Obituaries |
submitted by: Julia Johnson - |
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday November 12, 1981 p. 4
Graveside Service Here For Lloyd Bradley, 87
Graveside services for Lloyd Enoch Bradley, 87, of St. Joseph, Mo., were held October 26, 1981 at Washington Cemetery, Gravity, Iowa, following funeral services at Heaton Bowman, Smith and Sidefaden Chapel in St. Joseph at 11 a. m. Mr. Bradley died in a St. Joseph hospital October 24.
Son of Bradford Jay Bradley and Mary Alice Beauchamp Bradley, Lloyd Enoch Bradley was born July 31, 1894 at Bedford, Iowa. He was reared on a farm northwest of Bedford and attended the rural schools and Bedford High School.
On September 3, 1919 he was married to Leah Fae Monahan. To this union two children were born: Mrs. Norma Kemery, Villisca, Ia., and Robert Duane Bradley, St. Joseph, Mo. They made their home at Bedford and Gravity until moving to St. Joseph, Mo., in January 1946.
He worked 12 years for Tootle Dry Good Co. and retired in 1963.
He was a member of Woodson Chapel Christian Church.
He is survived by his wife, Leah; daughter Norma; son Duane; sisters; Gertrude Nethers, Pearl Thornton both of Bedford, and Bethel Davidson of Grant, Ia.; six grandchildren; four great grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday September 6, 1945 p. 3
Harvey Bradley Dies
Succumbs At Home of Daughter West of Hopkins
Funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon at the Christian church for Harvey E. [ugene] Bradley who died suddenly Friday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Donald Gray, west of Hopkins. Rev. P. H. Peterson was in charge of the service. Burial was at the Shearer cemetery.
Mr. Bradley was born at Fountain Prairie, Wisconsin, and came to this vicinity in early childhood. He went to San Francisco, Calif., about twenty-five years ago, returning about a year ago. He was 80 years, 11 months old.
He is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Joe Goley [Golay] of College Springs, Mrs. Gray of Hopkins, Mrs. Ruth Williams of Maryville, Mrs. Opal Bissett of Portland, Oregon; three sons, Howard Bradley of California, Ralph Bradley and Archie Bradley of Chicago; one half-brother, Elmer Beauchamp of Bedford.
Maryville Daily Forum
Saturday evening September 1, 1945 [p. 1]
Harvey Bradley Rites Will Be Held Tomorrow
Funeral services will be conducted at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the Christian church of Hopkins for Harvey E. [ugene] Bradley, 80 years old, who died suddenly about 7 o’clock Friday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Donald Gray of Hopkins, following a heart attack. Burial will be in the Shearer cemetery, near Braddyville, Ia.
He was born September 29, 1864, at Fountain Prairie, Wis., and had spent most of his life in the Hopkins community until twenty-five years ago, when he went to San Francisco, Calif. He had returned to Hopkins a year ago.
Surviving are three other daughters, Mrs. Joe Golay, College Springs; Mrs. Ruth Williams, Maryville, and Mrs. Opal Bissett, Portland, Ore.; three sons, Ralph Bradley, Hopkins, and Howard and Archie Bradley; and a half-brother, Elmer Beauchamp, Bedford, Ia.
[Bradley, Mary Alice Beauchamp]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday October 17, 1957
Alice Bradley, 93, Died Sat., October 12
Mary Alice Beauchamp, daughter of Enoch and Mary [Remington] Beauchamp, was born June 11, 1864 on a farm southwest of Bedford, Iowa and died Oct. 12, 1957 at the age of 93 years, four months and one day.
On July 26, 1888 she was married to Bradford J. [ay] Bradley at Dodge City, Kansas. To this union six children were born: Georgia, who passed away in 1919; Mrs. Willis Nethers [Gertrude] of Bedford; Mrs. Pearl Thornton of Bedford; Mrs. Bethel Davidson of Bedford; Lloyd [Enoch] Bradley of St. Joseph, Mo.; and Arthur who passed away at the age of five years. Of her immediate family of six only one brother, John C. Beauchamp, age ninety-six years, of Glendale, California, is living. Also remaining to mourn her loss are 14 grandchildren, sixteen great grandchildren, and one great great granddaughter, along with a large number of nieces, nephews and friends.
Before her marriage, Mrs. Bradley served for a few years as a schoolteacher. While still a young girl she united with the Hazel Dell Baptist church. After her marriage she lived with her husband on a claim near Bucklin, Kansas, returning to Iowa after a period of ten years. They also lived on a farm near Hopkins, Missouri for a few years and then moved to a farm northwest of Bedford in the Gilead Methodist church community, where they resided for twenty-five years. They joined the Gilead Methodist church and Mrs. Bradley taught the Primary Class in the Sunday school for several years. They moved to Bedford in 1919, where Mr. Bradley passed away, May 1923. Mrs. Bradley has since lived in the same home. She transferred her membership to the Bedford Methodist church, which she attended when her health permitted. She read her Bible daily and enjoyed sermons on the radio.
During her last illness she enjoyed and deeply appreciated the many calls, and the many cards and flowers sent to her. She was the last of a large number of the Gilead community to be called in death.
Funeral services were held Monday, October 14, at the Wetmore Funeral Home, with Rev. Anthony Blankers, pastor of the Bedford Methodist church in charge. Burial was in the Graceland cemetery.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday June 9, 1960 p. 4
C. E. Cummings Died Thursday At Home
C. [lyde] E. Cummings, a long-time resident of Bedford, died at his home Thursday afternoon, June 2, after a long illness.
Funeral services were held at the Shum-Novinger Funeral Home on Madison Street Saturday afternoon. Rev. Colvin Caughey officiated. Burial in Fairview cemetery.
Clyde E. Cummings, son of Alonzo and [Lydia] Ellen [Goodwin] Cummings, was born March 6, 1881 in Davis County, Iowa and died at the age of 79 years, two months, 26 days.
On January 4, 1903 he was married to Miss Florence E. [lla] Herbert and to them were born a son, Carl H. [erbert] Cummings of Bedford and a daughter, Blanche [Marie] Rankin of Omaha.
He leaves to cherish his love and memory his beloved wife, Mrs. Florence Cummings; his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cummings of Bedford; his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rankin of Omaha; five grandchildren, Carolyn [May], Elaine [Ann] and Jimmy [Carl] Cummings, Bill and Ben Rankin; one brother, Jess Cummings of Drakesville, Iowa, who is the last member of six children of his family.
Following his marriage, Mr. Cummings engaged in farming for a number of years, leaving the farm in 1910 to become an auctioneer, which profession he followed 50 years, eight years at Sheridan, Mo., and since 1919 in Bedford.
As a young man he united with the Baptist church in his home community and he had been a member of the Baptist church in Bedford for approximately 40 years.
He will be greatly missed by his loved ones and by his wide acquaintance of neighbors and friends.
[Cummings, Florence Ella Herbert]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday July 16, 1970 p. 2
Last Rites Held Here July 8 For Mrs. F. Cummings
Funeral services for Mrs. Clyde E. (Florence) Cummings, 88, long time Bedford resident, held July 8 at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home in Bedford, were conducted by Rev. Ollie Odle. Mrs. Cummings died July 6, 1970, at West Heights Manor in Clarinda, Iowa. Interment was at Fairview Cemetery, Bedford.
Florence Ella Herbert, daughter of Isaac and Matilda [Evaline] Townsend Herbert, was born October 12, 1881, in Hopkins, Mo.
When she was five years old she moved by covered wagon with her family to Rook County Kansas where they homesteaded. They moved from Kansas to Taylor County, Iowa in 1890 to a farm three miles south of Bedford, where she attended the Valley school and grew to adulthood.
On January 4, 1903 she was united in marriage to Clyde E. Cummings at the home of the bride’s parents, and to this union two children were born.
Following their marriage they lived in Davis County, Iowa and engaged in farming. In 1911 they moved to Sheridan, Mo., where they resided until 1919. They moved to a farm near Bedford and in the fall of 1920 they moved into Bedford where Mr. Cummings was engaged in the auction business until his death in 1960. Bedford continued to be her home until passing away.
She was preceded in death by her parents and one sister, Mary Whicker.
Left to cherish memories of her good life are her son, Carl Cummings and his wife, Helen [May O’Dell] of Bedford; her daughter, Blanche [Marie] Rankin, and her husband Dale of Omaha, Nebr.; five grandchildren; 7 great grandchildren; one brother, Roy Herbert, and his wife Elsie of Creston, Iowa; nieces, cousins, other relatives and many friends.
She was a faithful member of the First Baptist Church of Bedford for 49 years.
Mrs. Cummings was a kind and loving wife, mother and sister. She will be missed by all who knew and loved her.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday September 19, 1974 p. 6
Last Rites Held In Bedford For Dale D. Rankin
Funeral services for Dale D. [aniel] Rankin, 67, of Omaha, formerly of Bedford, were held September 10 at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home in Bedford, officiated by Carl Cummings, his brother-in-law. Mr. Rankin died September 7, 1974, in Bishop Bergan Mercy Hospital in Omaha, Nebr. Interment was at Fairview Cemetery, Bedford.
Dale D. [aniel] Rankin, son of Frank O. [liver] and Grace Swearingen [Young] Rankin, was born May 15, 1907, at Truro, Iowa, in Madison County.
He moved with his parents to Gravity, Iowa, in his early teens and a few years later they moved to Bedford, where he graduated from the Bedford High School.
On March 22, 1936, he was united in marriage to Blanche [Marie] Cummings and two sons were born to bless their home.
Dale was associated with the Rankin Shoe Store in Bedford for several years and in 1942 moved to Omaha, Nebraska, where he was employed as a shoe salesman until his retirement from the Nebraska Clothing Company in Omaha in August of 1972.
He was preceded in death by his father, Frank O. [liver] Rankin, and a brother, Claude [Orville] Rankin.
Left to cherish memories are his wife, Blanche of Omaha, Nebr.; two sons, Dr. William C. Rankin and his wife, Joan, of Orlando, Florida, and Ben K. Rankin and his wife, Beverly, of Omaha, Nebr.; four grandchildren, William James Rankin, David Andrew Rankin, Katherine Elizabeth Rankin and J. Alan Rankin; his mother of Bedford; a sister, Phyllis [Alverda] McMillin and her husband, Elza, of Bedford; half brother, Garry [Benona] Rankin of Truro, Iowa, and a half sister, Geraldine [Elizabeth] Nicoson of Rolfe, Ia.; nieces, nephews; other relatives and many friends.
Early in his youth he became a member of the Bedford Presbyterian Church.
He will be sadly missed by all who knew and loved him.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday October 14, 1954 [p. 1]
Frank O. Rankin Rites Friday P. M.
Frank O. [liver] Rankin, 75, former shoe dealer in Bedford and a resident of this community for many years, died at St. Francis Hospital, Maryville, October 12. He had been in ill health for several months.
Funeral services will be held at the Wetmore Funeral Home at 2 p. m. Friday, October 15, conducted by Rev. Robert M. Peters of the Bedford Methodist church.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday October 21, 1954 [p. 1]
Rites For F. O. Rankin Held Here Friday PM
Last rites for F. O. Rankin, former Bedford businessman, were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home at 2 p. m., Friday, October 15, conducted by Rev. Robert M. Peters. Burial in Fairview cemetery.
Frank Oliver Rankin, son of Benona [Robert] and Verdie [Alverda Florence Likens] Rankin, was born July 28, 1879, near Brunswick, Mo., and died Oct. 12, 1964 at the age of 75 years, two months, 14 days.
The earlier part of his life was spent in Madison County, Iowa, and for the past 30 years he had been a resident of Taylor County. When just a young man he started in the general mercantile business with his father and continued as a shoe dealer until his death.
In 1899 he was married to Ida [Elizabeth] Heacock. To them two children were born: Garry B. [enona] Rankin of Truro, Iowa, and (Geraldine E. [lizabeth]) Mrs. Sam Nicoson of Rolfe, Iowa. After six years of married life his companion passed away.
He was married Sept. 26, 1906 to Grace N. [Swearingen] Young and to them three children were born: Dale D. [aniel] Rankin of Omaha, Claude O. [rville] Rankin and Phyllis [Alverda], Mrs. Elza McMillin of Bedford.
He was preceded in death by his parents and one brother. Surviving with his wife, two daughters and three sons are three daughters-in-law and two sons-in-law; twelve grandchildren, two great grandchildren.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday October 21, 1954 [p. 1]
J. H. Chilcote, 86, Buried At Lexington
Funeral services for John Henry Chilcote of St. Joseph, Mo., were held Sunday afternoon, Oct. 17, at the Wetmore Funeral Home in Bedford and burial was in Lexington cemetery.
John Henry Chilcote was born Jan. 20, 1863 in Taylor County and died Friday Oct. 15, 1954 at the United States Veterans Hospital at Wadsworth, Kans., at the age of 86 years, eight months, 25 days.
Mr. Chilcote was one of nine children of Israel and Susan Cole [man] Chilcote, all of whom preceded him in death: Emory Chilcote, his twin brother; David [Elmer] and Charles [William] Chilcote, Mrs. [Harriett] Eva Litteer, Mrs. [Hester] Sophia Mattice Hamblin, Mrs. Mary [Angeline] McCracken, Mrs. Alice [Alma Mary] Leppo and Martha, who died in infancy.
The Lexington cemetery, located northeast of Bedford four miles, chosen by Mr. Chilcote as his burial place, is only a short distance from his birthplace and his boyhood home; from the spot where he and his twin, Emory, found their father dead from a bolt of lightning when they were six years old; and from the school where he received all his formal education, an education he utilized to the fullest.
The life of John Henry Chilcote closely paralleled that of his twin brother. In 1898 they both enlisted in Co. I, Iowa Regiment of the [U. S.] Army, to serve their country and took part in the Philippine campaign. Returning to civilian life, they entered the auctioneering profession together, and this business relationship continued until 1941. Their respective deaths were the result of the same physical ailment.
In June of 1904 Mr. Chilcote married Miss Alma Thompson of Conway, Iowa, and they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary this year. To this union were born three sons, all of them taking up the newspaper profession. The eldest, Merrill, is managing editor of the News-Press at St. Joseph, the second, Kenneth, is financial editor of the Press-Telegram at Long Beach, Calif., and the youngest, Maurice William, is an executive of a publishing firm at Centerville, Calif., near Oakland.
The widow, who survives Mr. Chilcote, took tender and loving care of him through a long illness. Also surviving are ten grandsons, one granddaughter; many nieces and nephews, all of whom respectfully and affectionately called him “Uncle John.”
Mr. Chilcote was known for his wit and humor and his general cheerfulness. He delighted in making people happy. He never lost his interest in the events of the day, whether political, scientific or sports. Many were the gems of philosophy which came from his lips. Since 1941 he has resided at St. Joseph, Mo. For 30 years he lived in Bedford. Before that his home was in Conway. For nearly 60 years he had kept a daily diary and he leaves this priceless record of his years on earth for his family [to] enjoy in the years to come.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday October 14, 1954 [p. 1]
Mrs. Frank Marsh Dies In Bedford
Mrs. Frank Marsh [Zula Artie Dutton], 72, a long-time resident of the New Market community and in recent years of Bedford, was found dead at her home on South Central about 7 o’clock Tuesday evening, October 12. Her death was discovered by her son, Willard Marsh of New Market, when he came over that evening.
She is survived by a daughter and two sons, Mrs. Thelma [Irene] Hughes of Corvallis, Oreg., Willard Marsh of New Market, Donald Marsh of Douglas, Wyo. There are also several grandchildren. Mr. Marsh died several years ago.
Funeral services will be held at the Shum Funeral Home at 10 a. m., Friday, October 15, conducted by Rev. Robert M. Peters. Burial will be at Guss.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday October 21, 1954 [p. 1]
Mrs. Frank Marsh Buried At Guss
Last rites for Mrs. Frank Marsh of Bedford were held at the Shum Funeral Home at 10 a. m., Friday, October 15, conducted by Rev. Robert M. Peters of the Bedford Methodist church. Burial was in the Guss cemetery.
Zula [Artie] Dutton, daughter of George Henry and Mary Jane [Cole] Dutton, was born near Gravity, Iowa, July 22, 1881 and died at her home in Bedford, October 10, 1954, at the age of 73 years, 10 months, 18 days.
She was married to F. [rank] L. [eonard] Marsh at Gravity, August 22, 1903. To them three children were born, all of whom survive. Mr. Marsh died six years ago on Oct. 10, 1948.
The three children are: Mrs. Thelma [Irene] Hughes of Corvallis, Oregon, Willard Marsh of New Market, [Frank] Donald Marsh of Douglas, Wyoming. She also leaves one brother, V. [irt] B. [onnie] Dutton of Shawnee, Okla., one sister, Mrs. Hettie Henry of Clarinda; 17 grandchildren, four great grandchildren.
Mrs. Marsh was a member of Dewey Post auxiliary of Spanish American War veterans and of the Guss Methodist church.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday October 14, 1948 [p. 1]
Frank Marsh Is Found Dead Tuesday
Frank [Leonard] Marsh, 72, was found dead at his home Tuesday morning by his son, Willard Marsh. Mr. Marsh had not been seen since Saturday, and since his wife was a patient in an Omaha hospital, his son became alarmed about him and asked help from the city marshal to enter the house. He had been dead several days, his body being found on the bathroom floor.
Mr. Marsh was a Spanish-American war veteran.
The funeral services will be held at the Guss church at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon, October 15, conducted by Rev. Clement Rowe. Burial will be in the Guss cemetery.
Mrs. Marsh was brought from the hospital and is at the home of her son near Gravity.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday October 21, 1948
Obituary – Frank L. Marsh
Frank Leonard Marsh, only son of James and Maggie Marsh [Margaret Irene Sarnes], was born in Dallas Township, November 20, 1876 and died at his home in Bedford, October 10, aged 71 years, 10 months and 20 days.
He served with Co. I, 51st Iowa regiment, during the Spanish-American War. He was a member of Sunlight Lodge No. 459, A. F. & A. M.
On August 26, 1903 he was married to Zula [Artie] Dutton. To them were born three children, Thelma [Irene] of Corvallis, Oregon, Willard of New Market and [Frank] Donald of Douglas, Wyoming.
With the exception of the time he spent in the army, his entire life was spent in Dallas Township, until three years ago when he moved to Bedford.
Surviving are his wife, three children, sixteen grandchildren, and one great granddaughter.
The funeral services were held at the Guss church Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Clement Rowe. Burial was in the Guss cemetery. The Gravity Post of the American Legion assisted at the last rites.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday January 4, 1973 p. 4
Colo. Rites For Donald Marsh
Frank Donald Marsh, 65, of Glenwood Springs, Colo., formerly of Gravity, died December 15, 1972 in Glenwood Springs. Services were held in Glenwood Springs followed by services and interment at Douglas, Wyoming.
Frank Donald Marsh was born September 27, 1907, in Gravity, Iowa, son of Frank [Leonard] and Zula [Dutton] Marsh.
He graduated from Bedford, Iowa High School in 1926.
October 17, 1927, he was united in marriage to Gladys Geraldine Herbert in Chicago, Illinois where they lived two years. Six children were born to this union; Doris Knaus, Mary Shaffer and Walter Marsh of Denver, Colorado, Garland McNare of Douglas, Wyoming, Howard Marsh of Cortez, Colorado and George Marsh of Foster City, California.
They moved to a farm in Ringgold County, Iowa in 1929 and farmed there and in Taylor County until 1945, when they moved to Clarinda, Iowa for a short while before locating in Douglas, Wyoming, where he was employed by the U. S. Forest Service for ten years. While living there he was an active member of the Baptist church.
From there they moved to Glenwood Springs, Colorado and spent the rest of his life there and in Denver, Colorado.
He was a lifetime member of the Odd Fellow Lodge No. 68.
He was an active member of the L. D. S. church. While residing in Denver, he was assistant recorder of Ward #6, and also did the same work for the Glenwood Springs Ward of the Craig Stake.
He was preceded in death by his parents, an infant granddaughter, Joyce Campbell, and a grandson, Robert Shaffer.
Surviving is his wife, Gladys Marsh; all his children; 16 grandchildren; his brother, Willard Marsh, of New Market, Iowa; his sister, Thelma Hughes of Philomath, Oregon; numerous nieces, nephews and cousins.
Willard Marsh of New Market and Mrs. Chuck Braby of Mount Ayr attended the services in Glenwood Springs.
[Marsh, Margaret Irene Sarmes]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday August 2, 1934 p. 5
Mrs. Marsh Dies
Was Resident of Guss Community For Many Years
Mrs. James Marsh, 83, died at the home of her son Frank Marsh Sunday. She had been a resident south of Guss for many years. The funeral services were held at the Guss church Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. E. Emry of Nodaway. Burial was made in the Guss cemetery.
Mrs. Marsh, whose maiden name was Margaret Irene Sarmes, was born in Pennsylvania Nov. 25, 1850. When she was six years old she moved with her parents to Canton, Ill., and later to a farm near Nebraska City, Nebr., where she grew to womanhood.
April 15, 1872, she was married to James Marsh and they located on a farm seven miles northwest of Gravity. They were the parents of one son, Frank Leonard Marsh. Mr. Marsh died in 1918.
Surviving with the son are three grandchildren, seven great grandchildren, and two sisters, Mrs. Emma Clark of New Market and Mrs. Hattie Goodban of Ragan, Nebr.
She was a member of the Methodist church.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday October 24, 1946 [p. 1]
George Marsh Dies At Bedford Home
George [Wilbur] Marsh died at his home in west Bedford Wednesday forenoon.
The funeral services will be held at the Wetmore Funeral Home at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. T. J. Overholt. Burial will be in the Fairview cemetery.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday November 7, 1946 [p. 1]
Obituary – G. W. Marsh
George Wilbur Marsh, son of Elias and Levina Marsh, was born Sept. 20, 1877 in Lyon County, Kansas, and died Wednesday, Oct. 23, 1946 at his home in Bedford, at the age of 69 years, 1 month, 3 days, after an illness of many months.
He moved with his parents to Adams County, Iowa, at the age of fourteen. The last few years have been spent in Bedford.
He was married to Ellen Thomas of Mt. Etna, Iowa, April 29, 1899. To them were born two children: a daughter, Mrs. Kitty Mae Steadman of Brooks, and one son, Byron Marsh, who preceded him in death.
He is survived by his wife, Ellen; his daughter; a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bessie Marsh of Kansas City; six grandchildren, Mrs. Osil Mitchell, Byron Steadman, Mrs. Betty Avey, Bob, Jack and Jerry Marsh; one great grandson, Paul Douglas Mitchell; two brothers, John Marsh of Helena, Okla., and Arthur Marsh of Creston.
The funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Overholt. Burial was in the Fairview cemetery.