Obituaries |
submitted by: Julia Johnson - |
Thursday June 27, 1912 [p. 1]
Charles Conrad Hess
C. [harles] C. [onrad] Hess died Saturday, June 22, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank [John Franklin] Graff [Ethel], in Seward, Neb. He was 82 years of age. Short services were held at the home in Seward and then the remains were brought to Bedford for burial. The funeral was held in the Presbyterian Church, Monday, at 10 a. m., conducted by Rev. John A. Currie. Interment was made in Lexington Cemetery.
Charles Conrad Hess was born June 1, 1830, at Grotzingen, Baden, Germany. He came to this country when quite young and located in Rochester, N. Y., where he lived for a number of years. He came to Bedford with the early pioneers and after a few years in the mercantile business, removed to his farm north of town. Upon retiring from the farm he went to Los Angeles, Cal., where he continued to live until two years ago when he went to Seward, Neb., to make his home with one of his daughters.
Four daughters and three sons survive him, Mrs. Frank Graff [Ethel], Seward, Neb.; Mrs. Hope Thorsen, Los Angeles, Cal.; Miss Florence Hess, Los Angeles, Cal., and Miss Lottie Hess, Gooding, Idaho; Arthur and Francis Hess of Bedford and Charles Hess of Gooding, Idaho.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday June 27, 1912 [p. 1]
Charles Conrad Hess was born June 1, 1830, at Grotzingen, Baden, Germany. He came to America when he was quite young and located at Rochester, N. Y., where he made his home for a number of years. He came to Bedford, Iowa, with the early pioneers and after a few years in the mercantile business moved to his farm near town. Upon retiring from the farm, he went to Los Angeles, California, where he continued to live until two years ago when he went to Seward, Nebr., and made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Frank [John Franklin] Graff]. During most of this time he was in failing health. He passed away Saturday morning, June 22, 1912, aged 82 years and 21 days. The remains were taken to Bedford and the funeral was held at the Presbyterian Church Monday, June 24th, at 10 a. m. The services were conducted by Rev. J. A. Currie. Short services were also held at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Graff [Ethel], at Seward, Neb.
Interment was made in the Lexington cemetery, which is near his old home.
He leaves four daughters and three sons to mourn his departure. Mr. Hess was a very successful businessman and being one of the pioneers of this community had a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.
[Graff, John]
Thursday February 19, 1920 p. 3
John Graff
John Graff was the youngest of nine children born to Valentine and Agnes [Holden] Graff.
He was born in Bingen on the Rhine, Germany, Sept. 8, 1845. He fell asleep in Jesus on Friday evening, Feb. 6th, 1920, at the age of 74 years, two months and 28 days.
At the early age of six years his family migrated to America, settling at Savannah, Mo. He grew up in the free atmosphere of the farm, and had such advantages as the schools afforded the pioneers in the fifties and sixties. During the Civil War, he did not see active service, but residing in a very disturbed section of the country, he was engaged with the home guards in military drill and has affiliated with the veterans of the Grand Army for many years.
Just after the Civil War Mr. Graff was united in marriage with [Anna] Mary Yenni, who with four children born to this union, survive to love and honor the memory of a noble Christian husband and father.
The children, all of whom were present, are Mrs. Elizabeth Moser, Salt Lake City, Utah; Harry A. [ugust] and J. [ohn] Frank [lin] Graff, Seward, Neb.; Edward V.[alentine] Graff, Seattle, Wash. In 1870 Mr. Graff moved to Bedford, where by a consistent Godly life of half a century he built a character, established an enviable reputation for integrity, for zeal in Christian service, for devotion to the church with which he, early in life, cast his lot.
For 25 years or more Mr. Graff was intimately identified with the business interests of Bedford. He was deeply interested in civic affairs and was a member of two of the fraternal organizations. His passing from among us means a loss not only to his family, but to the whole church and community of Bedford. One cannot easily compress into a few sentences a Godly life of sixty or seventy years. Yet a single sentence older than oldest kingdom of Earth tells the story of this faithful Christian man, whose years became a tree of life, which bore all manner of precious fruit. “He walked with God and was not, for God took him.”
Bedford may have many people of wealth who could bequeath their thousands to the community, but how many could leave such memories of devotion to principle, fidelity to the church of the living God, such a precious heritage, undefiled, unfading.
He faithfully maintained the family altar and that is no small understanding in these days. He was seldom absent from the house of God and friends are saying, “Who will take the place of Mr. Graff?”
For many years he has been an honored elder of the Presbyterian Church, counting it an honor to serve the church in any capacity. Death by no means cuts off his influence. “He being dead, yet speaketh.” His life is eloquent to all who knew him, old and young. What power can nullify the power of the Godly life of John Graff?
Graff, John -
John Graff, formerly a merchant in Bedford, died at his home in that city, Friday, Feb. 6, 1920, after an illness of several months. He was a fine man, who leaves a good record. He was the brother of Valentine Graff of Clarmda.
CLARINDA JOURNAL, Clarinda, Iowa, Feb 19, 1920
Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, February 12, 1920
John Graff Dead.
John Graff, one of Bedford's old and honored citizens, died at his home in the north part of the city Friday after several months of intense suffering.
Mr. Graff located in Bedford in the clothing business back in the 1870's and continued in that line until about 15 years ago when he retired to private life. he was a progressive citizen, believing in all things that were for the betterment of the community in which he lived. Bedford loses a good man and the family a good and kind husband and father. Mr. Graff had many friends in Bedford and Taylor county, who will sympathize with the family in their grief. Three sons, one daughter and wife are left to mourn the loss of a father and husband.
The funeral services were held at the residence Monday, conducted by Rev. Jordan of Shenandoah, and the remains were laid to rest in Fairview cemetery. Obituary next week.
Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, February 12, 1920
U. G. Moser of Salt Lake City, who attended the funeral of John Graff, returned home Wednesday afternoon.
[Graff, Nancy Elizabeth Fairley]
Thursday October 17, 1918 p. 4
Mrs. Valentine Graff Dead
Mrs. Valentine Graff, whose husband is a brother of John Graff of this city, died at her home in Clarinda one day last week. The Herald of that city says:
One of Clarinda’s oldest residents has passed from us. Mrs. Valentine Graff breathed her last on her 71st birthday, Thursday, Oct. 3d, and was laid to rest Saturday morning in Clarinda cemetery. Rev. S. Curry conducted the services at the residence. Nancy Elizabeth Fairley was born on a farm near Hillsboro, Ohio, Oct. 3, 1847. Coming to Iowa when a girl, she stayed with her aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Platter in Clarinda, meanwhile teaching school here. In 1870 she was united in marriage to Valentine Graff. She leaves her husband to mourn her loss, also three sons and two daughters, Walter Graff of Chicago, Gerald Graff of Clarinda, Everett Graff of Washington, D. C., Mrs. Dr. C. [lyde] B. Eller [Myra] and Mrs. O. C. Fleener [Mary], both of Clarinda.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday June 27, 1912 [p. 1]
Alfred Bordner
Alfred [Edwin] Bordner died at his home in this city, June 20, 1912, aged 67 years. The funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon at 1 o’clock, conducted by W. B. Thompson, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church. The interment was in Fairview cemetery and the G. A. R. post had charge of the services there.
Alfred [Edwin] Bordner was born in Fulton County, Ill., Nov. 20, 1844. His boyhood was spent in that county. In the summer of 1861 he enlisted in Company “D,” of the 132nd Illinois regiment and served four years. An honorable discharge was granted him at the close of the war. In June 1866, he was married to Harriett Geretta Scrivner. They resided on a farm in Illinois until 1881 when they came to Taylor County. For the last three years their home has been in Bedford. Four sons and six daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Bordner, one of whom died in infancy. Those still living are:
Mrs. James [Marion] Williams [Nellie Irene], Coldwater, Kan.; Mrs. M. [elford] J. [acob] Sheley [Emsy Christina], Hopkins, Mo.; Mrs. Elmer [Ernest] Orme [Arria Evelyn], Hopkins, Mo.; Mrs. James Quigley [Lucy], Lewiston, Ill.; Mrs. Lewis [James] Davidson [Bertha Amanda], Bedford; Mrs. S. [idney] P. [aul] Webb [Mary Alice], Bedford; Harry [Homer] Bordner and Frank [Lee] Bordner of Hopkins, Mo., and John Bordner of Bedford. All the children were present at the time of their father’s death with the exception of Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Quigley.
Mr. Bordner united with the Methodist church in the year 1874 and remained a faithful member until his death.
Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, June 27, 1912
Obituary – Alfred Bordner was born in Fulton County, Ill., Nov. 20th, 1844, and died in Bedford, Iowa, June 21st, 1912, aged 67 years, 7 months and 1 day. His boyhood days were spent in Fulton county. In 1861 he enlisted in the 132d Illinois, serving four years and honorably discharged in 1865.
He was married to Harriot G. Scrivner October 16th, 1866, and to this union ten children were born, four sons and six daughters, one son dying in infancy. Those living are Mrs. James Williams, of Coldwater, Kansas; Mrs. Mel Sheeley and Mrs. Elmer Orme, near Hopkins; Mrs. James Quigley, Lewiston, Illinois; Mrs. Lewis Davidson and Mrs. Sid Webb of Bedford; Harry and Frank Bordner, near Hopkins and John, who still lives at home. All of the children were present at the time of his death except Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Quigley.
In 1881 Mr. Bordner removed from Illinois to Taylor county, where he lived on a farm in Polk township until three years ago he came to Bedford where he lived at the time of his death. In 1874 he united with the Methodist Episcopal church and was always a faithful and consistent member.
Funeral services were held at the home 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, conducted by the Rev. Wm. B. Thompson, after which the body was borne to Fairview cemetery where the G. A. R. laid it to rest with their impressive burial service.
Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, June 27, 1912
HOPKINS – The funeral of A. Bordner who died at Bedford last Friday was largely attended by people from this vicinity last Sunday, about forty going from here to the services. Mr. Bordner was well and favorably known here, having lived in this community for many years.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday June 19, 1952 p. 4
Obituary – Frank Bordner
Frank Lee Bordner, son of Alfred Edwin and Harriet Scrivner Bordner, died June 5, 1952 at St. Francis Hospital, Maryville. He had been in ill health for several months.
He was born Sept. 6, 1881 in Taylor County and was 70 years, eight months, 29 days at the time of his death. He was a life-long resident of Taylor County, except for a short period spent in Wisconsin. On January 23, 1907, he was married to Ina M. [ary] Atkins, who survives him. One daughter, [Harriett] Maxine, died in infancy.
Surviving are their daughters, Margaret Ruth Beemer of Gravity and Bernice Atkins Bayless of Mason City; three grandsons, Larry Bayless, Chris and Britt Beemer.
He is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Arla [Arria Evelyn] Orme of Bedford, Mrs. Mary Merchant of North Hollywood, Calif., one brother, John Bordner of Bedford.
Funeral services were held at the Gravity Methodist church, Sunday afternoon, June 8, conducted by Rev. Lester Greenwood. Burial was in Fairview cemetery at Bedford.
Thursday February 20, 1919 p. 8
Harriett Maxine Bordner
Harriett Maxine Bordner, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. [ee] Bordner [Ina Mary Atkins], of Hopkins, Mo., was born October 19, 1918, and went to the arms of the great Heavenly Father February 14, 1919, lacking five days of four months of age. The stay of the little life was only for a brief time but her stay was like the life of a flower, which leaves behind a sweet and hallowed fragrance. Besides the sorrowing parents, loving and sympathetic relatives and friends join in mourning the passing of this little life. The Master has come down into His garden to gather lilies and took back this choice and precious bloom to brighten the courts of heaven.
The funeral service was held at the home in Hopkins, in charge of the pastor of the Methodist church, and the little body was laid to rest in Fairview cemetery at Bedford, Rev. L. P. Goodwin, pastor of the local Methodist church, having charge of the service at the grave.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday July 25, 1946 p. 7
Mel Sheley Dies
Was Life Long Resident of Polk Township, Taylor County
Funeral rites were held at the Hopkins Methodist Church Wednesday afternoon for Melford J. [acob] Sheley, who died Monday evening, July 22, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ott Oberhauser [Velma Irene].
He had suffered a stroke at his home three weeks ago, and since then his condition had been considered serious.
“Mel,” as he was known by his friends, was born in Taylor County October 3, 1866, and his entire life was spent in Taylor County. He attended school at Valley in Polk Township.
He was married November 29, 1888 to Emsy [Christina] Bordner. She died April 16, 1928. He retired from farming shortly after her death and had since resided on an acreage and did truck gardening.
He was a popular clerk of farm sales and followed this for many years.
He is survived by three daughters, Carrie [Mabel], Mrs. Henry Roush of Hopkins, [Jessie] Annice, Mrs. Roy Horning of Bedford, and Velma [Irene], Mrs. Oberhauser of Hopkins; one son, Fay [Leonard] Sheley of Guthrie Center, Iowa; three brothers, Fred [Benson] Sheley of Sheridan, Ed [Edward Turner] Sheley of Braddyville, and Albert [Lewis] Sheley, Hopkins; three sisters, Mrs. Jake Jackson [Cora Alice], Mrs. Ed Mendenhall [Kate Ellen] and Mrs. Ben Mendenhall [Lily Mae], all of Hopkins; fourteen grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.
The pastor, J. Vernon Wheeler, conducted the service. Burial was in the Hopkins cemetery.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday February 27, 1969 p. 4
Wednesday Rites For Fay Sheley, 76
Funeral services for Fay [Leonard] Sheley, 76, of Adair were held Wed., Feb. 26, at the Guthrie Center Methodist Church. Mr. Sheley died Feb. 23 in an Iowa City hospital. He was a brother of Mrs. Roy Horning [Jessie Annice] of Bedford.
Guthrian (Guthrie Center, Iowa), Monday, February 24, 1969, [ p. 1]
Rites Pending for Fay Sheley, Dies Iowa City
Services for Fay Sheley, 76, who died Sunday at an Iowa City hospital are pending from the United Methodist church in Guthrie Center.
Burial will be at North Branch for Sheley who had been in Iowa City about three weeks.
He was born in Missouri and moved to Guthrie county at an early age. He spent nearly all his life in this area, engaged in farming.
Survivors include his wife, Pauline; two sons, Fred in Viet Nam and Jay, Guthrie Center; seven daughters, Mrs. Bea Nelson, Shenandoah; Teresa Kites [Kite], Golden, Colorado; Bonnie Lawrence and Parr Sheley, Omaha; Sharon Bacon, Des Moines, Raynette Baier, Ft. Hood, Texas and Betty Sheeder, Guthrie Center.
Guthrian (Guthrie Center, Iowa), Monday, March 10, 1969
Fay Leonard Sheley – Fay Leonard Sheley was born to Melford Jacob Sheley and Emmzy [Emsy] Bordner Sheley on February 7, 1893, on a farm in Taylor County near Bedford, Iowa.
He grew up on the farm and attended the country schools of Taylor County.
He and Ruth Jeanette Loomis of Bedford were married on November 27, 1914 and to this union four children were born: Beatrice, Teresa, Melford Jay, and Bonnie.
They lived in the Bedford-Hopkins area from 1914-1926. Most of this life was spent on the farm. Fay did operate an oil tank wagon out of Bedford for a time.
The family moved to Shenandoah, Iowa, in 1926 and remained there until 1935. While there, Fay operated an oil tank wagon and a freight line.
In 1935 he returned to the farm and lived in the Gravity-Sharpsburg area.
Fay and Pauline Borden were married in Maryville, Mo., on September 2, 1936, and to this union six children were born, Betty, Sharon, Fredrick Neal, Pamela, Raynette and Marvin died at birth.
The family moved to the Guthrie Center area in 1939 and farmed until Fay reached the age of 67. At that time, he retired.
Fay lived in his North Branch home until he passed away on February 23, 1969. He was in the hospital in Iowa City, Iowa.
Fay had been active in the Methodist Church. He first united with the Methodist Church, Hopkins, Mo., and later transferred his membership to the Bedford Methodist Church and then to the Shenandoah Methodist Church.
He is survived by his wife, Cecil Pauline, two aunts, Mrs. Lillie Mendenhall, Hopkins, Mo., and Mrs. Cora Jackson, Bedford, Iowa; two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Roush, Hopkins, Mo., and Mrs. Annice Horning, Bedford, Iowa; seven daughters, Mrs. Beatrice (Linne) Nelson, Essex, Iowa; Mrs. Teresa (James) Kite, Golden, Colorado, Mrs. Bonnie (John) Lawrence, Omaha, Nebraska; Mrs. Betty ([Richard] Sheeder, Guthrie Center, Iowa; Mrs. Sharon (Loren) Bacon, Des Moines, Iowa; Pamela Sheley, Omaha, Nebraska, and Mrs. Raynette (Ronald) Baier, Coppers Cove, Texas; two sons, Melford Jay, Guthrie Center, Iowa, and Fredrick Neil, Vietnam; twenty grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents, a brother, Floyd; a sister, Velma Oberhauser; a son, Marvin and one grandchild, Sandra Kay Kite.
[Sheley, Ruth Jeanette Loomis]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday May 30, 1974 p. 5
Graveside Services For Ruth Sheley
Graveside services for Ruth J. [eanette] Loomis Sheley, 81, of Shenandoah, formerly of Bedford, were held at Graceland Cemetery, Bedford, May 23, with Rev. Raymond C. Lott, Jr., officiating. Mrs. Sheley died May 21, 1974 in Atlantic, Ia.
She was born November 26, 1892 in Taylor County.
Her survivors include daughters, Beatrice Nelson, Essex, Ia., Teresa Kreie, Tucson, Ariz., Bonnie Lawrence, Omaha, Nebr., Jay Sheley, Guthrie Center, Ia., and their spouses; grandchildren; great grandchildren; a sister, Mary Egger, Des Moines; a niece; nephew; and friends.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday August 8, 1985 p. 6
Services Held For Edwin Sheley
Last rites for Edwin Leroy Sheley, 44, were held August 2 at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home with Rev. Carl Cummings officiating. Burial was at Hopkins Cemetery, Hopkins, Mo. Mr. Sheley died July 30, 1985 at his home near Bedford, Ia.
Edwin Leroy Sheley, son of Harley Edwin Sheley and Dorothy Lucille Cox Sheley was born at Bedford, Iowa January 20, 1941. He grew to maturity in the Taylor County area where he attended the public school and was graduated from Bedford High School in 1959.
On December 10, 1961 he was united in marriage to Marilyn Wiseman at Hopkins, Missouri and they lived near Bedford. Two sons were born to this union: Ricky Lee and Randy Joe.
On December 20, 1979 he was united in marriage to Penny Lewis at Hopkins, Missouri. To this union two children were born: Vicky Lee and Jesse Joe.
He was employed as a farmer and took special interest in the great out of doors.
He was preceded in death by his father, Harley Sheley, two brothers, William Lowell and John Harley and one sister, Donna Jean.
Left to cherish his memory are his mother, Dorothy King and her husband Albert of Bedford; his wife Penny and children Rick Sheley and his wife Sharry of Bedford and Randy Sheley and his wife Cindy of Broadus, Montana; P. J., Jesse Joe and Vicky Lee of the home; step children, Penny Jean and Ed Gray and Paula Lena Lewis.
Grandchildren are: Jamie Lynn, Megan Jo of Broadus, Montana; step grandchildren: E. J., Cindy, Kevin, Bobby Kenneth Gray.
Ed will be remembered as one willing to give a helping hand to friends and neighbors.
He was a kind and considerate son, husband and father and will be missed by all who knew and loved him.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday March 7, 1957 [p. 1]
Mrs. Mabel M. Sheley Dies In Hospital
Mrs. Mabel M. [yrtle Clark] Sheley, 74, of Maryville, died Friday, March 1 at St. Francis Hospital following a long illness.
Mrs. Sheley was born May 7, 1882, at Lenox. She was married to Albert [Lewis] Sheley, who survives. Mrs. Sheley was a member of Wray Memorial Methodist Church in Hopkins.
Survivors include her husband, of the home; two daughters, Mrs. Harry Waldman [Ellen Beatrice], Albuquerque, N. M., and Mrs. George [Ernest] Neff [Hazel Belle], Maryville; two brothers, E. D. Clark, Bronson, Kans., and Robert Clark, LeRoy, Kans., a sister, Mrs. Allie Cunningham, LeRoy, Kans.; four granddaughters, four great grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at Wray Memorial Methodist Church, Hopkins. Burial in Hopkins cemetery.
Hopkins Journal
Thursday Feb 12, 1959
Albert Lewis Sheley, 84 years of age, died Sunday, Feb 8, at 8p.m. at the St. Francis hospital in Maryville. Mr. Sheley suffered a stroke Saturday while visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ben Mendenhall [Lily Mae] in the Valley neighborhood. He was taken to the hospital by Swanson ambulance service where he was a patient until his death the following day. Mr. Sheley failed to regain consciousness after his stroke. Mrs. Mendenhall was recently dismissed form the Municipal Hospital in Clarinda and Mr. Sheley was so glad to be able to visit his sister and other relatives in the community. He seemed in his usual health before his sudden illness at 4p.m.
Mr. Sheley had lived his entire life in the Hopkins community except for the past seven years when he made his home in Maryville. He was engaged in the lumber business in Hopkins for 40 years and later moved to a farm south of Hopkins. Mr. Sheley took an active part in the life of the community and was well and favorably known here.
Funeral services were held at the Wray Memorial Methodist church Tuesday at 2 p. m. The Rev Maurice F. Magers was the officiating clergyman. Interment was in the Hopkins Cemetery. The Swanson Funeral Home made the arrangements for the funeral.
Mrs. George Mutti, soloist, sang "Beyond the Sunset" and "In the Garden", Mrs. L. R. Wiley was the organist. Flower bearers were Mrs. Ott Oberhauser [Velma Irene], Mrs. Virgil Davison [Hilda Elizabeth], Mrs. Henry [Newton] Shepard [Helen Irene], Mrs. Janette Shell, and Mrs. Leo Donahue.
Pallbearers were Robert Jackson, Elza Mendenhall, S. K. Mendenhall, Leroy Wiltz, Ott Oberhauser and Virgil Davison.
Albert, the son of Silas and [Janette] Elizabeth [Young] Sheley was born April 28, 1875, on the family farm north of Hopkins, now the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mendenhall [Lily Mae Sheley]. He grew to manhood near Hopkins and then became associated with C. S. Martin Hardware, later going into business with Harry Dalby as a lumberman for 40 years. After this they lived on a farm south of Hopkins. Seven years ago they retired and moved to Maryville.
He was married to Mabel M. [yrtle] Clark in 1900 at Burlington, Kansas. Mrs. Sheley died March 1, 1957.
Survivors include two daughter, Mrs. George [Ernest] Neff [Hazel Belle], Maryville, and Mrs. Harry Waldman [Ellen Beatrice], Albuquerque, New Mexico; four grandchildren; five great grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Jake Jackson [Cora Alice], Mrs. Ed Mendenhall [Kate Ellen], and Mrs. Ben Mendenhall [Lily Mae]. The four granddaughters are Mrs. Ruby Sickler, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Mrs. Robert Nymand, Atlantic, Iowa, Mrs. James N. Johnson, St. Joseph and Mrs. LeRoy Wiltz, Maryville.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheley had been members of the Methodist church for 50 years. Mr. Sheley was devoted to his family and loved by all who knew him. He will be greatly missed.
[Mendenhall, Kate Ellen Sheley]
Hopkins Journal
Thursday Nov 12, 1964
Mrs. Kate Ellen Mendenhall, 82 a lifetime resident of the Hopkins community, died Tuesday Nov 3, 1964.
Final rites for Mrs. Kate Ellen Mendenhall were held Friday afternoon at the Wray Memorial Methodist Church, with the Rev. Gerald Sappington officiating.
Mrs. L.R. Wiley, organist, accompanied Mrs. George Mutti as she sang, “In the Garden” and “Beyond the Sunset.”
Flower ladies were Mrs. Lena Donahue, Mrs. Virgil Davison, Mrs. Richard Eberle and Mrs. Duane Thummel.
Pallbearers were Roger Shepard, Dwight Mendenhall, Richard Davison, Jackie Davison, Larry Davison and Allen Johnston.
Interment was in Hopkins cemetery. Swanson Funeral Home was in charge of the funeral arrangements.
Kate Ellen Mendenhall, daughter of Silas Sheley and Janette Elizabeth Young, was born July 12, 1882 in Taylor County, Iowa. She died November 3rd, 1964 at the Municipal Hospital in Clarinda, Iowa, at the age of 82 years, three months and 22 days.
Mrs. Mendenhall was married December 24, 1908, to Elza Townley Mendenhall. To this union was born five children.
Mrs. Mendenhall was preceded in death by her husband, who died Oct 17, 1954, and by a son Forest [Leroy] and a daughter Hilda [Elizabeth] Davison.
Mrs. Mendenhall was baptized in the Christian faith many years ago and united with the Church of Christ. She was a charter member of the Valley Community Club, and lived all her life in the Valley neighborhood. She was a kind and loving mother, ever thoughtful of her family and friends, and will be sadly missed by all who knew her.
She leaves to mourn her death, among her immediate family, one son, Elza [Lewis] Mendenhall of Hopkins; two daughters, Mrs. Lee Cumberlin (Eustatia) of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Mrs. Henry Shepard (Helen) of Hopkins; two sisters, Mrs. Cora [Alice] Jackson of Bedford, Iowa, and Mrs. Lily [Mae] Mendenhall of Hopkins; 13 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday June 19, 1975 p. 3
Lily Mendenhall, 90, Final Rites Held In Hopkins
Funeral services for Mrs. Benjamin Franklin (Lily Mae) Mendenhall, 90, a native of Taylor County and long time resident of the Hopkins (Mo.) community, were held May 27 at the First Christian Church in Hopkins with Rev. Carl Hoff officiating. Mrs. Mendenhall died May 24, 1975, at St. Francis Hospital, Maryville, where she had been a patient three days following a heart attack. Prior to her hospitalization Mrs. Mendenhall was cared for at Colonial Manor in Bedford. Interment was at the Hopkins Cemetery, Hopkins, Mo.
Lily Mae Mendenhall was born December 4, 1884, in Polk Township, Taylor County, Iowa, the daughter of Silas and Janette Elizabeth Young Sheley. Her place of birth was the family home located three and one half miles northwest of Hopkins. She was the youngest of a family of nine children.
She attended the Valley rural school, which was near her home. On February 19, 1903, she was united in marriage to Benjamin Franklin Mendenhall. Born to this union were three children, Janette, S. [ilas] K. [elita] and Olaf [Benjamin].
Early in their married life they confessed Christ and became members of the Hazel Dell Baptist Church and were active in that church as long as it existed. In later years Mrs. Mendenhall attended the First Christian Church with her daughter.
Her entire life was spent in the Hopkins and Bedford communities where she enjoyed to the utmost her family, friends and neighbors.
Lily and Ben were married over 60 years before his death on October 9, 1963.
In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by five brothers, three sisters, one son-in-law, one daughter-in-law and one great grandson.
Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Orie (Janette) Shell, Hopkins; two sons, S.[ilas] K. [elita] Mendenhall of Bedford, and Olaf [Benjamin] Mendenhall, Hopkins; two daughters-in-law; seven granddaughters; 14 great grandchildren and two great great grandchildren.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday October 28, 1954 [p. 1]
E. T. Mendenhall Died October 17
Elza Townley Mendenhall, son of Kelita [Townley] and Eustatia [Eustacia Ann Macy] Mendenhall, was born on a farm in Guthrie County, Iowa, August 29, 1875 and died after a long illness at his home in the Valley community north of Hopkins, Mo., on Sunday, October 17, 1954.
With his family, he moved to Taylor County, Iowa, in 1883. He spent the remainder of his life in this same community, the last 35 years on the same farm.
On December 24, 1908, he was married to Kate [Ellen] Sheley. To this union five children were born, Forest of Hopkins; Elza [Lewis] of the home; Mrs. Lee Cumberlin (Eustatia) of Bedford; Mrs. Henry Shepard (Helen) of Bedford; and Hilda Mendenhall Davison who preceded her father in death in 1946.
He is survived by his wife of the home, his two sons and two daughters, 13 grandchildren and three brothers, John, Grant and Ben Mendenhall, all of the Hopkins community. Four sisters and two brothers preceded him in death.
Funeral services were held at the Wray Memorial Methodist Church in Hopkins Wednesday afternoon, October 20. The pastor, Rev. Earl C. Griffith, officiated. Burial was in the Hopkins cemetery.
[Oberhauser, Velma Irene Sheley]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday April 27, 1967 p. 6
Mrs. Oberhauser Rites In Hopkins
Funeral services for Mrs. Ott (Velma Irene) Oberhauser, 64, of Hopkins were held Tues., April 25 at the Wray Memorial Methodist Church in Hopkins, conducted by Rev. Gerald Suppington and Rev. Norman Lewis. Mrs. Oberhauser died April 23 at a Maryville hospital. Interment was at the Hopkins Cemetery.
Mrs. Oberhauser is survived by her husband, Ott; two sons, Norman of Hopkins, and Billy of Pacoima, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Roy Horning [Jessie Annice Sheley] of Bedford, and Mrs. Henry Roush [Carrie Mabel Sheley] of Hopkins; a brother, Fay [Leonard] Sheley of Guthrie Center, Iowa; eight grandchildren and a great grandchild.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday April 20, 1967 [p. 1]
Final Rites Held For Henry Roush
Funeral services were held April 15 at Hopkins for Henry C. [lifford] Roush, 79. He died April 13 following two weeks of hospitalization in Maryville.
He was born Dec. 14, 1887, in Taylor County, Ia., the son of the late Charles D.[odd] and Margaret J. [ane] Clayton Roush. He was married Jan. 9, 1911 at Bedford, to Miss Carrie [Mabel] Sheley, who survives. Clifford Roush of Hopkins is their only son.