submitted by: Julia Johnson -

[Robbins, Floyd Barrett]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    May 30, 1968    p. 5

Floyd Robbins, 80, Rites Tuesday

Funeral services for Floyd Barrett Robbins, 80, of Bedford were held Tuesday at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home here, conducted by Carl Cummings.  Mr. Robbins died May 24 at Veterans Hospital in Omaha.  Military honors were given by Bedford American Legion Post 164 at Fairview Cemetery, Bedford.

[Robbins, Floyd Barrett]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    June 6, 1968

Final Rites Held May 28 For Floyd Robbins

Funeral services for Floyd B. [arrett] Robbins, 80, lifetime Taylor County resident, held May 28 at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home here, were conducted by Carl Cummings.  Mr. Robbins died May 24 at Veterans Hospital in Omaha, Nebr., where he had been transferred from St. Francis Hospital, Maryville, Mo., following a serious illness since the final part of May.  Bedford American Legion Post 164 gave military honors at Fairview Cemetery, Bedford.

Floyd B. [arrett] Robbins, son of Elmer and Amanda Barnes Robbins, was born on a farm west of Sharpsburg, Iowa, August 17, 1887.  When he was a young man he moved with his parents to Bedford where he received his education in the public schools.

He was inducted into the U.S. Army May 24, 1918 and served overseas with the 351st Inf. Co. “D.”  He followed the occupation of a farmer his entire life.

He was united in marriage to Antha Widner Shields in 1920.  She passed away in 1955.

He was preceded in death by his parents, a twin sister, Florence, who died at the age of six years, and a sister, Clara.

He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Bertha Young, of Council Bluffs, Iowa; nieces, nephews; stepson, Darrell Shields and his wife, Mona, two grandchildren; three great grandchildren; and many friends.

Floyd was kind and considerate with family and friends, and he will be missed by all who knew him.

[Robbins, Antha Widner Shields]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    November 3, 1955    [p. 1]

Mrs. Floyd Robbins Rites Here Friday

Mrs. Floyd Robbins [Antha Widner Shields], 60, died at her home in Bedford Tuesday evening, November 1, after an illness of several years.

Funeral services will be held at the Wetmore Funeral Home at two o’clock Friday afternoon, Nov. 4, conducted by Rev. Robert M. Peters of the Bedford Methodist Church.

[Robbins, Antha Widner Shields]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    November 10, 1955    [p. 1]

Mrs. Floyd Robbins Rites Here Friday

Funeral services for Mrs. Floyd Robbins were held at the Wetmore funeral Home Friday afternoon, Nov. 4, conducted by Rev. Robt. M. Peters of the Bedford Methodist church.  Burial in Fairview cemetery.

Antha S. Widner, daughter of Lytle C. [hristian] Widner, and Hettie V. [erona] Smalley Widner, was born in Taylor County, Iowa, June 5, 1895, and died at her home in Bedford, Nov. 1, 1955, at the age of 60 years, four months, 26 days.

She was married to Lester Shields at Gravity, Iowa, in 1913.  To them one son was born, Darrel J. Shields, who survives.  On Feb. 29, 1920, she was married to Floyd B. [arrett] Robbins of Bedford, who also survives.

Preceding her in death were her parents and two sisters, Alice, who died in infancy and Mrs. Audra Brackett, who passed away Nov. 8, 1952.

Besides her husband and son, she is survived by two brothers, George Widner of Wichita Falls, Texas, and Col. Glynn Widner of Greenville, South Carolina; two sisters, Mrs. Ann Davis of Omaha, Mrs. Glenn Scott of Ventura, Calif.; two grandchildren, Julia [Ann] and Joe Shields; the daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mona Shields.

[Young, Bertha May Robbins]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    July 2, 1981    p. 4

Bertha Young, 98, Last Rites Were Held In Bedford

Funeral services for Mrs. William (Bertha May) Young, 98, of Bedford, held June 26 in Shum-Novinger Funeral Home in Bedford, were conducted by Rev. Delvin Vandekrol.  Mrs. Young died in Bethesda Care Center in Clarinda where she had been a resident for the past seven years.  Interment was at Fairview Cemetery, Bedford.

Bertha May Young, daughter of Elmer and Amanda Barnes Robbins, was born November 19, 1882.

She was united in marriage to William Young and to this union were born five children:  sons, George, Kenneth, Archie, Marion, and Wilbur, and daughter, Florence Strubel, all of whom preceded her in death.

Left to cherish her memory are 12 grandchildren and their families; nieces, nephews, and friends.

Bertha was a quiet little lady and lived her life for her family.  She was a loving grandmother and her greatest joys were baking for her family and having her grandchildren in her home.  Though quiet, she was witty and a joy to all who knew her.  She will be remembered for her gift of love, her wit, and her quiet humbleness.

[Robbins, Elmer Leroy]

Taylor County Herald

Thursday    January 12, 1933

Elmer Robbins

Elmer Leroy Robbins, son of Norman and Harriett Barrett Robbins, was born in Grant County, Wis., April 28, 1860, and died at his home in Bedford, Iowa, at 8:15 a. m., Tuesday, January 10, 1933.

At the age of 10 years he came to Grant Township in Taylor County with his parents in a covered wagon.  Since that time his home has been in Taylor County.

He was married to Amanda A. [retta] Barnes Dec. 24, 1881.  To this union was born four children, Bertha M. [ay] Young, Clara B. Robbins and Floyd [Barrett] Robbins, all living in Bedford.  One daughter, Florence, died at the age of 6 years.

He leaves also 5 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.

Being raised by parents of strong Christian character, Elmer was converted and united with the Methodist Episcopal church at the age of 8 years, and has always been faithful to the God in whom he trusted.

He was the surviving member of his family.  Two sisters, Mrs. Emma Huston and Mrs. Clara Williams, passed away several years ago.  Mrs. Harriett Hamblin of Bedford is a cousin.

Elmer Robbins was a man who loved all things beautiful and good.  He was a lover of little children, of birds and flowers and music.  He was a kind husband and father and will be greatly missed by his family and especially by his wife, who cared for him so faithfully through his two years of sickness, and also by the grandsons, Wilbur and Kenneth Young, who lived in the family and helped so patiently to care for him.

Funeral services were held at 2:00 o’clock Wednesday afternoon at the Wetmore Funeral Home, conducted by the Rev. M. R. Talley, pastor of the Methodist church.  The body was taken to Gravity for burial in the Gravity cemetery.

[Barnes, Deborah Lindamood]


Thursday    March 28, 1907

At Rest

Deborah Lindamood Barnes was born in the Cumberland Valley, Virginia, March 15, 1828, and passed peacefully away at the home of Frank Greeley near Gravity, Iowa, March 16, 1907, aged 79 years and 1 day.  When she was nine years old she came with her parents to Hancock County, Indiana.  She was converted to God when very young and united with the United Brethren church.

When 19 years old she was united in marriage with Isam Barnes.  In 1846 she, with her husband, came to Iowa County, Iowa, where they built a home on the then prairie, being among the pioneer settlers of Iowa County, Iowa.  Here she lived until the death of her husband, which occurred August 26, 1874.  About this same time she united with the M. E. church and has always lived a faithful and consistent Christian life until she heard the “Welcome Home of the Master,” whom she loved and served so well.

In 1880 she came to Taylor County, Iowa, where she has lived ever since.  Since 1899 she has made her home with her daughter Mrs. F. [rank] Greeley [Rachel Jane], where she was kindly cared for in her declining years.  Last November she contracted a severe cold and other afflictions from which she partly recovered.  On February 24th she felt well enough to pay her son, John Barnes, a farewell visit.  Here she suffered a relapse and requested to be taken back home.  After four weeks of severe suffering she fell asleep in Jesus from which none ever wake to weep.  Grandma Barnes was a true soldier, she died at her post, she has fought a good fight, finished her course and kept the faith.  Only a few months ago she enjoyed the services of God’s house; there was no place on earth where she would rather choose to be than at prayer meeting and the church services in general.  She was an affectionate mother, a kind and loving neighbor.  Her children rise up and call her blessed.  She leaves five children as follows:  Mrs. E.[dward] M. [ontgomery] Humphrey [Mary Elizabeth], Mrs. Sarah Nation, Mrs. Frank Greeley [Rachel Jane], Mrs. E. [lmer] Robbins [Amanda Aretta] and John Barnes, besides a number of friends and relatives who mourn the going away of this Godly mother.

Servant of God well done,

            Rest from thy loved employ,

The battles fought, the victories


Enter thy Master’s joy.

Funeral services were held last Monday at the Presbyterian Church at 11 a. m., J. H. Freedline officiating.  The remains were laid to rest in the Gravity cemetery where they will sleep until the morning of the Resurrection.              J. H. F.

[Robbins, Sam]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    December 19, 1935   p. 3

Sam Robbins, 58, Dies At Hopkins

Sam Robbins, 58, died about 1 o’clock Friday morning at his home in Hopkins, following a sudden heart attack.  He had been in ill health for some time but was able to be up town Thursday afternoon for a time.  In the evening, however, he became critically ill and was unable to recover.

Mr. Robbins was born near Siam and resided there until 1909, when he moved to Hopkins where he was engaged for a number of years in the real estate business.

He is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Henry Engstrom and Miss Ada Robbins, both of Evanston, Ill., and his two sons, William Robbins of Maryville and Charles Robbins of Hopkins.  Five grandchildren also survive.

The funeral services were held at the Christian Church Sunday afternoon.  Burial was in the Hopkins Cemetery, the Masonic service being given at the grave.

[Davis, Ann Widner]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    May 20, 1982    p. 2

Attend Services For Ann Widner Davis

Relatives who attended graveside services at the Platteville Cemetery for Ann Widner Davis on May 12 were:

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Chesnut, Kevin and Tim, Lincoln, Nebr.; Dr. and Mrs. Glynn Widner, Omaha, Nebr.; Albert and Betty Dvorak, Chapman, Nebr.; Mark, Mike, David and Terence Dvorak, Tom and Cleo Bracket, Fremont, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bracket and Megan, Fort Riley, Kans.; Julia McGary and Brooke, Tabor, Ia.; Charles and Glynna Kay Brooks, Seward, Nebr.

Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Shields attended funeral services for Mrs. Ann Davis at St. John’s Catholic Church on the Creighton University Campus in Omaha on Wednesday.

[Davis, Ann Widner]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday      May 20, 1982      p. 4

Anna Davis, 90 Buried at Platteville

Funeral services for Mrs. Waldron S. (Ann) Davis, 90, of Arbor Manor, Fremont, Nebr., formerly of 915 S. 90th St., Omaha, were held May 12 at 10:30 a.m. in St. John's Catholic Church on Creighton Campus in Omaha with Father John Lynch and Father Tom Halley officiating. Mrs. Davis died May 9 in Arbor Manor where she had lived for three years. Interment was at Platteville Cemetery, Taylor County, Iowa.

Daughter of Lytle C. [Christian] and Hattie [Veronica] Smalley Widner, Ann was born January 21, 1892 in Bedford, Ia. She was graduated from a business college in Des Moines in 1916. Before her marriage she served as postmaster in White River, S.D.

On April 1, 1923 she was married to Waldron S. [cott] Davis in Omaha. Mr. Davis died in 1924.

Mrs. Davis spent her life as an executive secretary for Standard Oil Co. of Nebraska and also for Walsh Brothers, Ins. of Omaha, Nebr. She did volunteer work for the Red Cross and several years ago received a 1000 hour certificate for volunteer service at Veterans Hospital in Omaha.

Her survivors include a brother, Dr. Glynn B. Widner, Omaha; nephews: Tom Bracket of Fremont, Darrell S. Shields, Bedford, Ia.; nieces: Mrs. Albert (Betty) Dverak, Chapman, Nebr., Mrs. Luella Hamlin, Oklahoma City, Okla. and Mrs. Glynna Brooks, Seward, Nebr.

[Widner, Emma Dorn]


Thursday    March 20, 1930   p. 7

Mrs. Will Widner

Mrs. Will Widner of Pasadena, Calif., passed away at the home of Dr. J. W. Fry and Miss Mary Fry in Creston, Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock.  Mrs. Widner was a former resident of Bedford, having been Miss Emma Dorn before her marriage.  Since the death of Mr. Widner four years ago, she had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. G. G. Mortimer in California.  She had been visiting in Creston for several weeks.  Her brother, Clinton Dorn is a resident of Des Moines.  Private funeral services were held at the Fry home at 10 o’clock Saturday morning.  Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Scherick and Mrs. F. E. Payton attended from Bedford.  The body was taken to Des Moines for cremation.

[Widner, Mary Amanda McDowell]


Thursday    December 18, 1930    p. 7

Mrs. Ben Widner

Mrs. Mary [Amanda McDowell] Widner, widow of the late Ben [jamin] Widner, passed away at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Besco shortly after midnight Wednesday.  Mrs. Widner was 88 years old and was the mother of Capt. Will Widner and Reed [Reason] Widner, both of whom were well known in this vicinity several years ago.  Both of these sons are deceased.  The surviving children are:  Mrs. Frank Chandler [Jessie Byrd], Gravity; Mrs. Dave Arthur [Luella], Corning; Mrs. Lillie [Laura] Gillian and Mrs. Anna [Elizabeth] Ditto of Texas; and two sons, one in Omaha and the other in Oklahoma.  The funeral services will be held at 1:30 o’clock Saturday afternoon at the Frank Chandler home at Gravity, conducted by Rev. Clark M. Crowell.  Interment will be made at Corning.  The casket will be open at the Wetmore Funeral Home until Friday noon.

[Widner, Syrena Jane Edwards Canon]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    March 6, 1952   [p. 1]

Mrs. Syrena Widner Died Saturday

Mrs. Syrena Widner, long-time resident of Bedford and Taylor County, died at the home of her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. August Anderson, March 1.

Funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Monday afternoon, March 3, conducted by Rev. Evan Routh.  Burial was in Bedford cemetery.

Syrena Jane Edwards, daughter of Thomas and Henrietta [Hollingsworth] Edwards, was born Dec. 3, 1864 in Henry County, Iowa, and died at the age of 87 years, two months, 27 days.

She came with her parents to Taylor County in 1883.  She was the eldest of eight children, all of whom preceded her in death.

She was married to Alonzo Canon, June 22, 1890.  To them were born five children, Charles, who passed away at the age of one year; Leon J., Edna, Cora and Alta.

She is survived by the one son, Leon J. Canon of Maryville, Mo.; three daughters, Mrs. Edna Sutherland of Colorado Springs, Colo., Mrs. Cora Ayres of Shenandoah, Mrs. Alta Anderson of Bedford.  Also by 29 grandchildren, 27 great grandchildren.

Two grandchildren preceded her in death, Phyllis Pauls of Canon City, Colo., and Lt. Leon Edwards, who gave his life in the service of his country.  Mr. Canon died December 22, 1918.

She was married to L. [ytle] C. [hristian] Widner, Jan. 3, 1922.  Mr. Widner passed away Sept. 15, 1944.

She was a member of the Christian church for nearly half a century.

[Widner, George Henry]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    February 17, 1966    p. 8

George Widener Dies In Texas

George H. [enry] Widener [Widner], 78, a native of Bedford, died at his home in Wichita Falls, Texas, Sunday, Feb. 13, according to word received here by his nephew, Darrell Shields.  Last rites and burial were at Wichita Falls.

He is survived by two daughters and their families, all of Texas; also one sister, Mrs. Anna Davis of Omaha; and one brother, Glynn B. Widener [Widner] of California.

Mr. Widener [Widner] born here June 20, 1887, was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. L. [ytle] C. [hristian] (Doc) Widener [Hettie Smalley].

[Widner, Hettie Verona Smalley]


Thursday    May 25, 1916

Mrs. L. C. Widener

Mrs. L. [ytle] C. [hristian] Widener [Widner] died at her home in the north part of Bedford, Friday morning at 7:30 o’clock.  The funeral services were held this afternoon at the home at one o’clock, conducted by Rev. Joe W. Goodsell, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, and assisted by Rev. U. E. Burroughs, assistant pastor of the First Baptist church.  Interment was made in the Platteville cemetery.

Hettie V. [erona] Smalley was born in Taylor County, Iowa, May 15, 1867.  In 1891 she united with the Methodist church at Platteville.  September 5, 1886, she was united in marriage to L. [ytle] C. [hristian] Widener [Widner] at Bedford, Iowa.  To this union were born seven children, five girls and two boys.  She leaves to mourn her loss her husband and six children.  They are George H.[enry] Widener and Mrs. L. [ester] L. Shields [Antha] of Des Moines; Anna, Audra, Myrtle and Glynn B. at home.  She is also survived by three grandchildren and two brothers, N. [oah] W. [ilson] Smalley and T. [homas] N.[oroway] Smalley, both of Bedford, and a host of friends.

Mrs. Widener [Widner] was a resident of Jackson Township until January 5, 1916, when the family moved to Bedford.  In 1915 her health began to fail but until about a month ago she partially regained it, and was only bedfast for about two weeks.  She was a member of the Royal Neighbors, Camp number 1600, of Jackson Township.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Tuesday, May 23, 1916
Lester Shields came from Des Moines Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Shields' mother, Mrs. L. C. Widener.
George Widener arrived here Monday afternoon from Washington, D. C., where he had been on a business trip, to attend the funeral of his mother, Mrs. L. C. Widener.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Tuesday, May 23, 1916
Mr. and Mrs. George Widener and two children and Mrs. Widener's mother, Mrs. Braithwaite, who had been here for the funeral of Mrs. L. C. Widener, left Friday for their home at Des Moines. Miss Audra Widener accompanied them home for a visit.

[Anderson, August Andrew “Gus”]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    July 10, 1952    [p. 1]

Gus Anderson Died Sunday

August [Andrew] Anderson, 62, died July 6 at Veterans’ Hospital in Des Moines where he had been a patient several days.

Funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral home, Wednesday afternoon, July 9, conducted by Rev. Fred H. Cowles.  Burial was in Fairview cemetery with the American Legion in charge of the graveside services.

[Anderson, August Andrew “Gus”]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    July 17, 1952    p. 8

Obituary – A. A. Anderson

August A. [ndrew] Anderson, son of Andrew and Charlotte Anderson, was born Sept. 10, 1889 in Sweden, and died at Veteran’s hospital in Des Moines, July 6, 1952 at the age of 62 years, nine months, 26 days.

He came to the United States in 1904 and settled near Red Oak, Iowa.  On May 8, 1912 he became a naturalized citizen of the United States.  Later, he moved to Taylor County.

In 1918 he entered the United States Army and served 16 months overseas with the 30th division.

In 1920 he was married to Alta M. [ay] Canon of Bedford.  To them ten children were born.

He is survived by his wife, and 9 children:  Carl A. [xel], Nevada, Iowa, Hilma [Helma Marie] Burke of Independence, Mo., Hilga [Helga Jane] Widener of Carthage, Mo., Agnes [Anna] Lucker of El Paso, Texas, David [Ernest] of Independence, Mo., Signe Pace and John [Emil] of Bedford, Ted and Alfred at home.  He is also survived by 14 grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by his parents and a baby daughter.

He was confirmed in the Lutheran church in Sweden.

Funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral home.  Burial was in Fairview cemetery with military service at the grave by [the] American Legion.

[Nendick, Sarah Elizabeth Webb Morris]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    December 2, 1937   [p. 1]

Attend Nendick Funeral

Among those from out of the city who attended the funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Nendick in Bedford Friday, were the following:  Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dresher, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Dresher, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dresher, of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Coffey, Mrs. Coffey, and Miss Ethel Morris of Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Olin Streebin, William T. Dallison, Mrs. V. [irgil] M. Kinnison, and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Dallison, of Ottawa, Kans.

[Stutesman, John Adam]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    December 2, 1937   [p. 1]

John Stutesman, 83, Of Sheridan, Mo. Dies

John [Adam] Stutesman, 83, died at 6:15 o’clock Saturday evening at the St. Francis Hospital in Maryville, where he had been a patient the last three weeks.  Mr. Stutesman formerly lived on a farm west of Sheridan but the last few years had made his home with his children.

Funeral services were held at 1 o’clock Monday afternoon at the Christian church in Sheridan, conducted by the Rev. Mr. Day.  Burial was in the Sheridan cemetery.

Mr. Stutesman is survived by four sons, Lewis [Franklin] Stutesman of Parnell, [Wilbur] Ralph Stutesman of Blockton, John Stutesman and Eugene [Elsworth] Stutesman of Hoquiam, Wash., six daughters, Mrs. Iva [Jane] Rickabaugh, Mrs. Carrie [Ethel] Rauch, Mrs. Flora [Eva] Lester and Mrs. Mabel [Cordelia] Wilson, all of Sheridan, Mrs. [Lena] Pearl Lucas of Bedford, and Mrs. Sylvia [Emeline] Campbell of Tarkio; one brother, Frank Stutesman, of Harding, Neb.; and four sisters, Mrs. Emalyn Griffin and Mrs. Julia [Margaret] Hamner of Ottawa, Kans., Mrs. Lou [isa] McClain and Mrs. Betsy Wilson [Elizabeth Ann] of Parnell.

[Stutesman, Wilbur Ralph]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    September 15, 1949    [p. 1]

Obituary – Ralph Stutesman

Wilbur Ralph Stutesman, eldest son of John and Mary [Jane Chamberlin] Stutesman, was born Feb. 6, 1876, near Sheridan, Mo., and died at his home in Blockton, Sept. 7, 1949, at the age of 73 years, 7 months, 23 days.

On Sept. 19, 1897, he was married to Susie Elizabeth Mumford.  To them seven children were born, Earl of Clearfield, Lloyd and Logan of Owatonna, Minn., Clyde of Grant City, Mrs. Walter Holmes of Owatonna and Mrs. George Clark of Blockton.  One son, Leo, aged 29, preceded him in death.

He followed his chosen occupation, farming, until the year 1933, when he retired to his home in Blockton.

Mr. Stutesman, a member of the Christian church of Blockton, was a man of high standards, a devoted husband and father, his first thoughts always of home.

He leaves to mourn his passing, his wife, four sons and two daughters, four daughters-in-law, two sons-in-law, 8 grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren.  Also three brothers and six sisters: Louis of Parnell, Gene of Vancouver, Wash., John of Hoquiam, Wash., Mrs. Carrie Rauch of Parnell, Mrs. Roy Lucas [Lena Pearl] of Conway, Mrs. Ivy [Iva] Rickabaugh of Clifton, Oregon, Mrs. Marshall Lester [Flora Eva] of Sheridan, Mrs. Sylvia Campbell of St. Joseph and Mrs. Melvin Dickey [Mabel Cordelia] of Maryville.

Funeral services were held at the Blockton Christian Church, Saturday, Sept. 10 at 2 p. m., Rev. G. W. Swan officiating.  Burial was in the Parnell cemetery.