submitted by: Julia Johnson -

[Kingsley, Nellie Goudie]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    May 25, 1978    p. 15

Nellie G. Kingsley Last Rites Held In Grinnell

Funeral services for Mrs. Samuel John (Nellie) Kingsley, 92, of Grinnell, were held May 19 in the Grinnell First Baptist Church.   Mrs. Kingsley [Nellie Goudie] died May 16 in St. Francis Manor in Grinnell.  Interment was at Hazelwood Cemetery, Grinnell.

She was the widow of Samuel John Kingsley whom she married in 1908.  Mr. Kingsley died in 1966.

Surviving are a son, Rev. Carl E. [dwin] Kingsley, Green Lake, Wisc.; three daughters, Mrs. Everett (Mildred Mae) Ilk, Denver, Colo.; Mrs. James (Nellie Irene) McPherson, Moab, Utah; and Mrs. Monte (Pearl Leone) Payne of Hoquiam, Wash.; five grandchildren; nine great grandchildren.

Memorials may be sent to Grinnell First Baptist Church or to St. Francis Manor, Grinnell.

[Keith, Anna Blanche Walkup]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    May 25, 1978    p. 15

Last Rites Held May 20 For Blanche Keith, 97

Funeral services for Mrs. Alonzo (Blanche) Keith, 97, of Bedford, formerly of Canada, were held May 20 in Shum-Novinger Funeral Home here with Rev. Carter W. Smith officiating.  Mrs. Keith died May 18, 1978 in Ringgold County Hospital in Mount Ayr, Ia.  Interment was at Fairview Cemetery.

Anna Blanche Keith, eldest child and only surviving member of the family of James Franklin and Mary Elizabeth Meehan Walkup, was born February 9, 1881.

Blanche married Alonzo Keith and to this union one son, Ellis Ray, was born.  Ellis Ray died when nine years old and was buried in Saskatchewan, Canada where Blanche and Lon were homesteading and farming.

Blanche and Lon moved back to the Bedford area prior to Lon’s death in 1935.  A portion of their hearts always remained in Canada with their young son.

Blanche was preceded in death by her parents, James and Mary Walkup; husband, Lon; son, Ellis; sister, Maud Gordon; and three brothers, Roy, Glenn, and Frank.

She is survived by three nieces and six nephews:  Floyd Gordon of Rock Island, Ill.; Ruth Walkup Erickson of Waco, Texas; Virginia Walkup Harrell of Lake Elsinore, California; Pauline Walkup Denton of Houston, Texas; Harold J. Walkup of Redding; Robert Walkup of Blockton; Donald Walkup of Ankeny; and Wilbur Walkup of Blockton, and their families.

Aunt Blanche, as she was affectionately known, possessed a wonderful sense of humor and sanctioned clean healthy living both of the body and mind.  Her religious heritage came from the deep roots in belonging to the Baptist Church where she enjoyed the distinction of 79 years of membership.

Aunt Blanche’s hands as well as mind were seldom idle.  She thoroughly enjoyed crocheting; sewing, working jig saw puzzles and crossword puzzles. Daily she brought her prayers and her supplications before her Lord (Psalms 119: 10-11).

[Keith, Alonzo L. “Lon”]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    February 14, 1935    [p. 1]

Lon Keith Dies At Home Today

Lon [Alonzo] Keith died at his home in Bedford this morning after having been ill for some time.

The funeral services will be held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Friday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, conducted by Rev. Clark M. Crowell.

[Keith, Alonzo L. “Lon”]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    February 21, 1935    [p. 1]

A. L. Keith, 57, Succumbs Feb. 14

Funeral services for A. L. Keith, 57, who died at his home in Bedford Thursday morning, Feb. 14, were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home, Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Clark M. Crowell.  Burial was in the Fairview cemetery.

Alonzo L. Keith was born near Bloomington, Ill., July 14, 1877.  When about eight years of age he moved with his parents to Iowa, which place had since been his home with the exception of eighteen years spent in Canada.

He was married March 16, 1904 to Miss [Anna] Blanche Walkup.  To them was born a son, Ellis [Ray] Keith, who preceded his father in death, Jan. 24, 1915.

[Keith, Edna Mae Heatherington Kulbom]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    May 17, 1984    p. 4

Will Hold Last Rites Today For Edna Keith, 79

Funeral services for Mrs. Theron Clark (Edna Mae) Keith, 79, formerly of Hopkins, Mo., will be held at 2:00 p. m. Thurs., May 17, in Shum-Novinger Funeral Home in Bedford with Rev. J. Wayne Foster officiating.  Mrs. Keith died May 14, 1984 in Municipal Hospital, Clarinda, Iowa.  Interment will be in Fairview Cemetery, Bedford, Ia.

Edna Mae [Kulbom] Keith was born November 20, 1904 in Toledo, Ohio, the daughter of George Boyd Heatherington and Blanche Edith Nation.

She lived for twenty years in Cherokee, Iowa where she was employed as a ward attendant in the Mental Health Institute and moved to Hopkins in 1966 where she lived eighteen years.

Left to cherish her memory are two daughters, [Edith] Lorraine Albright, and Maxine Zikesh, both of Hopkins, Mo., and two sisters, Mrs. Jessie Cunningham, Council Bluffs, Ia., and Mrs. Pauline Dick, Bakersfield, Calif.

[Keith, William C. “Bill”]

Bedford Free Press

Thursday     Dec. 2, 1926     [p. 1]

W. C. Keith Fell Dead Yesterday

Former Dep. Sheriff Stricken While Leaving the Court Room

W. [illiam] C. Keith, former Taylor County deputy sheriff, and brother of Joe Keith, county supervisor elect, was stricken with heart disease yesterday evening, as he was coming from the court room, by way of the spiral stairway in the clerk’s office.

Near the top of the stairs, his knees gave way and he toppled limp down the length of the stairs to the floor.  He was lifted unconscious to a table in the clerk’s office and medical aid was soon secured, but he lived but a few moments.

Mr. Keith had been in the courtroom all afternoon, listening to the questioning of prospective jurors, and after the names of the twelve selected had been announced, he left the courtroom by way of the back stairs.  John Nevius, deputy clerk, and Dale Rankin, who happened to be in the clerk’s office, witnessed his fall and rushed to his assistance.

Mr. Keith was one of the older residents of the county and was widely known.  He served as deputy sheriff of this county two terms under his brother, Joe, beginning in 1916.

Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock in the Church of Christ of this city.  Leslie Cobb will have charge, assisted by Fred Coley.  Interment will be given in Hopkins cemetery.

[Coon, Homer Marion]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    January 30, 1936    [p. 1]

Homer Coon, 33, Dies In C. Bluffs

Homer Coon, 33, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. [saac] B. [enton] Coon of Bedford, died in Mercy Hospital in Council Bluffs Monday evening, as the result of a gun shot wound, self-inflicted at his home late in the afternoon.  He had shot himself near the right temple with a .22-caliber rifle.

According to the reports received in Bedford, Mrs. Coon and the two children, Morris, 6, and Helen, 5, had gone to the home of her parents in Council Bluffs while Coon was supposed to be visiting his parents south of Bedford.  When he did not return at the specified time for his family, investigation was made, and he was found in the bedroom of his home in Council Bluffs.

Funeral services were held in Council Bluffs, Wednesday afternoon, and the body was brought to Bedford where services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home this afternoon at 1:30 o’clock, conducted by Earl Warren of Altoona, Iowa.  Burial was in the Bedford cemetery.

Homer Marion Coon, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. [saac] B. [enton] Coon [Minnie Louise John], was born near Bedford, Dec. 27, 1902.  He attended the rural school near his home and later was employed for a number of years at the Farmers Union.

On April 6, 1929 he was married to Miss Vernie [Verna] Thomas of Council Bluffs, but formerly of Bedford.  To them were born two children, Morris and Helen.

Surviving with the wife, two children and parents, are a sister, Mrs. Esther Reith of Denman, Nebr., and two brothers, Virgil and Howard of Bedford.

He was a member of the Berea congregation, having united with the church in early life.

[Coon, Beulah Frances]


Tuesday    December 18, 1923

Death of Beulah Coon

Beulah Coon, the 19 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. [saac] B. [enton] Coon [Minnie Louise John] of southwest of Bedford died Saturday morning at 9:00 o’clock following an illness of five weeks from an attack of typhoid fever.

Beulah Frances, daughter of Isaac B. [enton] and Minnie L. [ouise John] Coon, was born in Ross Township, Taylor County, Iowa, Sept. 18, 1904; died at the home of her parents, southwest of Bedford, Saturday, Dec. 15, 1923, at 9:30 a. m., aged 19 years, 2 months and 27 days.  In the year 1920 under the preaching of Evangelist J. C. Roady she obeyed the Gospel and placed her membership with the church at “Berea” where her membership was continued until death.  She was one of the Master’s most faithful servants, ever to be found at her post of duty.  She was patient in all her affliction, always greeting her attendants with a smile.  She lived a life above reproach and was respected and esteemed by all who came in touch with noble qualities of her life.  Her going has left a vacancy in the church and community, which few can fill.

The immediate surviving relatives are the father and mother; three brothers, Virgil, Homer and Howard; one sister, Esther, all of whom are at home with the parents.  Besides these she leaves many other relatives and friends to mourn her death.

Funeral services were held at Berea Church Sunday, Dec. 16, at 2:30 p. m.  Evangelist Vernie Gilbert officiated.   The funeral was attended by the largest crowd that has assembled to a funeral service for several years.  The body was laid to rest in a beautiful vault.  Interment in Bedford cemetery.  Funeral director A. L. Stithem had charge of the funeral.

[Sheley, Emsy Christina Bordner]


Thursday    April 19, 1928    [p. 1]

Mrs. Mel Sheley of Hopkins Dies

Death Follows, But Not Directly Due to Leg Injury

Mrs. Mel [ford Jacob] Sheley, 58, a lifelong resident of the Hopkins vicinity, died at 1:55 o’clock Monday morning of this week at the St. Francis Hospital in Maryville.  She had suffered for five weeks with a broken leg sustained in a fall at her home north of Hopkins, but this injury was not directly responsible for her death.

Mrs. Sheley [Emsy Christina Bordner] is survived by her husband and five children:  Mrs. Carrie Roush, north of Hopkins; Mrs. Velma Oberhauser, northwest of Hopkins; Mrs. Anis [Annice] Horning, northeast of Hopkins; Floyd, near Bedford, and Fay of Shenandoah.  She also leaves three brothers and four sisters, Frank Bordner and Harry Bordner of Hopkins; John Bordner, Bedford; Mrs. Elmer Orme, north of Hopkins; Mrs. Mary Webb, Bedford; Mrs. Lucy Quickly of Illinois; and Mrs. Mollie Williams of Kansas.

Mrs. Sheley was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Funeral services were held at the Methodist church at Hopkins, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock.

[Sheley, Viola Lee Owens]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    January 30, 1936    [p. 1]

Mrs. Ed Sheley, 58, Dies Monday P. M.

Mrs. Edward [Turner] Sheley, 58, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Spencer, southwest of Bedford, at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon.  She had been in ill health for several months.

The funeral services were held at the Baptist church in Hopkins Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Ray Dick.  Burial was in the Hopkins cemetery.

Mrs. Sheley [Viola Lee Owens] was born in Nodaway County, Mo., near Maryville, and had been a resident of the Hopkins community for forty years.

She is survived by her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Ernest Spencer [Pauline Opal] and Mrs. Virgil Davison [Dorothy], and by one son, [Harry] Lynn Sheley, all of the Hopkins community.

[Metzler, Robert]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    May 25, 1978    p. 15

Robert Metzler Final Rites Held Here May 9

Graveside services were held for Robert Henry Metzler May 9, 1978, conducted by Carl Cummings, with interment in Fairview Cemetery, Bedford.

Robert Henry Metzler, son of Claude [Lewis] and Elda Woods Metzler, was born April 28, 1911, at Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and died May 3, 1978 at Cleveland, Ohio, at the age of 67 years and five days.

Prior to retirement he had been employed by the Standard Oil Company for many years.

He was preceded in death by his father, Claude Metzler, in 1955.

Left to cherish his memory are his wife, Clara, of the home; two daughters, Sue Ann and Sally Jo, both of California; one son, Jerry, of Cleveland, Ohio; his mother, Elda, of Bedford, an aunt, Hazel Woods of Bedford; an uncle, Glen, and wife, Ruth, of Cumberland, Iowa; and a cousin, Joan Brahms and family of Cumberland, Iowa; other relatives and friends.

[Reid, Nathan Hugh]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday     January 30, 1936    [p. 1]

Hugh N. Reid, 66, Dies In Albuquerque

Hugh N. [athan] Reid [Nathan Hugh Reid], 66, a resident of the Siam community for the pasty fifty years, died in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Monday, Jan. 27.

Mr. Reid, in company with his wife, had been spending the winter in New Mexico on account of his health.  His only daughter, Mrs. Frank Shields [Fannie Mildred] of the Siam community, who was called to Albuquerque by her father’s illness, was also with him at the time of his death.

The funeral services will be held at the Christian church in Siam Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Robert Boshen of Bedford.  Burial will be in the Shearer cemetery.

[Journey, Harry]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    April 6, 1961    p. 5

Harry Journey Dies In Canada

Funeral services were held in Preeceville, Sask., Canada, Saturday, April 1, for Harry Journey, 72.  Mr. Journey died there Thursday.

Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Amos [Noah] Journey [Mary Elizabeth Woods] of New Market, Mr. Journey was born in Taylor County and lived in this area until his early twenties.

Surviving are three brothers, Ray of Bedford, Joe of New Market, Claud of Denver, Colo.; two sisters, Mrs. Glenn Godfrey of New Market, Mrs. Ora Edna Gard of Des Moines; two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Eva Journey of New Market, Mrs. Nellie Journey of Clarinda.

Burial was in Canada, where he had made his home for some time.  No relatives from this area were able to attend.

[Journey, Eva Vernon Kendall]

Clarinda Herald Journal

Monday    April 6, 1970

Eva Vernon Kendall Journey, 65, died in Clarinda Friday [April 3rd] and services will be from the Walker Funeral Home Tuesday at 1:30 p. m.

She was born Feb. 23, 1905 to John [Henry] and Nona [Jeanette Bryson] Kendall in Valley Township, the fourth in a family of five children.  The family home was near North Grove Methodist Church, which she attended.

She received her elementary education at Orme School, was graduated from Villisca High School and received a degree in Elementary Education at Clarinda Junior College in ’57.

She also attended San Jose State College in California, teaching elementary schools in this area until her retirement in 1967, and finishing her teaching career at the Special Education School at Yorktown.

Eva was married on Sept. 25, 1924 to Amos Stevie [Stine] Journey of New Market and they had two children:  Dorothe [Dorothy] Lucille and Vernon S.[tine].  Her husband died in 1948.  She maintained her home in New Market and was active in the Methodist Church.

Her children Mrs. Harry McCluskey (Dorothy) and Gordon Lee of San Jose, Calif., and Vernon [Stine] Journey and daughters Paula [Denise], Janith [Ann] and Angela of Citrus Heights, Calif., survive.

Other survivors are her brother John Kendall of Lenox, two sisters, Florence Robinson of Hepburn and Geneva (Mrs. Emil Schmidt) of St. Louis.  A brother, Cass [Bryson] preceded her in death.

Burial will be in the family plot at Old Memory Cemetery at New Market.

[Journey, Floyd C. “Joe”]

Clarinda Herald Journal

Monday    March 5, 1973

Journey Active In Lodge Work

Floyd C. (Joe) Journey, 75, of New Market, died Sunday morning at [Clarinda] Municipal Hospital after an extended illness.

He was born Sept. 23, 1897, near Bedford, the son of Amos [Noah] and Mary Elizabeth Woods Journey.  On June 3, 1923, he was married to Wilma Cooke who died in 1944.  He was married to Eva [Lena Combs] Miller who survives.  They had celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary last Sept. 23.

He had worked for the state of Iowa for 20 years.  He was a 50 year member of the New Market legion post and had belonged to the Masonic lodge for 49 years.  He had served on the New Market school board and the town council.

Mr. Journey is survived by [his] wife of the home, two daughters:  Mrs. Ivan (Betty Jo) Lundquist of Clarinda and Mrs. David (Nancy) Greer of Omaha and four grandchildren.   Stepchildren are Lowell Miller of Creston, Donald Mean Miller of Clarinda and Mrs. Ted (Cleva) Herzberg of Clarinda.  There are 10 stepchildren and five step great grandchildren.   Two sisters-in-law are Mrs. Claud Journey of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Ray Journey [Minnie Keith Jared] of Bedford.

Funeral services for Mr. Journey will be at 10 a. m. Tuesday at Walker Funeral Home with Rev. Ivo G. Randels officiating.  Maynard Burch will be soloist and Mrs. Joyce Burch organist.

Honorary bearers will be WWI veterans.  Casket bearers will be Eldon Fine, Dale Hanson, Red Potter, Harvey Young, Thelbert Kendrick, and Dalphon Bashor.  Military services by the New Market legion and Masonic services by Covenant Lodge No. 453 will be held at the graveside.  Burial will be in Memory Cemetery at New Market.

[Journey, Nellie Martha Aid]

Clarinda Herald Journal

April   1973

Services Held For Mrs. Journey

Funeral services for Mrs. C. H. (Nellie M.) Journey, 72, were held at the United Missionary Church in Council Bluffs with graveside services at Memory Cemetery, New Market.

Pallbearers were Michael Strome, Kenneth Bussy, Tom Ferguson, Richard Ferguson, Frank Ferguson and Larry Miller.

Mrs. Journey [Nellie Martha Aid] died April 20 [1973].   She was born July 21, 1900, the daughter of Stillman [B.] and Elba [Jane Baker] Aid.  In 1922 she was married to C. H. Journey at Shambaugh.  Mrs. Journey had lived most of her life in the New Market and Clarinda vicinity.  The last 11 years Mrs. Journey lived in Council Bluffs at the Ralph Slaight home.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Ralph (Arlene) Slaight of Council Bluffs and Mrs. Ralph (Mary Elba) Strome of Ohio; two foster daughters, Mrs. Lavern (Gracia) Miller of Clarinda and Mrs. Frank (Helen) Ferguson of Braddyville, 14 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.

[Campbell, Albert Edward]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    June 14, 1984    p. 6

Graveside Services Held At Graceland For Albert Campbell

Graveside services for Albert Edward Campbell, 81, of Bedford, held June 7 at Graceland Cemetery, were conducted by Rev. James Dale.  Mr. Campbell died June 5, 1984 in Rosary Hospital, Corning, Iowa.

Albert Edward Campbell, son of Richard and Susannah Adams Campbell, was born May 7, 1903 in New Market, Iowa.

On January 1, 1923 he was united in marriage to [Dorothy] Idros Campbell in Miami, Oklahoma.  To this union four children were born:  Ailee Ratekin (Mrs. Donald), Allegan, Michigan; Albert E. Campbell, Jr., Waterloo, Ia.; Ramona Halbert (Mrs. John), Birmingham, Alabama; Sally Riggs (Mrs. Dave), St. Louis, Mo.

Albert served in the U. S. Army and farmed near Bedford for many years.  He was a member of the United Methodist Church.

Mr. Campbell was preceded in death by his wife, a sister, Floris Leighton and infant brothers.

Left to cherish his memory are his children; seven great grandchildren; sisters:  Violet Allen, Alta Dubach and Mozel Cirksena; a brother, Archie Campbell.

He was a friend to all and will be missed by all who came in contact with him.

[Morris, Martha Rosetta Freemyer]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    November 17, 1960    p. 2

Mrs. Martha Morris Buried At Athelstan

Funeral services for Mrs. Martha Morris of Bedford, who died Tuesday, November 8, were held at the Shum-Novinger Funeral Service Home on State Street, Friday afternoon, November 11. Rev. Ward Campbell of the Mount Ayr Free Methodist church officiated.  Burial in Athelstan cemetery.

Martha R. [osetta] Freemyer was born in Worth County, Mo., July 14, 1868, and died at the age of 92 years, three months, 25 days.

She was the daughter of Joshua [Russell] and Senora [Foland] Freemyer.  When two years of age she moved with her parents to Taylor County, Iowa, where she spent the remainder of her life with the exception of 20 years, when she and her husband farmed in Minnesota.

She was baptized into the Christian church in her youth and was united in marriage to William A. [lonzo] Morris on July 27, 1887.

She is survived by five children, Mrs. Cecile Hale of Bedford, Mrs. Hans Meland (Lucille) of Ellendale, Minn., Carl of Des Moines, Paul of Nodaway, Harry of Shenandoah; 15 grandchildren, 31 great grandchildren, six great great grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband, who passed away in 1939; by one son, Roy, who died in infancy; a daughter, Mrs. John Lester (Eva) in 1954; a son Guy [William], in 1959.

[Morris, William Alonzo]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    August 10, 1939    p. 7

Wm. A. Morris

William Alonzo Morris, son of James [Henry] and Katherine [West] Morris, was born May 23, 1868 and died July 16, 1939 aged 71 years, 1 month and 23 days.

He was united in marriage to Martha [Rosetta] Freemyer July 27, 1887.  To this union eight children were born:  Mrs. John Lester [Eva] of Sheridan, Mo., Carl Morris of Des Moines, Guy [William] Morris of Bedford, Mrs. Cecile Hale of Bedford, Harry Morris of St. Charles, Minn., Paul Morris of Dodge Center, Minn., Mrs. Hans Meland [Lucille] of Ellendale, Minn., and Roy who passed away in infancy.

Mr. Morris resided in the vicinity of Bedford until 1920 when he moved to Ellendale, Minn.  He resided in that vicinity for thirteen years, moving to Dodge Center in March 1933, where he resided until his death.

He is survived by six brothers and one sister, fifteen grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

[Morris, Guy William]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    November 26, 1959    p. 6

Guy Morris Rites At Hopkins Thursday

Guy William Morris, 64, died Tuesday at the Kansas City veterans hospital.  He had suffered from cancer of the brain.

Mr. Morris had lived in Hopkins four years and had been a resident of that community since 1936.  He was a retired farmer and had been an attendant at the state hospital at Clarinda.  He was a member of Maple Grove Methodist Church, a veteran of World War I and a member of the American Legion.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Delia Morris of the home; a son, Gerald Morris, St. Louis; his mother, Mrs. Martha [Freemyer] Morris of Bedford; three brothers, Carl Morris of Des Moines, Paul Morris of Blockton, Harry Morris of Shenandoah; two sisters, Mrs. Cecile Hale of Bedford, Mrs. Lucille Meland of Ellendale, Minn., and a grandchild.

Funeral services [are] being held at the Hopkins Baptist church Thursday morning, November 26, Rev. Walter Cox officiating minister.  Burial in Hopkins cemetery.