Obituaries |
submitted by: Julia Johnson - |
Taylor County Herald
Thursday May 4, 1933 p. 5
David R. Freece
David Raymond, son of Isaac and Hester [Shepherd] Freece, was born in the state of Ohio November 13, 1859, and died at his home in Creston, Iowa, May 2, 1933 at the age of 73 years, 5 months, 19 days.
When a young boy his parents moved to Scotland, Edgar County, Ill., where he lived until the fall of 1882, at which time he came to Bedford.
In the year 1885 he was united in marriage to Susan Emma Jared, who preceded him in death Nov. 1st, 1927.
They lived in the neighborhood of Bedford until the year 1911, at which time they moved to Creston, Iowa, where he has since resided.
Some years ago, they took unto their home, an adopted son, Edgar Freece, who has been a companion to them and with whom Mr. Freece was living at the time of his death.
Taylor County Herald
Thursday May 4, 1933 [p. 1]
David R. Freece Dies In Creston
David R. [aymond] Freece died at his home, 209 South Elm Street, in Creston, Iowa, Tuesday, May 2, at the age of 73 years, 5 months and 19 days.
Funeral services were held in the Christian church in Bedford Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, Leslie Cobb, assisted by Rev. J. C. Harris, officiating.
Interment was made in the Fairview cemetery.
Mr. Freece was a brother-in-law of R. [obert] B. [ruce] and Delbert Jared of Bedford.
[Ahrens, Adelia Amanda Jannsen]
Taylor County Herald
Thursday May 4, 1933 p. 5
Mrs. U. C. Ahrens
Amelia [Adelia] Amanda Janseen [Jannsen] was born December 13th, 1854, at Oldenburg, Germany. While quite young she came with her family to this country, settling at New York City. They later moved to Sterling, Ill., at which place she was united in marriage to U. [lrich] C. Ahrens, in 1875. In the spring of 1881 Mr. and Mrs. Ahrens came to Iowa and settled on a farm near Cumberland. In 1909 they moved to Atlantic where they lived for 14 years. Then they moved to Omaha, Nebr.
Mrs. Ahrens suffered with diabetes for many years. During all of her illness she appeared well and active for her age up to within a few weeks of her death. Her patience throughout her illness was remarkable. Her sudden death was a shock to her relatives and many friends. She passed away at the home of her daughter, Friday, April 28th, 1933, at the age of 79 years, 4 months and 15 days.
The surviving relatives are three sons and three daughters: Dr. Harvey Ahrens of Redfield, Ia.; Dr. Lewis [Henry] Ahrens of Fontanelle, Ia.; Ed Ahrens of Bedford, Iowa; Mrs. B. [enjamin] F. [ranklin] Michaels [Pauline Marie] of Bedford, Iowa, Mrs. C. [arl] O. [scar] Shalburn [Shalburg] of Omaha, Nebraska, with whom Mrs. Ahrens made her home, and Mrs. C. [lifford] D. [allas] Powell [Hannah] also of Omaha, Nebraska. All of her children were at her bedside at the time of her death. She is also survived by one brother, J. L. Janseen of Omaha, Nebraska, and seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
The funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home at Bedford Sunday afternoon at 2:30, Rev. C. F. McMican officiating.
Interment in Fairview Cemetery.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday September 12, 1963 [p. 1]
Ed Ahrens Rites Held Here Wed.
Funeral services for Edward U. Ahrens, 74, long time local resident and dean of Bedford businessmen, were held yesterday (Sept. 11) at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home in Bedford with Rev. John D. Kerr officiating. Mr. Ahrens died Sept. 8 at Clearview Nursing Home in Mt. Ayr. Bedford Taylor Lodge No. 156 AF & AM officiated at the graveside. Interment was in the mausoleum at Fairview cemetery in Bedford.
Ed Ahrens, a jeweler and druggist, opened his business in Bedford July 15, 1910. For many years he served as a director of the Bedford Development Club, the city park board and continually worked on numerous projects to boost the community.
Always interested in boosting Bedford and Taylor County, Ahrens did much of the initial planning and promotion work which resulted in making the Lake of three Fires State Park a reality instead of a sportsman’s dream.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday September 19, 1963 p. 4
Edward Ahrens Final Rites Held Here Sept. 11
Funeral services for Edward U. Ahrens, long-time local resident and dean of Bedford businessmen were held Sept. 11 at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home in Bedford with Rev. John D. Kerr officiating. Mr. Ahrens died Sept. 8 at Clearview Nursing Home in Mt. Ayr at the age of 74 years and 3 days. Bedford Taylor Lodge No. 156 AF & AM officiated at the graveside. Interment was in the mausoleum at Fairview cemetery in Bedford.
Edward U. Ahrens was born near Cumberland, Ia., on Sept. 5, 1889. He was the son of Ulrich Ahrens and Adelia Jenssen [Jannsen].
He came to Bedford, Iowa in 1910, where he owned and operated a drug store for 53 years.
Mr. Ahrens was married to Opal Donaldson on May 20, 1914 and to this union was born one child, Peggy, born on May 2, 1926, who preceded him in death.
Left with memories are his wife, Opal Ahrens; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Shalburg and Mrs. Hannah Powell of Omaha; and a brother, Dr. L. [ewis] H. [enry] Ahrens of Fontanelle; three nieces, Mrs. Mildred Hayes, Diagonal, Mrs. Easter Gammon, Des Moines, Mrs. Lucille Murphy, Chicago; four nephews, Larry Ahrens, Sterling, Ill., Bob Ahrens, Marengo, Ill., Edward Ahrens and Harold Ahrens of Des Moines.
He will be greatly missed by his family and his many friends.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday April 20, 1905
Death of Mrs. Geo. Ballou
Dies At Her Home In Bedford Monday, April 3, After A Long And Painful Illness----A Godly Woman
After a long and painful illness, Mrs. Geo. Ballou passed from death unto life at her home in Bedford on Monday, April 3, 1905, at 8:45 p. m., aged 61 years, 8 months and 29 days. Funeral services were conducted at the home Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock by Rev. R. L. Barackman, the text being taken from Numbers 23, 10---“Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his.” The floral offerings were beautiful and profuse. After the funeral the body was taken to Platteville cemetery for interment.
Mrs. Marietta P. [lumb] Ballou was born in Pennsylvania on the fourth day of July 1843. Her maiden name was Marietta Plumb. She moved with her parents to Jackson County, Iowa, in 1850, and was married to Geo. Ballou, March 14, 1872. The same year they came to Taylor County, where their home has been ever since. Ten years ago they moved from their farm to Bedford, where Mrs. Ballou passed away. Mrs. Ballou was a faithful, consistent, cheerful, Christian woman, a member of the Presbyterian Church. She will be missed from her home and her large circle of friends. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to her lonely husband.
Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Tuesday, April 4, 1905
Her Sufferings Ended
Mrs. Marietta P. Ballou, wife of Geo. Ballou, died at her home in Bedford last evening of diabetes, aged 61 years, 8 months and 29 days. Mrs. Ballou had been in ill health for several years and it had been known to her friends for months that there was no help for her and that sooner or later her disease must terminate fatally.
Some weeks ago, she became worse and it soon became apparent that the end was near. However, her vitality was strong, and she lingered until last night at just a few moments before nine, when her spirit took flight.
The funeral services will be held at the residence tomorrow (Wednesday) at 10 a. m., conducted by Rev. Barackman. Interment will be made at Platteville cemetery.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday March 30, 1905
Death of Mrs. Saxton
Thursday night, March 23, at 11 o’clock, the spirit of Mrs. Sherman Saxton passed from this earth of toil and woe, trials and suffering, death being due to consumption, aged 38 years, 9 months and 4 days. Mrs. Saxton leaves six children and a husband to do the best they can without wife and mother. It was indeed a sad parting, but one that all mortality must make. Mrs. Saxton, nee Corder, has lived nearly all her life in Taylor County, and her early demise will be regretted by many. The funeral services were conducted at the home Saturday morning. Interment in Fairview.
[Saxton, Jennie Corder]
Tuesday March 28, 1905
Funeral of Mrs. Saxton
The funeral of Mrs. Sherman Saxton was held at her home in Clayton Township, Saturday morning at 10 o’clock. The services were conducted by Rev. Thompson, and were attended by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and neighbors. Interment was made at Fairview cemetery.
Mrs. Saxton’s maiden name was Jennie Corder, and she was born at Bushnell, Ill., on June 18th, 1866, being at the time of her death 38 years, 9 months and 4 days old. Her parents were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Corder [Sarah Catharine James], with whom she came to this country over twenty-five years ago. Her mother still survives her, making her home with Mrs. Saxton’s brother, Lee, in Clayton Township. Another brother, Ed [David Edward], and a sister, Mary Corder, also reside near here. Her brother Frank lives in the north part of the state and another sister [Nettie] lives in Oklahoma.
In August 1887 she was united in marriage to Sherman Saxton, and to them was born five children, all of whom survive her. The oldest is Harry [Edward], age 15, and the youngest is baby Mary, 2 years old. The other children are Clare, Jessie and Esta.
Mrs. Saxton has been for years an active, consistent member of the M. E. church, having united with this church when only a child.
For more than a year, Mrs. Saxton has been ailing, but has only been bedfast for two months. That dreaded scourge tuberculosis was the cause of her death, which came Wednesday night at five minutes after 11 o’clock.
[Saxton, Jennie Corder]
Tuesday March 28, 1905
Roy Corder, who formerly resided near here, but who now lives at Creston, came down Saturday to attend the funeral of his aunt [Jennie Corder Saxton], and returned home today.
Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Friday, March 24, 1905
Death Desolates a Home
From Thursday's Daily
Mrs. Sherman Saxton died last night at 11:05 o'clock at her home in Clayton township, of tuberculosis, aged 38 years, 9 months and 4 days.
Mrs. Saxton's maiden name was Corder and her mother still lives, with her brother, Lee Corder, out in Clayton township. She grew to womanhood in this community, was married there and has ever since made her home in Taylor county. Six children have come to call her mother. Some have nearly attained man and womanhood's estate, but some are still young, and all will miss the guidance of a mother's hand and yearn in vain for the love and affection that only a mother can give. The sympathy of all the community goes out to them and to the bereaved and sorrowing husband, whose loneliness only those can know who have had to bear a like affliction.
The funeral arrangements are not yet completed, but it is thought that the services will be held Saturday in Bedford and interment made at Fairview cemetery.
Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Friday, March 24, 1905
Funeral of Mrs. Saxton
The funeral of Jennie M. Saxton who died Wednesday night, will be held at the residence in Clayton township tomorrow (Saturday) at 10 o'clock A. M. Interment will be made at Fairview cemetery.
[Corder, Sarah Catharine James]
Thursday September 16, 1909
Mrs. Sarah C. Corder
Mrs. Sarah C. [atherine] Corder died at the home of her son, Levi, Monday morning at 9 o’clock.
Mrs. Corder had been an invalid for several years. She had a stroke of paralysis seven years ago, and suffered a second stroke since which time she has been practically helpless and on Thursday morning she had a third stroke from which she failed to rally. Mrs. Corder was 82 years and 4 days old.
Sarah C. [atharine] James was born in Baltimore, Md., Sept. 9, 1827. When 9 years of age her parents removed to Ohio and later to Knox County, Illinois, where she was married to William Corder [March 20, 1849]. She was the mother of ten children, five of whom are still living: Levi, with whom she has made her home since coming to Iowa twenty-seven years ago, Mary, an unmarried daughter, who lives with Levi, and D. [avid] E. [dward], also a resident of Bedford and F. [rank] P. of Hennesey, Okla., and Mrs. Nettie Besco of Perry, Okla. Her husband died in 1874 and for several years she maintained her home in Illinois until she was induced by Levi to come and make her home with him.
Mrs. Corder was a lady whose many lovable qualities endeared her to all who knew her. Early in life she united with the Methodist Episcopal church and always lived a consistent Christian life. The funeral was held at the home yesterday at 2 p. m., conducted by Rev. S. E. Henry, after which the body was laid to rest in Fairview cemetery.
[Corder, Sarah Catherine James]
Bedford Free Press
Thursday September 16, 1909 p. 6
Death of Mrs. Wm. Corder
Sarah C. [atherine] James was born in Baltimore, Md., September 9, 1827, and died at 9 o’clock Monday September 13, 1909, aged 82 years and 4 days.
When nine years of age she moved with her parents to Circleville, Ohio, and after a residence there of five years moved with them to Knox County, Illinois. In 1848, while living at the latter place, she was married to William Corder, and they later moved to Woodhull, Ill, where in 1874 her husband died. There was born to this union ten children, of whom five are living. They are F. P., of Hennessy, Okla.; D. [aniel] E. [dward, L. [evi] W. [oodard] and Mary A. [lice], of Bedford, Iowa; Mrs. Nettie Besco, of Perry Okl., all of whom were present at the funeral.
Mrs. Corder was a member of the Methodist church for many years and lived a consistent Christian life. About seven years ago she was stricken with paralysis from which she later recovered but three years ago she was again stricken, since which time she has never walked a step. On her 82d birthday, she had a final stroke, which resulted in her death. Although suffering intensely all these years, she did it heroically and without complaint. She was a kind mother, whose memory is revered by her children.
The funeral services were held at the home just west of town, conducted by Rev. S. E. Henry, and interment was in Fairview cemetery.
Those from out of town attending the funeral were: F. P. Corder, of Hennessey, and Mrs. Nettie Besco, of Perry Okl.; Mrs. Benj. Long, a niece, of Knoxville, Iowa; Lorin Snow and wife, of Knoxville, Iowa; Mrs. Emma and Roy Corder, of Creston, Iowa. The sympathy of all is extended to the bereaved ones.
Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, September 16, 1909
L. A. Snow, nephew of Levi Corder, accompanied by his wife and sister, Mrs. Long, arrived from Knoxville, Ia. on the morning train yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Sarah C. Corder.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday November 9, 1911 [p. 1]
John T. Saxton
John T. Saxton, who came to Bedford thirty-two years ago, and who has since been an honored resident of this community, passed away at the home of his grandson, Harry [Edward] Saxton, in Mason Township, about 7 o’clock Sunday morning. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Christian church in Bedford, conducted by Geo. A. Hendrickson. Interment was in Fairview cemetery. Mr. Saxton was 72 years of age.
John T. Saxton was born in Ross County, Ohio, January 5, 1839. With his father’s family he came west to Clinton County, Iowa. He was married at Dewitt to Hannah [June] Cameron, who died ten years ago, since which time Mr. Saxton has been residing with his sons and daughters. He was the father of five children, Mrs. Alice Goff, deceased; Mrs. Frank Welch [Mary], Creston; Mrs. Lou Bowers [Nettie], Bedford; Sherman Saxton, Bedford; Frank Saxton, Clarinda.
At the beginning of the Civil War Mr. Saxton enlisted in Company H, Twenty-sixth Iowa Infantry, and served throughout that strife. During his years of activity he was engaged in farming, but retired several years ago. He was widely known in this community, holding the respect of the people among whom he had lived so many years. For several months he has been failing in health, and finally was confined to the home of his grandson for several weeks and until his death.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday May 4, 1905 p. 4
Death of Mrs. Walston
Died, at her home in Jefferson Township, Saturday, April 29, of paralysis, Mrs. Silas Walston [Mary Ellen Sharp], aged 60 years, 4 months and 10 days. The funeral exercises were conducted by Dr. Jones, of the Bedford Baptist church. Interment in Platteville cemetery. Thirteen children and husband survive her.
Tuesday May 2, 1905
A Mother Called Home
Mrs. Silas Walston died at her home in Jefferson Township about five miles southwest of Blockton, Saturday morning, April 29th at 1 o’clock, of paralysis, age 60 years, 4 months and 10 days. The funeral services were held at the church in Platteville, Sunday at 2 p. m., conducted by Dr. A. I. Jones of Bedford. Interment at Platteville cemetery.
Mary Ellen Sharp was born Dec. 19, 1844 in Madison County, Ind. When 16 years of age, she moved with her parents to Illinois, where in 1863, she was united in marriage to Silas Walston. Seven years later with her husband she came to Iowa, and settled in Taylor County where for the past 35 years they have made their home.
To the deceased and her husband have come 15 children, thirteen of whom, together with her bereaved husband, survive her. Two sons, Omer D. and Levi Ernest, have preceded their mother to the other land, both dying after attaining manhood’s estate.
In 1874 Mrs. Walston united with the Baptist church and ever since has been an active and conscientious member, a true and faithful follower of the loving Savior.
During more than a third of a century the deceased has made her home in that community, she has proved to be a true friend, and kind neighbor, and her death brings grief and sorrow to all where she was known.
[Walston, Nettie May Matheny Townsend]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday June 15, 1939 p. 5
Mrs. William Walston
Nettie May Matheny, daughter of John Collins and Mary Jane [Maddox] Matheny, was born in Lacon, Marshall County, Ill., April 18, 1878, and died at her home north of Blockton June 1, aged 61 years, 1 month and 14 days.
She came to Taylor County with her parents in 1884 where she has since resided.
She was united in marriage to Edwin C. [lark] Townsend in 1898. To this union was born two children, Lola Pearl and Mabel Elva.
Her husband died Dec. 18, 1927 [1926].
On July 18, 1929, she was again united in marriage to William Walston.
She is survived by her husband and two daughters, Lola Pearl Risser of Bedford and Mabel Elva Patrick of Ames. Also, a stepdaughter, Kate Wendell, of Delphos; 5 grandchildren, Irene and Dean Risser and Dixie Lee, Lowell and Pearley May Patrick; 3 step grandchildren, Elmer, Kenneth and Dorotha Wendell; 4 brothers, J. [osiah] H. [arrison], A. [lbert] L. [ewis], and M. [arion] A.[rthur] Matheny of Platteville and D. [aniel] C. [uster] Matheny of Conway, and 3 sisters Myrtle [Myrta] Cubbage of Holton, Kansas; Mary [Jane] Ewart of Platteville, and [Anna] Letitia Templeton of Arispe.
Funeral services were held at the Platteville church Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock, conducted by Rev. W. H. Warrior. Interment was in the Platteville cemetery.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday January 24, 1974 p. 6
Last Rites Held January 15 For Mrs. T. W. Walston
Funeral services for Mrs. Thomas (Cora) Walston, 81, of Sharpsburg, were held January 15 at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home in Bedford. Mrs. Walston died January 13, 1974 at the Lenox Care Center. Interment was at Platteville Cemetery, Taylor County, Iowa.
Cora May Walston, daughter of Edward and Elsie [Ray] Weese, was born January 21, 1892, on a farm near Sheridan, Missouri.
She became a member of the Isadora, Mo. Christian Church at an early age.
She was united in marriage to Thomas Walter Walston on February 2, 1910, at the home of the bride’s parents. To this union 11 children were born.
Preceding her in death were her parents, three brothers, two sisters, two infant daughters, Cora Sue and Pearl Mae, a son, Donald, at the age of 27 years.
Left to cherish her memory are her husband, Thomas W. [alter] Walston; one brother, Noble Weese, of Maloy, Iowa; her children: Hazel Hoover of Coon Rapids, Ia.; Vane of Bedford, Nina Rice of Stow, Ohio, Elsie Preston of Lenox, Ia., Gerald of New Ulm, Minn., Elvin of Kansas City, Mo.; Marvin of Cedar Rapids, Ia., and Verle of Sharpsburg; four daughters-in-law, Thelma, Janet, Marjorie and Mary Walston; three sons-in-law, Ralph Hoover, Delbert Rice and Clifford Preston; 24 grandchildren; 30 great grandchildren; other relatives and a host of friends.
She and her husband celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary last year. She had lived the most of her married life in Ringgold and Taylor County and the past 18 years in the Sharpsburg community. She was a kind and loving mother, wife and sister, as she devoted most of her life to her family.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday April 27, 1905
Succumbs To The Inevitable
Died, at his home in Gay Township, Saturday morning, April 22, John [Slater] Shearer, aged 46 years. He had been taken to St. Joseph for examination with a view of an operation in case it was thought advisable, but after investigation it was found that such a measure would afford no relief, he being badly afflicted with cancer of his bowels. Friday he came up on the train, and was taken to his home and died the next day. The funeral services were conducted at the M. E. church in Conway by Rev. Coe. Interment in Conway cemetery. A wife and four children remain.
Decedent was born in Ohio, and moved with his parents to Gay Township in his childhood, where he has since resided. He married Lizzie [Elizabeth Jane] Eaton, of Ringgold County. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of many friends.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday April 13, 1905
Death of Effie Melvin
Effie, the 15-year-old daughter of J. [ames] E. [dwin] Melvin, 2 miles east of Siam, died Tuesday [Wednesday, April 12th], of consumption. The funeral services will be conducted this morning at 10 o’clock in the Siam church. Interment in Siam cemetery.
Thursday April 13, 1905
A Young Life Ended
Effie L. Melvin died yesterday at 11 o’clock in the morning at the home of her father, James E. [dwin] Melvin, in Polk Township, ten miles southwest of Bedford, of consumption, age 15 years, 9 months and 28 days.
The deceased had been ill for several months and for some time her life has been despaired of.
The funeral will be held at the home tomorrow at ten o’clock. Interment at Siam cemetery.
Thursday September 19, 1918 [p. 1]
Infant Child Died
Sunday the infant child [Rex Woodrow] of Mr. and Mrs. [Willis] Fred Melvin [Margaret Eunice Query] died after a short illness, of summer complaint. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from the home near Siam. The little one was only two years old, and had been ill but a short time. This was the only child in the family and the grieving parents have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.
Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Wednesday, September 25, 1918
Obituary – Rex W. Melvin
Little Rex Woodro Melvin, infant and only son of Fred and M. Eunice Melvin first saw the light of day on July the 4th, 1918 at the home of his parents East of Siam, Iowa.
Just as this little earth jewell was beginning to be winsomely alert to people and things and the hearts of those who loved him were thrilled by his cunning ways, the great heart took note of him and called him to come to that sunlit land above.
After a week of sickness little Rex Woodro gave up the fight and became captive to the great spirit. On Monday morning Sept. 16th we were reminded that the Lord who gives, sometimes in his infinite love and goodness taketh away.
Dear little Rex has gone home. Dear little beckoning hands at the gateway above beckon "come this way." Tho' our hearts are bleeding and heavy we will take consolation in the thought that he is "Safe in the arms of Jesus," and we may someday go to be with him forevermore. . . .
Thursday February 19, 1903 p. 4
The funeral of Jessie C. Melvin, infant daughter of J. [ohn] A. [lan] Melvin, residing southeast of Bedford, occurred today at the Baptist church in this city. Rev. D. W. Griffith conducted the services.
Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, February 19, 1903
Returned to Its Maker
Over seven months ago a sweet little girl came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Melvin, about six miles southwest of Bedford, but was not suffered to bless the home very long, as on Monday morning at 6 o'clock an angel came and bore it back to the arms of the Savior. The grief-stricken parents can look up and know it is safe, a blessed consolation. The funeral exercises were conducted at the Baptist church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. Griffith. Interment in Bedford cemetery.
Thursday September 16, 1909
William Belmont
William Belmont, many years a resident of Taylor County, died at 5:25 o’clock Tuesday evening at his home in Caldwell, Kans. A telegram making this announcement was received Wednesday morning by Caleb Gordon from J. [ohn] W. [right] Belmont. The funeral takes place in Caldwell today.
During his residence in this county, which was the greater part of his life, Mr. Belmont lived in Clayton Township, about nine miles northeast of Bedford. He was one of the most highly respected residents of the county and a man of wide acquaintance on account of his long residence here. He was about 55 years of age.
Mr. Belmont was in failing health at the time of his removal from this state. Last spring he traded his farm in Clayton Township for property in Kansas, and with his family removed to that state. Although his intimate friends knew that he had been under the care of physicians before leaving here, his death came as a surprise to them as well as to those not so intimately acquainted.
Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, September 16, 1909
Died at Caldwell, Kas.
Word was received here yesterday announcing the death on Tuesday at 5:30 p. m. of Wm. Belmont, formerly of Clayton township, but who moved to Caldwell, Kas. this spring. He was one of the most highly esteemed residents of the county and his death will be learned with regret by all.
Mr. Belmont was born about 55 years ago in Wisconsin and when but a small boy came with his parents to Taylor County, settling on the farm in Clayton township which he sold last spring. There he made his home, was married there and raised a fine family. At the time of his marriage his parents moved to Bedford and resided here until their death a number of years ago.
For several years Mr. Belmont had suffered with a small cancerous growth on his eye. Last winter he went to Kansas City and had it removed and upon his return told us of the fearful agony he endured when submitting to the treatment. This ailment had apparently left him however, but that dread white plague then commenced its deadly work and finally resulted in his death. Caleb Gordon, who lived a neighbor to him, said to the writer, "I have farmed a number of years in Iowa and Illinois, but I never had a better man for a neighbor than Wm. Belmont." This is the sentiment of all who had acquaintance with him.
Mr. Belmont leaves a wife and six children, all at home, to mourn his death. The children are J. W., Lloyd, Ben, Roy, Harry and Stella.
The remains are to be laid to rest at Caldwell this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The bereaved relatives have the sympathy of all.
Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, September 23, 1909
Mrs. G. W. Chiles departed yesterday morning for Caldwell, Kan., to visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.[ohn] W. [right] Belmont and to be present at the funeral services of William Belmont. – Conway Record.
Caldwell Advance (Caldwell, Kansas), Friday, September 24, 1909
Obituary – William Belmont was born in Devonshire England Dec. 1, 1853. Died at Caldwell, Kas., Sept. 14, 1909, age 55 yrs., 9 mo., 13 days.
His father moved to Canada when he was but one year old and after a year's residence there, moved to Mineral Point, Wisconsin; there he spent the years of his youth until he was nineteen years old when in 1872 they moved to Taylor county, Iowa. Here he was married to Mary Jane Clayton in 1878. With the wife of his youth he lived on one farm near Conway, Iowa, for thirty-seven consecutive years.
To them were born seven sons and one daughter. One son, George, died when three years of age and one son in early infancy. The remaining children are, Wright, Harry, Loyd, Ben, Stella and Roy. His health failing, he moved with his family to Caldwell, Kansas, March 9, 1908, thinking that the change in climate would be beneficial but he gradually grew worse until death came to relieve him of his sufferings. Harry the second son, whose home is in South Dakota, being apprised of his father's rapid declining health, responded immediately to the call and arrived in time to spend about two weeks with his father before his death. Mr. Belmont was converted about twenty years ago and united with the M. E. church. He lived a consistent Christian life and gave clear testimony before his death of having peace with his Savior and being ready to go. He was a kind and loving husband and father and he left as an inheritance an example of an exemplary life that may wisely be emulated by his children. He was conscious almost till the last moment and bid each one of the family an affectionate, goodbye, saying "Be good." May that be a watchword with them through life to keep them from the many temptations that may throng their pathway.
Beautiful floral offerings from friends and neighbors, the Sunday School and the Woodman Order bear evidence of the esteem in which the family was held. He made many friends here who deeply sympathize with the sorrowing family. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge and also of the Woodman order. The funeral services were held in the Methodist church Thursday afternoon, Sept. 16th, conducted by the pastor, Rev. H. W. Cummings, under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge.
[Belmont, Mary Jane Clayton] [Belmont, John Wright]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday November 19, 1942 p. 5
Mary Jane Belmont And Son Wright Die
Mrs. Mary Jane [Clayton] Belmont, 86, a long-time resident of Hill City, South Dakota, and a former resident of Conway, Iowa, who had been making her home in Rapid City, S. Dak. recently, died Tuesday night, November 3.
Services were held in the Hill City Congregational church the following Thursday with the Rev. Carl Locke of Keystone officiating. The body was sent to Caldwell, Kans., for burial.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Stella Ranger, at whose home she had been living; five sons, [John] Wright Belmont of Rapid City; Harry, Ben and Roy Belmont of Hill City, and Lloyd Belmont of Kansas City, Mo.; 10 grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
The following Tuesday, November 10, one of her sons, John Wright Belmont, 62-year-old rancher of Hill City, S. Dak., died. The last rites for him were held Saturday afternoon, November 14 at the Congregational Church in Hill City and burial was in the cemetery at that place.
Survivors of Belmont include a daughter, Mrs. Glen Lanphear of Rapid City; a granddaughter, Karen Lee Lanphear of Rapid City; a sister, Mrs. Stella Ranger of Rapid City, and four brothers, Henry, Ben and Roy Belmont of Hill City and Lloyd Belmont of Kansas City.
Rapid City Journal (Rapid City, South Dakota), Wednesday, November 4, 1942
Mrs. Mary Belmont Dies Here Tuesday
Mrs. Mary Jane Belmont, 86, a long-time resident of Hill City who has been making her home here recently, died in a local hospital Tuesday night.
Services will be held in the Hill City Congregational church Thursday with the Rev. Carl Loocke of Keystone officiating. The body, which is at the Campbell Funeral home, will be sent to Caldwell, Kans., for burial.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Stella Range [Rains] at whose home at 1018 Columbus street she had been living; five sons, Wright Belmont, Rapid City; Harry, Ben and Roy Belmont, Hill City, and Lloyd Belmont, Kansas City, Mo.; 10 grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Rapid City Journal (Rapid City, South Dakota), Wednesday, November 11, 1942
John Wright Belmont Dies Here Tuesday
John Wright Belmont, 62, Hill City rancher, died in a local hospital Tuesday, eight days after the death of his mother, Mrs. Mary Jane Belmont.
A Black Hills rancher for many years, Belmont was born in Conway, Iowa, April 13, 1880. His mother died here Nov. 3.
The body is at the Campbell Funeral home, pending funeral arrangements.
Rapid City Journal (Rapid City, South Dakota), Thursday, November 12, 1942
Belmont Services Set For Hill City
Last rites for John Wright Belmont, 62-year-old Hill City rancher who died here Tuesday will be held in the Hill City Congregational church Saturday at 2 p. m.
The Rev. Carl Loocke, Keystone, will officiate and burial will be in the Hill City cemetery under the direction of the Campbell Funeral home.
Survivors of Belmont include a daughter, Mrs. Glen Lanphear, Rapid City; a granddaughter, Karen Lee Lanphear, Rapid City; a sister, Mrs. Stella Range [Rains], Rapid City and four brothers, Harry, Ben and Roy Belmont, Hill City and Lloyd Belmont, Kansas City, Mo.
His mother, Mrs. Mary Jane Belmont, died here Nov. 3.
Thursday September 16, 1909
Wade Nichols
Wade Nichols, until a few weeks ago a barber in Gravity, died Sunday morning in an Omaha hospital after an operation for appendicitis. He had gone to some point in Nebraska a few weeks ago where he was taken sick, and when the nature of his ailment was ascertained he was sent to Omaha for the operation from which he never rallied. His widowed mother, who lives on a farm north of Gravity, was notified in time to be with him at the hospital. The remains were brought to Gravity where the funeral was held Tuesday afternoon after which the body was laid to rest in the Gravity cemetery.
Wade was a young man of 23 years and has many friends in Washington Township where he grew to manhood. His sudden death was a great shock to his friends who, a few weeks before, saw him go away in perfect health. He was an active member in the local Woodman lodge and the funeral was conducted by the order.