Obituaries |
submitted by: Julia Johnson - |
Thursday October 17, 1918 [p. 1]
Burrell Bashor Dies At Camp
Burrell [Byrl Campbell] Bashor, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. [enjamin] J. Bashor [Margaret Esadoy Cox] of Thayer, Ia., died a short time ago of pneumonia at Camp Pike, Arkansas. He was well known here, having lived for several years near Bedford. The funeral services were held at 11:00 o’clock Saturday, October 12, 1918 at the home near Thayer, and the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at Murray, Iowa.
Thursday December 23, 1915 [p. 1]
Mrs. James T. Hamilton
Mrs. James T. [heodore] Hamilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greeley [Rachel Jane Barnes] of Gravity, died at her home in South Haven, Kan., December 14, after only a brief illness. She had arrived at her home less than two weeks before from a visit in Bedford. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greeley and Miss Jennie Greeley attended the funeral, and Mrs. Greeley and daughter have remained to help care for the children. Mrs. Hamilton was 37 years of age.
Anna [Lucy] Greeley was born in Iowa County, Iowa, March 15, 1878, and was brought to Taylor County when the family came here in 1882. Here she grew to womanhood. In 1895 she was united in marriage to James T. [heodore] Hamilton, and they moved to Sumner County, Kans., where they have since lived. She has taken an active part in church work, and was a consistent Christian. For some years she had been superintendent of the Sabbath school. Mourning with the husband are five sons and one daughter, four sisters, three brothers and the parents.
Funeral services were conducted at the residence by Rev. Wade H. Weatherby, pastor of the Congregational church.
Monitor-Press (Wellington, Kansas), Wednesday, December 15, 1915
Death of Mrs. J. T. Hamilton.
Mrs. J. [ames] T. [heodore] Hamilton, wife of a well-known farmer, died quite suddenly at her home northeast of South Haven Tuesday night. Mrs. Hamilton had only recently returned from a visit to her old home in Iowa, when she was taken down with a severe attack of the grip complicated with symptoms of bronchitis. She seemed in a fair way of mastering the attack when she was overcome with heart failure and passed away a short time thereafter. Mrs. Hamilton's people were neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lovett, now visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Martin here, in Taylor county, Iowa, and had left there on her return only the day before they started. Arrangements for the funeral have not been announced.
Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Tuesday, December 21, 1915
Mrs. J. T. Hamilton Dead.
G. N. Hadley received a telegram Wednesday announcing the death of Mrs. J. [ames] T. [heodore] Hamilton at her home at South Haven, Kan., some time Tuesday night.
Mrs. Hamilton was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greely of Gravity and a sister of Mrs. G. N. Hadley of Bedford. She was the mother of six children, who with the husband survive her.
Mrs. Hamilton had been here on a visit and had returned home only a week before her death, which was caused by an attack of tonsilitis, complicated with heart trouble.
Mr. and Mrs. Greely and daughter Jennie took the afternoon train here Wednesday for South Haven.
Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Tuesday, December 21, 1915
Frank Greely, who was called to South Haven, Kan., on account of the death of his daughter, Mrs. J. F. Hamilton, returned Monday. Mrs. Greely and daughter Jennie, who accompanied him, will not return for a few days.
[Hanford, Ellen Taylor Comstock]
Thursday December 23, 1915 [p. 1]
Ellen Taylor Hanford
Mrs. Ellen Taylor Hanford was born in Wattsburg, Erie County, Pennsylvania, August 15, 1829, and was the daughter of Samuel and Amy Taylor. She was married to Philo Comstock at Erie, Pa., and moved to Chicago. Her husband died in the west shortly afterward. About forty years ago she was married to Fredrick Hanford in Chicago. He also was a native of Pennsylvania. After living in several different sections of the country, they came to Bedford about twenty years ago. He passed away April 9, 1899, and since that time Mrs. Hanford continued to make Bedford her home. In recent years she met with several accidents, which finally made her a permanent cripple. About three and one-half years ago she went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Moser where she was well cared for during her last years.
She was a member of the Congregational church at Janesville, Wis., and about four years ago became a member of the Presbyterian church of Bedford.
She passed away on December 21, 1915, aged 86 years, 4 months and 6 days. The funeral service was held this afternoon at two o’clock and was conducted by Rev. J. A. Currie, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, assisted by Rev. C. C. Hatcher, of the Baptist church. Interment was made in the Bedford cemetery.
Taylor County Herald
Thursday March 9, 1933 p. 3
Mary Ellen Rankin
Mary Ellen Bradley, daughter of D. [elaney] and Rebecca [Ann Means] Bradley, was born Feb. 13, 1849, in De Kalb County, Mo., and passed from this life March 7, 1933, age 84 years and 3 weeks.
She was united in marriage to Andrew J. [ackson] Rankin, Feb. 7, 1875. To this union, two daughters were born: Etta, who died at 8 years of age and Mrs. H.[erbert] G. [rey] Skinner [Grace], who was with her during her brief illness.
She united with the Church of Christ at the age of thirteen and continued to be a loyal and faithful Christian until death. She never missed a service of the church if it was possible for her to be present.
Mrs. R. I. Rickard, a daughter by a former marriage, preceded her in death.
Those left to mourn her loss are a daughter, Mrs. H. [erbert] G. [rey] Skinner [Grace] and an only granddaughter, Hazel P. Skinner, both of Bedford; a stepson, L. [ewis] L. [inn] Rankin, and four step grandchildren, Mrs. Lawrence Orr, Violet, Donald and Lawrence Rankin, all of Los Angeles, Calif., one brother, S. [id] R. Bradley of Bedford and a host of nieces, nephews, and friends.
Funeral services were conducted at the Church of Christ this afternoon at 2:00 o’clock p. m., with the Rev. J. C. Harris in charge. Burial was made in Fairview cemetery.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday August 19, 1909
Mrs. Rebecca Bradley died at 12:13 Tuesday afternoon, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. [ndrew] J. [ackson] Rankin [Mary Ellen], just west of Bedford, from general debility due to old age.
Rebecca Ann Means was born in Kentucky December 30, 1826 [1825]. In 1845 she was married to Mr. D. [elaney] Bradley, and to them seven children were born, all of whom are living and all present at the time of her death, except the oldest, G. [ranville] M. [onroe] Bradley, who did not arrive until about an hour afterwards.
In early life she united with the Christian church and in this faith she has lived a consistent Christian life. She came with her husband to Iowa in 1869, settling near Siam and this home place was theirs until she broke up housekeeping upon the death of her husband six years ago.
She was one of those brave hearted women that characterized the pioneer of Iowa. She was a loving mother and wife, and was known throughout the neighborhood for her many Christian acts of charity. No stranger ever left her home without words of cheerfulness and the needy never left without food and raiment. In the passing of this life, the world and community lose a noble example of American womanhood.
Her children who are left to mourn the death of “mother” are, G. [ranville] M.[onroe] Bradley, Mrs. Mary E. [llen] Rankin, L. [ouis] C. [lark] Bradley, of Bedford, Mrs. Johanna Stickelman, of Braddyville, Sid [ney] Bradley and Ad[dison] M. [onroe] Bradley, of Siam, and Lon C. [Alonzo Smith] Bradley of Gravity.
The funeral will be held at Siam this forenoon at 11 o’clock, conducted by Rev. Dunlavy, of Gravity, and interment will be in the Siam cemetery. The sympathy of all is extended to all the bereaved ones.
Thursday August 19, 1909
Follows Her Husband
Death of Mrs. Rebecca Bradley at Ripe Age of 83 Years
Mrs. Rebecca A. Bradley died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary [Ellen] Rankin in Benton Township, at 12:13 p. m., Tuesday, August 17, aged 83 years, 7 months and 17 days.
Funeral services will be held at the Siam church at 11 o’clock today, conducted by Rev. W. L. Dunlavy of Gravity. Interment in Siam cemetery.
Rebecca A. [nn] Means was born in Kentucky, December 30, 1825, and it was there that she grew to womanhood and in January 1845 was married Dee [Delaney] I. Bradley.
The newly married couple remained in Kentucky a short time and then moved to Platte County, Missouri. They lived there only a couple of years when they removed to Warren County, Illinois. That was their home until 1869 when they came to Taylor County and settled in the vicinity of Siam, which was their home until their death.
Six years ago on November 21, 1903, after 58 years of happy life together, the husband and father was called hence. Since that time Mrs. Bradley has been practically an invalid.
To Mr. and Mrs. Bradley seven children were born—five sons and two daughters---all of whom are still living. The homes of all are in this vicinity and all were present at the funeral. By the request of their mother the five sons and one son-in-law will act as pallbearers.
The names of the children are: G. [ranville] M. [onroe] Bradley, Mary E. [llen] Rankin, L. [ouis] C. [lark] Bradley, Joan Stickleman, Sid, Add [ison] and Lon [Alonzo Smith] Bradley.
Since early life Mrs. Bradley has been a member of the Christian church, having been converted under an associate of the Rev. Mr. Campbell.
[Bradley, Monroe Addison “Roe”]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday October 15, 1970 p. 4
Roe Bradley, 78, Rites Held Here Wednesday
Funeral services for Monroe Addison Bradley, 78, of San Diego, Calif., were held at the Bedford Christian Church Wed., Oct. 14, with Rev. Ray McCain officiating. Mr. Bradley died in San Diego October 9. Interment was at the Siam Cemetery.
Included in his survivors are his wife, Lonesa; two daughters, Doris Monschiki, Yuma, Ariz., and Irene Alcorn, San Diego, Calif.; a son, Horace (Bud) Bradley, Cedar Street, Utah; two sisters, Mrs. Vera Putnam, Bedford and Mrs. Lela Catuska, Clarinda.
[Bradley, Monroe Addison “Roe”]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday October 22, 1970 p. 4
Roe Bradley, 78 Rites Oct. 14
Funeral services for Monroe Addison Bradley, 78, of San Diego, Calif., formerly of Bedford, held at the Bedford Christian Church October 14 were conducted by Rev. Ray McCain. Mr. Bradley died in San Diego October 8, 1970. Interment was at the Siam Cemetery.
Monroe A. [ddison] Bradley was born July 12, 1892 in Mills County, Iowa. He spent most of his life in the Bedford area and moved to San Diego, Calif., in 1957 upon retirement.
He was married on November 27, 1913 to Lonesa [Kent] Stickelman of Siam, Iowa.
He was an elder of the Christian Church at Bedford.
He is survived by his wife Lonesa; two daughters, Mrs. Victor Monchinski of Carson, Calif., and Mrs. O. A. Alcorn of San Diego, Calif.; and a son, Horace (Bud) Bradley of Cedar City, Utah; two sisters, Mrs. Vera Putnam, Bedford and Mrs. Lela Catuska, Clarinda, Ia.
He was preceded in death by his youngest daughter, Vera.
Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, October 10, 1912
10, 1912
Addison Bradley Dead
Addison M. Bradley, known to his host of friends as "Ad," died at his home west of Siam, Tuesday evening at 8:45. For many years deceased lived in the vicinity of Bedford and his bluff good humor won him many friends who regret to learn of his death.
Addison M. [onroe] Bradley was born in Warren county, Ill., Oct. 13, 1857, and died Oct. 8, 1912. At an early age he came with his parents to Polk township, this county, and spent most of his life here. Nov. 17, 1881, he was married to Miss Emma Gibbons and to this union five children were born, three boys, Clyde, Monroe and Bernie and two girls, Mrs. George Putnam and Miss Lela, all of whom with his wife, survive him. He has four brothers and two sisters. They are G. M., of Bedford; L. C., southwest of town; S. R., west of town; A. S., of Gravity; Mrs. M. E. Rankin and Mrs. E. E. Stickelman, all of whom are living and were at his bedside when he died. Funeral services will be held at his late home at 1:30 this afternoon, conducted by Mart Gary Smith, pastor of the Christian church, of which he was for many years, a member. Interment will be in Siam cemetery.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday March 15, 1934 [p. 1]
Services Held For Mrs. A. M. Bradley
Funeral services for Mrs. A. [ddison] M. [onroe] Bradley, 79, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George I. [rwin] Putnam [Vera] Thursday, March 8, were held at the Church of Christ in Bedford Saturday afternoon, conducted by J. C. Harris. Burial was in the Siam cemetery.
Mrs. Bradley, whose name before her marriage was Emma A. [Sara] Gibbons, was born in Fulton County, Ill., June 30, 1863. She moved to Taylor County from Illinois when about nine years old, and resided here since.
She was married to Addison M. [onroe] Bradley Nov. 17, 1882. To them were born five children, all of whom survive. They are [Delaney] Clyde Bradley, Roe [Monroe Addison] Bradley, Mrs. George I. [rwin] Putnam [Vera], and Mrs. Clarence Catuska [Lela], all of Bedford, and Bernie Bradley of Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Bradley died in 1912.
Other surviving relatives are three sisters and two brothers, Andy Gibbons of Bedford, Mrs. Hortense Grosscup and Mrs. Minnie Saunders of Lorimor, Mrs. Zefron Roush of Saxton River, Vt., and Wallace Gibbons of Denver, Colo. There are also six grandchildren.
Mrs. Bradley had been a member of the Christian church for forty years.
[Bradley, Emma Sara Gibbons]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday March 8, 1934 [p. 1]
Mrs. A. M. Bradley Dies Here Today
A. [ddison] M. [onroe] Bradley [Emma Sara Gibbons], 70, died at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. George I. Putnam at 9:30 o'clock this morning. She had been in ill health for several
years. Funeral services are pending to hear from a son in California. The
funeral services will be held at the Church of Christ in Bedford and burial
will be made in the Siam cemetery.
[Note: The name on the gravestone
is S. Emma Bradley.]
[Bradley, Addison Monroe “Add”]
Thursday October 10, 1912
A. M. Bradley
A. [ddison] M. [onroe] Bradley died at his home one-half mile west of Siam about 9 o’clock Tuesday night. He had been failing physically for some time. Had he lived until Sunday he would have been 56 years of age. Funeral services will be held at 1 o’clock today at the Christian church of Siam, conducted by Rev. Mart Gary Smith of Bedford.
November 17, 1881, Mr. Bradley was united in marriage with Miss Emma Gibbons. They were the parents of five children, all still residents of this county: Clyde, Mrs. Vera Putnam, Monroe, Lela, and Bernice. There are also surviving four brothers and two sisters, all of whom were at the brother’s bedside to the last. They are G. [ranville] M. [onroe] Bradley, Mrs. Mary E. [llen] Rankin, L. [ouis] C. [lark] Bradley, Mrs. Joan Stickleman, S. [idney] R. Bradley, and A.[lonzo] S. [mith] Bradley.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday September 11, 1975 p. 4
Last Rites Held September 5 For Lela S. Catuska
Funeral services for Mrs. Clarence (Lela) Catuska, 76, of Clarinda, formerly of Bedford, were held September 5 at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home in Bedford with Rev. C. Ray McCain officiating. Mrs. Catuska died September 2, 1975 in West Heights Manor, Clarinda, Iowa. Interment was at Fairview Cemetery, Bedford.
Lela Bradley Catuska, daughter of Addison Bradley and Emma Sara Gibbons Bradley, was born south of Bedford October 18, 1898. She lived in Bedford and grew to maturity here where she attended school. She was a member of the Christian Church.
On February 9, 1922 she was united in marriage to Clarence Dewey Catuska at Maryville, Mo. They lived in Bedford.
To this union two children were born: Jeanne M. [ay] Jackson and Robert C. Catuska.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Clarence, March 10, 1956, parents and three brothers, Clyde Bradley, Roe Bradley and Bernie Bradley.
Left to cherish her memory are her daughter, Jeanne Jackson, Clarinda; son, Robert Catuska, Portsmouth, Virginia; and sister, Vera Putnam, Bedford.
Lela was a wonderful woman who put God and family ahead of everything.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday March 15, 1956 p. 6
Catuska Funeral Set For Friday
Clarence D. [ewey] Catuska, 58, of Bedford died at Veteran’s Hospital in Omaha, Saturday, March 10, after a short illness.
Funeral services will be held at the Wetmore Funeral Home at two o’clock Friday afternoon, March 16, conducted by Wilbur G. Travis of the Christian Church. Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery with the American Legion in charge of the services at the grave.
Mr. Catuska is survived by his wife, the former Miss Lela Bradley; and by two children, a daughter, Jean May and her husband, Lt. and Mrs. Don L. Jackson of Spokane, Wash.; a son, Robert Catuska, who is in the U. S. Navy stationed in Japan.
Robert arrived in San Francisco Wednesday and will arrive home for the funeral on Friday.
Bedford Times-Press, Thursday, March 22, 1956, p. 5
Attend Catuska Funeral
Relatives and friends here from out of town for the last rites for Clarence Catuska were Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Boos, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Clouse, Horton, Kans.; Mr. and Mrs. Roe Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Rastofer, Clarinda; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jackson, Red Oak.
Thursday October 10, 1912
Mrs. D. L. Willett
Mrs. D. [avid] L. Willett [Mary], who was reared about twelve miles southeast of Bedford, died at her home in Frederika, Iowa, Thursday of last week. The remains were brought to Sheridan, Mo., and funeral services were held in Forest Grove church. Interment was in the Forest Grove Cemetery. Mrs. Willett was a daughter of the late John U. Miller, and her brothers and sisters are P. [orter] C. Miller of Conway, D. [eacon] E. Miller of Sheridan, D. [ewitt] L. [eslie] Miller of Bedford, Mrs. J. I. Patterson [Ida] of Esbon, Kan., Mrs. P. [hineas] H. Dodge [Clarinda] of Chehalis, Wash., and Mrs. Edith Henry of Burr Oak, Kan. Mrs. Willett was 46 years of age and had been away from this county about fifteen years.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday July 15, 1909 p. 5
Edna Beryl Dallison
Edna Beryl Dallison, youngest daughter of William and Fay [Morris] Dallison, was born June 26, 1900, in Bedford, Iowa, and passed peacefully away July 11, 1909, on Sunday morning at 3:20 after a brief but painful sickness of one week’s duration but so complicated that all the faithful family physician, assisted by others, could do failed to stay the ravages of the disease and at the time mentioned the little spirit passed from life on earth to the higher life in heaven. It seemed to be the eclipse of life here to shine more beautifully over there.
Beryl was a bright and happy little girl, a favorite with her friends and neighbors and an idol of the home. She was a member of the Christian Sunday school and the Junior Endeavor of the Christian Church, a more faithful one would be hard to find. She was always prompt to bring her offerings of both hand and heart to give to her Master’s service. It seemed that her disease would not yield to any save Heaven’s treatment offered by the Master when he said “Let the little ones come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” This was the angel a marinth woven about the brow of your beloved dead--dewy with the precious promises glittering in the light that falls from the Sapphire walls of the New Jerusalem. They never grow old nor do they lose their heavenly freshness. They are chanted by ministering angels above the sleeping dust of Christ’s blood, bought heirs of glory. The shadow has fallen upon this home and shut out one of its sunbeams but only to dissolve the light into a brighter light of glory. Death emptieth the house but not the heart. Pleasant memories will make it hard for this family to do wrong in the years to come because of the anchor over there.
The funeral took place from the family home on Tuesday at 2:30, conducted by the pastor, Geo. A. Hendrickson of the Christian church, assisted by the singers from the same church. Many were the floral offerings placed in memory of the sweet little girl. The church and the Sunday school each laid a beautiful floral offering and the Juniors, of which she was a member, lined and decorated the grave in a most artistic manner. The K. P. and Sisters brought a harp as their token of respect while many individuals remembered the dead whose names we do not now recall.
It seemed that the friends vied with each other to be of service to the grief stricken friends in their sad hours of grief. After a tender service at the home, the little one was laid away in the new cemetery to await the call of the Master to come forth.
Thursday July 15, 1909
Edna Beryl Dallison
Edna Beryl, youngest daughter of William T. and Winnie Fay [Morris] Dallison, was born June 26, 1900, in Bedford, Ia., and passed from death to a higher life on Sunday morning, July 11, 1909, at 3:20 at the age of 9 years and 15 days. It was but the eclipse of her little life here to send forth its rays on the sunny banks of the Eden of God. Beryl was a bright and happy little girl who was loved by her family and by those with whom she came in contact.
She was a member of the Christian Sunday school and an enthusiastic Christian endeavourer. She always brought her little offering and when her name was called placed her money and gave the ever ready passage of scripture, which she always had at her command. There was that in her young life bending and tending towards an upright pure womanhood and if she lived would have been loved and respected as a woman as she was a girl. She was the sunshine of her home and a favorite with her playmates and her friends.
Her sickness was of one week’s duration but was acute from the first and seemed to baffle the best efforts of the physicians, who never flagged in their interests and their determinations to do all they could for her. The disease was of a complicated nature and seemed that it would not yield to any save heaven’s treatment offered by the Master when he said “Let the little ones come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
The funeral was held from the home Tuesday at 2:30 o’clock, conducted by George A. Hendrickson of the Christian church. The music was furnished by the singers from the same church and little Beryl was resting in a bed of the choicest flowers, the token of friendship.
There were offerings of flowers from individuals, from the K. of P. lodge and the sisters of that lodge a beautiful offering of a harp, one from the Sunday school of which she was a member, also one from the Christian church, while the Junior Endeavor, of which she was a member, lined and tastefully decorated her last resting place. There were others, the list we gather only from memory. May the blessing of God rest upon the bereaved hearts.
Thursday July 15, 1909
Porter Conder
Porter Conder was born in Jefferson County, Iowa, June 14, 1845; died in Bedford July 13, 1909. He was married to Elizabeth J. [ane] Edwards, Oct. 6, 1870. Of this union two children were born, Harry and Lesbia, who live in Jackson Township. In 1875 Mr. Conder with his family came to Taylor County and located in Jackson Township, where he lived upon a farm until a year and half ago when he came to make his home in Bedford.
Mr. Conder was a man of strong character, sterling honesty, and deep sympathies. As a farmer he was careful, energetic and successful. As a neighbor he was kind and helpful to all. He was never too busy to befriend a man in need. As a friend he was faithful and true. As a husband and father he was gentle, thoughtful and affectionate. He lived a useful life in the community; and his friends were numbered by all who knew him. In his death the county loses one of its best citizens. He leaves to mourn his death, a wife, two sons, two brothers, and a host of friends.
Taylor County Herald
Thursday March 23, 1933
William J. Comstock
William J. Comstock was born in La Porte, Ind., August 31, 1863, and departed this life at the University hospital in Iowa City on Friday, March 17, 1933, at the age of 69 years, 6 months and 14 days.
He grew to young manhood in the state of Indiana, coming to Iowa in the year 1889, where, with the exception of 21 years, he has made his home.
On November 28, 1889, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Ann Largent Coggins and to this union was born one daughter, Mrs. Hazel B. [lake] Henderson of New Market.
During the early part of his life, Mr. Comstock was a plumber by trade. After coming to Iowa he entered the mercantile business and followed this until he was unable to continue on account of failing health.
He was a member of the I. O. O. F. early in life.
His wife, Mrs. William Comstock of Bedford; one daughter, Mrs. C. [lifford] J.[orie] Henderson [Hazel] of New Market; three sisters, Mrs. Etta Davis of Bedford, Mrs. Delia A. Bradley of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Ollie Newland of N. Mex.; two nephews, Ryvers Newland and Roy Davis are left to mourn his departure. There are other nieces and nephews, relatives and friends whose names do not appear in this obituary.
Mr. Comstock has been in failing health for several months. Some four or five weeks ago he left for Iowa City where he was cared for in the State University Hospital until his death.
The funeral was at the Wetmore Funeral Home Monday afternoon at 1 o’clock , with Rev. Clark M. Crowell officiating. Interment was in the Lexington cemetery.
[Henderson, Hazel Blake Comstock]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday July 17, 1975
Hazel Henderson, 82, Final Rites Held In Siam
Funeral services for Mrs. Clifford (Hazel Blake) [Comstock] Henderson, 82, of Siam were held Tues., July 15, at the Church of Christ in Siam, Ia., with Pastor Loren Daly officiating. Mrs. Henderson died July 12 in Clarkson Hospital in Omaha.
New Market Chapter No. 481 of Order of Eastern Star presented fraternal honors at Siam Cemetery, Siam.
[Henderson, Hazel Blake Comstock]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday July 24, 1975 p. 7
Hazel Henderson, 82 Final Rites Held
Funeral services for Mrs. Clifford (Hazel Blake) Henderson. 82, of Siam, held July 15 at the Church of Christ in Siam, were officiated by Pastor Loren Daly. Mrs. Henderson died July 12, 1975 at Clarkson Hospital in Omaha, Nebr., after a lengthy illness. New Market Chapter No. 481 of Order of Eastern Star presented fraternal honors at Siam Cemetery, Siam, Ia.
Hazel Blake Comstock Henderson, daughter of William and Molly Comstock, of Bedford, Iowa was born May 15, 1893 in Rockford, Illinois.
She was united in marriage to Clifford Josie Henderson January 8, 1916 and to this union six daughters and two sons were born.
She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. John (Marjorie) O' Braze [Obraza] of Vallejo, Calif., Mrs. Peter (Maxine) Coston of New Market, Iowa, Mrs. Rosalynn Meier and Mrs. Tony (Radene) Tubrick of Omaha, Nebraska; two sons, Clifford Josie II of Benicia, Calif., and William A. [be] of Concord, Calif.; five sons-in-law; two daughters-in-law; 18 grandchildren; four great granddaughters; and two great grandsons.
She was preceded in death by her husband, mother, father, daughter, Opal Cowger, December 30, 1974 and another daughter who died in infancy.
After her marriage to Clifford and the birth of their first daughter, Opal, in Siam, they moved to Creston, Iowa where five of their eight children were born, then later to New Market and then lived 20 years in Omaha, Nebraska until his retiring to an acreage in Conway, Iowa for nine years until his death. The remaining years she has spent with her loving children.
She was a kind and loving wife and mother and will be sadly missed by all who knew and loved her.
She was a member of the Christian Church and the Vesta Chapter of Order of Eastern Star #233 in Creston, Iowa for 50 years.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday June 4, 1964 p. 2
J. Henderson Rites May 24
Funeral services for Jesse Lee Henderson, lifetime Taylor County resident, held May 23 at Church of Christ in Siam, Iowa, were conducted by Carl Cummings and Clarence Potter. Mr. Henderson died May 20, 1964 at Clarinda Municipal Hospital at the age of 79 years, nine months and 22 days. Interment was at Siam Cemetery, Siam.
Included in the services was the following obituary:
Jesse Lee Henderson, son of Abe and Mary [Philpot] Henderson, was born in Taylor County, Iowa, July 28, 1884. He lived his entire life time in the Siam and New Market communities where he followed the occupation of a farmer and carpenter.
He served as assessor for Buchanan Township, Page County, for many years.
On May 26, 1912 he was united in marriage to Alice Smith Culbertson at Bedford, Iowa, and to them a daughter, Mary, and a son, Howard, were born.
He was preceded in death by his parents, one sister, Flora, and one brother, Clarence, and his wife, who passed away January 20, 1946.
Left to cherish his memory are his daughter, Mrs. Mary Dunn, and her husband Elmer of Braddyville, Iowa; his son, Howard Henderson, and wife, Marie, of Chattaroy, Wash.; a step-son, Charles Culbertson and family of Wheatridge, Colo.; brothers, Fred Henderson of New Market and Clifford Henderson of Conway, Ia.; seven grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews and a host of friends.
He was a member of the Siam Christian Church and of Plumb Lodge No. 285 A. F. & A. M. of Siam.
Jesse was a kind and loving husband and father; a man of quiet manner, yet one who gave consideration to family and friends in both thoughts and acts of kindness.
While in his active years he was a builder of material things, he likewise gave of his time and of his efforts to further the cause of building the day-by-day spiritual life of mankind.
He will be greatly missed by family and friends.