Taylor County, Iowa Obituaries |
submitted by: Julia Johnson - julia.johnson63@gmail.com |
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday June 20, 1935 [p. 1]
Miss Eleanor Perkins Killed In Accident
Miss [Mary] Eleanor Perkins, 16, died in a Council Bluffs hospital early this morning, following injuries received in an automobile accident a few hours earlier. According to a radio report heard in Bedford this noon, Miss Perkins was in company with a young man from Portsmouth, Iowa, and their car collided with a milk truck from Avoca, three cars figuring in the accident.
Her grandfather, Thos. Park, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. William Park and Finis Park, went to Griswold this morning after receiving the word.
Miss Perkins is a daughter of Mrs. C. [laude] C. Berry [Anna Park Perkins] of Griswold, and is a former resident of Bedford. It is thought the body will be brought to Bedford for burial, although the funeral arrangements have not been made.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday June 27, 1935 p. 5
Attend Funeral
Those from Bedford who attended the funeral services for [Mary] Eleanor Perkins in Griswold, Iowa, Saturday included Hal [Edward] Perkins, Thos. Park, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. William Park, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Park, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Park, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Finis Park. Mr. and Mrs. C. [laude] C. Berry [Anna Park Perkins], Eleanor’s mother and her stepfather, also her brother, Chalon Perkins, accompanied the body to Bedford for burial and remained over the weekend with relatives.
[Clayton, Harriett Elizabeth Griffith]
Taylor County Herald
Thursday December 22, 1932
Mrs. Harriett Clayton Died Last Sunday
Mrs. Harriett Clayton, 89, died last Sunday morning about 2 o’clock at the home of her son, Ora Clayton, near Siam. Had she lived until the latter part of February, Mrs. Clayton would have been 90 years old.
She is survived by four children, Ora and Alva Clayton of near Siam, Elza Clayton of Gravity and Mrs. Mary Scrivner of Santsel, Mo.
Her husband, Dave Clayton, died seventeen years ago.
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock at the Methodist Church in Siam with Rev. Kirby in charge and burial was made in the Siam cemetery.
[Clayton, Harriett Elizabeth Griffith]
Taylor County Herald
Thursday December 29, 1932 p. 5
Mrs. David Clayton
Harriett Elizabeth Griffith was the eighth child in a family of twelve children born to Daniel and Mary Griffith in Perry County, O., on the 24th day of February 1843. Her Heavenly Father saw fit to call her home in the early hours of Sunday morning, Dec. 18, 1932, at the age of 89 years, 9 months and 24 days. All her brothers and sisters have gone on before and her going makes the circle unbroken in that beautiful land.
She grew to womanhood in Ohio and on the 27th day of Feb. 1866 she was married to David E. [lzy] Clayton, who had just previously been honorably discharged from the Union Army. They came immediately to Taylor County, Iowa, where Mr. Clayton had come nine years before and established a home. They were among the first who came and settled in this community and she is among the very last of those pioneers to leave us.
To this home five children were born, one dying in infancy. The four surviving their mother are Orie [Ora] G. [riffith] of the Siam community, Mary [Hannah] Scrivner of near Chillicothe, Mo., Alva J. [efferson] of the Siam community and Elza E. [dgar] of Gravity, Iowa. She leaves thirteen grandchildren and fifteen great grandchildren. A nephew, Chalmers Griffith of near Bedford, Iowa and five cousins of the Rutledge family of near Sharpsburg, Iowa, also survive her. Besides these she leaves many nieces and nephews in Ohio. Since the death of Mr. Clayton on the 28th of Feb. 1916, she has made her home with her children.
Mrs. Clayton has been a life long member of the Methodist Church. She, with Mr. Clayton, did much in those early days to establish and maintain the church in this community. Her strength and ambition was always spent in ways of usefulness and she was always ready and anxious to do her part. She has lived long and well and now has gone to that land where she will never grow old and where there’ll be no feebleness or frailty of body or mind.
Funeral services were held at the Siam Methodist church, Rev. L. M. Kirby preaching the sermon. Interment was in the Siam Cemetery.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday July 8, 1943 p. 5
O. G. Clayton
Ora Griffith Clayton, oldest child of David E. [lzy] and Harriet Griffith Clayton, was born on March 24, 1867 just south of Siam. He lived his entire life in the community of his birth, and died at his home one and a half miles northeast of Siam on Friday evening, July 2, 1943 at the age of 76 years.
On February 5, 1891 he was married to Annie Fry. To them four children were born, Dessie, Ralph, Floyd and Nannie. After a lingering illness the wife and mother died on September 26, 1905. He then became both a father and a mother to his children, rearing them to manhood and womanhood.
On May 15, 1917 he was married to Phoebe Harper. To them two daughters were born, Frances and Ruth Ellen.
Many years ago he united with the Methodist church, serving continuously on the various church boards. He was a consistent Christian, doing what he could to make this a better world in which to live. His sickness began last December and he endured months of suffering with patience.
Besides the wife and six children [he leaves two] daughters-in-law, two sons-in-law, seven granddaughters and five grandsons to mourn [the] loss of a loved one; also two brothers, Alva J. [efferson] Clayton of Siam and Elza E. [dgar] Clayton of near Hopkins. Several nieces and nephews survive him and a cousin, R. C. Griffith of near Bedford. A sister, Mrs. Mary H. [annah] Scrivner, preceded him in death and a little granddaughter, Annabel Redenbaugh.
The funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Siam Sunday afternoon, July 4, conducted by Rev. Harry Walling of Clarinda. Burial was in the Siam cemetery.
A very large crowd attended, relatives and friends being present from Omaha, Clarinda, Bedford, Conway, Gravity, Sharpsburg, Braddyville, New] Market, Clearmont and Hopkins.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday September 24, 1959 p. 5
Mrs. Alva Clayton Rites At Siam Church
Last rites for Mrs. Alva Clayton of Siam were held at the Siam Methodist Church Wednesday afternoon, September 16. Rev. Lacey Thompson, pastor of the church, officiated. Burial was in the Siam cemetery, with the Eastern Star burial service at the grave.
Syddena Duncan, daughter of Daniel and Evaline Scrivner Duncan, was born Oct. 10, 1880 near Siam, Iowa. She passed away at St. Francis Hospital in Maryville, Monday, September 14, at the age of 78 years, 11 months, four days.
She received her education in the school at Siam. While attending school, she became acquainted with a schoolmate, Alva J. [efferson] Clayton, to whom she was married at the home of her parents, on August 24, 1898. They established their home near Siam and to this union were born three children; Harry [Antoin] of Fairfield, California; Opal, Mrs. Glen Stewart of Hopkins; Eldon Clayton of Hopkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton observed their 61st wedding anniversary in August.
Mrs. Clayton attended the Methodist Church in Siam during childhood, and later became a member of the church. In August 1959, she was honored by receiving a life membership service pin from the W. S. C. S. She was a very active and willing helper in all church activities, serving as church treasurer for many years.
She was a Past Matron of Highland Chapter No. 523, Order of the Eastern Star, and had served as treasurer of the chapter for many years.
She leaves to mourn her passing her aged husband; the two sons and one daughter; two daughters-in-law, Eula and Lorena; one son-in-law, Glen Stewart; three grandsons, Glen Eldon Stewart, who with his wife Paula live at Pekin, Ill., Harry David Clayton, Fairfield, Calif., Richard Clayton of Hopkins; one granddaughter, Alice Kay Clayton of Hopkins; one great granddaughter, Lynda Ann Stewart, Pekin, Ill.; one sister, Mrs. Maude Clayton of Bedford; one brother, Oscar Duncan of North Hollywood, California.
[Clayton, Montie Josephine Holland]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday December 7, 1961 p. 5
Mrs. Clayton Dies Here Nov. 29
Mrs. Ralph Clayton, a resident of Taylor County most of her life, died unexpectedly at her home north of Bedford, Wednesday night, Nov. 29.
Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church Saturday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Colvin Caughey, pastor of the church. Burial in Fairview cemetery.
Montie Josephine Holland, daughter of Elihu H. and Tennie Caroline [Tennessee Carolyn Hunt] Holland, was born February 7, 1897 in Green County, Tennessee, and departed this life at the age of 64 years, nine months, 22 days.
At the age of three she came with her parents and three sisters to Taylor County, Iowa.
On September 29, 1916, she was united in marriage to Ralph Richard Clayton and to this union was born one daughter, Virginia Marie.
When a girl she became a member of the Baptist church at New Market, later transferring her membership to the First Baptist church in Bedford, where she was an active member.
She leaves to mourn her passing her husband, Ralph; her daughter, Mrs. Lowell Caskey and husband of Overland Park, Kans.; three grandchildren, Dickie, Dianne and Debra Caskey; three sisters, Mrs. [Jennie] Inez Owens of Bedford, Mrs. Dessie [Odessa Elizabeth] Fine, Mrs. Pauline [Marie] Sparks, New Market; one brother, Albert [Fermond] Holland of New Market.
She was preceded in death by her parents, and by one sister, Mrs. Minnie [Maude] Oxford.
Montie, with her husband, Ralph, lived most of her married life in the Bedford community, where her friends were numbered by her acquaintances.
[Clayton, Montie Josephine Holland]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday December 7, 1961 p. 5
Out-of-Towners Attend Rites For Mrs. Clayton
Relatives from out-of-town attending last rites for Mrs. Ralph Clayton [Montie Josephine Holland] in Bedford Saturday, included the following: the Clayton’s daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Caskey and children, Overland Park, Kans.; Mrs. Clayton’s two sisters, Mrs. Nannie Young of Portland, Oreg., Mrs. George Wasson and husband of Council Bluffs; nieces, Miss Eula Redenbaugh of Boulder, Colo., Mrs. Wayne Ward, Mr. Ward and three sons of Walton, Nebr., Mrs. Loren Skogman of Omaha.
Southwest Democrat
Friday March 2, 1888
Father Has Gone
George Washington Clayton was born June 19th, 1825, in Perry County, Ohio and died February 25th, 1888.
Brother Clayton has had a family of nine children, three having died prior to his death, six remaining to mourn his loss, but they need not mourn as those who have no hope.
Brother Clayton was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church some 37 years. United with said church in Hardin County, Ohio. He loved its privileges and enjoyed its communion for all those years, serving the Lord. He served the church at times as class leader and steward. In the year 1881 he was made one of the trustees of seven who were incorporated as a body to erect the M. E. Church of Siam, Iowa, in which his funeral services were held. Brother Clayton was taken sick very suddenly with lung fever, which terminated in his death in ten days. He was well aware when taken sick that he would not recover, he also expressed his unshaken confidence in the precious promises in God’s word, oft repeating the three first verses of the fourteenth chapter of the Gospel by John, and other portions of scripture such as, “All things are ready now.” Exhorting neighbors, taking his neighbors by the hand praying for them. He was a man of uniform habits, loved his home, scarcely ever absent from it, and spent most of this present winter reading his bible.
He was a man that appreciated how good the Lord had been to him and he tendered of his substance to aid in building a temple of worship at Siam and was always ready to support the Gospel. The funeral services were conducted by brother Joseph Stewart and H. H. Roush.
From the 14th chapter of the Gospel by John.
Let not your heart be troubled; ye
Believe in God, believe also in Me,
In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go to prepare a place for you,
I will come again, and receive you unto
myself, that where I am, ye may be also.
Our prayer is that the kind Father in heaven may sanctify this affliction, to the good of the children and friends of the deceased.
Our time is short, the season near,
When death will us remove,
To leave our friends however dear,
And all we fondly love.
Together let us sweetly live,
Together let us die,
And such a starry crown receive,
And reign with Christ on high.
H. H. Roush
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday January 4, 1934 p. 8
George E. Clayton Dies At Clarinda
George E. [phraim] Clayton, pioneer resident of New Market and Clarinda, died Monday morning. The funeral services were held at the Pruitt Funeral Home in Clarinda Wednesday afternoon and burial was in the Fairview cemetery in Bedford.
Mr. Clayton came from Kansas, where the home of his parents was, and located in New Market n 1891. After a year as clerk in a general store there, he entered business with A. V. Hunt under the firm name of Hunt & Clayton. They moved their store to Clarinda in 1898, continuing the firm until 1909.
Following the dissolution of the dry goods firm, Mr. Clayton directed his attention to real estate, loans, and insurance. He re-entered the dry goods business several years later, and again later established a grocery store. Ill health caused his final retirement from active business several years ago.
Taylor County Democrat
Thursday April 19, 1894 [p. 1]
Siam Items
Died, at his home near Siam, Elmer [Arthur] Clayton, son of C. [harles] A.[ddison] and Elizabeth [Bailey] Clayton, Sunday, April 15, aged 11 years, 9 months and 20 days. The funeral sermon was preached at the M. E. church on Monday at 11 o’clock a. m. by Elder Campbell, who lives near New Market, after which the remains were taken to the cemetery and little Elmer’s body was laid to rest. A large congregation of sympathizing friends followed the remains to their last resting place. The boy came to his death from being kicked by a horse on Saturday morning, April 14. He ran in the barn after a hog and it is supposed the horse became frightened and kicked the boy. He was not thought to be dangerously hurt until the morning on which he died. Elmer was a bright, intelligent boy, and was loved by all his schoolmates, which was shown in the attendance at the funeral. They acted as pallbearers, and after the casket was lowered into the grave, the pupils marched around the grave and deposited a sprig of evergreen on the casket in token of the respect they had for the departed. We join in extending our sympathy to the grief-stricken family.
Taylor County Democrat
Thursday April 26, 1894
Elmer A. [rthur] Clayton, son of C. [harles] A. [ddison] and Elizabeth [Bailey] Clayton, aged nearly 12 years, died on Sunday morning, April 15, from an injury received from the kick of a horse 24 hours previously. His funeral was conducted in the Siam M. E. church at 11 a. m., Monday, April 16, by Rev. J. F. Campbell. The attendance was large, and gave expression to the sympathy of the community. The teachers and pupils of the public school attended the funeral services in a body. Elmer was intellectually bright, and of an amiable disposition. The family have the sincerest sympathy of the community. J. F. C.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday December 7, 1961 p. 5
G. W. Campain Dies Friday
Guy Campain, a resident of the Sharpsburg community for many years, died at the Armstrong Nursing Home in Bedford, Friday, Dec. first.
Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church in Sharpsburg, of which he was a member, Sunday afternoon, Dec. 4. Rev. Colvin Caughey of the Bedford Baptist Church officiated. Burial in Lexington cemetery.
Guy Willard Campain, son of John and Eliza [Middlebrook] Campain, was born August 26, 1878 at Humeston, Iowa. He was one of 13 children and died at the age of 83 years, three months, five days.
He was married to Phoebe Jane Strong on December 21, 1904 and to this union two sons were born.
He is survived by his two sons, John Wesley Campain of Council Bluffs, Frank Campain [William Franklin] of Bedford; two sisters, Mrs. Louise McKris of Sargent, Nebr.; Mrs. Nora Lewis of Burwell, Nebr.; three brothers, Steven of Lewistown, Mont., William of Osceola, Nebr., Albert of Hastings, Nebr.; four grandchildren, three great grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his wife, who died in 1943; also by five brothers and two sisters.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday December 7, 1961 p. 5
Out-of-Town Relatives At Campain Rites
Out-of-town relatives in Bedford and Sharpsburg Sunday for funeral services for Guy Campain included the following: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Burruss, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Campain, Columbus, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Burruss, Clarks, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobi, Mrs. Gladys Hinkle, Loop City, Nebr.; Albert Campain, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mattley, Hastings, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. John W. Campain, Miss Mary Alice Campain, Council Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campain and Bobby, Millard, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Doin Mackey and Janie, Kansas City; Mr. and Mrs. Don Showers and Gary, Maryville.
[Campain, William Franklin “Frank”]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday April 16, 1964 [p. 1]
Final Rites For Frank Campain Held Monday
Funeral services for William Franklin Campain were held Monday (April 13) at the Bedford Baptist Church with Carl Cummings officiating. Mr. Campain died at his home in Bedford April 10 at the age of 56 years, 10 months and 19 days. Interment was at Lexington Cemetery, Bedford.
The following obituary was included in the services:
William Franklin Campain, son of Guy W. [illard] and Phebe [Jane] Strong Campain, was born May 21, 1907 at Franklin, Nebr.
When he was a small boy he moved with his parents to the Sharpsburg community and here he attended the public schools and took a part in the various community activities, where he joined the Presbyterian Church when a young man and has continued his membership there.
On December 24, 1926 he was united in marriage to [Sarah] Fonta Purcell at Creston, Iowa, and they have lived most of their married life in Bedford, Iowa. To them were born three children, Marilyn, Roberta and Robert.
He served in the Medical Corps of the United States Army in both European and Pacific theaters during World War II. He was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge No. 91, Bedford; Nodaway Encampment No. 29 at Clarinda; Patriarch Militant No. 43 at Clarinda; and the Rebekah Lodge No. 134 at Bedford. He had served in several of the official capacities of these orders.
His occupation covered various fields with efficiency; papering and painting was well and faithfully done. He also was a school bus driver, and he loved the children on his route, thinking always of their care and his responsibility for their safety.
To always cherish his memory are his wife, Fonta; his children, Marilyn Rucker and her husband, Merlyn of Bedford, Roberta Mackey and husband, Doin of Kansas City, Mo., Robert Campain and his wife, Ruth [Nance] of Millard, Nebr.; four grandchildren, Michael Rucker, Robert and Douglas Campain and Janie Mackey; one brother, John W. [esley] Campain of Council Bluffs, several aunts, uncles and cousins living in Nebraska, and a host of friends.
He was a kind and loving husband, father and friend. Frank will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
[Campain, William Franklin “Frank”]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday April 23, 1964 p. 6
Attend Services For F. Campain
Included in those attending services for Frank Campain April 3 were:
Mr. and Mrs. Doin Mackey and Janie, Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campain, Bobby & Douglas, Millard, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. John W. Campain, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Dawson, Council Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Burruss, Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyers, Mrs. Marvin Wilcox, Silver Creek, Nebr.; Mrs. Earle Miller, Osceola, Nebr.; Mrs. Harold Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Burruss, Columbus, Nebr.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Fisher, Maryville, Mo.; Edward Purcell, Indianola, George Hagland, Byron Weilemnan, Mrs. Roy Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Rayburn Almond, Red Oak; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Million, Osceola; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Waddell, Exira; Margaret Anton, Bernice McDowell, Ruth McDowell, Leon McDowell, Creston; Mr. and Mrs. Burl Pfander, Corning; Frank Anderson, Orville Preco, Paul Gorrell, Clarinda.
Taylor County Democrat
Thursday September 13, 1894 [p. 4]
A fatal accident happened Tuesday near Gravity, which resulted in the death of John Nash’s 8-year-old son [William]. It appears that Mr. Nash was driving along the road from New Market in a wagon when his son by accident fell between the wheels. The hind wheel passed over his head and crushed his skull, causing instant death. The funeral of the unfortunate boy took place at New Market yesterday. This is a sad blow to the parents as this was their only son.
Taylor County Democrat
Thursday September 13, 1894 [p. 4]
Died, Saturday, Sept. 8, the infant child [Florence] of Mr. and Mrs. William [Crawford] Dowlin [Hannah Vandyke Fowler]. The remains were buried Sunday afternoon, Sept. 9, in the Titus [Graceland] cemetery. The parents have the sympathy of the community in this their sad bereavement.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday September 24, 1959 p. 5
Mrs. John Parisho Rites At Conway
Funeral services for Mrs. John G. [arfield] Parisho were held at the Conway Methodist Church, Wednesday afternoon, September 16. Rev. Frank L. Greenwood, pastor of the church officiated. Burial in Conway cemetery.
Mary R. Smith, daughter of Oscar [Eldridge] and Minnie W. [illiams] Smith, was born at Martinsville, Mo., September 7, 1885 and died at her home in Conway, September 12, 1959, at the age of 74 years and five days.
On April 9, 1903 she was united in marriage to Daniel C. [uster] Matheny and to this union three children were born: Chloris, Juanita and Dale.
Soon after their marriage, they moved to Conway. Here she became a member of the Christian church and later transferred her membership to the Methodist church.
Mr. Matheny passed away on September 3, 1946.
She later married John G. [arfield] Parisho on February 20, 1954, and became the stepmother to his five children.
For the last 15 years she had suffered with diabetes and other attendant illnesses. In her failing health, she was constantly attended by her devoted husband and family.
She is survived by her husband, John G. [arfield] Parisho; three daughters, Mrs. Juanita [Edris] Moore of Conway, Mrs. Chloris Sharp of Bedford, Mrs. Dale Abramson of Omaha; 11 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren; a step-mother, Mrs. Anne Smith of Creston; one sister, Mrs. Fonta [Lee] Longfellow of Bedford; three brothers, Wayne Smith of Villisca, Orville Smith and Cleo Smith of Creston; three step-sons, William R. Parisho of Cedar Falls, John R. Parisho of Waterloo, Eugene Parisho of Blackwood, New Jersey; two step-daughters,, Mrs. Grace Forster of San Diego, California, Mrs. Ruth Saville of Boulder, Colorado; 11 grandchildren, four step-great-grandchildren.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday September 24, 1959 p. 5
Dale Foster, 61, of Sharpsburg Dies
Dale Foster, farmer at Sharpsburg, died Sunday, September 13 at Rosary Hospital, Corning.
Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church in Sharpsburg, Wednesday afternoon, September 16. Rev. Eldridge McGehee, pastor of the church, officiated. Burial was in the Guss cemetery.
Dale Leonard Foster was born April 30, 1898 in Adair County, Iowa and passed away at the age of 61 years, five months, 13 days.
He was the son of John W. and Salina Ewing Foster, and attended school in Fontanelle.
He commenced farming near Guss in 1919 and on September 11, 1920, was married to Cassie L. Else of Guss. To them four children wee born: Keith E. Foster of Topeka, Kans., Gene W. Foster of Ankeny, Mrs. Haldean Severn of Atascadero, Calif., Mrs. Paul E. Chitty, Jr., of Havre de Grace, Maryland.
The family made their home in Adams and Taylor counties and since 1944 have resided near Sharpsburg.
As a young man, Mr. Foster joined the Methodist Church.
He is survived by his wife, the four children and nine grandchildren. Also by two sisters and one brother: Mrs. Florence Sippel of Santa Monica, Calif., J. T. Foster of Pacoima, Calif., Mrs. George Fuller of Bremerton, Washington.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday September 24, 1959 p. 5
Oldest Resident of Lenox Died
Mrs. Olive O. McIntyre, 100 last March 20 and the oldest resident in Lenox, died Thursday, Sept. 17, at the United Presbyterian Retirement Home at Washington, Iowa. She spent the summer at her home in Lenox, but was taken by ambulance to Washington after suffering a stroke recently. She sold magazines for more than 50 years and lived most of her life in Lenox. Since her advanced age, she and her daughter, Miss Aulora McIntyre, spent the winters at their cottage at the Washington Home.
Her husband, Jeremiah Ross McIntyre, died in 1932. Survivors are two daughters, Aulora, a retired missionary, and Mrs. Fred Moon [Minerva] of Prescott; one son, Dr. Will McIntyre, business manager of the Washington Home; eight grandchildren, 17 great grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Saturday at Washington. Burial in the Washington cemetery.