Obituaries |
submitted by: Julia Johnson - |
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday March 29, 1945
Mrs. C. J. Engstrom Dies In California
Mrs. C. [harles] J. [ohn] Engstrom [Mary Dalton], 93, died at her home in Inglewood, California, Saturday, March 24. The body is being brought to Bedford for burial, probably Friday.
The funeral services will be held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Saturday at 2 p. m., conducted by Rev. O. H. Hallgrimson. The body will be placed in the mausoleum in the Fairview cemetery.
She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Bessie [Faye] Lusk and her husband [Frank Bruce]; three grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Mr. Engstrom died several years ago.
Taylor County Herald
Thursday March 29, 1945 [p. 1]
Mrs. Engstrom Dies
Mrs. Mary [Dalton] Engstrom died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bessie [Faye] Lusk, in Inglewood, Calif., Saturday, Mar. 24.
The body is being returned to Bedford and services will be conducted Saturday, Mar. 31, at the Wetmore Funeral Home.
Mrs. Engstrom lived in Bedford before moving to California many years ago.
[Engstrom, Mary Ameline Dalton]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday April 5, 1945 p. 7
Mrs. C. J. Engstrom
Funeral services for Mrs. C. [harles] J. [ohn] Engstrom, who died at the home of her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lusk in Inglewood, California, on Saturday, March 24, 1945, were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Saturday afternoon, conducted by Rev. O. H. Hallgrimson. The body was placed in the mausoleum in the Fairview cemetery.
Mary A.[meline] Dalton, daughter of Job and Polly [Mary Jane Meeker] Dalton, was born in Clayton County, Iowa, October 15, 1852, being aged 92 years, 5 months and 9 days at the time of her death.
When she was 16 years of age she came with her parents to Taylor County, Iowa, moving across the state in a covered wagon and settling on a farm south of Bedford.
In November 1885 she was married to Charles John Engstrom and they made their home on a farm near Sharpsburg, until 1904, when they moved to Bedford to make their home.
They were the parents of one daughter, Bessie [Faye], who is now Mrs. Bruce Lusk of Inglewood, California.
After the death of Mr. Engstrom in 1932 she continued to reside in Bedford until 1940 when on account of failing health she went west to be with her daughter and family.
She united with the New Hope Baptist church when a girl, later transferring her membership to the Bedford Baptist church.
She is survived by her daughter and husband, three grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday March 29 1945
Eston Congdon Dies Here This Morning
[Lonnie] Eston Congdon died at his home in Bedford about 11 o’clock this forenoon, following an illness of several hours.
[Congdon, Annetta Pearl Harvey]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday June 27, 1968
Last Rites Here June 19 For Mrs. Congdon
Funeral services for Mrs. Lonnie (Annetta Pearl) Congdon, 76, of Bedford, held June 19 at the Shum-Novinger Funeral Home here, were conducted by Rev. Ivo G. Randels. Mrs. Congdon died June 17, 1968 at Pearl Terrace Manor in Bedford. Interment was at Dallas Center Cemetery, New Market.
Mrs. Annetta Pearl Congdon was born Aug. 22, 1891.
She was married to Lonnie Eston Congdon, December 22, 1910 and to this union eight children were born. Those who survive are: Maynard Congdon of Delphos, La.; Giles Congdon of Council Bluffs, Ia.; Hoyt Congdon of Council Bluffs, Ia.; William Congdon of Council Bluffs, Dean Congdon of Council Bluffs, Maxine Congdon of Council Bluffs, Mrs. Donna Allen of Cornell, Wisc.; one brother, Edward Harvey, of Citrus Heights, Calif.; 17 grandchildren; 17 great grandchildren.
One daughter, Helen, preceded her in death as well as her husband.
She was a hard working woman and a good mother for her eight children. She was well known here in Bedford 20 years ago and was a member of the Christian Church of Bedford and often sang in the choir.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday September 13, 1945
E. A. Cobb Succumbs In California
E. A. Cobb, a former resident of Taylor County, died on August 10, 1945, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gelwix. He had suffered a stroke a month before.
Edward Arthur Cobb was born in Dorsetshire, England, August 28, 1864. He was the son of Amos and Harriet Brand Cobb, the seventh of thirteen children.
He came to America at the age of ten, his parents settling near Savannah, Missouri.
On November 13, 1883, he was married to Miss Louisa Elizabeth Holt of Savannah, Missouri. They resided in or near Savannah until 1902 when they moved to Bedford. Most of their life in Iowa was spent on their farm south of Bedford. Since their retirement a few years ago, they had resided in Excelsior Springs, Missouri and in California.
He leaves to mourn his death, his wife; three sons, Arthur H. Cobb of Portales, New Mexico, William F. Cobb of Wilmathsville, Missouri, Amos Cobb of Grants Pass, Oregon; two daughters, Mrs. Kenneth Gelwix of Orinda, California, and Miss Marian Cobb of San Francisco; five grandchildren, four great grandchildren, three brothers and three sisters.
Funeral services, held at the Albert Brown Mortuary, Oakland, California, were conducted by Rev. Carl Kingsley of Martinez, California, a former resident of Taylor County. He was laid to rest at Mountain View cemetery, Oakland, California.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday July 5, 1945
Marion Martin
Marion Bradley Martin, youngest son of Jacob Waller and Mary Ann [Bradley Miller] Martin, was born on August 22, 1910 at Bedford, Iowa and died on June 28 at his home in Bedford at the age of 34 years, 10 months and 6 days.
He is survived by his parents, three brothers, Robert Martin of Malone, Washington, William and Walter Martin of Bedford; three sisters, Mrs. Geraldine Hill of Gravity, Mrs. Walter Croy [Ethel Blanche] of Omaha, and Mrs. Luella Dunn of Gravity. Also by several nieces and nephews.
The funeral services were held at the Walker-Shum Funeral Home Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. A. Purdy. Burial was in the Fairview cemetery.
[Shearer, Elizabeth Jane Eaton]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday July 26, 1945
Obituary – Elizabeth Shearer
Elizabeth Jane Eaton, daughter of Samuel and Martha Eaton, was born in Ringgold County, near Blockton, Iowa, October 28, 1862, and died at Bedford, Monday, July 16, 1945, at the age of 82 years, 8 months and 17 days.
On January 23, 1882, she was married to John S. [later] Shearer, and moved to a farm near Conway, where they spent their entire wedded life. Mr. Shearer died in 1905.
Four children were born to them: Merton of Chattanooga, Tennessee; Mrs. Fern Reed of Boise, Idaho; [Elmer] Glade Shearer of Blockton; and Harry Shearer who preceded her in death, October 20, 1928.
At an early age she was converted into the Christian faith, always attending religious services whenever possible.
Surviving with the daughter and two sons are two brothers, George Eaton of Redding and Elmer [Grant] Eaton of Pasadena, California; two sisters, Mrs. Susie [Susan Rachel] Thompson of Blockton and Mrs. Lou Britt of Oakland, Calif.; nine grandchildren, and six great grandchildren. Two sisters preceded her in death.
The funeral services were held at the Walker-Shum Funeral Home Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. A. Purdy. Burial was in the Conway cemetery.
[Shearer, Elizabeth Jane Eaton]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday July 26, 1945 p. 8
Attend Shearer Funeral
Among the Blockton relatives attending the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Shearer at Bedford Thursday afternoon were: Mrs. Glade Shearer and children, Paul, Pauline and Donald, Mrs. Susan Thompson, Mrs. Clifton Simmons and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Drake, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Shafer and Mrs. Clyde Kemery. Others were G. S. Eaton of Redding, Mrs. Joe Lines of Villisca and Mrs. Vernon Mondt of Shenandoah.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday September 16, 1943 [p. 1]
Mrs. Ed Ackley Dies At Home Friday
Mrs. Ed Ackley, who had been in failing health for several years, died at her home southeast of Bedford Friday.
The funeral services were held at the Walker & Shum Funeral Home Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. R. C. Yadon of Blockton. Burial was in the Forest Grove cemetery.
She is survived by her husband and by one sister, Mrs. C. [harles] N. Nelson [Gloe] of Bedford.
Ila Zee Pierce, daughter of Samuel and Sarah [Cole] Pierce, was born on a farm in Lee County, Illinois, on October 12, 1878. In 1881 she moved with her parents to a farm in Taylor County, Iowa.
At an early age she united with the First Presbyterian church of Bedford, remaining a faithful member throughout life.
On April 9, 1914 she was united in marriage to Ed Ackley. She passed away September 10, 1943 at the home where she had resided since her marriage.
Thursday December 6, 1923
Sarah Cole, daughter of Simeon and Martha Cole, was born at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Nov. 30, 1836. When 16 years of age, she moved with her parents to Lee County, Illinois.
In 1854, she was united in marriage with Samuel Pierce. To this union nine children were born, six of whom survive their mother. Mr. Pierce passed away thirty-two years ago.
In 1881, the family came to Taylor County, Iowa, and the home was maintained here for years. Shortly after coming to Iowa, Mrs. Pierce united with the First Presbyterian church of Bedford and lived a consistent Christian life, loved and respected by all who knew her. As one of the pioneers, she knew something of the hardships and sacrifices incident to their lot and knew how to sympathize with all who worked to develop a new country.
After a lingering illness, she passed away Dec. 2, 1923, aged 87 years and 1 day.
The funeral was held at the Forest Grove church, Tuesday, Dec. 4th, 1923, at 10:30 a. m. The service was conducted by Rev. John H. Currie, assisted by Rev. O. S. Boyer. Interment was made in the Forest Grove cemetery. A. L. Stithem, funeral director.
The following are the surviving sons and daughters of the deceased: Mrs. A.[lma] Bradshaw, Compton, Iowa; Mrs. H. V. Geisinger, Storm Lake, Iowa; E.[dgar] R. Pierce, Idaho Falls, Iowa; Mrs. C. [harles] N. Nelson [Gloe], Mrs. Ed Ackley [Ila Zee] and Elvon Pierce of Bedford.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday June 12, 1941 [p. 1]
Elvon Pierce Dies At Home Saturday
Elvon Pierce, a resident of the Bedford community for nearly sixty years, died at his farm home, southeast of Bedford, Saturday evening, June 7, after a long illness.
The funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. O. H. Hallgrimson of the Bedford Baptist church. Burial was in the Fairview cemetery.
Elvon Pierce, son of Samuel and Sarah [Cole] Pierce, was born April 21, 1870, near Mendota, Lee County, Illinois, being aged 71 years, 1 month and 17 days at the time of his death. He was one of a family of nine children, six of whom preceded him in death. He came to Iowa with his parents when he was twelve years of age.
He was married to Mrs. Pearl [Ray] Mathers of Bedford, Feb. 19, 1915. Surviving with his wife are her son, Beryl Mathers and family of Hopkins, Mo.; and two sisters, Mrs. C. [harles] N. Nelson [Gloe] and Mrs. Ed Ackley, [Ila Zee] and their families of Bedford.
To know Elvon Pierce was to like him and he will be greatly missed by his family and friends.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday March 10, 1949 [p. 1]
Mrs. Pearl Pierce Succumbed Sunday
Mrs. Pearl [Ray Mathers] Pierce, 76, died Sunday, March 6, at the Terrill Nursing Home, where she had made her home the past seven years.
The funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Norman Lewis, pastor of the Hopkins Baptist Church. The Golden Rule Rebekah Lodge of Bedford gave their burial service at the funeral home. Burial was in Fairview cemetery.
[Mrs. Pierce is survived by her] son, Bud [Beryl] Mathers and his wife; and by two granddaughters, all of Hopkins. Also by two sisters, Mrs. Hattie Teachnor of Kansas City and Mrs. E. [lias] N. [athan] Ames [Eva] of Sheridan, Missouri.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday March 3, 1949
Obituary – Wm. Heatherington
William Heatherington, youngest son of John and Helen [Farrier] Heatherington, was born near Carbon, on April 18, 1880, and passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Opal Wilson, at Gravity, January 27, 1949, at the age of 68 years, 9 months and 9 days.
At the age of 16 he came with his parents to Holt Township, Taylor County, and spent practically all the rest of his life in Taylor and page counties. In early life he united with the Fairview Christian church.
In 1902 he was married to Esther Beardsley, who preceded him in death on December 19, 1947. Eight children were born to this union: John Heatherington of Los Angeles, Mrs. Opal Wilson of Gravity, Frank Heatherington of Bedford and Mrs. Gladys Clymens of Clarinda. Three infant children and daughter Helen preceded him in passing. There are also sixteen grandchildren and sixteen great grandchildren.
In addition to his church affiliation, he was also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and a Mason.
Interment was in Prairie Rose Cemetery in Adams County.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday October 25, 1962 p. 4
Addition to Mrs. Hindman Published Obituary
Accidentally omitted from the obituary of Mrs. Laura Ella Hindman, published on Oct. 18:
Mrs. Laura Ella Hindman was an active member of the Baptist Church.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday July 10, 1941 p. 4
Mrs. Geo. Ridgeway Former Resident, Dies
Mrs. George Ridgeway, 63, a former resident of Bedford, died at a hospital in Pocatello, Idaho, Tuesday, July 1. She was operated on for appendicitis and it was thought she was recovering satisfactorily when a blood clot formed on the lungs. She was ill for several weeks.
The funeral services were held in Pocatello Saturday afternoon and burial was made there.
Ada Severs was born in Nodaway County, Missouri, Nov. 7, 1877, the daughter of W. [illiam] P. and Sarah Severs. She was married to George Ridgeway, Feb. 28, 1900 at Elmo, Missouri. They were residents of Bedford for several years, Mr. Ridgeway being manager of a lumberyard here. In 1906 they moved to Pocatello, where he was affiliated with a lumber company. His death occurred in 1926.
The Ridgeways took a prominent part in the civic, social and fraternal life of the community. Mrs. Ridgeway was an active member of the Methodist church in Pocatello and was a Past Matron of the O. E. S. She had been librarian of the Bonneville branch of the Pocatello library since 1926.
She is survived by two sons, Orr Lamar Ridgeway of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Kenneth Severs Ridgeway of Pocatello. There are also two grandchildren. Mrs. Ridgeway was a niece of J. [ohn] S. [cott] Severs of Bedford.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday February 5, 1970 p. 2
Final Rites For L.C. Severs Held Jan. 30
The local United Methodist Church was filled to capacity for the funeral of L. C. Severs last Friday afternoon. Services for this well-known hardware merchant, who died January 27, were in charge of Rev. Darrel Draper and Carl Cummings. Masonic rites by Taylor Lodge No. 136 A. F. & A. M., were given at Fairview Cemetery.
Leon Charles Severs was born at Elmo, Mo. on September 21, 1888. His parents were John Scott Severs and the former Julia A. Henderson, who died when Leon was four years old. Leon married the former Verda E. [ula] Gray on April 10, 1910. From this union a son, Glen Maurice and a daughter, Mildred Louise, were born.
Leon spent all of his adult life in the retail hardware business in Elmo, Burlington Junction and Barnard, Mo. and moved to Bedford, Iowa in 1928 where he entered the hardware business, which now bears the name of Severs-Stacy Hardware. Mr. Severs retired from active participation in this business a few years ago.
Leon Severs always took an active part in civic and church affairs. He has served on school boards and on the city council and as mayor of Bedford. He served for several years as superintendent of Sunday school and also on the Board of Stewards of the Bedford Methodist Church. He had been a member of the Masonic Lodge for almost 60 years.
Leon Charles Severs died on January 27. His wife, Verda, preceded him in death on November 1, 1965.
He is survived by his sister, Mrs. R. [oss] R. Joy [Eda Jane] of Elmo, Mo., an aunt, Lou Henderson of Maryville, Mo., a son, Glen Maurice of Houston, Texas, a daughter, Mrs. Robert Stacy of Bedford; granddaughters, Julia and Jane Stacy and grandson, Glen Severs, Jr., two great granddaughters and one great grandson. In addition to the various relatives whom he leaves, he also leaves a host of friends among various associates and customers.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday February 5, 1970 p. 5
Attend Services For L. C. Severs
Relatives and friends from out of town who attended funeral services here for L.[eon] C. [harles] Severs January 30 include:
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Severs and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Severs, Jr., and Glen Ray, Houston, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mehornay, Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. J. C. Johnson, St. Joseph, Mo.; Miss Lou Henderson, Maryville, Mo.; Miss Julia Stacy, Prairie City, Ia.; Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley Clark, Adel; Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joy, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Bradley, Myron James, Merlyn James, Mrs. Myrtle Ray, Miss Delores Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Kinman and Mrs. C. Kessinger, Elmo, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wintermute, Guildford, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Gilreath, Warrensburg, Mo.; Maurice Cole, Maryville, Mo.; Robert Mutti, George Mutti, Mrs. Stanley Swanson and Carl Gray, Hopkins, Mo.; Henry Young, Athelstan; Mr. and Mrs. Clem Sand, Blockton; Mrs. Helen Fitch and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dugger, Gravity.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday February 5, 1970 p. 5
Glen Helm Dies In South Dakota
Services for Glen Helm of Winner, South Dakota, were held in Winner Tues., Feb. 3. Mr. Helm died there January 30.
Glen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Helm, was born and reared near Bedford. He had lived at Winner for a number of years.
Mr. Helm’s survivors include his wife; two daughters; a stepson, one granddaughter; a sister, Hazel, and her family of Kansas City, Mo.; a brother, Loran, and family of Red Oak.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday February 5, 1970 p. 5
Lester Ira Johnson Rites in Lenox
Funeral services for Lester Ira Johnson, 77, of Lenox, were held at the Lenox Christian Church Tues., Feb. 3, with interment at the Lenox Cemetery. Mr. Johnson died February 1, 1970. The rites, arranged by Shum-Novinger Funeral Home of Bedford, were conducted by Rev. Donald Briley.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday February 12, 1970 p. 7
Lester Johnson Rites Feb. 3 In Lenox
Funeral services for Lester Ira Johnson, 77, of Lenox, were held at the Lenox Christian Church February 3, conducted by Rev. Donald Briley. Mr. Johnson died at Rosary Hospital in Corning February 1, 1970. Interment was at the Lenox Cemetery.
Lester Ira Johnson, son of R. [euben] T. and Elizabeth [Woodward] Johnson, was born March 29, 1892, near Hamburg, Iowa.
When he was a young man he united with the Blue Grove Christian Church. Later, after moving to Lenox, he transferred his membership to the Christian Church in Lenox.
On March 18, 1914, he was married to Beulah [Dyre] Stamets. To this union one daughter, Loleta [Irene], was born.
He leaves to cherish his memories his wife, Beulah; his daughter and son-in-law, Loleta and Tip [ton Isaac] Lucas; three grandchildren, Larry and Roderick Lucas and Judy Sickler, Loretta Lucas and John Sickler; five great grandchildren, Lorena and Lane Lucas, David, Lestine and Shawn Sickler; two nephews, Meryle Johnson of Grant City, Mo., and Guy McCurdy of Montana, one niece, Mae Kuhn, of Clarinda; and a host of friends.
He was a long time member of the Odd Fellows Lodge, The Encampment, and the Rebekah Lodge.
In March 1964 Les and Beulah celebrated their 50th anniversary.
He was preceded in death by his parents, one sister, and one brother.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday February 5, 1970 p. 2
Rites Here Feb. 1 For V. C. Wright
Funeral services for Verlin Clare Wright, 91, long time Bedford resident, were held here Sunday, Feb. 1, with Carl Cummings officiating. Mr. Wright died in Bedford, January 28, 1970. Interment was at Fairview Cemetery.
Verlin Clare Wright, son of William Clark [Carter] and Clorese [Clara Ann] Hastings [Hasty] Wright, was born January 30, 1878, at Winterset, Iowa.
He was united in marriage to Laura J. [ane] McKee March 22, 1900 and to them five children were born: Theron who is now deceased; Wesley Wright of Kansas City, Missouri; Esther Fay Laybourn of Beaverton, Oregon; Dorothy Lois, now deceased, and Dean Wright of St. Joseph, Missouri.
Also surviving are one sister, Lula Fleming, of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, she being the last of his family of three sisters and three brothers; 14 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren.
Mr. Wright moved to Bedford in 1907 and had lived in or near here since that time.
He was a kind husband, father, friend and neighbor and will be missed by both his loved ones and his friends.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday April 1, 1926 p. 8
William C. Wright Died Last Thursday Mch. 25
William C. [arter] Wright, over 87 years of age, died at his home here last Thursday, March 25, 1926. The funeral services were held at the home last Sunday afternoon, March 28th, at 2 o’clock and interment given in Fairview Cemetery.
Mr. Wright was born in Chattain [Chatham] County, North Carolina, November 25, 1838, moving with his parents to Martinsville, Indiana, where his father died. When 15 years of age he moved with his mother and sisters to Madison County, Iowa. On August 9, 1873 he was married to Miss Clara [Ann] Harty [Hasty] and to them seven children were born. As a young man but 19 years of age he was converted and united with the Baptist church.
When 22 years of age, on August 5th, 1861, he enlisted in Co. K, 4th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, serving until December 31, 1863, when he was mustered out, but again enlisted January 1, 1864 and was mustered out at the expiration of service in July 1865 in Louisville, Ky. He was a member of Sedgwick Post, G. A. R. here at Bedford.
The children left to mourn are M. [orris] E. [lwood] Wright, Gibbs, Idaho; Mrs. L.[orenzo] C. [entenial] McKee [Cynthia Cordelia], Macksburg, Iowa; V. [erlin] C. [lare] Wright, Bedford, Iowa; Mrs. C. S. Fleming [Lula], Fergus Falls, Minn.; Mrs. Alice Cornman, St. Joseph, Mo.; Mrs. Garnet Stocker, Kansas City, Mo.; J.[ulius] D.[on] Wright, Warrensburg, Mo.
Thursday April 1, 1926 p. 7
William Wright
William Carter Wright was born in Chattam [Chatham] County, North Carolina, on November 26, 1838, and died at his home in Bedford, March 25, 1926, aged 87 years. At an early age he moved with his parents to Martinsville, Indiana, where his father died. At the age of fifteen years, he migrated with his mother and sisters to Madison County, Iowa. He was married to Clara [Ann] Harty [Hasty] on August 9, 1873. Mr. Wright is survived by seven children: M. [orris] E.[lwood] Wright of Gibbs, Idaho; Mrs. L. [orenzo] C. [entenial] McKee [Cynthia Cordelia], Macksburg, Ia.; V. [erlin] C. [lare] Wright, Bedford; Mrs. C. S. Fleming [Lula], Fergus Falls, Minn.; Mrs. Alice Cornman of St. Joseph, Mo.; Mrs. Garnet Stocker, Kansas City, Mo.; J. [ulius] D. [on] Wright, Warrensburg, Mo. At the age of 22 years, Mr. Wright enlisted with Co. K, 4th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, at Bedford. He was mustered out in 1863, and re-enlisted in 1865, and at the expiration of service, was mustered out at Louisville, Ky. He was a member of Sedgwick Post of the G. A. R. and a member of the Baptist church.
[Hamilton, Mary Ann Hamilton Barnhart Davidson]
Bedford Free Press
Thursday February 27, 1908 p. 5
Mrs. Mary Ann Hamilton was born in Henry County, Ohio in the year 1847 and was of Swedish descent. From Ohio she moved to Illinois where at quite an early age she married a Mr. Hamilton, a brother to the husband who survives her. After four years Mr. Hamilton died and some years later she was again married to Mr. Barnhart who also died some years later. About seven years ago she was married to J. [ames] F. M. Davidson and soon after moved to Blockton. Mr. Davidson, after a year or more of afflictions, much of the time being confined to the house and his bed, died about a year ago and in November she was again married to J. H. Hamilton, lately of Illinois. She leaves her husband and a daughter, Mrs. Moyer of Mitchell, S. D., to mourn her loss. She was a member of the Methodist church and was a worthy Christian woman and liked by all; she was of a cheerful disposition. The sickness, which caused her death, began with la grippe and other complications set in. She suffered much. The funeral services were held Tuesday of last week at the Methodist church, but on account of the severe weather few women were present. Services were conducted by Rev. G. W. Woods and interment made in Rose Hill cemetery.
Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, February 27, 1908
The death of Mrs. J. H. Hamilton at her home in the east part of town Sunday, though not unexpected, came as a shock to the greater part of the community. Mrs. Hamilton was formerly Mrs. F. M. Davidson and she was but recently married to Mr. Hamilton. Around this marriage hinges somewhat of a romance, they having been sweethearts, it is said, before the war. But their union was not to be long. Funeral services were held at the M. E. church Tuesday at 10 o'clock but owing to the storm we were unable to get any of the particulars and perhaps we can give full obituary next week. Mrs. Hamilton was a Christian lady and beloved and respected by all. She was about sixty years old.
Blockton News (Blockton, Iowa), Thursday, February 23, 1933
Twenty-Five Years Ago
Deaths recorded were Harmon Green, 39, and Mrs. Mary Ann
Raburn-Hamilton-Barnhart-Davidson-Hamilton, 60.