Obituaries |
submitted by: Julia Johnson - |
[Manker, Tamson Spencer Wright]
Bedford Free Press
Thursday May 20, 1909 p. 4
Mrs. J. [ohn] J. [ones] Manker died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Greeley, one mile northwest of this city, Wednesday, May 4, at the age of eighty-seven years, after a brief illness due to a complication of old age ailments. The funeral will be held at the M. E. church this Friday morning at 10 o’clock, the services conducted by Rev. E. W. McDade, and interment made in the Red Oak cemetery. The pallbearers were Joel Carey, F. J. Brodby, H. Turner, Geo. Ross, David Replogle and C. N. Heath.
Mrs. Manker, whose maiden name was Tamson Spencer Wright, was born at Hillsboro, O., Sept. 2, 1821. She was married on Nov. 4, 1841, to John J. [ones] Manker, and moved to Montgomery County, Ind., in 1850, and in October 1873, they came to Shenandoah, where he farmed for a short time and then traded for the North Mills, milling being the profession of Mr. Manker, and the North Mills were long known as the Manker Mills. Later, Mr. Manker bought what is known as the First National Bank of Elliott in which the late deceased still held an interest at the time of her death and of which her son, H. [enry] E. Manker is now president. Mr. Manker died April 17, 1896. Six sons and two adopted daughters were reared by Mr. and Mrs. Manker, all of whom are still living except one son, C. [harles] W. Manker who died at Elliott. The living children are H. [enry] E., of Elliott, J. [ames] L. [ewis] of Boston, J. [ohn] W. [esley] of San Francisco, Dr. G. [eorge] F. [inley], of Bedford, Iowa and C. A., of Pearl, Ill., and the adopted daughters, Mrs. F. [rancis] M. [arion] Beckner [Hester Doggett] of Clarinda, and Mrs. Homer Vaughn, of Shenandoah, the latter two being with their foster mother during her last illness.
Deceased was a member of the Methodist church for many years and was consistent and active in her church affiliations. She was very aggressive in her Christian efforts, and liberal in her good works and her liberality did much to clear the old church debt and to build the handsome edifice in which the Methodist people now worship. In recognition of their parents, the children have two beautiful memorial windows in the church in this city. She was a quiet and unassuming woman, charitable to all, and a lady whose sympathies and sentiments were susceptible to the slightest influences. During her last illness, at the home of her old time friends, Mr. and Mrs. Greeley, she had every possible care and the grieving relatives are full of gratitude that her last days and hours were made as comfortable as possible.----The Red Oak Express
Bedford Free Press
Thursday May 20, 1909 p. 4
Edwin Wolverton
Edwin Wolverton was born in Parke County, Indiana, April 4, 1834, died at his late home in Cora, Ida., May 10, 1909, being at the time of his death 75 years, 1 month and 6 days old. The deceased removed from his home in Indiana to Iowa bout 1854 in which state he continued his residence until his departure for Idaho about seven years ago. He had been in poor health for about three or four months, but the immediate cause of his death was pleurisy. He was a good citizen, respected by all who knew him during all the years he resided in Iowa and many of the old citizens remember him as a character possessed of sterling worth. He was twice married. His wife died several years ago and lies buried in the Titus [Graceland] cemetery in which place his body was tenderly laid away after the beautiful ceremony of the Bedford Odd Fellows lodge in the city. His membership was in the Siam lodge, but owing to the high waters the brothers from there were not permitted to be present. The funeral services were conducted in Bedford at the Campbell undertaking parlors by Rev. Geo. A. Hendrickson assisted by a quartet of singers from the Christian church. Mr. Wolverton leaves one son, one daughter, Ella [Nancy Ellen] Barnhouse, of Twin Falls, Idaho, and his wife, of the immediate family to mourn their loss. A brother, Charles, of Athens, Ill., with his son, E. C. Wolverton, of Atwood, Ill., attended the funeral. The widow and T. [homas] J. Wolverton, a son, and Mrs. T. [homas] J. Wolverton and John Dunlap, an old friend, came with the body from Cora, arriving here Saturday morning and the funeral took place at 2 o’clock.
[Note: The same obituary was published in the Bedford Times-Republican, May 20, 1909.]
[Wolverton, James Pruitt “Jim”]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday July 14, 1938 [p. 1]
Jim Wolverton Dies After Brief Illness
Jim [James Pruitt] Wolverton died suddenly at his home near Bedford about 11 o’clock Wednesday forenoon.
He is survived by his wife and two children, Bruce Wolverton of Pasadena, Calif., and Blanche, who is Mrs. Francis Trumbo of near Bedford. There are also 3 grandchildren; three brothers, Howard Wolverton, Arch Wolverton and Cy Wolverton; and two sisters, Mrs. Ed Spencer [Rebecca] and Mrs. Ida New of Hopkins.
The funeral arrangements will not be made until the arrival of the son from California Friday night.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday April 18, 1907 [p. 1]
Thomas Wolverton Dead
Thomas Wolverton, one of the pioneer residents of Taylor County, died at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs. Kinney, at Grant City, Mo., on Saturday, April 13th. He was born in Indiana in 1829, and was nearly 79 years of age.
Coming to Iowa early in life, he has watched the development of civilization as only those sturdy pioneers could, and in the rapid onward march he has played an important part.
While yet living in Indiana he was married and to them two children were born, a son and a daughter. The son, Charles, died a few years ago in California, and the daughter, Mrs. Lydia [Jane] Stockton, is living near the state line. He also leaves to mourn his death three brothers, Charles, in Indiana, Cyrus, of this place, and Ed, of Cora, Idaho.
The funeral was conducted at Hopkins on Monday of this week and the interment was in the Hopkins cemetery, under the auspices of the Masonic order, of which he has long been a faithful member. The sympathy goes out to the bereaved in their affliction.
Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, April 18, 1907
Thomas Wolverton of Polk township and one of the old settlers of Taylor county, died Saturday at the home of his granddaughter at Grant City, Missouri, where he had gone on a visit. The obsequies were in charge of the Hopkins Masonic lodge of which order the deceased had been a member many years. The interment was made Thursday at Hopkins cemetery.
Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, April 25, 1907
Obituary – Thos. Woolverton [Wolverton] was born in Park county Indiana, June 30, 1829. Was married to Mary Jane Burnett August 15, 1849. To this union two children were born, Chas. Woolverton, who died in California some years ago and Mrs. J. [erome] D. Stockton, who died just seven weeks ago. Mrs. Woolverton died two years ago.
Mr. Woolverton moved to Marion county, Iowa, in 1855 and to the Hazel Dell neighborhood in 1857. In the seventies he moved to Hopkins where he resided several years and where he served eighteen years as a member of the board of education, most of the time as treasurer of the board. In early life he was denied the opportunities of educational advantages but earnestly desired that every child in the community should have the advantages of a good school and to that end, both in Ross township and Hopkins, he stood for everything that promoted education.
In 1898 he removed to his farm where he continued to reside. While on a visit with a granddaughter in Grant City, Missouri, he was taken down with pneumonia and died April 14. His remains were laid to rest in the Hopkins cemetery by the Masonic fraternity of which he was a member.
Mr. Woolverton was ever a friend to the needy and a good man has gone to his rest.
[Note: He died Saturday, April 13, 1907.]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday August 18, 1949 [p. 1]
Arch Wolverton Rites Held Wed.
Arch [ie] B. Wolverton, farmer residing on the state line road seven miles southeast of Bedford, died early Saturday morning, August 13 at the St. Francis Hospital at Maryville. He became seriously ill on the Wednesday previous and was taken to the hospital at that time.
Mr. Wolverton’s home was in Iowa but most of his farmland was in Nodaway County, Mo. The funeral services were held in the spacious front yard at his farm home Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. George W. Swan of Blockton. Burial was in the Hopkins cemetery.
Arch B. Wolverton, son of Andrew Jackson and Mary Catherine Jacobs Wolverton, was born October 17, 1876 in Taylor County, Iowa, being aged 72 years, 9 months and 26 days at the time of his death.
As a young man he was a farmer and later took up the barber trade, which he followed until 1917, when he returned to the farm, buying the land where he resided until his death.
He was married December 21, 1902 to Miss Mary Alice Pickel of Rogersville, Mo. To them were born six children, five of them surviving: Mrs. Merrill Chilcote [Thelma] of St. Joseph, Chief Gunner’s Mate C. Jackson Wolverton of the U. S. Navy, stationed on the island of Guam; Rollie Wolverton, whose farm neighbors his fathers; Ted Wolverton, also a neighbor of his parents; and Mrs. William Salter [Marguerite] of Bedford. Another daughter, Jeannie Ruth, died in 1925 at the age of seven.
Mr. Wolverton was a member of the Maple Grove Community Church.
In 1947 he was initiated into Taylor Lodge, A. F. & A. M., but was taken by death before he could complete his work to become a master mason.
Surviving with his wife and children are nine grandchildren: Twyla Lee, Ronald, Martha, Marion, Mary Lois, Jackie and Terry Wolverton; Gary Chilcote and Mrs. John T. Duncan. There were also two brothers, Howard Wolverton of Bedford and Cyrus E. Wolverton of Hopkins; and one sister, Mrs. Rebecca Spencer of Bedford. Two brothers and two sisters preceded him in death.
[Wolverton, Anna Mabel Spencer]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday February 3, 1972 p. 4
Last Rites Held Here Mon. For Mabel Wolverton
Funeral services for Mrs. Howard (Mabel) Wolverton, 91, of Bedford, lifetime resident of Taylor County, were held Monday at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home in Bedford. Mrs. Wolverton died January 27, 1972 at Pearl Terrace Manor here. Interment was at Fairview Cemetery, Bedford.
Anna Mabel Wolverton, daughter of [Daniel] Andrew and Almira Bishop Spencer, was born February 14, 1880 in Taylor County, Iowa.
She grew to adulthood in the community where she was born and was married to Howard Wolverton on Feb. 14, 1900. To them were born four children: Violet Morgan, Paul Wolverton, Edna J. Lacy and Lucille Wetmore, all of whom survive her; and grandchildren, Lois Palacios, Barbara Sexton, Dianne Baker, Frank, Dan and Vic Wetmore, and nine great grandchildren.
She had lived in Taylor County all of her life and she was the last member of her family as her husband, parents, three brothers, Ed Spencer, Lew Spencer, Elmer Spencer; and two sisters, Eva [May] Reece, and Ella [Angeline] Hensley preceded her in death.
She was a kind and considerate wife, mother, sister and friend, and she will be missed by all who knew and loved her.
Thursday February 2, 1911 [p. 1, 5]
Mrs. Susan Chilcote
Mrs. Susan Chilcote, who had been a resident of Taylor County since 1864, died at her home in Conway Saturday afternoon at the age of 86 years. During the last twenty years she had been a resident of Conway, and prior to that lived on a farm at old Lexington.
Funeral services were held Monday in the Conway Methodist Episcopal church, conducted by Rev. J. S. Young of Gravity, former pastor of the Conway church. Interment was in the Lexington cemetery.
Susan C. Coleman was born in Perry County, Ohio, June 3, 1824, where she resided until after her marriage to Israel Chilcote in 1851. In 1864 they came to Taylor County, locating at Lexington. Mrs. Chilcote was left a widow in 1874, but she kept her family of nine children together by the labor of her own hands and the assistance the older ones could give.
Seven of the children survive and all of them were in attendance at the funeral ceremonies. Two daughters, Martha and Mrs. Alice Leppo, preceded her to the beyond. The surviving sons and daughters are Mrs. Mollie [Mary Angeline] McCracken, Mrs. [Hester] Sophia Mattice and C. [harles] W. [illiam] Chilcote of Manila, S. D., D. [avid] E.[lmer] Chilcote, Mrs. [Harriet] Eva Litteer and E.[mery] H. Chilcote of Conway; J. [ohn] H.[enry] Chilcote of Bedford.
Mrs. Chilcote joined the Methodist Episcopal church with her husband soon after their marriage and continued her membership until the time of her death.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday August 30, 1951 [p. 1]
E. H. Chilcote Dies Here Monday
E. [mery] H. (Em) Chilcote, 83, died at his home here Monday, Aug. 27, after a lingering illness.
Funeral services were held this Thursday afternoon, Aug. 30, at the Wetmore Funeral Home. Rev. Evan Routh, pastor of the Christian church here, officiated. Burial was made in Lexington cemetery.
Mr. Chilcote was born Jan. 20, 1868 at Lexington, Iowa, a town located at that time just northeast of the Lake of Three Fires park. He received his education at Lexington and worked in a bank at Bedford in 1897-98. He served in the Spanish-American war in the 51st Iowa Volunteers in 1898-99 and was in the Philippines.
He engaged in the farming business near Conway 1900-06, was in the clothing business in Gravity from 1906-08; engaged in the livestock business 1908-12 near Conway, and was in the auctioneering business with his twin brother, John, from 1903 on for many years.
He was married March 18, 1916 at Des Moines to Josephine Ecklin and she survives him. They had lived in north Bedford for many years where Mr. Chilcote engaged in the dairy business.
During the past two years, Mr. Chilcote’s health was very poor due to diabetes. Amputation of both legs above the knee was necessary.
Surviving besides the widow is one brother, John [Henry] Chilcote of St. Joseph, Mo.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday September 19, 1974 p. 6
Kenneth Chilcote, 66, Dies In California
C. [harles] Kenneth Chilcote, 66, a former Taylor Countian, died September 8 in San Jose, Cal., after a lengthy illness. He was the brother of [John] Merrill Chilcote, editor of The News-Press editorial page (St. Joseph, Mo.).
Mr. Chilcote was business editor of the Long Beach Press Telegram until downed by illness five years ago. Before going to California he worked in The News-Press and Gazette editorial departments from 1927 to 1943. He served at different times as makeup editor, reporter, sports writer, and also worked on the telegraph desk.
Survivors include his wife, Martha [Krapf] Chilcote, of the home; six sons, Allan Chilcote, San Jose; William Chilcote, San Jose; David Chilcote, San Jose; John Chilcote, Long Beach, Cal.; Phillip Chilcote, Anaheim, Cal., and Richard Chilcote, Westminster, Cal.; his mother, Mrs. J. [ohn] H. [enry] Chilcote [Alma Thompson], St. Joseph; another brother, [Maurice] William Chilcote, Fremont, Cal., and eight grandchildren.
[Chilcote, Mary Elizabeth “Mame” Jennings Spurling]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday May 15, 1969 p. 2
Mrs. Chas. Chilcote Rites Held Monday
Word was received May 10 of the death of Mrs. Mary (Mame) Spurling Chilcote, 90, at Montezuma, Iowa. She was a sister-in-law of Mrs. E. [mery] H. Chilcote of Bedford and Mrs. J. [ohn] H. [enry] Chilcote of St. Joseph and for many years prior to retirement had been postmaster of Conway.
She was the widow of Charles Chilcote. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Mary Osmond of Montezuma and five grandchildren. The funeral was held Monday at the Methodist church in Conway. Interment at Lexington Cemetery near Bedford.
[Chilcote, Mary Elizabeth “Mame” Jennings Spurling]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday May 22, 1969 p. 7
Mary Chilcote Rites In Conway
Funeral services for Mrs. Charles (Mary) Chilcote, 90, formerly of Conway, held May 12 in the Conway Methodist church, were conducted by Rev. E. S. Tschetter. Mrs. Chilcote died May 9, 1969 at Grinnell General Hospital. Interment was at Lexington Cemetery, near Bedford.
Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Sarah Ellen and Henry Daniel Jennings, was born January 13, 1879 at Keokuk, Iowa. She was one of five children, who in early childhood moved with her parents to Pierre, South Dakota. She attended school there and also a year of college in Indiana.
She was united in marriage to Charles W. [illiam] Chilcote on November 7, 1907 at Conway, Iowa. They returned to South Dakota and made their home on a homestead near Phillip, South Dakota. To this union were born two children, Mary Lorena and Clarence Ernest.
In 1917 they returned to Iowa to make their home. Due to her husband’s failing health, she was appointed Post Master of Conway Post Office in 1923, a position she held until she retired. The past five and a half years she has been in failing health and has been cared for in the Goeke Nursing Home in Montezuma, Iowa.
She was a member of the Conway Methodist Church, Royal Neighbors of America and The Order of the Eastern Star.
Mrs. Chilcote was preceded in death by her husband, son, father, mother and four brothers. She is survived by her daughter, Mary Osmond of Malcom, daughter-in-law Marion Chilcote of Seal Beach, California; six grandchildren, Mrs. Anne Smith, Mrs. Edith Dayton and Mrs. Jean McCammant of Malcom, Russell Osmond of Oklahoma City, Okla., and William H. Osmond of Ft. Riley, Kans., and Barry Chilcote of Seal Beach, Calif., two step granddaughters, Trudy and Gayle Chilcote of Seal Beach, Calif., 18 great grandchildren, other relatives and a host of friends.
[Chilcote, Josephine “Jo” Ecklin]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday March 25, 1971 p. 8
Last Rites Held March 23 For Jo Chilcote
Funeral services for Mrs. E. [mery] H. (Josephine) Chilcote, 93, of Bedford, were held Tues., Mar. 23, at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home in Bedford, conducted by Carl Cummings and Rev. D. L. Draper. Mrs. Chilcote died March 20, 1971, at Pearl Terrace Manor here. Interment was at Conway Cemetery, Conway.
[Chilcote, Josephine “Jo” Ecklin]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday April 1, 1971 p. 3
Jo Chilcote, 93, Rites March 23
Funeral services for Mrs. Emery H. (Josephine) Chilcote, 93, of Bedford, held March 23 at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home here, were conducted by Carl Cummings and Rev. D. L. Draper. Mrs. Chilcote died March 20 at Pearl Terrace Manor in Bedford. Interment was at Conway Cemetery, Conway.
Josephine Ecklin, daughter of John Edward and Emily Cochran Ecklin, was born March 12, 1878 at Terre Haute, Ind. She moved with her parents to Taylor County, Iowa in her early youth and continued to reside here.
On March 18, 1915 she was united in marriage to Emery H. Chilcote at Des Moines, Iowa and they resided in Bedford where her husband was engaged in the auction business until his passing August 27, 1951.
She worked many years at the Fair Store and Thompson Mercantile Company in Bedford and was acquainted with a great number of friends and customers.
She was preceded in death by her parents, one brother, Frank Ecklin, and two sisters, Minnie Ecklin and Nellie Rush.
Left to cherish memories are a half brother, Lloyd Ecklin of Clear Water, Fla.; nieces; nephews; other relatives and many friends.
She was a member of the Bedford United Methodist church.
Mrs. Chilcote will be missed by all those who knew and loved her; her kind words and pleasant smile of greeting will long be remembered.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday February 22, 1962 p. 5
Joy Hagee Dies in St. Joseph
Joy [Eldon] Hagee, St. Joseph, 39, formerly of Lenox, died Tuesday, Feb. 13 in a St. Joseph hospital. He had been in failing health for some time.
A native of Skidmore, Mo., he had resided in St. Joseph since 1945, and was owner of the Hagee Insurance Agency. He was a member of Woodson Chapel Christian Church, North Side Lion’s Club, Moila Temple, Scottish Rite Masonic organization and the Brotherhood Lodge, A. F. and A. M.
Survivors include his wife, the former Geneva [Alice] Nixon of Lenox; a daughter, Annis Joy Hagee; a son, William Harlow Hagee; his parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Hagee; three sisters, Mrs. Victor Montgomery, Mrs. Robert Clingan, all of St. Joseph, and Mrs. Wendell Wilson, Denver, Colo. His father is a former pastor of the Lenox Christian Church.
Funeral rites were held at two p. m. Friday at Woodson Chapel Christian Church, with Dr. W. L. McGrew, Kansas City, officiating. Burial was in Memorial Park Cemetery at St. Joseph.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday February 22, 1962 p. 5
Dean Meredith Dies
Word has reached Bedford of the death in Tacoma, Wash., of Dean Meredith, 48, a former resident of Bedford. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joe [Joseph M.] Meredith [Mary Magdalene Cunning] of Bedford.
[Schooling, Lillie Belle Konecne]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday February 22, 1962 p. 5
Death Takes Mrs. Schooling
Mrs. Lillie [Belle Konecne] Schooling, 83, died at a nursing home at Corning Thursday, Feb. 15. She had been in poor health for some time.
Funeral services were held at two p. m. Saturday at the Rosary Funeral Home in Corning. Howard Wells conducted the service. Burial was in Prairie Rose cemetery.
Mrs. Schooling is survived by two sons, Ralph of Brooks [Iowa] and Roscoe of Bedford; and a sister, Mrs. Etta Parks of Bedford.
She had lived in Taylor County before moving to Corning.
Adams County Free Press, Thursday, February 22, 1962, p. 2
Lillie Belle Schooling
Lillie Belle Schooling, the daughter of Frank and Mary Konecne was born April 10th, 1878 in Holt Township, Taylor Co., Iowa and passed away at the Krauth Nursing home in Corning, Iowa, Thursday, at ten minutes past twelve o’clock noon, February 15th, 1962, at the age of 83 yrs., 10 m., and 5 days.
She was united in marriage to John Schooling of Mt. Etna, Iowa on July 1st, 1903 in Corning. To this union three sons were born, Ralph of Brooks, Iowa, Roscoe of Bedford, Iowa, and Gilbert, who died in infancy. Her husband preceded her in death on May 2nd, 1944.
She kept in her home for twenty-one years, her mentally retarded brother-in-law, Harland Schooling until his death in 1941.
Survivors include her 88 year old sister, Etta Parks, who is living in a nursing home in Bedford, Iowa, her twin sons Ralph and Roscoe, two daughters-in-law, four grandsons, Ronald Schooling of Red Oak, Iowa, Garry and Larry, twin grandsons, of Brooks, Iowa, and Roscoe Junior of Bedford, also four granddaughters, Joyce, Lois, Margaret and Dorothy of Bedford, also nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends.
She was also preceded in death by her parents, three brothers and one sister.
She was a member of the Fairview Christian Church near her home.
She has lived in Corning for the pat 18 years until two years go when she came to make her home with her son Ralph Schooling and his family.
Her great hobby was working with quilts and gardening. She was blessed with excellent health until three weeks ago when pneumonia developed. In spite of all that loving hands could do, she quietly slept away.
She will be greatly missed by all who knew her.
Services were Sat., Feb. 17 at 2 p. m. from the Roland Funeral home, conducted by Howard Wells. Music was by John Riegel, with Mrs. Brown Garlock, pianist.
Pallbearers were Ora Konecne, Estle Parks, Carl Dunken, Lester Parks, Bryan Holbrook and George Holbrook. Burial was in Prairie Rose cemetery.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday November 14, 1974 p. 7
Last Rites Held November 5 For Roscoe Schooling
Funeral services for Roscoe Frank Schooling, 63, of Bedford, were held November 5 at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home in Bedford with George Carman officiating. Mr. Schooling died November 3, 1974 at Crest Haven Care Center in Creston. Interment was at Fairview Cemetery, Bedford.
Roscoe Frank Schooling, son of John Tyler Schooling and Lillie Belle Konecne, was born at Brooks, Iowa on May 9, 1911.
He lived in Taylor County and grew to maturity in Adams and Taylor Counties where he attended the Mt. Pleasant and Corning High School and the Fairview Christian Church.
On August 12, 1942 he was united in marriage to Leila Irene Wirth at Maryville, Mo., and they lived in Taylor County.
To this union five children were born: Joyce Ann (Neiman), Lois Irene, Margaret Belle (Wagner), Dorothy Elaine and Roscoe Junior.
He spent his lifetime engaged in farming.
He was preceded in death by his parents and one brother.
Left to cherish his memory are: his wife, children, twin brother, Ralph Schooling, and wife, Elma; two sons-in-law, Paul A. Neiman and Robert D. Wagner; a host of friends and relatives.
He was a member of Moore Rutledge Post No. 578 and 355th U.S. Army Air Force. He served in the Army from September 3, 1942 to January 3, 1946 and was active in the American Legion.
He was a kind and considerate husband and father and will be sadly missed by all who knew and loved him.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday November 14, 1974 p. 7
Roy Black, 76, Dies In Calif.
Roy [Austin] Black, 76, of San Diego, Calif., a native of Athelstan, died in San Diego, Calif., November 3. Services and interment were in San Diego.
He was a brother of Eva Byrns of Athelstan, Ray Black of Maryville, Mo., Ermil Black of Silverton, Oregon and the late Verna Jenkins.
He was reared in and around Athelstan and when he was a young man he moved with his parents to Sheridan where he married.
Mr. Black followed two trades: He was a barber and sold cars. He lived in Bedford at one time and sold cars for Woldroff.
He moved with his family to Torrington, Wyoming, and then to San Diego. In later years he sold feed and medical supplies to farmers and was well known.