submitted by: Julia Johnson -

[Hazel, Minnie May Osburn]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    June 6, 1963    p. 5

Mrs. M. Hazel Rites June 3

Funeral services for Mrs. Minnie May Hazel, long time Taylor County resident, were held June 3 at Madison Street Shum-Novinger Funeral Home with Rev. Colvin Caughey officiating.  Mrs. Hazel died at her home on June 1 at the age of 79 years.  Interment was in Fairview Cemetery.

Included in the service was the following obituary:

Mrs. Minnie May Hazel, daughter of William and Linnie Ann [Anna Linard Miles] Osborne [Osburn], was born Feb. 13, 1884, near Lake City, Iowa.

In 1895 the family moved to Taylor County to a farm northwest of Bedford.  In 1907 they moved to the home where she lived the rest of her life.

On Oct. 14, 1942 she was married to Ralph Hazel.

She was preceded in death by her parents, three brothers, Jimmy, who died in infancy, Roy and F. [rancis] I. [rvin] Osborne [Osburn], and by one sister, Mrs. Gertrude Henderson.

She is survived by her husband, Ralph, two brothers, Emmett Osborne [Osburn] and Walter Osborne [Osburn], both of Bedford, and many nieces, nephews and friends.

She was a member of the Bedford Baptist Church for many years.  She taught Sunday school at the East Mission and sang in the choir.

[Hazel, Ralph E.]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    May 2, 1968    p. 5

Ralph E. Hazel Rites April 20

Funeral services for Ralph E. Hazel, 75, of Bedford, were held April 20 at the Bufkin-Link Funeral Home in Stuart, Iowa, conducted by Rev. J. Milton Kinney of [the] Bedford Methodist Church.  Mr. Hazel died April 17 at the Clarinda Municipal Hospital after several months illness.  Interment was at Rose Hill Cemetery, Menlo, Iowa.

Mr. Hazel was a member of the Methodist Church in Bedford.

He came to Taylor County in 1939 and farmed near Bedford.

Mr. Hazel is survived by his wife, Mae, and son, Alton.

Many relatives, neighbors and friends will miss him.

 [Damewood, Stanley “Doc”]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    January 16, 1986    p. 6

Services Held For Stanley (Doc) Damewood

Funeral services for Stanley (Doc) Damewood, 96, were held Tuesday, January 14, 1986 at the Shum-Novinger Funeral Home, Carl Cummings officiating.  Burial was in the Fairview Cemetery at Bedford.  Mr. Damewood died January 12, 1986 at Bedford Manor in Bedford, Iowa.

Stanley Damewood, the son of William [Thomas] and Emma Collins Damewood, was born on a farm near Siam, Iowa on April 17, 1889. 

He answered the call to his country on April 25, 1917.  After training at Camp Travis, Texas, he was sent overseas with the 90th Division.  He engaged in military action in France and in Germany.  He remained overseas with the Army of Occupation after the war was over.

On August 30, 1921 he was united in marriage to Donna [Lillian] Jobe.  They were fortunate to have enjoyed 64 years of married life together.  They lived on the family farm many years.  Three children came to bless their home.

The moved to Bedford in 1945 where he was employed by the Iowa State Highway Commission.

Mr. Damewood was preceded in death by his father and mother, one son, Eldon Dale, who died in infancy, two sisters, Alice and Anna, three brothers, Dean, Clyde, and Charlie, one grandson, Norman Lowell Newkirk, and one great grandson, Jason Newkirk.

Stanley leaves to cherish his memory:  his wife, Donna, daughter, Helen Ruth and her husband, Dwight Newkirk of Shenandoah, daughter, Doris [Marie] and her husband, Harry Northover of Gravity, one grandson, Larry [Allen] and his wife, Linda Newkirk of Council Bluffs, two great granddaughters, Jessica and Mikala of Council Buffs, also two nieces who were very close to him, Wilma Anderson and Mary Lou Miller and their families, three nephews, Clyde Damewood of La Marque, Texas, and Jackie and Jimmie Damewood of Los Angeles, California.

Stanley was a member of the Bedford Methodist Church.  He was a member of the Bedford American Legion for 65 years and he was very proud of this.  Stanley enjoyed people and his happiest times were talking and joking with his friends.

He will be sadly missed by all those who knew and loved him.

[Damewood, Emma Collins]

Bedford Free Press

Tuesday    February 6, 1917     p. 5

Mrs. William Damewood

Mrs. William Damewood died at her home in Siam, January 24, 1917, aged 63 years, 3 months and 24 days.  The funeral services were held at the home, conducted by Rev. J. A. Nayle.  Interment was made in the Shearer cemetery.

Emma C. Collins, daughter of William and Sarah Collins, was born in Clarksville, Clinton County, Ohio, September 30, 1853.  She came to Iowa with her parents when but twelve years of age and has made Iowa her home for fifty-one years, living most of the time in Taylor County.

She was married to William [Thomas] Damewood in Hopkins, Mo., Nov. 21, 1878, and to this union were born four sons and two daughters, Dean, Clyde, Alice, Anna, Stanley and CharlesAlice died in infancy.  Mrs. Damewood was a patient sufferer, greeting all her callers with a smile and a word of welcome.  She was converted and joined the Methodist church when but nine years old, in her home town, Clarksville, Ohio, but later joined the Methodist church of Siam, Iowa, where she has made her church home, ever after, living a devout, sacrificing Christian life.  She leaves to mourn her loss, a faithful husband, four sons, one daughter and one sister, Mrs. Rebecca Beck, of Atlanta, besides a wide circle of friends.  Altho loving hands did all they could for her, God saw best and she passed down through the dark valley of the shadow of death where none ever return.

The word mother clings, and will be cherished by the memory of loved ones, who can but look to God for comfort and consolation, and say through their tears “not my will but thine be done.” 

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, January 25, 1917
Mrs. William Damewood, a well known and highly respected resident of Siam neighborhood, passed away quietly at her home yesterday afternoon, following an extended illness. The deceased is mourned by her husband and five children and a large circle of friends. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 11 o'clock from the house and interment will be made in Shear[er] cemetery.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Tuesday, January 30, 1917
West Hundred and Two – Mrs. William Damewood died at her home Wednesday, Jan. 24, 1917, after a long illness. She had been a resident of this vicinity for a number of years.
SIAM – Mrs. Will Damewood died at her home Wednesday at eleven o'clock. The funeral services were held at the home and the remains were laid to rest in the Oak Grove cemetery Friday.

[Damewood, Nathan Harrison]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    March 11, 1948   

N. H. Damewood Buried Friday

N. [athan] H. [arrison] Damewood, a former resident of the Siam community, died Wednesday, March 3, at the home of his son, Pete Damewood in College Springs.

He would have been 94 years old in May and is the last of his family.  Funeral services were held Friday at 10 o’clock at the Methodist church in College Springs and burial was in Shearer cemetery.

Plumb lodge No. 285 A. F. & A. M. of Siam had charge of the services at the grave.

Surviving are three sons, A. [bram] H. Damewood of Siam, G. [eorge] A. Damewood of Chicago and Pete [Peter Elbert] Damewood of College Springs; one daughter, Mrs. Maud [May] Townsend of College Springs; twelve grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.

[Damewood, Dean]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    October 17, 1957

Masonic Service For D. Damewood

Dean Damewood, a life-long resident of Taylor County, died at Municipal Hospital, Clarinda, Thursday, October 10.

Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church in Bedford Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Colvin Caughey.  Burial was in Shearer cemetery, Page County, with Masonic services at the grave by Plumb Masonic Lodge of Siam.

Mr. Damewood had been in failing health several years and died at the age of 76 years, 11 months, eight days.

He is survived by his wife, the former Miss Ione Jobe; two daughters, Miss Mary Lou Damewood of Bedford and Mrs. Leon Anderson of Corning; a son-in-law and two grandchildren, Leon C. Anderson, Marcia and John Dean, Corning; one sister, Miss Anna Damewood, Clarinda; three brothers, Stanley Damewood of Bedford, Clyde Damewood of Clarinda, Charles Damewood of Phoenix, Arizona.

[Damewood, Dean]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    October 17, 1957

Relatives Here For Damewood Funeral

Relatives from out of town attending the last rites for Dean Damewood in Bedford Sunday afternoon, included the following:  Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Damewood and Anna Damewood, Clarinda; Mrs. Lillie Hocker, Guilford, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Ova Wohlford, Maryville; John Pederson, Conception Junction; Merle Pederson, Stanberry, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Conlin Jobe, Mrs. Martin Ferguson and children, Cheyenne, Wyo.; Mr. and Mrs. George Apple, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Damewood, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Damewood, Clarinda; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Damewood, College Springs; Mrs. Glenn Wearmouth, Creston.

[Clark, Rachel Ellen]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    January 19, 1939    p. 3

Rachel Ellen Clark

Rachel Ellen Clark, daughter of Laffettote [James Lafayette] and Sarah Ann Clark, was born at Anamosa, Jones County, Iowa, on May 17, 1868 and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Drexel [Dean] Thompson in Bedford on Thursday, Jan. 12, 1939, at the age of 71 years, 7 months and 29 days.

The funeral services were held at the church at Guss Saturday afternoon, January 14th, conducted by Rev. C. Max Buck.  Burial was in the Guss cemetery.

When one year old she moved with her parents to Taylor County, locating on a farm near Guss, which place was her home for fifty-five years, when she moved to Bedford and resided here the remainder of her life.

She is survived by her daughter and husband, Charlotte [Anna] and Drexel [Dean] Thompson and one grandson, Homer Dale Loghry, all of Bedford.  Her parents, a sister and brother preceded her in death.

[Goebel, Charles H.]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    January 19, 1939    p. 3

Charles Goebel

Charles [H.] Goebel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goebel, was born at Petersburg, Ill., Jan. 9, 1864 and died at a hospital in Jacksonville, Ill., Jan. 12, 1939 at the age of 75 years and 3 days.

The body was brought to Bedford Saturday, accompanied by his niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Davison of Athens, Ill., with whom he had made his home since the death of his wife.  The funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Sunday afternoon, Jan. 15, conducted by Rev. Stanley Schlick.  The body was placed in the mausoleum in the Fairview cemetery.

Mr. Goebel was married Dec. 4, 1904 to Annie H. Montgomery.  For several years after coming to Iowa they resided on their farm northeast of Bedford, later moving into town, which place was their home until Mrs. Goebel’s death on Sept. 26, 1934.

He is survived by one sister at Phillips, Nebr., and a number of nieces and nephews; also by many friends in Bedford and at Athens, Ill.

[Goebel, Anna “Annie” Montgomery]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    September 27, 1934    [p. 1]

Mrs. Charles Goebel Dies At Hospital

Mrs. Charles Goebel, 76, died at the hospital in Clarinda Wednesday after having been in ill health for several months.

The body was brought to Bedford and the funeral services will be held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock, conducted by Rev. J. A. Currie of Tarkio, Mo.  Burial will be in the Bedford mausoleum.

Mr. Goebel and his nephew, James F. Davison of Greenview, Ill., arrived in Bedford this morning.

[Goebel, Anna “Annie” Montgomery]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    October 4, 1934    p. 8

Mrs. Chas. Goebel Died September 26

Funeral services for Mrs. Charles Goebel, 76, who died Wednesday, Sept. 26, were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J. A. Currie of Tarkio, Mo., a former Bedford minister.  Interment was in the Bedford Mausoleum.

Mrs. Goebel, whose name before her marriage was Miss Anna Montgomery, was born in Glasgow, Scotland, Aug. 3, 1858.  She was married to Charles H. Goebel, Dec. 3, 1902, at Bedford.  They located on a farm four miles northeast of Bedford and remained there until eight years ago, when they secured a home in Bedford and retired from the active farm labors.

She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Bedford.

Surviving relatives are the husband, Charles H. Goebel, now of Greenview, Ill., a brother, Andrew Montgomery of Palermo, Ill., a sister, Mrs. Lizzie Patterson of Chicago, and a number of nieces and nephews.

[Wall, Laura Ellen Rubart]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    January 19, 1939    p. 3

Mrs. Laura Wall

Laura Ellen Rubart, daughter of William and Minerva [Sewell] Rubart, was born in Warren County, Ill., near Monmouth, on Jan. 6, 1856 and died at the home of her son, Leslie Wall at Davenport, Nebr., Jan. 7, 1939 at the age of 83 years.

On April 25, 1887 she was married at Bedford, Iowa to William Wall of Rubens, Kans.  To them were born four children, two sons and two daughters.  The eldest daughter passed away 30 years ago at the age of twenty years and the husband several years ago.  Her parents, three sisters and three brothers also preceded her in death.

She is survived by her two sons, Oral Wall and Leslie Wall of Davenport, Nebr., a daughter, Mrs. Inez Davidson of Alma, Nebr., and a sister, Mrs. Ida Rayborn of Prescott, Iowa.  There are also eleven grandchildren and one great grandchild.

Mrs. Wall united with the Presbyterian Church in early life.

[Meddles, Missouri Jane McCormick]


Thursday    January 13, 1927

Mrs. Andrew E. Meddles

Missouri Jane McCormick was born near St. Joseph, Mo., April 3, 1856, and departed this life at the home of her daughter in St. Joseph, Mo., Jan. 7, 1927, aged 70 years, 9 months and 4 days.  When 4 years of age, she was left an orphan and was given a home and a mother’s love by Mrs. Malinda Bowman.  She moved with her foster parents when a child, to Iowa, near Platteville, Iowa, where she grew to womanhood, and on Feb. 11, 1877, was united in marriage to Andrew E. Meddles.  To this union was born four children, Minnie [May], Ida Ellen, who died in infancy, Cora [Belle] and Walter [Wallace].  In 1878 she moved with her husband and baby to Phillipsburg, Rooks County, Kansas, where they lived until the fall of 1888, when they returned to Iowa.  Here she spent the remainder of her married life, and where her husband preceded her in death Feb. 20, 1914, after which she made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Cora Grier [Greer], of St. Joseph, Mo.  She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Minnie [May] Ailshire [Ailshie], of Blockton, Iowa, and Mrs. Cora [Belle] Grier [Greer], of St. Joseph, Mo., one son Walter [Wallace] Meddles, of St. Joseph, Mo., by three grandchildren, Harry Ailshire [Ailshie], Eula and Marvin Meddles, and one great grandchild; also, one foster brother, D. J. Bowman.  When young, she was converted and united with the Methodist church.  She remained with this church until after she returned to Iowa from Kansas, when she united with the Mt. Zion Baptist church, and later moved her membership to the Athelstan Baptist church, of which she was a faithful member until her Master called her home.  She was a faithful companion, kind loving mother, and a fine neighbor.  She was always to be found where there was sickness or death, and many have been the fevered brows that have felt her gentle touch and the sad hearts that have been cheered by her comforting words.  She will be greatly missed by her many friends and neighbors.

Her remains were brought to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Minnie [May] Ailshire [Ailshie], west of Blockton, Jan. 8, and on Jan. 9, after a short prayer at the house, she was taken to the Baptist Church at Athelstan, Ia., where the services were conducted by Challie E. Graham, and the remains laid to rest in [the] cemetery at the same place.  The music was furnished by the Blockton male quartette, composed of H. O. Mumma, Robt. Ford, Ed Wilson and C. Dennis.  The pallbearers were R. C. King, Roy Kemery, Joe Rusco, and Marion, William and Calvin Jenkins.  The bereaved ones have the sympathy of a large host of friends, as shown by the large number attending the services.


[Reeves, Elizabeth Isabel Alkire]


Thursday    August 3, 1922

Died Monday

Mrs. [Elizabeth] Isabelle [Isabel] Reeves died Monday morning at the home of her daughter at Platteville.  Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at 11:00 o’clock.  Burial was made in the Platteville cemetery.

[Reeves, Elizabeth Isabel Alkire]


Tuesday    August 8, 1922


Mrs. [Elizabeth] Isabel Reeves, one of the oldest pioneers of Platteville, died Monday morning, July 31, of disease incident to old age.

Mrs. [Elizabeth] Isabel Reeves was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam [Jesstine] Alkiar [Alkire] [Ellen Pugh].  She was born in White County, Indiana, Oct. 28, 1845.  She moved to Page County with her folks and made her home there until she was united in marriage to Mr. James Reeves, July 27, 1866, and then to Mr. Wm. Reeves in October 1912.  To Mr. and Mrs. James Reeves ten children were born; Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis, I. [saac] F. Reeves, Mrs. J. M. Cowers of southeast of Bedford, Ia.; Mrs. J. M. Gibson of Chula, Mo.; Mrs. J. [osiah] H. [arrison] Matheny [Ruth Alma] of Platteville; Mrs. C. [linton] A. [llen] Norris [Frances Marion] of Bedford, Ia.; Mrs. J. [ames] H. [enry] Tamerius [Elizabeth Louisa] of Platteville, Ia.; Mrs. Milt [on] Brown [Faye] of Bedford, Ia.; Mrs. F. [red] Mulinix [Amy Belle] of Shenandoah, Iowa; Mr. J. [ohn] N. Reeves of Platteville, Iowa.  Besides the children, she leaves three sisters, two brothers, 24 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren.

Mrs. Reeves was universally respected for her cheerful and faithful disposition until the time of her death.  She made her home with her daughter, Mrs. J.[osiah] H. [arrison] Matheny [Ruth Alma].

Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, August 10, 1922
Mrs. Isabella Reeves was born in White county, Indiana, October 28, 1845 and passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Matheny, at Platteville, July 31, 1922, aged 76 years, 9 months and 3 days.
She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Alkiar [Alkire] and in an early day moved with her parents to Page county, this state.
On July 27, 1866, she was united in marriage to James Reeves and to this union ten children were born: I. [saac] F. Reeves, Bedford; Mrs. J. M. Bowers, Bedford; Mrs. J. M. Gibson, Missouri; Mrs. J. H. Matheny, Platteville; Mrs. C. A. Norris, Bedford; Mrs. J. H. Tamarius, Platteville; Mrs. M. Brown, Bedford; Mrs. T. Mulnix, Shenandoah; J. H. Reeves, Platteville.
She was again united in marriage on October 10, 1912, to Wm. Reeves.
She also leaves two brothers, three half-sisters, 24 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren.
She was a kind and loving mother, cheerful and good to everyone. She had nothing to dread or fear and throughout her last sickness was ready to go at any time the Lord called her.


[Reeves, Emily Doran]


Thursday    June 27, 1907

Wife And Mother Called

Mrs. Emily [Doran] Reeves died Saturday at 11:50 p. m., at her home in the southwest part of the city,----age, 39 years, 11 months and 6 days.

The deceased was the wife of Isaac Reeves and is the mother of six children, who are all living.  She has been ill for a long time, tuberculosis being the cause of her death.  The funeral was held at the residence at 10 o’clock Monday forenoon, conducted by Rev. Price.  Interment at Lexington cemetery.

[Reeves, Mary Evelyn Norman]


Thursday     February 8, 1923    [p. 1]

Mrs. Reeves Dead

Mr. P. A. Blake, our music dealer, received word Tuesday of the death of his aunt, Mrs. J. [acob] E. Reeves at West Plains, Mo., her death occurring on Sunday last.  Mrs. Reeves [Mary Evelyn Norman] for a number of years was a resident of Conway, and prominent in all the social functions of that town, and counted her friends by the score in that neighborhood.  Funeral services were held on Tuesday.

[Note: Her death certificate gives the date of death as Friday, February 2nd.]

[Reeves, John William]


Tuesday    June 20, 1922

In Memorium

John William Reeves was born near Lexington, Ky., Nov. 13th, 1860, and died at his farm home Friday, June 16, 1922, aged 61 years, 7 months and 3 days.

His death has brought the bitter cup of sorrow to the lips of friends and relatives.  He was one of nature’s noblemen in its truest sense---brave, generous, and manly.  His was the soul of honor, and his friends and friendships were sacred to him.

In 1885 he moved from Kentucky to Athens, Ill.  On Feb. 16, 1893, he was married to Rebecca Walker of Indian Point, Ill.  To them were born six children:  Edna Mable; Paul Cecil; Shelby Raymond; Edith May; Homer Hulbert and Ethel Marie, all at home, who, with one sister in Oklahoma and the widow, are left to mourn his demise.

He believed in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.  He believed that the man who scatters flowers in the pathway of his fellowman, who lets into the dark places of life the sunshine of human sympathy and human happiness, is following of his Master.

Mr. and Mrs. Reeves moved to Taylor County, Iowa, in 1895, locating near Conway, where they resided for three years, after which they moved to their present home southeast of Bedford, from which he bid farewell to this world.

[Norris, Frances Marion Reeves]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    April 11, 1963    p. 2

Rites Held For Mrs. Norris Monday

Funeral services for Mrs. Clinton (Frances) Norris, held April 8 in Bedford, were conducted by Rev. Colvin Caughey.  Mrs. Norris died April 6 at her home in Bedford at the age of 84 years, six months and 12 days.  Interment was in Fairview cemetery, Bedford, Ia.

The following obituary was included in the service:

Frances Marion Norris, daughter of James Reeves and [Elizabeth] Isabelle Alkire Reeves, was born Sept. 25, 1878 in Page County, Iowa.

On November 14, 1896, she was united in marriage to Clinton Allen Norris and to this union four children were born, three daughters and one son.

She is survived by three children, Mrs. Rilda [Belle] Miller, Mrs. Ruth Hamm and Mr. Albert Norris, all of Bedford.

She is also survived by eight grandchildren, 22 great grandchildren, two step- grandchildren and three step-great grandchildren, one brother, John Reeves and two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Matheny and Mrs. Amy Mulinix.

She was preceded in death by her husband, her daughter, Myrtle [Amy] , four sisters and two brothers.

She resided in Bedford for the past 44 years.  She loved children and they loved her.  Everyone was welcome in her home and she always thought of helping others.

[Norris, Clinton Allen]

Taylor County Herald

Thursday    March 29, 1945    [p. 1]

Clinton A. Norris Dies; Rites Held Tuesday

Clinton A. [llen] Norris, son of Samuel and Mary [Miller] Norris, was born January 4, 1869 in Knox County, Illinois.  He died at his home in Bedford March 25, 1945, at the age of 76 years, two months, and 21 days.

He was married to Frances M. [arion] Reeves November 14, 1896.  To them four children were born: Albert Norris, Mrs. Rolley [Franklin] Miller [Rilda Belle], Mrs. Ralph Hamm [Ruth], and Miss Myrtle [Amy] Norris, all of Bedford.  These with Mrs. Norris, his wife, eight grandchildren, three of whom are in the armed forces, one sister, Mrs. Ada Killfoy of Bedford, and nieces and nephews, are the survivors.

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Walker-Shum Funeral Home.  Interment was in Fairview cemetery.

[Norris, Clinton Allen]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    March 29, 1945

Clint Norris Dies At Home Sunday

Clint Norris, a resident of Bedford for many years, died at his home Sunday, March 25.  The funeral services were conducted at the Walker-Shum Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon, by Rev. G. L. Hufstader.  Burial was in the Fairview cemetery.

Clinton A. [llen] Norris, son of Samuel and Mary [Miller] Norris, was born January 4, 1869 in Knox County, Illinois, being aged 76 years, 2 months and 21 days at the time of his death.

He was married to Frances M. [arion] Reeves on November [1] 4, 1896.  To them four children were born:  Albert Norris, Mrs. Rollie [Franklin] Miller [Rilda Belle], Mrs. Ralph Hamm [Ruth], and Miss Myrtle Norris, all of Bedford.

Surviving with his wife and four children are eight grandchildren, three of whom are in the armed forces; and one sister, Mrs. Ada Killfoy of Bedford.

[Alkire, Hiram Wilson “Wilse”]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    March 24, 1960     p. 4

Wilse Alkire Rites Held Here Saturday

Wilse Alkire, a resident of Taylor County all of his life, died in Ringgold County Hospital at Mount Ayr, Wednesday, March 16.

Funeral services were held at the Shum-Novinger Funeral Service on State Street, Saturday afternoon, March 19.  Rev. Lowell Hall of the Blockton Christian church officiated.  Burial was in Washington cemetery at Gravity.

Hiram Wilson Alkire, son of Samuel and [Eliza] Jane [Adams] Alkire, was born near New Market, Iowa on May 21, 1876 and departed this life at the age of 83 years, nine months, 25 days.

He was the youngest of a family of four boys, all of whom preceded him in death.

On Nov. 21, 1934 he was united in marriage to Carrie M. [aggie Garrett] Green, who preceded him in death in September 1956.  The past seven years he lived with two of his stepchildren.

He was a member of the Odd Fellows and Rebekah lodges.

He leaves to mourn his passing five stepchildren, Jacob Green of Blockton, James Green of Cook, Washington, Mary McCoy and Fannie Terry of Zillah, Wash., Marshie Sexton of Lyle, Wash.; four nieces and their families.

[Alkire, Carrie Maggie Garrett Green]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    September 20, 1956    [p. 1]

Mrs. Carrie Alkire Rites Held Wednesday

Mrs. Carrie [Maggie Garrett Green] Alkire, 70, died in a Clarinda hospital early Saturday morning, September 15, after a long illness.

Funeral services were held at the Christian church in Gravity, Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Cecil Simonton of Lenox.  Burial in Gravity cemetery.

She is survived by two sons and three daughters:  Jakie Green of Blockton, Jimmie Green of Cooks, Wash.; Mrs. Mary McCoy of Zillah, Wash., Mrs. Fannie Terry of Englewood, Colo., Mrs. Maxine Sexton of Lyle, Wash.  Also by her husband, Wilse [Hiram Wilson] Alkire of Blockton; three brothers and one sister.