this union three children were born: twins, Bert and Opal and Ona Marie.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Guy, her three children, Bert [Linden], Opal Rodgers and Ona Marie Stickelman; one grandson, Guy Hubert, who died in infancy and one brother, Albert Dunn.
At an early age she joined the Christian Church at Siam and she lived her entire life in this area.
She is survived by a daughter-in-law, Fedella [Fidelia Anna Bowen] Stickelman of Des Moines, Iowa; four grandchildren, Betty Bennett and husband of Independence, Missouri; Ona Marie Waugh and husband of Fort Dodge, Iowa; Robert Rodgers and wife of Clearwater, Florida; and Sally Rosser of Clearwater, Florida; five great grandchildren; two great great grandchildren; two half sisters, Mrs. Dora Wieman and Mrs. Gold Fleining of Omaha, Nebraska; other relatives and a host of friends.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday August 20, 1981 p. 4
Ola May Stickelman Last Rites Were Held Wednesday
Funeral services for Ola May (Streepy) Stickelman, 84, of Blockton, were held Wed., Aug. 19, in the Blockton Christian church with Rev. George Swan officiating. Mrs. Stickleman died August 16 in Ringgold Co. Hospital in Mt. Ayr. Interment was at Rose Hill Cemetery in Blockton.
Mrs. Stickelman was a long time resident of Blockton.
[Spurgeon, Sarah Elizabeth Carter]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday May 13, 1948 p. 4
Obituary – Mrs. Sarah Spurgeon
Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Coleman S. and Susan [Martin] Carter, was born in Nodaway County, Mo., June 4, 1861 and departed this life in Bedford, May 5, 1948 at the age of 86 years, 11 months and 1 day.
She came to Bedford when a child and had lived here ever since. In 1885 she was married to William [M.] Spurgeon. To them four children were born. Mr. Spurgeon died in 1921.
Those left to mourn are the four children, six grandchildren, six great grandchildren, two brothers and one sister. She was a member of the Christian Church.
Funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Friday afternoon, May 7, Rev. G. W. Swan officiating. Burial was in Fairview cemetery.
Southwest Democrat
Friday March 30, 1888
Died, of lung fever, on Friday last, at 8 o’clock, Bessie, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. [Martin] Spurgeon, aged 14 months and 5 days. Funeral services were conducted at the residence of the parents on Saturday the 24th inst. By Rev. Scott.
The following lines in memoriam were written by Maggie Harris, cousin of the deceased, aged about 13 years.
Toll the bell in sadness,
Tearfully bow the head,
All are crushed with sorrow.
Little Bessie is dead.
Another from our midst is taken
Loved and petted by us all,
Gone from among our number
To answer our Saviour’s call.
She was the loving household sister;
With her our joy disappears.
How each of us will miss her
All the weary, coming years.
Bessie will not smile nor waken.
She will take her pleasant rest.
After four long weeks of suffering
Our little Darling is at rest.
‘Tis again Death comes in silence,
‘Twas a still but fearful guest,
And has chosen from among us
The brightest and the best.
Death entered that sorrowing household
And laid his icy hand
Upon the head of that bright daughter,
And left there a broken band.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday April 4, 1946 [p. 1]
Ora O. Spurgeon Dies In Minneapolis
Ora O. [wen] Spurgeon, 62, died at his home in Minneapolis Saturday evening following a heart attack. The funeral services were held in Minneapolis Wednesday afternoon and burial was made there. His mother, Mrs. M. [artin] M. [alachi] Spurgeon [Sarah Elizabeth Snell], his brother, Roy Spurgeon, and two sisters, Mrs. Goldie Smith, Mrs. Ollie Keith [Ethel], Mr. Keith and Max, left Bedford Monday evening to be present for the last rites.
He is survived his wife and three daughters, Mrs. Eva Crystal and Mrs. Pearl Bojarski, both of St. Paul, and Mrs. Opal Maleritch of Minneapolis. Also, another daughter by a former marriage, Mrs. Pauline Joseph of St. Joseph. There are also eight grandchildren.
[Spurgeon, Sarah Elizabeth Snell]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday September 9, 1954 [p. 1]
Mrs. M. M. Spurgeon Rites Tuesday P. M.
Mrs. M. [artin] M. [alachi] Spurgeon, a resident of Bedford and community for many years, died Friday, September 3 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Goldie Smith in Bedford, where she had been bedfast the past fourteen weeks.
Funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Fred H. Cowles. Burial in Fairview cemetery.
Sarah Elizabeth Snell, daughter of George [William] and Molly [Sarah Ann Turpin] Snell, was born in Davis County, Bloomfield, Iowa, February 14, 1861, and died at the age of 93 years, six months, and 19 days.
On December 9, 1880, she was married to Martin M. [alachi] Spurgeon at Bloomfield, Iowa, and to them five children were born.
She is survived by one son, Roy Spurgeon of Bedford, two daughters, Mrs. Goldie Smith and Mrs. Ethel Keith of Bedford; also by six grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren, four great great grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her parents, two brothers, and seven sisters, one son, one daughter and her husband, who died in 1931. She was the last member of a family of 10 children.
In 1888 Mrs. Spurgeon moved to Taylor County. For several years they lived on a farm near Bedford and about 1900 moved into Bedford. Mrs. Spurgeon had lived in this community about 65 years.
Mrs. Spurgeon was a member of the First Baptist church of Bedford for over 50 years.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday October 21, 1971 p. 7
Maude Spurgeon Rites October 15
Funeral services for Mrs. Roy (Maude) Spurgeon, 92, of Bedford, were held October 15 at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home here with Carl Cummings officiating. Mrs. Spurgeon died October 13, 1971 at Pearl Terrace Manor in Bedford. Interment was at Fairview Cemetery.
Maude Emma Ernest, daughter of August and Hannah [Ditch] Ernest, was born in Taylor County, Iowa January 3, 1879.
On December 31, 1903, she was united in marriage to Roy Spurgeon, who passed away June 18, 1965. To them was born one daughter, Leila, now Mrs. Karl Zral of White Rock, B. C., Canada.
Maude attended school at Forest Grove and lived in this community until young womanhood. She accepted Christ as her Savior and united with the Presbyterian Church during the pastorate of Rev. E. N. Ware.
In 1912 the family moved to Canada and returned to Bedford in 1930 to make their home.
She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, three brothers and one sister.
Left to cherish fond memories ae the daughter, Leila and her husband Karl; two granddaughters, Dorothy and her husband Gerry MacDonald, Judy and her husband, David Parish; four great grandchildren; two great great grandchildren, all living in Canada; two sisters, [Mary] Alice Brown and Lula Reece of Bedford; two brothers, Herman Ernest of Clarinda and Glen Ernest of Bedford; nieces, nephews, other relatives and many friends.
She was a kind and loving wife, mother, sister and friend, and she will be sadly missed by all who knew and loved her.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday September 30, 1909 p. 4
Death of Mrs. Spurgeon
Mrs. W. [illiam] C. Keith [Martha Ellie] returned Monday from Vandalia, Ill., where she had been to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. E. B. Spurgeon, nee Nettie Dale. The deceased a number of years ago was principal of the Siam schools and for years lived in Hopkins, where she still has many friends. The following obituary appeared in the Vandalia, Ill., Democrat:
Our entire community was saddened Monday morning by the announcement of the death of Mrs. E. B. Spurgeon, which occurred at the Rebekah Hospital in St. Louis, Sunday night, September 20th, where she had been taken a few days previous for medical treatment. Mrs. Spurgeon was a lady highly esteemed by a large circle of friends and relatives and sympathy with the afflicted husband and children was expressed by all. Her age was 43 years, 7 months and 26 days.
Her remains, accompanied by her husband and daughter, Miss Edna, who were with her during her illness, were received here Monday afternoon and taken to her late home.
Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, conducted by Rev. Angus, the members of Vandalia Chapel, Eastern Star, of which she was a member, following with the impressive and beautiful ritual of the order. Interment was in the South Hill cemetery, the members of the Vandalia bar acting as pallbearers. Following is a brief obituary.
Nettie Dale, daughter of Judge Phillip and Margaret Dale, was born in Cedar County, Iowa, January 24th, 1866. When five years of age she, together with her parents, removed to Hopkins, Mo., where she grew to young womanhood, attended the public schools at that place, and later attended the Stanberry College at Stanberry, Mo. She was prominent in educational work, having taught school several years, holding several positions of prominence as an instructor.
January 14th, 1890, she was united in marriage with E. B. Spurgeon, to which union four children were born, Edna, 18 years of age; Philip, who died in infancy; Helen, 11 years [of] age, and Tommy, 7 years of age. She leaves surviving her, besides her husband and children, her mother, Mrs. Margaret [Anne Church] Dale, of Bedford, Iowa; Fred E. Dale, of Dale, Wyoming; Mrs. Ella Keith, of Bedford, Iowa, and Mrs. Frankie Blankenship, of Dexter, Mo., her brother and sisters.
She was a member of Vandalia Chapter of the Eastern Star of which order she was a prominent member having filled the office of Worthy Matron for two years besides minor ones of that order.
While not denominational in her religious tenets or beliefs, her life and every act of it was for the moral up lifting and betterment of humanity.
Bedford Times-Press
Wednesday November 24, 1993 p. 5
Eric Glen Castillo
Funeral service for Eric Glen Castillo was held Wednesday, Nov. 17, 1993 at the United Methodist Church in Corning, Iowa with Rev. Richard Layman officiating. Interment was at Prairie Rose Cemetery, Corning, Iowa. Eric died in a two-car accident after falling asleep at the wheel.
Eric Castillo, son of Robert and Connie (Kemple) Castillo was born April 15, 1971 at St. Joseph Hospital, Omaha, Neb., and died November 13, 1993 while driving home from work. His age was 22 years, six months and 28 days.
In 1977 the family moved to Atkinson, Neb. where they lived for eight years and in 1984 moved to New Market, Iowa where Eric graduated from high school in 1989.
While Eric was in school, he played four years of basketball, football, baseball and track. He also participated in four years of band.
He enrolled in Southwestern Community College in Creston, graduating with a degree in electronic technology in 1991 and was immediately employed with Douglas & Lomason as a technician in the maintenance department. Eric was always a team player and had a positive attitude with the men and company he worked with. He made some close friends and he will be missed.
Eric’s idle time was spent working on a 1969 Camaro, which he was restoring and hoped to have completed by the summer of 1994. When he was not working on his car, he was playing golf or just spending time with his girl friend, Anna Leonard of Corning. Eric, a young man, had a dream of what he wanted from life and was working to make his dream come true.
He was preceded in death by his maternal grandparents, Donald and Mary Kemple, and two great grandfathers, James Castillo and James Goldsmith.
Eric is survived by his parents, Robert and Connie Castillo of Bedford, two brothers, Ricky (Verna) Moore of Independence, Mo. and James (Laura) Castillo of Bedford; his betrothed, Anna Leonard of Corning; paternal grandparents, Hollis and Velda Perrin of Corning and Connie Castillo of Council Bluffs; great grandmother, Fern Goldsmith of Corning; nieces and nephews, Ricky, Tashena, Tylorae, Brittanie, Jimmy; aunts, uncles, cousins and many friends.
He will be cherished by his many friends, but most of all by his family, who will have a vacant spot in their hearts for always.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday October 26, 1933 p. 3
Attend Funeral
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Barnes of Bayfield, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Todd of La Junta, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. William Curry and daughter of Kansas City, Kans., and Mrs. Olive McCoy of Santa Ana, Calif., were here to attend the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Anna [Willard] Barnes. Others here to attend her funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Willard and Mr. and Mrs. Art Roberts of Olathe, Kans., and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Barnes of Barnard.