submitted by: Julia Johnson -

[Purcell, Mary Josephine Maxwell]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    March 15, 1973    [p. 1]

Last Rites Held March 10 For Mrs. L. A. Purcell

Funeral services for Mrs. Lemuel (Mary Jo) Purcell, 54, of Bedford, held March 10 at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home here, were conducted by Rev. John Kerr.  Mrs. Purcell died March 8, 1973, at Clarinda Municipal Hospital after a six-month illness.  Interment was at Bedford Cemetery, Bedford.

Her survivors include her mother, Mrs. Floy Maxwell; husband, Lemuel; sons, Edward and his wife, Mary, Iowa City, and William of Iowa State University, Ames; granddaughter, Sarah Purcell; sister, Margaret Ebert, and her husband, Wesley, and two children, Bill and Mary Jane, of Nevada, Iowa.

Mary Jo [sephine] Purcell was born on November 3, 1918 in Bedford, Iowa to Leonard and Floy Wisdom Maxwell.  She spent her entire life in the Bedford community.  She was a graduate of Bedford High School in 1936.  On November 23, 1937 she was united in marriage to Lemuel [Arthur] Purcell.  To this union were born two sons, L. [eon] Edward and William T.

One of the highlights of her life was attending Iowa Western Community College of Clarinda School of Nursing, graduating in May of 1970.  She loved her work as a Licensed Practical Nurse and performed it diligently at Hope Hall at the Mental Health Institute in Clarinda.

Her life was spent serving others and the world.  She was a devoted member of the Bedford Methodist Church and the W. S. C. S., serving two years as president.  For seventeen years she was chairman of the memorial fund of the Taylor County Cancer Society.

She leaves with memories her mother, Mrs. Floy Maxwell of Bedford; her husband Lemuel [Arthur] Purcell of Bedford; a son, Ed, and his wife, Mary, of Iowa City; a son, Bill, a student at Iowa State University in Ames; a granddaughter, Sarah Johanna of Iowa City; and one sister, Mrs. W. [esley] H. Ebert of Nevada, Iowa, as well as a host of family and friends.  She will be greatly missed by all those whose lives she touched.

A memorial fund to be used as a nursing scholarship has been established.

[Purcell, Mary Josephine Maxwell]

Clarinda Herald Journal

Thursday    March 8, 1973

Mrs Purcell died after long illness

Mrs Lemuel A [rthur] (Floy) [Mary Josephine Maxwell] Purcell, 55, of Bedford died early this Thursday [March 8, 1973] at Clarinda Municipal Hospital where she has been in critical condition for three weeks, following an extended illness and frequent hospitalization.

Services are to be Saturday, the funeral at 2 pm at the Shum -Novinger Funeral Home at Bedford and burial in Bedford Cemetery. The Rev John Kerr, former Bedford minister, will come from Rockwell City to conduct her services.

Mrs Purcell is survived by her husband, who is maintenance engineer at the Municipal Hospital, two sons, L [eon] Edward of Iowa City and William T [odd], a senior student at Iowa State University at Ames, her mother, Mrs Leonard Maxwell [Floy Wisdom].

Her activities in the community have been many, including the United Methodist Church. She has served the American Cancer Society as drive chairman for 17 years. She formerly served as justice of the peace.

She was born Nov 3, 1918, at   Bedford to Mr and Mrs Leonard   Maxwell.

[Purcell, Euphemia Minor]


Thursday    February 25, 1904

J. [oseph] A. Minor and Mrs. J. [acob] Cole [Nancy Minor] received a telegram stating that Mrs. Purcell, their sister [Euphemia Minor], who lives in St. Louis, died there yesterday of pneumonia fever.

[Cole, Nancy “Nannie” Minor]


Thursday    September 17, 1908    p. 12

Death of Mrs. Cole

Mrs. Jacob Cole died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Dean, in Denver, Colorado, on Monday at 10 o’clock.  The body was brought to Bedford, arriving here Wednesday.  The funeral will be held at the home at 2 o’clock tomorrow, Friday, conducted by Rev. S. E. Henry.  Interment at Fairview.

Mrs. Cole has been in poor health for years, and some three months ago, her husband having disposed of his business here, took her to Colorado in the vain hope that the change in climate would prove beneficial to her health.  They spent the summer at Florence, Colorado Springs and Denver, and it was thought that she was improving.  Even as late as Sunday she was up and around.  Monday morning she was not feeling so well and went into the bedroom and laid down.  Shortly she awoke in convulsions, and in spite of all that could be done, soon passed away.  Bright’s disease was the cause of her death.

Nannie M. Minor was born June 7, 1848 in Warren County, Ohio, but when only a child of 7 years she moved with her parents [John Minor and Martha Addis] to Fairfield, Iowa, where she grew to womanhood and on November 1, 1868, was married to Jacob Cole.  Immediately after the ceremony, with her husband she departed for Taylor County where they settled at Bedford, and ever after, this was her home.

To this union was born three daughters, who together with her husband survive her.  The daughters are Mrs. Jessie Kelso, Florence, Colorado, Mrs. Nellie Payton, Bedford, and Mrs. Cordius Dean of Denver.  She is also survived by two brothers and one sister, Joseph Minor, Bedford, Charles R. [hodes] Minor and Mrs. Emma Smith of St. Joseph.

Early in life Mrs. Cole united with the Presbyterian Church and ever after remained a faithful member.  Up to a few years ago she was an active worker in the church, but of late years her health would not permit her to take the part she formerly did.  Failing health also compelled her to forgo the pleasures of society, and to new comers to Bedford Mrs. Cole was not well known.  Her friends, however, are legion, for in her prime, she mingled much in society, and all with whom she came in contact she bound to her by the charm of a pure and noble womanhood.

As a wife and mother she was self sacrificing and affectionate.  On her little babes she lavished all the love of a mother’s heart, and as her children grew to maturity, and were scattered afar, it made them only dearer to her heart.  In their affliction, the bereaved husband and daughters have the most sincere sympathy of all.

[Cole, Nancy “Nannie” Minor]

Bedford Free Press

Thursday    September 17, 1908    [p. 1]

Mrs. Jacob Cole Passed Away

Monday the sad intelligence was conveyed to the many friends here of the death of Mrs. Jacob Cole [Nancy Minor], which occurred on that date at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. [alter] E. Dean [Cordius], at Denver, Colo.  Mr. and Mrs. Cole had been in Denver for some time, hoping the climate might prove beneficial to her health.

While surrounded with all the luxuries that money could procure, and all the care and attention that loving and skillful hands could bestow, that dread monster, Bright’s disease, which has baffled all medical skill, had seized upon her and she could withstand its inroads no longer.  Mrs. Cole is about sixty years of age, and for a number of years she has been an invalid, but bearing her suffering with cheerfulness brought only by a Christian spirit.

The remains were accompanied by the devoted and heartbroken husband and Mrs. Jessie Kelso, of Florence, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. W. [alter] E. Dean, of Denver.  One other daughter, Mrs. F. [rederic] E. Payton [Nellie] of Bedford, is also among the deeply bereaved, all of whom, including brother and sister, have the deepest sympathy of the entire community.

The funeral will be held from the Cole residence at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. S. E. Henry.  A complete obituary will appear next week.

[Cole, Nancy “Nannie” Minor]

Bedford Free Press

Thursday    September 24, 1908    p. 4

Obituary of Mrs. Jacob Cole

Miss Nancy Minor was born in Deerfield, Ohio, June 7, 1848, and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. [alter] E. Dean, at Denver, Colo., Sept. 14, 1908, from Bright’s disease.

In 1856 she removed with her parents to Fairfield, Iowa, where on Nov. 1, 1868, she was united in marriage to Mr. Jacob Cole, of Bedford.  This then became her home. To this happy union four children were born; they were Jessie, now Mrs. Sanford Kelso, of Florence, Colo.; Nellie, now Mrs. F. [rederic] E. Payton, of this city; Pearl, who died at the age of five months; Cordius, now Mrs. W. [alter] E. Dean, of Denver, Colo.  Mrs. Cole was a faithful and consistent member of the Presbyterian Church, living a Christian life and making the lot of others brighter and better for her presence here.  In her home she was a queen, ruling only by love and affection.  She was also a member of the W. R. C., until ill health compelled her to abandon it.

The deceased has been an invalid for the past twenty years, but during all her suffering she was patient and pleasant, bearing it with Christian fortitude.  She has been doubly blessed in her sickness by having constantly with her a husband who was ready to devote his life to her, and children always glad to minister to her every wish.   All that these loving minds could think of found happy and willing hands to do for her comfort.  And now as they bow in grief and sorrow all can have the consoling thought that every wish of wife and mother that it was possible to fulfill was fulfilled.  In turn Mrs. Cole, when able to be around, was always found at the bedside of the sick, administering to their wants and comforts, and she was always among the first to offer words of encouragement and sympathy to those in need and distress.

Aside from the immediate members of the family, she leaves to mourn a sister and two brothers; they are Mrs. P. [rosper] E. Smith [Emma], of St. Joe, Mo., Chas. [Rhodes] Minor, of St. Joe, Mo., and Jos. A. Minor, of Bedford, all of whom were here to attend the funeral.  The funeral was held from the residence at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. S. E. Henry, assisted by Rev. W. M. Dudley, and interment was in Fairview cemetery.

The pall bearers were: W. E. Crum, A. J. Sowers, C. V. Dinges, N. D. Kelly, H. K. Hamblin, J. Graff.  The music was furnished by the Presbyterian choir, who beautifully sang two of Mrs. Cole’s favorite hymns, namely, “I Would Not Live Always,” and “Abide With Me.”

The floral offerings were many and beautiful.  The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved ones.

[Cole, Jacob]


Thursday    January 22, 1920

Received Word

Word was received in Bedford that the body of Jacob Cole left California this morning at 8:00 o’clock, accompanied by his two daughters, and would arrive in Bedford about Sunday night.

[Cole, Jacob]


Thursday    January 29, 1920

Jacob Cole

Jacob Cole was born at Bridgetown, Indiana, April 13, 1845, and died at San Diego, Calif., Jan. 15, 1920.

At the age of 17 years, he ran away from home and enlisted in the 9th Iowa Calvary, and at the end of his term of service, re-enlisted and served 3 ½ years under the flag of his country.  During this time he served as company clerk, under Capt. Flick.

Near the beginning of the Civil War, his father, James Cole, established one of the first general stores in Bedford.  In 1866, Mr. Cole entered into partnership with his father, and six years later took over the entire business, which he conducted up to 1908.  The store was known as the “Cole Store” for more than 47 years.

On Nov. 1, 1866, Jacob Cole was united in marriage to Miss Nannie Minor, of Brighton, Iowa, who died in 1908.  To this union four daughters were born, one of whom died in infancy.

On Dec. 25, 1912, he was married to Mrs. Lillian Putnam of Ft. Morgan, Colorado, who with the three daughters, three brothers and one sister survive him.

The daughters are:  Mrs. Jessie Kelso of Florence, Colo.; Mrs. Nellie Payton of Bedford and Mrs. Cordius Dean of Compton, Calif.

The three brothers are: Cyrus Cole of Santa Cruz, Calif.; Jas. Cole of Colorado Springs, Colo., and William Cole (W. H.) of Bedford.  Mrs. Hannah Teenor, the sister, resides in Guthrie, Okla.

In early life Mr. Jacob Cole accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior, and for more than 40 years lived a consistent Christian life, having joined with the M. E. church at the time of his conversion.  In later years he became a member of the Presbyterian Church.

He belonged to the Odd Fellow lodge and the local G. A. R. post.

Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church Jan. 27 at 2 p. m.  Rev. John F. Arnold preached the sermon.  Interment at Fairview cemetery.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, January 22, 1920
Jacob Cole Dead.
Word was received in Bedford last week that Jacob Cole, a former merchant of Bedford, had died very suddenly at his home in California. The remains will arrive in Bedford about Sunday. No arrangements have yet been made for the funeral. No particulars were received as to the cause of his death. We will give a more complete writeup in our next issue.

[Payton, Nelle “Nellie” Cole]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    February 18, 1960    p. 4

Nellie Payton Dies In California, Feb. 13

Mrs. Nellie [Nelle] B. Payton, 88, widow of the late Fred E. Payton, died at Compton, California, Saturday, February 13.  Services and burial were held at Compton.

Mrs. Payton was born in Bedford and resided here until 1935.  She was the daughter of the late Jacob Cole who was a pioneer merchant in Bedford.  She was united in marriage with Fred E. Payton on January 1, 1900 and they resided in Bedford until his death in December 1935.  Mrs. Payton then went to Compton where she resided with her sister, Mrs. Cordius Dean, who survives her.

Mrs. Payton was a graduate of Bedford High School.  She united with the Presbyterian church of Bedford at an early age and was active in the church work here until her marriage in 1900 when she transferred her membership to the Bedford Methodist church where her husband was a member.  In recent years she had been a member of the Presbyterian Church in Compton.  She was a long time member of Bedford Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star and of the P. E. O. Sisterhood in Bedford.

[Kelso, Jessie Cole]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    October 26, 1944    p. 4

Mrs. Sanford Kelso Dies In Colorado

Mrs. Sanford Kelso, a former resident of Bedford, died at her home in Florence, Colorado, on Monday, October 23, following an illness of several years.  The last rites were held at Florence and burial was made there.  Mr. Kelso died several years ago.

Mrs. Kelso is the former Miss Jessie Cole, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cole [Nancy Minor] of Bedford.  She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Nellie Payton, who made her home with Mrs. Kelso, and by Mrs. Cordice [Cordius] Dean of Compton, Calif., who was also with her at the time of her death.

[Kelso, Sanford G.]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    December 14, 1939    p. 8

Sanford G. Kelso Dies

Sanford G. Kelso, 70, a former resident of this community, died suddenly of a heart attack in Florence, Colo., Wednesday morning, Dec. 13, according to word received by friends here.  No particulars are known at this time of his death or of the funeral arrangements.  Mrs. Kelso is the former Miss Jessie Cole of Bedford.

Later----Word received from Mrs. Kelso states the funeral services will be held in Florence, Colo., Saturday afternoon and burial will be made there.

[Kelso, Sanford G.]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    December 28, 1939    p. 8

Gives Life Sketch of Sanford Kelso

The following article in regard to the life and death of Sanford G. Kelso, a former resident of this community, appeared recently in the Florence, Colo., Citizen:

Death came Wednesday morning to Sanford G. Kelso, prominent citizen of Florence and Fremont County for over 40 years.  Mr. Kelso died at his home at 7:45 a. m. as the result of a heart attack suffered shortly after he had arisen.

Although Mr. Kelso was in poor health for several weeks prior to his death, having suffered an attack of flu, his death came as a distinct shock to his many friends throughout this region.  Only the day before he had gone about his accustomed affairs, having spent some time taking care of business matters in the business district of the city.

Mr. Kelso had returned form a trip to California only last month, where he had gone to visit relatives.

Mr. Kelso was born in Bedford, Iowa, on August 31, 1866, and was 73 years of age at the time of his death.  He spent his youth in Iowa and was married there in 1890 to Miss Jessie Cole.  Some years later, in 1897, the Kelsos moved to Florence, where they had resided ever since.

During the 42 years that he had lived in Florence, Mr. Kelso became one of the city’s most prominent and best-loved citizens, always taking a leading part in civic affairs.  He was a charter member of the Florence Elks Lodge No. 611 when it was founded in 1901.  He was also a charter member of the Florence Lions club, and had just completed a term as president of the Lions club.

Mr. Kelso was also a loyal member of the Methodist church and was ever willing to devote his time and energy to church affairs.

Kind, considerate and warm in his friendships, Mr. Kelso had made a host of friends not only in the city where he made his home, but throughout this entire section.  He was well known throughout Fremont and Custer counties, and he was always welcome wherever he went.

During his early years in Florence, Mr. Kelso was in the mercantile business, and operated a general store here.  Later his business interests broadened.  During later years he was principally interested in the real estate business, holding several properties in Florence.  He was a director of the Florence Building and Loan Association, and had served the organization as secretary.  He was vice president of the association at the time of his death.

In the many years that he lived here he took an active part in business, civic and political activities of all kinds.  He was secretary of the Florence Chamber of Commerce for a period of years.

Mr. Kelso served as commissioner from eastern Fremont County for a period of 16 years, having been first elected in 1902 and serving from 1903 until 1916.  He was again elected for a four-year term in 1922.  He took a keen interest in politics and was a leader in the Republican Party here for many years.

In April 1937 Mr. Kelso was elected mayor of Florence.  He was succeeded in that position this year by the present mayor, L. E. Edwards.  Before this he had served several terms as city councilman, where he was known for the devotion to furthering everything which he considered to be for the best in his city.  Other civic activities which had claimed his attention were the school system----Mr. Kelso had served several terms on the school board----and the city library board, of which he was also a member.

Surviving him are his wife; John Kelso, a brother, and Mrs. Effie Elkin, a sister, both living in Iowa; and Bert Kelso, a brother of Tacoma, Wash.  Two children died in infancy.

[Minor, Joseph A.]


Thursday    July 9, 1925

Joseph A. Minor

Joseph A. Minor, son of John and Martha [Addis] Minor, was born on June 1st, 1844, in Monroe County, Ohio.  At 11 years of age he, with his parents, came to Fairfield, Iowa, and at 18 he enlisted in Co. F., 3rd Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, seeing service in the Civil War with that organization for more than three years.   Mr. Minor located in Bedford, Iowa, May 30th, 1879, making his home here ever since, and here on Jan. 11, 1882, he was married to Miss Emma Chapman.  For years, Mr. Minor was a familiar figure in the capacity of Postmaster.  He was also active in the Masonic Fraternity and the Presbyterian Church, of which he was a member.  For some time previous to his death he was aware of the disease, arterial sclerosis, to which he finally succumbed, the end coming July 1st, 1925.

The deceased is survived by his wife, Mrs. Emma Chapman Minor; one sister, Mrs. P. [rosper] E. Smith [Emma] of St. Joseph, Mo., and a brother, Charles [Rhodes] of the same city; a number of nieces and nephews and also a host of friends.

Funeral services were held at the late home of the deceased, conducted by the pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Beryl Paschal and Guy Thompson singing appropriate hymns.  Interment was made in the Mausoleum in Fairview cemetery, Masonic burial service being given by the Worshipful Master Kenneth Stephens.

[Note:  The same obituary was published in the Bedford Free Press, July 9, 1925.]

[Minor, Jess Pearson, Jr.]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    January 19, 1978    p. 8

Rue Minor’s Father Dies In Virginia

Jess P. [earson] Minor [Jr.], 92, of 923 Cumberland St., Bristol, Virginia, former Iowa resident, died January 4 in Bristol Memorial Hospital.

He was born in Gararda Fort, Pa., but had lived in Bristol for the past nine years.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Cleone Cunningham, Shenandoah, Mrs. Leona Klepinger, Marshalltown, three sons, Rue [Keith] Minor, Blockton, E.[lwood] F. Minor, Clarinda, and Dwight Minor of Manchester; three sisters, Ruth Morris, Hazel Bott and Marie Black, all of Pennsylvania; two brothers, Rubin of Monticello, Kentucky and [Le] Moine in Pennsylvania; 10 grandchildren; and eight great grandchildren.

 [Hemenover, Ida May Bell]


Thursday    August 15, 1912

Mrs. L. Hemenover

Mrs. L. [ouis] Hemenover died at her home five miles southeast of Bedford Saturday, after a long period of continued failing health.  Funeral services were held at the residence at 2:30 o’clock Monday afternoon, conducted by Dr. J. W. Neyman, pastor of the First Baptist church.  The choir of the Forest Grove mission assisted.  Interment was in the Lexington cemetery.

Ida May Bell was born in Taylor County August 11, 1862.  She was united in marriage with Loey [Louis] Hemenover February 16, 1882.  They were the parents of two daughters, Mrs. Ona Moore of Bedford and Edna, who died in infancy, and one son, Court Hemenover, who resides at the parental home.

[Hemenover, Ida May Bell]

Bedford Free Press

Thursday    August 15, 1912


Ida May Beall [Bell] was born in Taylor County August 11, 1862, and died at her home southeast of Bedford, August 10, 1912.

On Feb. 16, 1882, she was united in marriage to Loey [Louis] Hemenover.  To this union was born three children, two daughters and one son:  Mrs. Ona Moore of Bedford; Court, who lives at home, and Edna, who died in infancy.  She spent most of her life in Taylor County.  Besides a husband and two children there are surviving her two sisters and one brother.

She has been a member of the Baptist church for a number of years.

The funeral services were held in the home August 12, at 2:30 p. m., conducted by Rev. Dr. Neyman.  Interment in Lexington cemetery.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, August 15, 1912
Ora Bell, of Shenandoah, who was here attending the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Louis Hemenover, returned home Tuesday afternoon.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, August 15, 1912
O. A. Bell of Shenandoah returned to his home Tuesday. He had been here to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Hemenover.

[Hemenover, Louis]


Tuesday    December 12, 1916    [p. 1]

Louis Heminover Found Dead In Bed

Louis Heminover [Hemenover], a well-known resident of this community, was found dead in his bed about 3:30 o’clock this afternoon.  The deceased had recently returned from a trip through the west and on Tuesday went to the Elmwood Hotel, where he engaged a room for the winter.

He retired that evening and since that time had not been seen or heard and it is supposed that he died sometime during the night or early the next morning.

A chambermaid had made up the beds in the hotel on Wednesday morning, but left Mr. Heminover’s room alone upon finding that he had not arisen.  This afternoon at 3:30 o’clock she made the rounds a second time and found the sleeper still in bed.  She notified the landlady who made an investigation and found that he was dead.

The deceased has a son, Court, who is working in St. Joseph and word was sent to him at once.  The body in the meantime is being held at the hotel.

[Haller, Harriet “Hattie” Hemenover]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    February 18, 1960    p. 4

Mrs. Hattie Haller Rites Here Saturday

Mrs. Hattie Haller, a resident of Taylor County all of her life, died at her home in Bedford Wednesday, February 10, after having been in failing health for several years.

Funeral services were held at the Shum-Novinger Funeral Service Home on Madison Street at two o’clock Saturday afternoon, February 13.  Rev. Colvin Caughey officiated.  Burial in Fairview cemetery.

Harriet E. Haller, well known as Hattie Haller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Hemenover [Roxanna Dilley Griffith], was born December 7, 1873 in Taylor County, Iowa, and died at the age of 86 years, two months, three days.

In March 1898 she was married to James W. [illiam] Haller.  To this union two sons were born, George Haller of Denver, Colo., and William Haller of Concord, New Hampshire.

She was preceded in death by her parents and by her husband, who died in 1929.

She is survived by her two sons; two nephews, Elvin Griffith and Fern Griffith of Bedford; eight grandchildren, three great grandchildren.

At the age of 19 she was baptized and united with the First Baptist church of Bedford.  She belonged to the Methodist church with her husband until he passed away and later reunited with the Baptist church.

[Haller, William D.]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    January 28, 1965    p. 6

Final Rites Held For W. D. Haller

Funeral services for William D. Haller, 63, of Concord, N. H. were held Dec. 28,1964, at St. Peter’s Church in Concord, N. H.  Mr. Haller died Dec. 24 at his home there.  Interment was at Calvary Cemetery in Concord.

Mr. Haller is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James (Hattie) Haller of Bedford.  A native of Bedford, Mr. Haller had been a Concord resident for 31 years.  He was a graduate of the University of Iowa.

Haller, executive vice-president and treasurer of United Life and Accident Insurance Co., was treasurer of Concord Hospital and a director of Concord Housing Authority.  He was a member of the Serra Club, of the Papal Volunteers for Latin America, of the Carmelite Guild, of the Holy Name Society of St. Peter’s Church and of Concord Rotary Club.

He leaves his wife, Mrs. Anne M. Haller, three sons, Rev. James W. Haller, David and Martin Haller of Concord; four daughters, Miss Kathleen Haller, Miss Harriett Haller and Mrs. Eleanor Ferns of Concord, and Mrs. Margaret Kiteley of Freeport, Grand Bahama Islands; three granddaughters; a brother, George C. Haller of Denver; and a nephew.

[Reynolds, Walter Lee]


Thursday    August 15, 1912

Walter L. Reynolds

Walter Lee Reynolds, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds, was born near Bedford, September 9, 1910, and died in Bedford, August 11, 1912 at the age of 23 months and 2 days.  A short service was conducted at the home Monday by Rev. W. B. Thompson.  Interment was in Bedford cemetery.

[Note:  The same obituary was published in the Bedford Free Press, August 15, 1912.]

[Larison, Erick, Infant of]


Thursday    February 25, 1904

Mr. and Mrs. Erick Larison residing southwest of Bedford, lost their baby of four months.  The little one took pneumonia fever and died suddenly.  Funeral services will be held this afternoon.

[Gladman, Sarah Conant]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    February 25, 1943    p. 3


Former Resident Dies

Relatives here have received word of the death of Mrs. Sarah [Conant] Gladman at Edgemont, South Dakota, Feb. 12.  Four weeks before her death she had fallen and broken her hip.  She was 77 years old.