Obituaries |
submitted by: Julia Johnson - |
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday December 19, 1974 p .3
Harvey Meredith Dies In Omaha
Funeral services for Harvey Edwin Meredith, 58, of Omaha, Nebr., were held December 7 at Colonial Chapel in Omaha. Mr. Meredith died December 3, 1974 at Emmanuel Lutheran Hospital in Omaha. Interment was at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Omaha.
Harvey was the son of Clarence Edwin Meredith and Mary Emily Roberts Meredith, born January 24, 1916, at Gravity, Iowa.
He is survived by his wife, Alberta Jean Meredith; twins, Harvey David and Jennifer Christina Meredith of Omaha; son, Edwin M. Meredith, of Shawnee Mission, Kansas; step-children, Richard Statts of Omaha and Mrs. Joy Von Haden of Augusta, Wisc.; brother, Howard W. [oodrow] Meredith of Bedford; sister, St. Claire M. Erekson, Salt Lake City, Utah; and three grandchildren.
Harvey was a kind, loving husband, father, brother and grandfather and will be missed by all those who knew and loved him.
[Longfellow, Mary Elizabeth O’Dougherty]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday January 21, 1982 p. 4
Mary Longfellow, 90, Rites Were Held In Oregon
Services were held in Scott’s Funeral Chapel for a longtime McMinnville, Oregon resident, Mary Elizabeth Longfellow, who died at the age of 90, Jan. 9, 1982, in the Careousel Care Center.
The Rev. James Cayton of Tigard officiated and interment was in Evergreen Memorial Park.
Born July 1, 1891, in Bedford, Iowa, she was [the] daughter of Lola [Underwood] and Peter O’Dougherty. She was raised and educated in Bedford, where she and Thomas Longfellow were married in October 1915.
In 1949, the Longfellows moved to McMinnville and Mrs. Longfellow had lived in the city since that time. She was preceded in death by her husband in 1978.
Survivors include four sons, Robert N. and F. Dean Longfellow, both of McMinnville, Dale of Tacoma and T. Neil Longfellow of Tigard; 11 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday December 14, 1978 p. 4
Services Held Dec. 8 For Thomas Longfellow
Funeral services for Thomas Nelson Longfellow, 89, a native of the Bedford area, were held on December 8, 1978, in Scott’s Funeral Chapel, McMinnville, Oregon. Mr. Longfellow died December 5 at McMinnville, Oregon. Interment was at Evergreen Memorial Cemetery, McMinnville.
Thomas Nelson Longfellow was born on January 28, 1889 at Platteville, Iowa. On October 15, 1915, he married Mary Elizabeth O’Dougherty at Bedford. He was a farmer in the Bedford area until 1949, when he retired and moved to McMinnville, Ore.
Mr. Longfellow is survived by his wife, Mary, and sons Robert and Dean of McMinnville, a son Dale of Tacoma, Wash., a son Neal of Tigard, Ore., a brother, Frank, of Bedford, 11 grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday January 21, 1982 p. 4
Dylven Smith, 65, Final Rites Held In Blockton
Funeral services for Samuel Dylven Smith, 65, formerly of Sheridan, Mo., held in the Blockton United Methodist Church, were conducted by Pastor Milt Henderson. Mr. Smith died January 8, 1982 in a Des Moines hospital. Military rites were conducted by the Blockton American Legion Post No. 443 at the Blockton Cemetery.
Samuel Dylven Smith was born September 17, 1916 near Ravenwood, Mo. He was the fourth of eight children born to Samuel B. [ertie] and Retha [Retta Clutter] Smith.
Dylven or “Del” as he is known to most of us, grew up near Sheridan, Mo. and graduated from Sheridan High School.
On August 17, 1941 he was married to Evelyn Marie Ogle of Blockton, who survives. To this union were born a son and a daughter, both of whom died in infancy.
Del served three-and-one-quarter years in the Army in World War II. Much of his time he was stationed in France.
Del and Marie lived for nearly three years in Oregon. For 19 years they operated a propane gas service at Pumpkin Center, Mo., and for the past seven years, they have made their home in Blockton.
Del is survived by his wife, Marie Smith; four sisters, Mrs. Ermil Black, Silverton, Ore., Mrs. Floyd Pierce, Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. Jimmie Miller, Guilford, Mo., and Mrs. Francis Moore, Blanchard, Ia.; several nieces and nephews.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday July 1, 1926 p. 1, 5
Will Evans Funeral To Be Held Friday
Died At His Home Here Wednesday June 30 Following Year’s Illness
“Uncle Will’ Evans passed away at his home here yesterday morning following an illness of a year or more. The funeral will be held at the Baptist Church Friday afternoon July 2, 1926 at 2:30 o’clock, conducted by Rev. C. W. Fletcher, and interment made in the Fairview Cemetery.
In his passing Bedford and community has lost one of its best known and best loved pioneer men and G. A. R. veterans. Below are given excerpts from a History of Taylor County, compiled by the late Frank Crosson, that gives quite fully main facts in the life of Will F. Evans.
W. [illiam] F. [ranklin] Evans was born in Fountain County, Indiana, April 25, 1840, his parents being John and Catherine (Bristow) Evans, who were natives of Virginia and Ohio respectively.
He came to Taylor County with his parents in the spring of 1856, moving onto a 400-acre farm in Benton Township. As a farm boy he spent the days of his boyhood and youth early becoming familiar with the work incident to the development of the fields and the cultivation of the crops. When he had reached his majority his father gave him eighty acres of land and he engaged in farming in Benton Township until 1872, while he carefully tilled the fields and in consequence gathered good harvests. He did not confine his attention exclusively to the operation of his farm, for in 1872 he was elected county auditor and served for four years.
He was later appointed postmaster of Bedford and filled that position for four years. In 1880 he was again elected county treasurer and continued to serve there for four years, retiring from the office as he had entered it----with the confidence and good will of all concerned.
When he had put aside official duties he engaged in the grocery business in Bedford with his brother, Jesse J. [oshua], but his fellow townsmen were not content that he should relinquish all public service and in 1903 he was again elected county treasurer. No public trust reposed in him was ever betrayed in the slightest degree and on the contrary his record was one over which there falls not the least shadow of wrong nor suspicion of evil. In addition to this he was assessor for the city of Bedford for several years. He also acted as secretary of the Taylor County Agricultural Society for twelve consecutive years.
There is another chapter in the life history of Mr. Evans that is most creditable----that concerning his military experience. On the 9th of August, 1862, when the country was engaged in civil war, he offered his aid to the government, enlisting in Company F, 29th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, with which he remained for three years, being mustered out August 9, 1865. He enlisted as a private, was afterward made orderly sergeant and was mustered out with the rank of second lieutenant. He participated in the battles of Helena and Salina River and was also in many skirmishes. Never for an instant did he falter in the performance of his duty as he defended the old flag---the symbol of a united nation.
When Mr. Evans went to the front he bade adieu to his bride of but a few months for he had been married on the 13th of February 1862, to Miss Amanda Lewis, a daughter of William and Mary [Jane Van Meter] Lewis. Three sons were born of that marriage: Charles I. [ra], Ott [Omar] L., and Arthur B., all living in Parsons, Kansas. Mrs. W. [illam] F. [ranklin] Evans died in 1905 at the age of sixty-one years, passing away in the faith of the Baptist church, of which she was a devoted member. Later, Mr. Evans married again, his second union being with Mrs. Elizabeth [Lewis] McCracken, the widow of Thomas [Jefferson] McCracken, and a sister of his first wife.
Mr. Evans joined the Baptist church when he was young and was always active and interested in Sunday school, and thus cooperated with the moral improvement of the community. He was a member of the Sedgwick Post No. 10, G. A. R. He was one of the leading representatives in Taylor County, loyal to its principles and interested in its work. He stood as one of the foremost citizens of this part of the state, honored and respected by all who knew him.
Since the above record was written in 1910, some further facts regarding the subject of the sketch may be added. Mr. Evans served the city of Bedford as its assessor for a number of years in the later years of his life, and we are told was Sunday School secretary at the Baptist Church for 40 years or more.
His sons mentioned above as all living in Parsons, are present to attend the funeral services. Arthur now lives at Minneapolis. His two sisters, only surviving members of a large family, are Mrs. John Turner [Margaret Jane] of this city and Mrs. Orr Campbell [Ellen].
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday November 13, 1958
Mrs. Belle Manley Died Here Saturday
Mrs. Belle Manley died at her home in Bedford Saturday morning, November 8.
Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church in Siam Monday afternoon November 10 with Rev. Anthony Blankers of the Bedford Methodist Church officiating. Burial in Siam cemetery.
Anna Belle Manley, daughter of David [McCune] and Katherine [Bashore] Stewart, was born at Siam, Taylor County, Iowa, on June 3, 1873 and passed away at the age of 85 years, five months, five days.
She was married to Wilfred Leroy Manley, February 10, 1897. To them six children were born, five of whom survive their mother. One son, Wilfred Leroy Manley, died on January 3, 1957. Those surviving are Oren Manley of the home; Mrs. Thelma Duncan, Bedford; Mrs. Alice Wilson, Albuquerque, New Mexico; Cecil Manley, North Platte, Nebraska; Orie Manley, Lenox. The husband and father died June 2, 1929.
Mrs. Manley has four brothers and three sisters living. They are Mrs. Ella [Louise] Perkins of Blockton, Mrs. Josie [Helen] Fox of Sheridan, Mrs. Emza Melvin of Albany, Oregon, Frank Stewart, Lee Stewart and Delton Stewart, Bedford; Bert Stewart of Hopkins. Two brothers and a sister preceded her in death. She has 13 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren.
Mrs. Manley grew to womanhood in the Siam community. Most of her life was spent in Taylor County with the exception of nine years in Missouri and one year in Colorado. Early in life she united with the Methodist Church of Siam, and her membership has been with that church until her death.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday March 25, 1943 p. 5
Obituary - J. A. Stewart
James Albert Stewart, son of Joseph and Jane McCune Stewart, was born October 19, 1851, in Indiana County, Pennsylvania and died after a short illness at his home near Siam, March 10, 1943, at the age of 91 years, 4 months and 19 days.
After spending his early childhood in Pennsylvania, he came with his parents westward in 1856, locating near Burlington, Iowa. In 1869 he moved to Taylor County, Iowa, where he spent the remainder of his life.
In 1873 he was married to Sarah [Ann] Bashore. They established their home on the same farm where he spent his entire life.
To them were born 9 children, Ora, Elbert and Bessie, all of whom died in childhood; Oscar of Clarinda, Elsie [Ellen] Rankin, who died in July 1919; Jess [Jesse Elton], Roy [Albert.], Etta [M.] at home, and Alice [Belle] Patterson of Lyons, Kansas.
Surviving with the children are 6 grandchildren, 7 great grandchildren and an aged brother, Joseph A. Stewart of Siam.
His wife died March 16, 1891, at the age of 29 years, leaving 6 small children, which he tenderly cared for until grown. He also made a home for two grandchildren, Gladys and Audrey Rankin, after the death of their mother.
One brother, David McCune Stewart; four sisters, Eliza Jane Amsbaugh, Margaret Ann Deardorff, Mary E. Crabill and Clara B. [ell] Bradley; and a great grandchild, Bobbie Adams, preceded him in death.
He became a member of the Methodist Church at an early date.
Mr. Stewart was of a kind and cheerful disposition, always willing to help those in need.
The funeral services were held at the Methodist Church in Siam, Friday, March 12, conducted by Rev. Harry Walling. Burial was in the Siam cemetery.
[Stewart, Elvira Catherine Larison]
Taylor County Herald
Thursday May 18, 1944 [p. 1]
Last Rites Held For Mrs. John Stewart
Mrs. John [William] Stewart [Elvira Catherine Larison], 83, a former resident of the Forest Grove community near Bedford, died at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Weir, in Cedar Falls [Iowa] Sunday, May 14, following a lingering illness.
She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Arthur Runft [Georgia] and Mrs. Clarence Weir [Carrie] of Cedar Falls; a brother, Roy Stewart, of Chattanooga, Tenn.; three grandchildren, Oren J. Weir, serving with the armed forces in Italy, Arthur Runft, stationed at Buckley Field, Colo., Donna Jean Runft of Cedar Falls, and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Emma Stewart, of Bedford. Her husband and a daughter, Mrs. Roy Walker [Della May], preceded her in death a number of years ago.
Short rites were held in Cedar Falls Tuesday and the body was brought to Bedford, where services were at the Baptist Church, conducted by the Rev. C. M. Crowell, a former Bedford pastor, and the Rev. O. H. Hallgrimson. Interment was made in Fairview Cemetery.
Bedford Times-Press, Thursday, May 18, 1944, [p. 1]
Mrs. Elvira Stewart Buried Wednesday
Mrs. Elvira Stewart, a former resident of the Forest Grove community, died at her home in Cedar Falls, Iowa, Sunday, May 14. The funeral services were held at the First Baptist church in Cedar Falls Tuesday afternoon conducted by Rev. Clark M. Crowell, pastor of that church.
The body was brought to Bedford Wednesday and services were held at the Baptist church here conducted by Rev. Crowell, assisted by Rev. O. H. Hallgrimson. Burial was in the Fairview cemetery.
Mrs. Stewart is survived by two daughters and their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Weir, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Runft, two grandsons in the service and a granddaughter. Mr. Stewart and another daughter, Mrs. Roy Walker, preceded her in death.
Mr. and Mrs. Weir, Mr. and Mrs. Runft, Rev. and Mrs. Crowell accompanied the body here for the last rites.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday July 19, 1962 p. 5
Mary E. Stewart Rites Held
Final rites for Mary Edith Stewart were held here Mon., July 16. Burial was in the Bedford cemetery.
Mary Edith Stewart, daughter of Charles [Marion] and Kate [Widner] Mohler, was born Jan. 6, 1891, and died at St. Francis Hospital July 13, 1962, at the age of 71 years, six months and seven days.
Mary Edith Mohler was united in marriage to Jacob Elmer Stewart May 4, 1910, who preceded her in death Aug. 28, 1950. To this union 5 children were born: Cleo Stewart, Hopkins; Kenneth Stewart, Bedford; Mrs. C. [y] V. Shaddy (Austie) [Austa], El Centro, Calif.; Mrs. Ralph Gordon (Golda Laverne), Hopkins; Omar J. Stewart (who died at birth). There are seven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. She has one sister (Mrs. Roy Raines), Versailles, Mo.; two brothers, Mr. Marion Mohler, Bedford, and Bernie Mohler, Clarinda. Three brothers and three sisters preceded her in death.
Mary Edith Stewart united with the Methodist Church at Bedford March 1916.
She lived her entire life in Taylor County. Edith was a loving mother and especially enjoyed her grandchildren. She was very interested in her friends and church. She will be greatly missed by all.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday February 9, 1978 p. 4
Last Rites Held In Bedford For Anna Stewart, 86
Graveside services for Mrs. Thomas (Anna) Stewart, 86, of Greeley, Colo., formerly of Bedford, held February 6 in Fairview Cemetery, Bedford, were conducted by Mr. Carl Cummings. Mrs. Stewart died February 1, 1978 in Greeley, Colorado.
Anna Newlon Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Newlon, was born in Culbertson, Nebraska, on April 17, 1891.
She married Thomas Gourly Stewart on March 29, 1910, and they lived in the Bedford, Iowa area for almost 20 years. They operated a hardware store in Gravity, Iowa, for eight years, prior to her husband being elected and serving as Clerk of the District Court of Taylor County, Iowa. In 1921 they moved to a farm east of Bedford, where they lived until her husband died on February 28, 1930.
To this union one son, Thad was born. Following his graduation from Bedford High School in 1930, she was employed as a cook in the girls’ dormitory, Mary Berry Hall, at Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa. Two years later she accepted the position as housemother at the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity house at the college. This employment played the major role in seeing that her son received a college education.
In July 1934, she was appointed State Juvenile Agent with southwest Iowa as her territory of responsibility. She held this position for over 17 years. During this time she was successful in establishing foster homes and was somewhat phenomenal in arranging permanent adoptions for children of various ages.
In 1951 she decided on early retirement and moved to Philadelphia, Penn. to be near her son, and his family. But she did not retire and secured a position as housemother at the Devereaux School located in Main Line Philadelphia. She missed Iowa and the Midwest and never really accepted living in the east but remained at Devereaux School for three years. She then was employed for a time as a social worker in a hospital at Perryville, Missouri, then as social worker in the Christian Children’s Home in Council Bluffs, Iowa, until in the early 1960’s.
She was a well-known career woman and was one of the best in working with underprivileged children. She was active in the Order of Eastern Star; the Business and Professional Women and she was named the outstanding woman of the year at Atlantic, Iowa, in the early 1960’s. She partially retired and moved to Greeley, Colorado, where she lived and cared for an unmarried brother and sister. In 1971, a few years after her sister’s death, she suffered a stroke and she and her brother entered the Kenton Nursing Home in Greeley, Colorado, where she continued to reside.
Left to cherish her memory are her son, Thad and his wife, Martha, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; grandchildren, Tommy and Paula Ann; and great grandchildren, James, Thomas and Larry.
She was a member of the United Methodist Church.
Throughout her active life, her memories of her husband, her love for her son and his family, her strong ambition and sincere devotion to duty, and her interest and love for kinfolk and all children, resulted in a high degree of contribution of helping others.
Her family and friends will remember her as a kind and considerate loved one, and she will be sadly missed by all who knew and loved her.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday March 26, 1942 p. 5
Mrs. Eva Perkins Dies At Gravity
Mrs. Eva Perkins, a resident of Bedford and community practically all of her life, died at the home of her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Gail Eighmy, near Gravity, Sunday, March 22.
The funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home in Bedford Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Stanley Schlick. The body was placed in the Mausoleum in Fairview cemetery for the present and later will be interred in the Bedford cemetery.
Eva Rozella Lacy, daughter of Peter and Sarah [John] Lacy, was born near Bedford, Iowa, July 23, 1867, being aged 74 years, 7 months and 29 days at the time of her death.
She was married to Louis Perkins, September 30, 1886. To them were born four children: Frank Perkins and Jasper Perkins of Bedford, Mrs. Dee Smalley [Ethel] of Kansas City and Mrs. Gail Eighmy [Letha] of Gravity. Mr. Perkins died April 1, 1931.
Surviving with the four children are eleven grandchildren and one great granddaughter; also two brothers, T. [homas] V. [alentine] Lacy and James [Warren] Lacy, both of Bedford.
When about sixteen years of age she united with the Berea Church and remained faithful until her death.
[Abarr, Elizabeth Lillian “Bessie” Harris]
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday January 16, 1936 p. 8
Mrs. A. J. Abarr Dies In Creston
Mrs. A. J. Abarr, 51, wife of Dr. A. J. Abarr of Clearfield, died in a Creston hospital Sunday morning, Jan. 5. The funeral services were held at the Methodist Church in Clearfield Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. C. Henn. Burial was in the Clearfield cemetery.
Bessie Lillian, daughter of Reuben and Esther [Walker] Harris, was born in Wayne County, Iowa, near Allerton Sept. 16, 1884.
She was married to Dr. Alvin J. [ohn] Abarr, March 17, 1907. To them were born three children, Ardath [Dale], Helen [Gertrude] and Leland [Harris], who with their father are left to mourn her loss. Besides her own children she leaves a niece, Alice Ann Gallagher, who has been a member of the home for the past ten years. She leaves one sister, Mrs. William Nelson of Jefferson, Iowa; three brothers, W. H. Harris of Letcher, S. Dak.; and Dr. Harvey Harris of Lineville, Iowa. She also leaves four grandchildren.
At an early age she united with the Christian Church at Walnut, Iowa, later affiliating with the Methodist church at Diagonal, during her residence of five years there. Since 1912 her church membership has been in the Methodist church at Clearfield, where she has been a willing and faithful worker.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday June 14, 1951 p. 3
Dr. A. J. Abarr Dies
Word was received Friday morning that Dr. A. [lvin] J. [ohn] Abarr, 76, retired veterinarian, had died at Mayo’s, Rochester, Minn., early that morning. J. R. Crew drove to Rochester for the body, which was brought to the Crew Funeral Home. Services were at the Methodist Church June 11. Surviving are his wife, Leota [Kathleen Jackson], two daughters, Ann at home, Mrs. Helen Posten, Creston; two sons, Leland [Harris] of Des Moines and Ardath [Dale] of Kansas City, Mo.; and one brother, Ralph [Day] Abarr of Blockton.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday June 14, 1951 p. 3
Attend Abarr Funeral
Among those from out of town who attended the last rites for Dr. A. [lvin] J. [ohn] Abarr in Clearfield Monday, were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Seymour of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Abarr of Indianola, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Posten [Helen Abarr] of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Abarr of Des Moines, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harold of St. Louis.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday January 16, 1936 p. 8
Mrs. R. E. Talbott Dies In Kansas City
Mrs. R. [alph] E. Talbott, a former resident of this community, died at Trinity hospital in Kansas City, Thursday, Jan. 9, after a week’s illness.
Death was caused by a brain hemorrhage. The Talbott family moved from a farm southwest of Bedford a year ago to Paola, Kansas. Mrs. Talbott will be remembered as Miss Rhea [Rhee] Langdon.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday August 30, 1973 p. 7
Harold A. Lacy, 70, Rites Here Aug. 25
Graveside services for Harold A. [den] Lacy, 70, of Des Moines, formerly of Bedford, were held at Fairview Cemetery here Sat., Aug. 25, conducted by Rev. C. Ray McCain. Mr. Lacy died in Methodist Hospital in Des Moines August 23.
Harold A. [den] Lacy, son of Thomas [Valentine] and Alta Cobb Lacy, was born June 27, 1903.
He was married to Edna Wolverton and they were the parents of a daughter, Lois, Mrs. Roberto Palacios.
Mr. Lacy went to Des Moines in 1941. He was married to Edith Lee Carver in 1944.
He was preceded in death by his father and mother and one sister, Mrs. G.[eorge] D.[ewey] [Lillian] (Bernice) Hensley.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Edith Lee Lacy; daughter, Mrs. Lois (Roberto) Palacios, Mexico City, Mexico; 11 grandchildren; step-mother, Mrs. Edna Walters Lacy, Bedford; step-daughters, Mrs. Mary Lou Roberts, Clarion, Iowa, and Mrs. Mona Hanlen, Des Moines, Iowa; brother-in-law, G. [eorge] D. [ewey] Hensley, Bedford.
Taylor County Republican
Thursday February 21, 1878 p. 3
Mr. Wm. Lewis died on last Friday morning, the 15th inst., of typhoid fever, in his 81st year, he having been born in Culpepper County, Va., on the first of April, 1797. He removed to Hardin County, Ky., in 1826, and thence to Indiana in 1838. In 1856 he came to Taylor County, Iowa, where he has since resided. On the 15th day of January 1828 he married Miss Mary J. [ane] Van Meter, with whom he lived happily for more than fifty years, and who still survives. The union was blessed with thirteen children, five of whom are dead. Four of those who are living reside in California, namely, Charles, Joseph, Abraham and Jacob. The remaining four live in Bedford, and are Mr. John Lewis, Mrs. Thos. McCracken [Elizabeth], Mrs. Wm. F. [ranklin] Evans [Amanda] and Mrs. J. [ames] A.[lexander] Evans [Martha Jane]. The deceased united with the Bethel Baptist Church in Kentucky in 1826, and has been a consistent member of the Baptist Church in Bedford for the last twenty-two years. His death was calm and peaceful.
Bedford Free Press
Thursday February 11, 1904 [p. 1]
Death Of An Old Resident
Saturday morning of last week the expected occurred, and Grandma Lewis quietly closed her eyes and breathed her last. She had been on the verge of death for some time, and the final end caused no surprise. At 11:30 her liberated and glorified spirit returned to the God who gave it.
Mary Jane Van Meter was born in Elizabethtown, Hardin County, Kentucky, October 11, 1811. She was married to Wm. Lewis at that place January 15, 1828. To them were born thirteen children, seven sons and six daughters. Of these seven have preceded her to the great beyond.
Mrs. Mary J. [ane] Lewis was 92 years, 3 months and 25 days old at the time of her death, and she was ready and waiting for the messenger. She was indeed a pioneer of this section and her life was full of kindly deeds and loving acts. She was as a sheaf of ripened grain, ready for the sickle, and she gladly accepted the welcome call.
Deceased leaves two daughters, Mrs. Will Evans [Amanda] and Mrs. Thos. McCracken [Elizabeth]. Her sons are Joe and John, Wyoming; Charles, Nevada, and Jake in Walla Walla.
Funeral services were conducted at the home of her daughter, Mrs. McCracken, by Rev. Griffith. Interment in Fairview.