submitted by: Julia Johnson -

[Turner, Joseph Hinshaw]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    April 29, 1971    p. 6

Joseph Turner, 82, Rites Held Here April 21

Funeral services for Joseph H. Turner, 82, long time Taylor County resident, held April 21 at Shum-Novinger Funeral Home here, were conducted by Carl Cummings.  Mr. Turner died April 18, 1971, at Clarinda Municipal Hospital.  Interment was at Fairview Cemetery, Bedford.

Joseph Hinshaw Turner, son of James A.[lexander]  and Flora Hinshaw Turner, was born March 19, 1889 near Bedford.  He grew to adulthood in the Bedford community, where he attended the public schools and was a part of the various community activities.

On March 21, 1914, he was united in marriage to Ruby B. Lowry at Saint Joseph, Mo.  They had lived and farmed in Taylor County, Iowa all but four years, when they farmed in East Saskatchewan, Canada, following their marriage.  They had lived on their farm in Gay Township 32 years prior to moving to Bedford in 1961, where they have since resided.

He was preceded in death by his parents, three brothers:  Albert, Frank and Donald and one sister, Gertrude Wildman Abarr.

Left to cherish memories of his life are his wife, Ruby; a brother, Douglas of Bedford; a sister, Iva Johnson of St. Peter, Minn.; nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and many friends.

While he had been in failing health for a number of years, his friendly greeting and cheerfulness was shared daily with those about him.  He will be sadly missed by family and friends.

[Turner, Flora May Hinshaw]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday   May 22, 1941    p. 5

Mrs. Flora Turner Succumbs At Home

Mrs. Flora Turner, a resident of Bedford and community for many years, was found dead in her bed at her home Saturday morning.  She had been in failing health for some time, but her death came quite unexpectedly.

The funeral services were held at the Church of Christ, Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Ben W. Sinderson.  Burial was in the Fairview cemetery, the Rebekah Sisters giving their service at the grave.

Flora May Hinshaw was born June 17, 1864 in Henry County, Ind., and died at her home in Bedford, Iowa, May 17, 1941 at the age of 76 years.

When six years of age she came west with her parents, by way of Missouri, and then to Bedford, where she had since made her homeHere she was married to James A. [lexander] Turner on March 1, 1883.

To them were born eight children:  Charles Albert Turner and Gertie E. [mma] Wildman of Bedford; Frank Turner of Denver, Colo.; Joe Turner of Blockton, Douglas Turner of Clearfield, Mrs. Iva Johnson of St. Peter, Minn.; Donald C. Turner and Leslie H. Turner, deceased.

Her husband, James Turner, died in 1928 [1927].

Mrs. Turner is also survived by one brother: Bert Hinshaw of Clearfield, and two sisters: Mrs. Effie Deardorff of Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Grace Munden of Des Moines, Iowa, who has been with her for the past few weeks.  Also thirteen grandchildren and five great grandchildren.

In early life Mrs. Turner was a member of the Baptist church but later, with her husband, became identified with the Bedford Christian Church, to which she was a devoted member.  In later years and declining health, she delighted in church fellowship and obtained spiritual blessings and hope from its worship services.

Mrs. Turner had been a member of the Rebekah Lodge for more than 25 years.

[Turner, Margaret Jane Evans]


Thursday    June 21, 1928    p. 5

Mrs. ]Margaret] Jane [Evans] Turner passed away Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at her home in west Bedford, after being in poor health for quite a long time.  She was 86 years of age.  The funeral services were held at the home Tuesday afternoon, conducted by the pastor of the Christian Church at Gravity.  Interment was made in the Bedford cemetery.  Those from a distance attending the funeral were:  Mrs. Mert Dunlavy of Powell, Wyoming, Mrs. Earl Little of Chicago and George B. Walker of Des Moines.

[Turner, John C.]

Bedford Free Press

Tuesday    May 26, 1914


John C. Turner

About 6:30 o’clock Sunday morning John C. Turner died suddenly at his home on Pennsylvania Street.  Mr. Turner had been about his usual duties on Saturday, had worked in his garden, had been down town and appeared to be in his usual health.   Sunday morning he arose early and was about the house, talking with members of the family, and appearing to be in his usual health and spirits.  He finally went out on the porch to enjoy the morning air and had scarcely got seated when a slight noise brought some member of the family to the door, who discovered that something was wrong, but before other members of the family could reach his side he had expired.  While the burden of years, with the attendant failure of vitality, has made it impossible for Mr. Turner to attend to active duties no especial alarm has been felt by the family, his gradual failure being attributed to his advancing age.

John C. Turner was born in Hendricks County, Indiana, October 24, 1834, and died May 24, 1914, aged 79 years and 7 months.

Deceased had five brothers and five sisters, all of whom are dead but two brothers, George Turner, who resides here and Marion Turner of Colby, Kan.  He was married to Miss [Margaret] Jane Evans, October 15, 1857, and to this union six children were born, four of whom are still living.  They are Miss Jennie at home, Mrs. W. [illiam] L. [eslie] Chandler [Lou] of Gravity, Mrs. T. [heron] F. Dunlavy [Myrtle] of Bedford, and James, who lives east of Bedford.  Charles and Flora died some years ago.  At the breaking out of the Civil War, Mr. Turner enlisted in the Seventh Indiana infantry in September, 1861, as a private, and was later made corporal of his company and later promoted to orderly sergeant.   Since the war he has resided in Bedford or vicinity continuously, having held membership in the Christian Church here for 46 years.  Deceased had wide acquaintance and was highly esteemed by all who knew him.

Funeral services were held at the Christian Church Monday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Elder Mart Gary Smith, assisted by Elder Wade of Gravity.  Interment was in the Bedford cemetery.

[Turner, John C.]


Thursday    May 28, 1914    p. 8


John C. Turner

John C. Turner died suddenly at his home on Pennsylvania Street at 6:30 o’clock Sunday morning while seated on a porch chair.  Mr. Turner had arisen as usual, and without any complaint of feeling different than usual.  He went to the porch and seated himself.  Some noise attracted Mrs. W. L. Chandler, his daughter, to the door, and she found that he had passed away without warning.  Mr. Turner was 79 years of age and had resided in Taylor County since the war.

Funeral services were held at the Church of Christ at 2:30 o’clock Monday afternoon, conducted by Elder Mart Gary Smith, the pastor, assisted by Elder Wade of Gravity.  Interment was in the Bedford Cemetery.

John C. Turner was born in Hendricks County, Indiana, October 24, 1834, and died May 24, 1914, aged 79 years and 7 months.

Deceased had five brothers and five sisters, all of whom are dead but two brothers, George Turner, who resides here and Marion Turner of Colby, Kan.  He was married to Miss [Margaret] Jane Evans, October 15, 1857, and to this union six children were born, four of whom are still living.  They are Miss Jennie at home, Mrs. W. [illiam] L. [eslie] Chandler [Lou] of Gravity, Mrs. T. [heron] F. Dunlavy [Myrtle] of Bedford, and James, who lives east of Bedford.  Charles and Flora died some years ago.  At the breaking out of the Civil War, Mr. Turner enlisted in the Seventh Indiana infantry in September, 1861, as a private, and was later made corporal of his company and later promoted to orderly sergeant.   Since the war he has resided in Bedford or vicinity continuously, having held membership in the Christian Church here for 46 years.  Deceased had wide acquaintance and was highly esteemed by all who knew him.

[Sawyer, Melvin A. “Mel”]

Taylor County Herald

Thursday   October 29, 1942    [p. 1]

Mel Sawyer Dies Suddenly In His Sleep Last Night At His Home On Court Street

Stroke Struck At Prominent Citizen at 9:30

72-Year-Old Man Was Well Known In County

M. A. (Mel) Sawyer, 72, prominent Taylor County businessman, died suddenly in his sleep at his home at 403 Court Street at 9:30 p. m. Wednesday.  A lifetime resident of Taylor County, he had been active in both politics and business fields.

Sawyer went about his business as usual Wednesday, driving about 100 miles during the day.  He complained of not feeling well when he came home in the evening, so a doctor was called, but no one became alarmed.  Shortly after 9:30 it was discovered that he had died in his sleep.

Funeral services will be conducted at the Wetmore Funeral Home at 2 p. m. Sunday with the Rev. O. H. Hallgrimson in charge.  Burial will be in the Fairview cemetery.

Mel, as he was known throughout the county, served as mayor of Bedford, Taylor County recorder and supervisor, and for the last several years had been secretary of the Farmers Mutual Insurance Association.  He was also manager of the Hawkeye Lumber Company for some time.

Besides his wife, he is survived by one brother, John Sawyer of Bedford.   One brother preceded him in death several years ago.

[Sawyer, Melvin A. “Mel”]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    October 29, 1942    [p. 1]

M. A. Sawyer, 72, Dies Last Evening

M. [elvin] A. Sawyer, 72, a resident of Bedford and Taylor County for many years, died unexpectedly at his home in Bedford about 9 o’clock Wednesday evening, October 28.  Although in failing health for several years, Mr. Sawyer had been about his usual business interests during the day, returning from a drive over the county about 6 o’clock.

The funeral services will be held at the Wetmore Funeral Home at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon, conducted by O. H. Hallgrimson.  Burial will be in the Fairview cemetery.

Mr. Sawyer was active in public and political affairs, having served as Mayor of Bedford, as County Recorder, member of the Board of Supervisors, and in other positions of trust.  He had been secretary of the Farmers Mutual Insurance Association of the county for many years.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Iva D. [eHaven] Sawyer, and by one brother, John G. [ordon] Sawyer and family, all of Bedford.

[Sawyer, Melvin A. “Mel”]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    November 5, 1942    p. 8

Sawyer Rites Held Here Sunday, Nov. 1

Funeral services for M. [elvin] A. Sawyer, who died at his home in Bedford Wednesday evening, October 28, were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. O. H. Hallgrimson.  Burial was in the Fairview cemetery, the Masonic burial service being given at the grave.

Melvin A. Sawyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. [athan] S. [mith] Sawyer [Sarah Kenyon], was born at Strawberry Point, Iowa, on July 18, 1870, being aged 72 years, 3 months and 10 days at the time of his death.  When very young he moved with his parents to Bedford, Iowa, in which community he spent the remainder of his life.

On January 16, 1894 he was married to Miss Iva DeHaven at the home of her parents at Conway.  Their marriage was performed as a double ceremony, the other couple being Miss Gertrude DeHaven and J. [oseph] B. [radbury] Shaw, both now deceased.

Mr. Sawyer was in business in Conway for several years, moving to Bedford about thirty-six years ago, when he was elected Recorder of Taylor County.  He served as a member of the County Board of Supervisors, as Mayor of Bedford, and had held other public offices.  He was a member of the Inheritance Tax Board and also secretary of the Taylor County Farmers Mutual Insurance Association at the time of his death, a position he had held with distinction for a number of years.

He is survived by his wife and one brother, John G. [ordon] Sawyer and his family of Bedford.

[Sawyer, Iva DeHaven]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    April 10, 1958    [p. 1]

Mrs. Iva Sawyer Rites To Be Held Saturday

Mrs. Iva [DeHaven] Sawyer, 87, a long-time resident of Bedford and Taylor County, died at St. Francis Hospital Tuesday night.  Funeral services will be held at the Wetmore Funeral Home at 2:30 Saturday afternoon.  Rev. Elmer Baker of the Christian Church will officiate.  Burial in Fairview Cemetery.

Mrs. Sawyer is survived by two sisters and a brother, Mrs. A. [lfred] A. Taylor [Emma Faye] and Mrs. Budd Chamberlin [Vera Alma] of Bedford and John DeHaven of Miami, Florida.  Mr. Sawyer died several years ago.

[Chandler, William Leslie]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    July 22, 1937    [p. 1]

Obituary - W. L. Chandler

William Leslie Chandler, son of Benson and Cordius [Lovitt] Chandler, was born near La Harpe, ill., Dec. 23, 1867, and died at his home in Gravity, Iowa, July 15, 1937 at the age of 69 years, 6 months and 22 days.

He came with his parents to Taylor County in the year 1869 and located on a farm in Washington Township.  He spent his entire life in this township.  He was married to Lou E. [mma] Turner, Oct. 15, 1891.  To this union three children were born, Hazel Cordius, Benson John, who died in infancy, and Ruth Lucile.  He was a devoted husband and father and a kind neighbor and friend.  He had been a member of the Christian Church since early manhood and was loyal in its support.

He leaves to mourn his departure, his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Kent Wallace of Gravity and Mrs. Toby Carson of Shenandoah, three grandchildren, Gordon and Sterling Wallace and Kay Carson.  Also his brother, F. [rancis] M. [arion] Chandler, and two nephews, W. [illiam] W. Chandler of Des Moines and E.[dwin] L. [owell] Chandler of Baldwin Park, Calif.

The funeral services were held at the home Saturday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Mr. Eppard of Clarinda.  Burial was in the Gravity cemetery.

[Chandler, Louie Emma “Lou” Turner]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    August 25, 1949    [p. 1]

Mrs. Lou Chandler Dies Here Monday

Mrs. Lou [Emma Turner] Chandler, long-time resident of Gravity and Taylor County, died at her home in Bedford, Monday evening, August 22.  She was eighty years, eleven months and nineteen days of age at the time of her death, and had been in poor health for some time.

Funeral services were held at the Christian Church in Gravity, Wednesday afternoon, August 24, at 2:30 o’clock, with Rev. Ben W. Sinderson officiating.  Burial was in the Gravity cemetery.

She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Jennie Shaw of Bedford; two daughters, Mrs. Kent Wallace [Hazel] of Gravity and Mrs. Toby Carson [Ruth] of Shenandoah; three grandchildren, Dr. Gordon Wallace of Boulder, Colorado, Sterling Wallace of Gravity and Kay Carson of Shenandoah.

Those from a distance who attended the funeral services for Mrs. Lou Chandler Wednesday afternoon at the Christian church in Gravity were:

Mrs. Helen Samuelson of Las Animas, Colo.; Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Wallace of Boulder, Colo.; Mrs. Katherine McNabb of Creston; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bradley, Rev. Eppard of Clarinda; Mrs. Paul McColm of Wichita, Kans.; Mrs. Gertrude Knodle, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Warner of Fort Morgan, Colo.; Mrs. Pearl Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lepley of Blockton; Mrs. Harry Long, Mrs. Perry Sampson, Mrs. Steve Hayden, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bond, Mrs. Hal Stinger, A. E. Beal, Mrs. Wayne Norton, Mrs. Elaine Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Read, Mrs. Burl Walters, Kenneth Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Merwin, all of Shenandoah.


Bedford Times-Press, Thursday, September 1, 1949, p. 10

Obituary – Louie Chandler

Louie Emma Turner, daughter of J. [ohn] C. [abot] Turner and Margaret Jane [Evans] Turner, was born Sept. 3, 1868, in a log cabin on a farm southwest of Bedford and died at her home in Bedford August 22, at the age of 80 years, 11 months, 11 days. She attended the rural schools of Taylor County until she moved with her parents to Bedford at the age of 13. On October 15, 1891, she was married to W. [illiam] L. [eslie] Chandler. To them were born three children, Mrs. Kent Wallace of Gravity, and Mrs. Toby Carson of Shenandoah, also a son Benson John, who died in infancy. All of her life was spent in Taylor County and most of her married life in and around Gravity, where she was very active in the Christian church, having charge of the music for years and also teaching a class of young men for many years. She was a Past Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star of Gravity and very active in the chapter. The last seven years she lived with her sister, Mrs. Jennie Shaw in Bedford. After coming to Bedford she joined the Rebekah Lodge. She is survived by her daughters and their husbands, two grandsons, Dr. Gordon Wallace of Boulder, Colorado, and Sterling at home; a granddaughter Kay Carson of Shenandoah. Funeral services were held at the Christian church in Gravity. Rev. Ben W. Sinderson officiated, assisted by Rev. [rest of sentence missing.]

 [Chandler, Francis Marion “Frank”]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday   October 27, 1938    [p. 1]

Frank Chandler of Gravity Succumbs

Frank Chandler [Francis Marion] died at his home in Gravity Monday afternoon after being in failing health for several months.

The funeral services were held at the Christian Church in Gravity Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev. C. Max Buck, [assisted by] Rev. Clarence Eppard of Clarinda.  Burial was in the Gravity cemetery.

Mr. Chandler was engaged in the lumber business in Gravity for many years and was always prominent in the business and social affairs of the town and community.

He is survived by his wife, Jessie [Widner] Chandler; and by two sons, Edwin [Lowell] Chandler of Baldwin Park, Calif.; and Will Chandler of Des Moines.  There are also several grandchildren.


Bedford Times-Press, Thursday, November 3, 1938, p. 9

Obituary – F. M. Chandler

Francis Marion Chandler, son of Benson F. [ordyce] and Cordius Chandler, was born on a farm near Gravity, Feb. 16, 1872 and departed this life at his home in Gravity, Monday, Oct. 24, 1938 at the age of 66 years, 8 months and 8 days.

He attended the country school near his home and Bedford High School. Later he attended Drake University and in 1893 was graduated from the Gem City Business College in Quincy, Ill. After he graduated from business college he went to Gravity and opened a hardware store. In 1900 he became affiliated with the Chandler Lumber Company and continued in this business until l929 when he retired because of ill health.

On Jan. 18, 1894 he was married to Miss Jessie Widener. To this union two children were born, William Widener Chandler and Edwin Lowell Chandler.

He was preceded in death by his parents and his only brother, William Leslie Chandler, who passed away July 15, 1937.

He is survived by his wife and sons, William W. Chandler of Des Moines and Edwin L. Chandler of Baldwin Park, Calif. Also by five grandchildren, Jeanne and Mary Jane of Des Moines and Edwin, Jr., Robert and Frank Norman of Baldwin Park, two nieces, Mrs. Kent Wallace of Gravity and Mrs. Toby Carson of Shenandoah.

He united with the Church of Christ in early manhood and was also a member of the Masonic lodge in which Order he had advanced in the 32nd degree.

Having resided in the Gravity community practically all of his life, Mr. Chandler had contributed much to the development and growth of Gravity and the surrounding country. Prominent in business, he was always found active in every movement for good. The lodges, the church, and all moral issues always profited by his support and much of his time, his talent and his money have gone into public service in which he was always a willing and an effective worker.

His home and his automobile were open to the use of his friends and he took pleasure in providing enjoyment for others. Officially he had served as mayor, councilman, president of the school board. In lodge work and in all matters concerning the welfare of the community, his counsel and advice were always sought and given freely. Only those who have known him best are able to testify at this time to his life of service, and those only will realize what a loss the entire community has suffered in his passing.

[Chandler, Jessie Birdie Widner]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    December 24, 1970    p. 3

Last Rites Held Dec. 19 For Jessie Chandler

Funeral services for Mrs. Francis (Jessie B.) Chandler, 97, formerly of Bedford and Gravity, Iowa, were held at the Custer-Christenson Chapel in Covina, California on December 17, conducted by Rev. Robert Burton.  Mrs. Chandler died December 15, 1970 in Covina, Calif.  Graveside service was at Washington Cemetery in Gravity, Ia., on December 19 with Rev. Perry Cozadd officiating.

Mrs. Jessie B. [irdie] Chandler was born near Corning, Adams County, Iowa, August 10, 1873, the daughter of Benjamin and Mary McDowell Widener.  She was the sixth child of a family of ten.

At the age of 13 she and her family moved to Bedford where she grew to womanhood and united with the Baptist Church.

January 18, 1894 she was married to Francis M. [arion] Chandler and moved to Gravity where she united with the Christian Church.  Here her two sons William and Edwin were born.  Mr. Chandler died on October 24, 1938.

In 1946 she moved to Covina, California to be near her son, Edwin and family, and united with the Covina Christian Church, where she was active in the women’s work and serving on committees.  She taught a Sunday school class until her 94th year.  To all who knew Mrs. Chandler, she was indeed an inspiration.

She is survived by her sons and their wives, William W. and Helen Chandler of Santa Ana, California and Edwin L. [owell] and Wilma Chandler of West Covina, Calif.; five grandchildren, Jeane Chandler Mohrman of Wilmette, Ill., Edwin L. Chandler, Jr. of Las Vegas, Nev., Mary Chandler of Newberry Park, Calif., Robert B. Chandler of South Pasadena, Calif., and Frank N. Chandler of Caldwell, Idaho, 16 great grandchildren and two great great grandchildren.

 [Longfellow, Mary Talena Streebin]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday   November 27, 1958    p. 7

Mrs. C. E. Longfellow Dies At Home Here

Mrs. C. E. Longfellow, a long-time resident of Bedford and Taylor County, died at her home Thursday, November 20.

Funeral services were held at the Baptist church Saturday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Colvin Caughey, pastor of the church.  The body was placed in the mausoleum in Fairview cemetery.

Mary Talena Streebin, daughter of Christian and Mary [Busker] Streebin, was born August 20, 1877 at Marengo, Iowa in Johnson County and passed away at the age of 81 years and three months.

At the age of six weeks she came with her parents to Taylor County, where she spent her entire life.  The family moved to a farm two miles west of Platteville where she grew to womanhood.

On January 31, 1900 she was married to Charles Elder Longfellow at Platteville in the home of her parents.  To this union three sons were born.  They are Rev. Roy C. Longfellow, a chaplain in the United States Army, now living in Denver, Colorado; Harry Longfellow, living on the home farm; Rev. Earl C. Longfellow, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Des Moines.

In her early years she united with the Methodist church at Platteville, then transferred her membership to the Bedford Baptist church, where she has been a faithful member.

Mrs. Longfellow was a member of a family of six children.  She was preceded in death by her father and mother, three brothers and one sister.

She is survived by her husband, her three sons, one brother, Charles F. Streebin of Toledo, Ohio; 16 grandchildren, 11 great grandchildren.

[Longfellow, Charles Elder “Charlie”]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    December 6, 1973    [p. 1]

C. E. Longfellow Rites Are Today

Funeral services for Charles E. [lder] Longfellow, 93, of Bedford, will be held Thurs., Dec. 6, at the Bedford Baptist Church, conducted by Rev. Ollie Odle.  Mr. Longfellow died Tues., Dec. 4, in Clarinda Municipal Hospital.  Interment will be at Fairview Cemetery.

[Longfellow, Charles Elder “Charlie”]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    December 13, 1973    p. 3

Last Rites Held December 6 For C. E. Longfellow

Funeral services for Charles E. Longfellow, 93, of Bedford, were held December 6 at the Bedford Baptist Church, conducted by Rev. Ollie Odle.  Mr. Longfellow died Dec. 4, 1973 in the Clarinda Municipal Hospital.  Interment was in the Mausoleum at Fairview Cemetery, Bedford.

Charles Elder Longfellow, son of Joseph P. [urcell] Longfellow and Mary Elder, was born September 19, 1880 in Gay Township in Taylor County, Iowa.

Charlie (as he was affectionately called by those who knew and loved him) was a lifetime resident of Taylor County.  He engaged in farming for about 60 years before retiring in 1961.  He was a resident of the Colonial Manor Nursing Home in Bedford at the time of his death.

On January 31, 1900 he was united in marriage to Mary Talena Streebin and to this union three sons were born.

He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, a son, one sister and three brothers.

Charlie was a member of the Taylor County Farm Bureau and the First Baptist Church, Bedford, for over 50 years.  He was baptized in 1909 at the Forest Grove Baptist Church where he served as Sunday school superintendent.  He held several offices in the First Baptist Church, Bedford, during the many faithful years of service.

He leaves to cherish his memory his two sons, Harry, and family of Bedford and Earl, and family of Omaha, Nebraska; two brothers, Tom and family of Newberg, Oregon and Frank, and family of Bedford; one daughter-in-law, Mrs. Elsie C. Longfellow, and family of Wichita Falls, Texas; three sisters-in-law, Mrs. Lem (Fonta) Longfellow of Bedford, Mrs. Henry (Alta) Longfellow of Clearfield and Mrs. Joseph (Orpha) Longfellow of Perry, Ia.; 16 grandchildren, 34 great grandchildren, seven great great grandchildren; several nieces, nephews, other relatives a host of friends.

Charlie will be greatly missed by his family, friends, his pastor and the members of the First Baptist Church, Bedford.

[McNew, William Henry]


Thursday    September 30, 1926    p. 6

William Henry McNew

William Henry McNew was born in Schuyler County, Ill., Mar. 25, 1846, and departed this life at his home near Grant City, Mo., on Sept. 16, 1926, aged 80 years, 5 months and 21 days.  He was united in marriage to Martha Jane Daniels on Jan. 12, 1868, at Allendale, Mo.  To this union the following children were born:  Carlton Thomas McNew, of Knoxville, Ill.; Lillie Belle Yates, of Ottumwa, Ia.; Iola [Ida] May McNew, deceased; Martha Jane Reiter, of Inglewood, Calif.; William H. [enry] McNew of Sims, Ill.; Charles Edward McNew, of Boone, Ia.; Mrs. J. [oseph] A. Wilkinson [Daisy], of St. Joseph, Mo.; Mrs. R. [ichard] C.[ook] Ballou [Lora Dean] of Sheridan, Mo.; Luella McNew, deceased.  Beside his companion and the above named children, he also leaves a sister, Mrs. Nancy Ward of Ottumwa, Ia., and many other relatives and friends.  He accepted Christ in early life, and united with the Baptist church.  It was his desire to depart and be with Christ.  He had lived in the present home about thirty years.  He was a loving husband, kind father, and good neighbor.  The funeral services were conducted from the Grant City Christian Church, Sept. 18, 1926, by Challie E. Graham, and the remains laid to rest in the cemetery at the same place.  The music was furnished by a quartette composed of W. P. Spillman, Chas. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. E. R. Motsinger and Mrs. John Mossbarger, with Mrs. William Hotalling presiding at the piano.  The quartette sang “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere,” and “ Nearer My God to Thee.”  Mrs. E. R. Motsinger sang “There Are No Tears in Paradise.”  There were many beautiful floral offerings.  The pallbearers were John Mereckling, Harry Bunker, Morris Proctor, Albert Allison, Roy Aldrich and John Elliott.  The bereaved ones have the sympathy of a host of friends, and all unite in wishing for them the richest blessings of the kind Heavenly Father.

[Haidsiak, George Franklin]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    February 5, 1948    p. 4

Obituary - George Haidsiak

George Franklin Haidsiak, youngest son of Frank and Belle Haidsiak, was born near Bedford, March 8, 1904.  He lived near Bedford until 1924 when he went to California.

He was inducted into the U. S. Army September 5, 1942.  Upon receiving his discharge, he made his home in Modesto, California, until sickness overcame him, and he spent the past two years in various hospitals.  He passed away at the U. S. Veterans Hospital in Des Moines January 30, 1948, at the age of 43 years, 10 months and 22 days.

He leaves to mourn his passing three sisters, Mrs. Lulu Holms of Nora, Nebraska; Mrs. Lottie Petz of Tracy, California; Mrs. Martha Stephens of Bedford; two brothers, Charley Haidsiak of Nelson, Nebr., and Henry Haidsiak of Yorktown, Iowa.  His mother passed away in 1910, his father in 1928 and an older brother, John Haidsiak, in 1938.

The funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home, Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. George W. Swan, pastor of the Christian Church of Bedford.  Military graveside services were given by the Blockton American Legion Post in the Gravity cemetery.

[Lewis, William]

Iowa South-West

Saturday    February 16, 1878    p. 3

William Lewis died at his residence yesterday, at the ripe old age of eighty years and ten months.  He has been a respected citizen of this county for twenty-one years, and leaves a large family of respected children, grown to manhood and womanhood, and a widow who has been his constant companion for fifty years.  The funeral services were held at the Baptist Church, yesterday, at 3 o’clock, and largely attended.