submitted by: Julia Johnson -

[Cannon, Elijah]

Bedford Free Press

Tuesday    May 23, 1916    p. 4

Obituary – Elijah Cannon

Elijah Cannon died at Mound City, Mo., Thursday, May 18, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. [illiam] H. [enry] Agler [Almyra].  The remains were brought to Bedford Saturday and the funeral services were held at the First Christian church Sunday afternoon, conducted by the pastor, Rev. W. E. Robb.  Interment was made in the Bedford cemetery.

Elijah Cannon was born November 1, 1831, in Ohio.  When a boy he moved to Knox County, Ill., where in 1855 he was united in marriage to [Miss Tabitha Whitman Reynolds, to which union there] were born seven children, all of whom survive except Carrie D., who died in infancy.  The children are:  R.[obert] H. [enry] Cannon, N. [athaniel] H. Cannon, and Mrs. Ollie [Orland] Parmenter [Phebe Arletta], of Bedford; J. [ohn] R. Cannon of Des Moines; Mrs. W. [illiam] H.[enry] Agler [Almyra Frances], and Mrs. W. D. Carmichael [Vanila], of Mound City, Mo.  Mr. Cannon moved to Taylor County in 1870.  He united with the Christian church at Bedford the same year, and remained a member until 1905.  At the time of his death he was a member of the Christian church at Mound City.   Mrs. Cannon died May 7, 1884, and since that time he had made his home with his children.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Tuesday, May 23, 1916
J. R. Cannon of Des Moines attended the funeral of his father, Elijah Cannon, here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Agler of Mound City, Mo., attended the funeral of the latter's father, Elijah Cannon, here Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Carmichael and children of Mound City, Mo., who had been here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Carmichael's father, Elijah Cannon, went to Conway Monday for a visit with relatives.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Tuesday, May 30, 1916
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Carmichael and children and Mrs. W. H. Agler and daughter returned to their homes in Mound City, Mo., Thursday, having accompanied the remains of Elijah Cannon here last week.

[Parmenter, Phebe Arletta “Lettie” Cannon]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    Nov. 5, 1953

Mrs. Lettie Parmenter Died Here Monday

Mrs. Lettie Parmenter, 85, died in her home in Bedford, Nov. 1, after having been in ailing health for some time.

Funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Tuesday, conducted by the Rev. Benjamin R. Hollis. The Rebekah Service was also given. Burial was in the Bedford Cemetery.

Phebe Arlettie [Artletta] Cannon, eldest daughter of Elijah and Tabitha W.[hitman] (Reynolds) Cannon was born March 30, 1868 at Abington, Knox County, Ill and died at the age of 85 years, 7 months and 1 day.

In December 1868, she, with her parents, moved to Taylor County, Iowa. In Nov. 13, 1890 she was married to Orland Parmenter and they moved to a home in Bedford, where she resided until the time of her death. To them were born six children, one daughter and two sons died in infancy. The other children are Charlie, Grace and Elzie.

Mrs. Parmenter became a member of the Christian Church early in life. She was also a member of the Rebekah Lodge.

To mourn her death she leaves 3 children: C. [harles] B. Parmenter, Mrs. Grace [Myrtle] Sharp and E. [lzie] R. Parmenter all of Bedford, two sisters, Mrs. Myra Agler of St. Joseph, Mo., Mrs. W. D. Carmichael [Vanila] of Columbia, Mo, 8 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.

[Cannon, John R.]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    January 20, 1949    p. 4

John R. Cannon Dies In Chicago

John R. Cannon, a former resident of Bedford, died at his home in Chicago, Tuesday, January 18.  The funeral services and burial will be in Chicago Friday.

Mr. Cannon is survived by his wife and several grown children.  Also by three sisters and one brother:  Mrs. Lettie Parmenter and N. [athaniel] H. Cannon of Bedford, Mrs. W. [illiam] H. [enry] Agler [Almyra Frances] of St. Joseph, Mrs. W. D. Carmichael [Vanila] of Columbia, Missouri.  Another brother, R. [obert] H. [enry] Cannon of Bedford, died in 1937.

[Parmenter, Orland, Infant of]

Taylor County Democrat

Thursday    March 21, 1895

An infant son, aged about thirteen months, of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie [Orland] Parmenter [Phebe Arletta Cannon] died on Friday, March 15, 1895, from congestion of the brain.  The funeral services were conducted on Saturday from the residence by Elder Wm. Cobb.  Interment was made in Fairview.

[Canon, Leon “Bud”]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    April 4, 1946    [p. 1]

Parents Get Word Of Son’s Death

A telegram was received Friday by Mr. and Mrs. Leon [J.] Canon [Harriet Morton] of Maryville, stating their son, Lt. Leon (Bud) Canon, died Jan. 18, 1946, in an airplane accident near Nagoya, Japan.

Lt. Canon entered the service March 10, 1942, and received his commission as a second lieutenant Marine flier in June 1945, at Corpus Christi, Texas.  He had been overseas since June 1, 1945.

He is survived by his parents, five sisters, Mrs. Charles E. Pauls of Canon City, Colo.; Mrs. Ira Craft, Columbia, S. C.; Mrs. Oscar D. Cornett, Maryville; Carolyn Jane and Suelyn, and a brother, Jack, of the home.

Lt. Canon was born in Maryville December 30, 1923. He was a grandson of Mrs. Syrena Widner of Bedford.

[Canon, Veda Blanch Hull]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    May 6, 1948   [p. 1]

Mrs. Roy V. Canon Dies In Maryville

Mrs. Veda [Blanch] Canon, 44, wife of Dr. Roy V. Canon of Maryville, died at the St. Francis Hospital in Maryville, Wednesday afternoon last week.  She had been ill for several months.

The funeral services were held in Maryville Saturday afternoon with burial in the Miriam cemetery there.

Mrs. Canon was born October 23, 1903, near Tarkio, Mo., the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Hull of Burlington Junction.  She spent most of her life in the Maryville vicinity.  She graduated from the Maryville High School in 1922 and attended the State Teachers College.  She was married to Dr. Canon June 30, 1926, at Maryville.

Besides her husband and parents, she is survived by two daughters, Shirley, 16, and Marjorie, 11; and one sister, Mrs. Dale Babb, Maryville.

[Agler, William Henry]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    April 9, 1942    p. 5

Wm. Henry Agler, 75, Dies In Maryville

William Henry Agler, 75, of Burlington Junction, Missouri, died at 11:50 o’clock Saturday morning at the St. Francis hospital in Maryville where he had been a patient two weeks.

He was born March 2, 1867, at Bedford, and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James D. [aniel] Agler [Lydia Maxwell].  Mr. Agler was married December 24, 1891, to Miss Almyra [Frances] Cannon and had resided in Burlington Junction five years.  He had been in ill health about four years.  Mr. Agler had been a farmer all of his life.   He was a member of the Christian church of Burlington Junction.  Mr. and Mrs. Agler celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary December 24, 1941.

He is survived by his wife; one son, E. [verett] V. Agler of Maryville; one daughter, Mrs. Bernice Cox of St. Joseph; three sisters, Mrs. Annie Benson of St. Joseph, Mrs. Mary Wolcott of Sunnymead, Calif., and Mrs. Addie Gillette of Bedford; and by seven grandchildren.

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Christian church in Burlington Junction with the pastor, Rev. Roy Crocker, and Rev. Floyd Evans officiating.

[Agler, William Henry]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    April 9, 1942    p. 4

Attend Agler Funeral

Mrs. H. [enry] U. [lysses] Gillette [Addie Agler] attended the funeral services for her brother, William H.[enry] Agler at the Christian church in Burlington Junction, Missouri, Monday afternoon.  Mrs. Gillette was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Griffith, Miss Alleen Gillette, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gillette, and Mrs. Charles Tointon; also Mr. and Mrs. John Gillette of Hawleyville.

[Canon, Glen L.]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    August 5, 1948    p. 2

Glen Canon Dies

Friends received word of the death of Glen L. Canon from Council Bluffs.  The cause was a heart attack.  The Canons were residents of Clearfield a number of years ago, living where Mr. and Mrs. Bert Huffman now reside.

[Gillette, Henry Ulysses]


Thursday    December 31, 1931    [p. 1]

Brain Operation Proves Fatal To H. U. Gillette

Bedford Man Was An Employee of County

Services Sunday

Body Brought Here From The University Hospital, Iowa City


Henry U. [lysses] Gillette, son of George M. and Mercy Ann [Quinby] Gillette, was born at Bedford, Ia., May 5th, 1870, and passed from this life at the University Hospital in Iowa City, Iowa, Dec. 23, 1931, being 61 years, 7 months and 18 days of age.  His early childhood was spent around Bedford, where he received his education.  On April 10, 1895, he was united in marriage to Addie Agler, and lived near Hawleyville three years, when the family moved to New Market, where they lived 22 years.  In 1920 they moved to Bedford where he spent the remainder of his life.  To this union six children were born:  John of Clarinda; George of Sharpsburg; Glenn, and Gladys Griffith of Bedford; Vern and Alleen at home.  He is also survived by his wife and one sister, Mrs. Jessie Glassman of Gravity.  His brother preceded him in death in 1919.  There are also ten grandchildren to mourn his demise.  He was converted and joined the M. E. Church at New Market, where he retained his membership until his death.  He has been a member of the I. O. O. F. for 41 years.

The funeral services were held at the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. M. R. Talley.  Interment was made in Fairview cemetery.  The local Odd Fellow lodge gave their services at the grave.  A number of New Market Odd Fellows were in attendance.

[Gillette, Vern Lloyd]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    April 10, 1947    [p. 1]

Vern Gillette Killed In Wreck

Killed Friday Morning Near Sterling, Illinois

Vern Gillette, son of Mrs. H. [enry] U. [lysses] Gillette [Addie Agler] of Bedford, was instantly killed by head injuries suffered in an accident while riding in the cab of a truck driven by an Omaha man, early Friday morning near Sterling, Illinois.  The accident involved several trucks and cars following a tie-up on the paving.

The body was brought to Bedford and the funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Shum Funeral Home, conducted by Rev. C. W. Proctor of Sharpsburg.  Burial was in the Fairview cemetery.

Vern Lloyd, son of Henry U. [lysses] and Addie [Agler] Gillette, was born November 2, 1909, at New Market, Iowa, being aged 37 years, 5 months and 2 days at the time of his death.

He attended school at New Market until the family moved to Bedford in 1920.  He completed high school at Bedford and was graduated with the class of 1927.  He attended Junior College in Clarinda following which he was employed in Taylor County for a number of years.  He was a member of the Iowa National Guard from 1928 to 1931.

For the past number of years he had been employed as a transport and local truck operator.  During the war years he transported government supplies from coast to coast.

His father preceded him in death on December 31, 1931.  He leaves surviving his mother, Mrs. H. [enry] U. [lysses] Gillette of Bedford; three brothers, John of Villisca, George of Sharpsburg, and Glen of Bedford; two sisters, Mrs. Elvin Griffith [Gladys] and Miss Alleen Gillette of Bedford.

[Gillette, John Edward]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    March 14, 1957    [p. 1]

John Gillette Died In Clarinda

John [Edward] Gillette, 60, veteran attendant at the Mental Health Institute in Clarinda, died at 1:45 a. m. Monday at Municipal Hospital in Clarinda.

Mr. Gillette had been hospitalized 11 days.  He would have observed his 21st anniversary in the work at the mental hospital in April.

Surviving are his wife, the former Hallene Owen of Clarinda; a son, Bernard of Clarinda; two brothers, George Gillette of Glenwood and Glenn Gillette of Bedford; two sisters, Mrs. Gladys Griffith and Mrs. Alleen Longfellow, both of Bedford.

Funeral services were held at the Walker Funeral Home in Clarinda Wednesday afternoon with Rev. Lester Greenwood officiating clergyman.  Interment in Clarinda cemetery.

[Gillette, John Edward]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    April 4, 1957    p. 8

Obituary – John Gillette

John Edward Gillette, eldest son of Henry U. [lysses] and Addie Agler Gillette, was born April 26, 1896, near Clarinda and passed away at Municipal Hospital at Clarinda on March 11, 1957, at the age of 60 years, 10 months, 13 days.

He was graduated from New Market High School and attended the State University of Iowa.  He returned to his home community and lived his entire life in Page and Taylor counties.

October 9, 1916, he was married to Hallene Owen.  To them was born one son, Bernard Gillette, who with his family lives at Clarinda.

He leaves to mourn his passing his wife, Hallene; his son, Bernard, wife and four children; two brothers, George [Mars] of Glenwood and Glenn of Bedford; two sisters, Mrs. Elvin Griffith [Gladys] of Gravity, Mrs. Frank Longfellow [Alleen] of Bedford.

His parents and one brother, Vern, preceded him in death.

Funeral services were held at the Walker Funeral Home March 13, with Rev. Lester Greenwood officiating.  Interment was in Clarinda cemetery.

[Gillett, George M.]

Southwest Democrat

Friday    July 13, 1888

Gone To His Rest

Geo. [M.] Gillett, whose death occurred on last Saturday, was born in western New York, June 24, 1835.  At the age of two years, he with his father’s family was taken to central Ohio, where he remained until 1846, when with his father’s family he came to Fairfield, Iowa.  Shortly after this his mother died and his father separated from his children.  Being left alone in the world at the tender age of eleven, he supported himself as best he could, living among strangers and in different places.  In May 1859, he came to Taylor County, where he remained until the breaking out of the war, when he enlisted first in the 25th Missouri cavalry; afterward in the 29th Iowa and served until the close of the war, receiving an honorable discharge.

At the close of the war he returned to Taylor County.  On November 13, 1867, he was married to Mercy Ann Quinby, who died August 13, 1873.  On June 15, 1876, he was married to Mrs. Polly Davis, who, with children, survive him.  He was buried by his comrades on last Sunday, Rev. Sarchet conducting the services. 

Mr. Gillett was a man of good morals, an obliging neighbor and a kind husband and father.  In his youth he was a man of great physical strength and endurance, but like thousands of his comrades he returned from the service a physical wreck and has been a constant sufferer since that time.  But he has gone to his rest.

[Dougherty, Sarah Jane Smith]

Taylor County Republican

Thursday    May 8, 1884

----Mrs. Daughtery [Sarah Jane Smith Dougherty], wife of Jonathan [S.] Daugherty [Dougherty], living two miles west of Bedford, died last evening about nine o’clock of ulcer of the stomach.  The deceased was about thirty-four years of age, and leaves four children---three boys and one girl, the eldest being about thirteen years.  The funeral will take place from the residence at 10 o’clock a. m. on tomorrow (Friday) and the remains will be interred at the Titus [Graceland] graveyard.

[Hess, Mary Elizabeth Johnson]

Taylor County Herald

Thursday    January 12, 1933

Mrs. Mary E. Hess Dies In Idaho

Following is an account of the death of Mrs. Mary E. [Elizabeth] Hess, mother of Francis E.[ugene] Hess, of this city, taken from the Gooding, Idaho Leader:

Mrs. Mary E. [lizabeth] Hess, mother of Chas. B. Hess passed away at her home here Saturday afternoon, following a brief illness with pneumonia.  The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Episcopal Church with Rev. W. R. R. Simmons in charge.  Interment was in Elmwood cemetery.  Floral tributes were beautiful and profuse, showing the high esteem in which she was held.  The choir was composed of Mrs. Eva Mitchell, Mrs. Erle Whipkee, Frank Tarpning, Branch Britton, and the congregation sang “Lead Kindly Light” and “Come Ye Disconsolate.”   Pallbearers were E. B. Bolte, Herbert Meyer, Dr. E. S. Robinson, R. S. Robison, J. S. Crow and R. S. Osborne.

Mrs. Marie E. [lizabeth Johnson] Hess was born in Erie, Pennsylvania, July 22, 1849.  She was married to Chas. C. Hess, a German merchant of New York, at Bedford, Iowa.  She was of colonial descent.  Her grandfather was Captain William Johnson who fought in the War of 1812.  She also had several uncles in the northern army in the Civil War.

She came to Gooding in April 1909, and had since made her home here with her son.  She was a woman of estimable character, and her benevolent spirit was shown in her attitude toward the unfortunate and needy in the country around.  Her three children, Charles B., Miss Lotta [Charlotte], of Gooding, and Francis, of Bedford, Iowa, were with her at her demise.

[Hess, Arthur]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday   September 20, 1951    [p. 1]

Arthur Hess Dies At Bedford Home

Arthur Hess, Bedford service station operator, died at his home here Sunday.  He was 72.  Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Shum Funeral home, with Rev. W. E. Schiel in charge.  Burial was made at Lexington cemetery.

The son of Charles C. Hess and Mary Elizabeth Johnson Hess, he was born Dec. 12, 1879, on a farm north of Bedford.

He received his education in the local schools, after which he engaged in farming with his father and later for himself.  He lived all his life in Taylor County.

Dec. 31, 1905, he was united in marriage with Meryl Clark of Conway, and to this union two children were born, Howard Hess, and a child who died in infancy.

He was predeceased by his parents and one child.  He is survived by his widow, a brother, Charles, who lives in Idaho, four sisters, Charlotte, who lives in Idaho, Florence and Hope, who live in California, and Ethel, who lives in Nebraska, a brother Francis, and his son, Howard, of Bedford.

Mr. Hess united with the Presbyterian Church but because of failing health was unable to attend during his last years.  His health caused his retirement from farming about five years ago when he moved to town and engaged in the operation of a service station.

[Hess, Edna Edmundson]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    July 2, 1981    p. 5

Last Rites Were Held June 25 for Edna E. Hess

Funeral services for Mrs. Francis (Edna Edmundson) Hess, 94, of Bedford, were held June 25 in Shum-Novinger Funeral Home in Bedford with Rev. Jim Dale and Rev. Carl Cummings officiating.  Mrs. Hess died June 23, 1981 in Bedford Manor.  Interment was at Fairview Cemetery, Bedford.

Edna Edmundson Hess, daughter of Harvey Gamble and Alice Caroline Straight Edmundson, was born at New Market, Iowa, May 6th, 1887.

At the age of five she moved with her parents to Bedford where she had made her home since that time.  She graduated from Bedford High School in 1905.  In 1916 she married Francis E. [ugene] Hess.  Over the years she worked at various places, including McCloud Millinery Shop, the Webb Coal Co., Gooding Jewelry Store, Thompson Mercantile Store, Gamble Store and for 18 years at the National Bank.  For another 18 years she kept books for Ralph Thompson, Wyatt Blakemore and for three different service stations.

She was for 60 years a member of the United Methodist Church.  She was also a member of the Rebekah Lodge and a charter member of the Business and Professional Women’s Society.  She loved to read, with a particular interest in history and genealogy, sharing her knowledge and memory during the Bicentennial in 1976.  Other of her interests included flowers, coin collecting and antiques.

She had resided in Bedford Manor since June of 1975 following a fall and a broken hip.

She was preceded in death by her husband Francis in 1972, her parents, two older sisters, one infant sister and one infant brother.

She is survived by one sister Georgia Jones of Bedford, several nieces and nephews and many friends.

[Hess, James J.]


Thursday    April 30, 1931    p. 8

James J. Hess

James J. Hess, son of Jasper [Newton] and Mary [Ann Jenkins] Hess, was born March 23, 1862, in the state of Ohio.  In 1866 the father with his family moved to New Sharon, Iowa, where they made their home for some time.  In February 1885, James was united in holy wedlock to Miss Nellie Gosnell of New Sharon, to which union there were born two children, Mary and Otto.  In the year of 1896, James J. and his family moved to Creston and made their residence there until 1918, when they moved to the community of Conway.  In his professional life he was engaged mostly as a man of the soil and spent his time growing the products of agriculture.  Mr. Hess passed quietly away to his eternal home Saturday evening, April 18, 1931, after five days of acute illness.  He had been in apparent good health until Tuesday morning when his heart began to fail and weaken.  He was preceded in death by one daughter who died in infancy, and his wife, Nellie, who passed away in 1926.  He leaves to mourn, four brothers, C.[alvin] B. Hess, of Denver, Colo., D. [arius] N. [ewton] Hess of New Sharon, and O.[liver]  P. and F. [rancis] M. Hess of Afton; two children, Mrs. Mary Philpot and Otto, both of Conway; and one grandchild, Mason Philpot; besides a host of relatives and friends.

Services were held Monday morning, April 20, in the Methodist church at Conway, conducted by Rev. R. W. Held.  Interment was made in the New Sharon cemetery.

[Hess, Otto]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    September 19, 1946    [p. 1]

Otto Hess Dies At Conway Tuesday

Otto Hess died at his home in Conway about 5:30 o’clock Tuesday afternoon, following a week’s illness.  His death came unexpectedly while he was up and about the house.

He is survived by his wife, the former Miss Orda Burge of Conway, and by a sister, Mrs. Clint Powell [Mary Hess Philpot].

The funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Conway Thursday afternoon, conducted by the Rev. Mr. Weber.  Burial was in the Conway cemetery.

[Hess, Otto]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    September 26, 1946    p. 7

Obituary – Otto Hess

Otto, son of James and Nellie [Gosnell] Hess, was born at New Sharon, Iowa, Feb. 28, 1892, and died Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1946 at his home in Conway, aged 54 years, 6 months and 19 days.

With his parents, he moved to Creston when a small child and resided there until 1917 when he moved to Conway.

He was married to Miss Orda Burge of Conway, June 8, 1927.

He was a veteran of World War I and World War II, and was a member of the American Legion.

He is survived by his wife; one sister, Mrs. C. [linton] H. Powell [Mary Hess Philpott] of Conway; one nephew, Mason Philpott, of Council Bluffs; two great nephews, Tommy Roy Philpott and Jimmy Dee Philpott of Council Bluffs.

The funeral services were held at the Methodist church Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. J. Weber.  Burial was in the Conway cemetery.

[Hess, Otto]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    September 26, 1946    p. 7

Attend Hess Funeral

Out-of-town people who attended the funeral services for Otto Hess included Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Overholser, Doliver Overholser of Diagonal; Mr. and Mrs. Newt Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Busby of New Sharon, Iowa; Ollie and Marshall Hess of Afton; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gossard, Mr. and Mrs. Abe McFee, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McFee, Bruce McFee of Creston; Miss Mary Burge, Fort Dodge; Wm. S. Burge, Excelsior Springs, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Mason Philpott and sons of Council Bluffs.

[Hess, Orda Ellen Burge]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    July 23, 1970    p. 6

Mrs. Otto Hess Rites July 19

Funeral services for Mrs. Otto (Orda) Hess, 79, lifetime resident of Conway, were held July 19 at the United Methodist Church in Conway.  Mrs. Hess died at the Lenox Nursing Home July 17, 1970.  Interment was at Conway Cemetery, Conway, Iowa.

Orda Ellen Hess, daughter of Henry and Mary Jane [McCullough] Burge, was born April 3, 1891.

She was united in marriage to Otto Hess, who passed away Sept. 17, 1946.

Mrs. Hess is survived by nieces; nephews; as well as many friends.

Orda was faithful in all her trials and obligations and will be missed by those who loved her.

[Hess, Horace Clark]


Thursday    April 6, 1916    p. 4

Horace C. Hess

Horace Clark Hess, the 17 days old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hess [Meryl Clark], died at the home Friday evening.  Short funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the Lexington cemetery, where interment was made.

[Hess, Bert]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    December 26, 1940    [p. 1]

Bert Hess Succumbs

Bert Hess, a former resident of Bedford, died at his home in Clarinda Monday morning, Dec. 23, following a long illness.  He had been in a serious condition the past two weeks.  Mr. Hess was an insurance agent and real estate dealer and was also in the café business at Clarinda several years ago.