Obituaries |
submitted by: Julia Johnson - |
Thursday May 2, 1929 p. 3
Mrs. I. A. Hindman
Jane Maxwell, daughter of Mary Ann Moade and Thomas Maxwell, was born in the state of Missouri, Feb. 10, 1873, and departed this life from her home in Bedford, Ia., on the 24th day of April 1929, at the age of 56 years, 2 months and 16 days. She moved from the state of Missouri into the state of Iowa with her parents when she was one year of age, having lived her entire life in Bedford. She has been a resident of Taylor County for more than 55 years. On April 9th, 1893, she was united in marriage to I. [ra] A. Hindman, and to this union four children were born, as follows: Retta, Hershel and Hubert who have preceded her in death, and Harry who is living in Chicago. Those left to mourn her departure are her husband, I. [ra] A. Hindman of Bedford, and Harry, her son, of Chicago. She also leaves five brothers and one sister. Mrs. Hindman leaves many other relatives and kind friends. Mrs. Hindman was baptized and received into the Methodist church at the age of 18 years. Mrs. Hindman has not enjoyed good health for many months past, and while her friends realized this situation, yet her death came as more or less of a shock to them all. The sympathy of this community will go out to Mr. Hindman and his family at this time.
Funeral services were held Saturday morning at 10:30 o’clock at the home, conducted by Rev. C. M. Crowell, and burial was made in Fairview cemetery.
Thursday May 2, 1929 p. 3
Eliza McIntosh Smith
Eliza Jane McIntosh was born Dec. 25, 1839, in Ross County, Ohio, and departed this life April 14, 1929, aged 89 years, 3 months and 19 days, at the home of her daughter about 9 miles southeast of Bedford, Iowa. She grew to womanhood near Rainsburg, Highland County, Ohio, and was united in marriage to William B. Smith, Oct. 25, 1853. To this union was born 10 children. The husband and five children preceded her in death. Those living are: Henry, of Hopkins, Mo.; Isaiah, of Brownington, Mo.; Isaac, of Creston, Ia.; Minnie, of Bedford, Ia.; Lewis, of St. Joseph, Mo. She joined the Brethren church in Ohio, and in later years the Maple Grove M. E. church near Hopkins, Mo. She also leaves to mourn her demise, three grandchildren, Mrs. Gertrude Caudle of Hopkins, Paul Smith of Parnell, Mo., and Esther Smith; and one great grandson, Ralph Edward Smith. Mrs. Smith was always a lover of home. In later years she did not get away from home very much, but was content with the home life. Her son and daughter-in-law gave to her every comfort and care and will have many very pleasant memories of the love that she returned for the love and loving care they gave.
Funeral services were held at the home Tuesday, April 16, at 11:00 a. m., conducted by Rev. M. R. Talley. Burial was made in New Hope cemetery.
Thursday May 2, 1929 p. 3
Emma Sanders Goudie
Emma Abia Sanders [Saunders], daughter of Charles [W.] and Mary [Jane Lippincott] Sanders [Saunders], was born at Chanderville, Ill., March 1, 1857, and departed this life from her home near Bedford, Iowa, on the 12th day of April, 1929, at the age of 72 years, 1 month and 10 days. In the year 1857, before she was 1 year of age, she moved with her parents to DeWitt, Iowa, where she lived until 1878, when she moved with her family to Crawford County, Iowa, in which county she was a resident for 15 years, coming to Taylor County in 1893, where she has resided for 35 years. In the year 1876, she was united in marriage to Daniel S. Goudie, and to this union 7 children were born, 5 of whom, with the husband, survive, Fred Goudie of Gravity; Mary Jones of Bedford; William Goudie of Kodiak, Alaska; Nellie Kingsley of Fruita, Colo., and Raymond S.[aunders] Goudie of Bedford, Ia.; Emma Leone and Ruth Aileen having preceded her in death. She also leaves one sister, two brothers, 16 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. When a very young girl, Mrs. Goudie united with the Congregational church at DeWitt, and was a member of that church at the time of her death. Another important fact in the life of Mr. and Mrs. Goudie was the celebrating of their fiftieth wedding anniversary on November 15, 1926. Mr. and Mrs. Goudie have been married for over 52 years. We all appreciate the wonderful work that the Rev. William A. [lfred] Goudie is doing at Kodiak, Alaska. Brother Goudie is a son of the late Mrs. Daniel Goudie, and is at this time doing the best piece of work ever done on the Baptist Mission field at Kodiak, Alaska. Our hearts go out in sympathy to Rev. Goudie in his far away home.
Brief services were held at the home Tuesday, April 16th, after which the body was taken to the Baptist church where services were conducted by Rev. Clark M. Crowell at 2:00 o’clock. Burial was made in Fairview cemetery.
[Bradley, Bradford Jay] [Bristow, Samuel N.] [Coup, Frances Adelaide Hazleton] [Wyckoff, Lee Archer]
Bedford Free Press
Thursday May 10, 1923
Four Deaths Occur Here Last Thursday Evening
B. J. Bradley, Sam Bristow, Mrs. J. B. Coup and Lee Wyckoff Died.
Last Thursday evening and early Friday morning, death came to four residents of Bedford, all within a period of less than 24 hours. Those passing on to the better world were:
Bradford J. [ay] Bradley, 62 years of age; Samuel N. Bristow, 58 years of age; Mrs. J. [acob] B. Coup, 78 years of age, and Lee [Archer] Wyckoff, aged 5 years.
Mr. Bradley had been a sufferer from a paralytic stroke for a number of years and the final end was hastened by pneumonia. Mr. Bristow a few weeks ago was found to have cancer of the stomach and submitted to an operation at Maryville. He had recovered enough to come home but after a few days returned to Maryville for further treatment and died in the hospital there. Mrs. Coup died quite suddenly, death being hastened by the infirmities of old age. The little Wyckoff boy died from an attack of pneumonia from which he had been suffering for about two weeks.
Funeral services for Mr. Bradley were held at the M. E. church Saturday afternoon at 1:30, conducted by Rev. Gable, and the body laid to rest in Greenland [Graceland] cemetery.
Services for Mr. Bristow were held Sunday afternoon at 3:30 at the Baptist church in charge of the minister, Rev. Fletcher, and interment made in the mausoleum in the Bedford cemetery.
Mrs. Coup [Frances Adelaide Hazleton] was buried Sunday afternoon in Fairview cemetery and the services were conducted at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. C. [lyde] M. Livingston [Ruth Coup] at 2:30 o’clock by Rev. Gable.
The little Wyckoff boy was buried Saturday afternoon in the Bedford cemetery and the services conducted by E. E. Lowe at the home.
Obituaries not published for lack of space. Will appear next week.
Bedford Times-Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, May 10, 1923
The out of town relatives who attended the funeral of little Lee Archer Wycoff last Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. John Wycoff, Mrs. Bert Wycoff, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wycoff, Mr. and Mrs. Cad Wycoff and Leroy Wycoff, of St. Joseph, Mo.; Mr. Tippie and daughter, Mrs. Palmer, of Gaynor City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Dall Churchill of Sheridan, Mo.; and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wycoff and children of Liberty, Mo. All returned home Sunday with the exception of Leroy, who will spend a week or ten days with his parents here.
[Note: The last name is spelled Wyckoff on his father's headstone.]
The funeral services were held at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. C. [lyde] E. Livingston [Ruth Coup], in southwest Bedford, Sunday afternoon, May 6th, conducted by Rev. Gable, and the body was laid to rest in Fairview cemetery.
Wyckoff, Lee Archer]
Tuesday May 8, 1923 p. 4
The Angel of Death
Lee Archer Wyckoff was born June 22, 1918, and departed this life May 3, 1923, at the age of 4 years, 10 months and 11 days. He leaves his father, mother, seven brothers, 5 sisters, 2 half-brothers, one sister having preceded him. He was sick only a few weeks. The little one made a brave fight for life, but his little body was too weak, and he went back to the Great Master who gave. His little form will be greatly missed by all, as he was a neighborhood favorite, but God [knows] best.
Funeral services were conducted from the home Saturday, May 5, at 4:00 p.m., by E. E. Lowe, with a quartette from the Church of Christ. Interment was made in Bedford cemetery. Many flowers were in evidence, and a large company attended the services.
Too Beautiful For Earth
In Memory of Lee Archer Wyckoff:
In the Darkness of Night,
The Reaper of Death so free,
Came and took from us,
Our Darling Little Lee.
A Bright and loving child,
And full of life was He.
A Rose-bud bursting in bloom,
Was our Sweet Boy, Lee.
He is now one of God’s Angels,
Too beautiful for earth and
Sin, was He.
God knows best and called, Come,
I will love and care for your
Darling Lee.
(Composed and written by his aunt, Mrs. Dall Churchill, Sheridan, Mo.)
[The same obituary was printed in the Bedford Free Press, May 17, 1923.]
[Coup, Frances Adelaide “Addie” Hazleton]
Bedford Free Press
Thursday May 17, 1923 p. 6
Mrs. J. B. Coup
Frances Adelaide Hazleton was born in Brooklin [Brooklyn], Montrose County, Pa., July 13, 1850.
She was united in marriage to J. [acob] B. [rown] Coup at Emporia [Emporium], Pa., Sept. 14, 1869. To this union four children were born, two daughters and two sons. Wm. B. Coup lives at Decorah, Iowa; Minnie Cole at Jamestown, N. D.; Frank L. [evi] at Hot Springs, Ark; Myrtle Zeamer at Bismarck, N. D.
Mrs. Coup came to Taylor County with her husband July 4, 1872, and has lived in this community since that time, which is over fifty years.
She joined the Methodist church in this place during the pastorate of Rev. Austin but having lost her hearing has not attended in recent years.
She was a devoted wife and a good mother and the community extends sympathy to the husband, children and other relatives.
She passed away May 3, 1923, at the advanced aged of 72 years, 9 months and 20 days.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday March 20, 1975
Ames Larison, 64, Final Rites Held March 14
Funeral services for Ames Wilbur Larison, 64, of Mesa, Arizona, a native of Taylor County, held March 14 at the Christian Church in Blockton, were conducted by Rev. G. W. Swan and Carl Cummings. Mr. Larison died March 10, 1975, at the Desert Samaritan Hospital in Mesa. Interment was at Luteson Cemetery, rural Missouri.
Ames Wilbur Larison, son of Roy and Iona Ames Larison, was born December 1, 1910, in Taylor County, Iowa. He grew to maturity in the area where he was born.
On February 22, 1931, he was united in marriage to Beulah Wilson at Sheridan, Mo. To them one son and two daughters were born.
Ames and Beulah lived on farms in Nodaway County, Missouri, and Taylor County, Iowa, moving to their present farm home in 1943. In addition to being active in farming, church and community affairs, he served as Taylor County A. S. C. committeeman for 20 years.
He was preceded in death by his parents, and a sister, Hazel Larison Barton.
Left to cherish his memory are his wife, Beulah; a son, Darrell, of Ida Grove, Iowa, and two daughters: Mrs. Jack (Mona) Cooper of Redmond, Washington, and Mrs. John (Lynda Louise) Menefee of Lake Panorama, Iowa; seven grandchildren: Tamila, Gregory, Lisa, Daren and Shawn Larison, and Kelley Jo and Bryan Ames Cooper; two brothers, Estel R. [oy] and Loyd B. [eryl] Larison of Bedford, Iowa; nieces, nephews, other relatives and many friends.
When a young man he joined the Bedford Baptist Church and transferred his membership to the Blockton Christian Church in 1950, where he has been a faithful and active member as long as health permitted.
He was a kind and loving husband, father, brother and friend, with thoughts of others first, and self last; being patient in his illness without complaints of any kind; as medical science and loving hands did all that could be done for his physical needs. He will be sadly missed by all who knew and loved him.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday December 22, 1955 [p. 1]
Former Resident Died In Georgia
Mrs. George Barton, 59, of Chattanooga, Tenn., died at Weston, Georgia, Sunday, December 18, as she and her husband were enroute to Florida to spend the holidays. Mrs. Barton is the former Miss Hazel Larison, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Roy Larison of the Bedford community.
She is survived by her husband, an instructor in Smith-Hughes Vocational School at Chattanooga, one son, Kenneth Barton, who is stationed with the armed forces at Fort Bragg, S. C.; three brothers, Loyd, Estel and Ames Larison of the Bedford community. The brothers went to Tennessee for the last rites.
Mrs. Barton had been in failing health for several years and retired last year as a commerce teacher in Central High at Chattanooga, after teaching in the same school 27 years. Before that time she was a teacher in rural schools of Taylor County.
Bedford Times-Press
Wednesday January 28, 1998 p. 5
Marie Lucas Larison
Marie Lucas Larison, age 95 years and 7 months, was born June 13, 1902 at Parnell, Missouri to parents Roy and [Lena] Pearl [Stutesman] Lucas. She died on January 13, 1998 at the Bedford Nursing and Rehab Center, Bedford, Iowa, where she had lived about the last year of her life.
She grew to maturity in the Bedford community, attended the local school, and was baptized and became a member of the First Baptist Church of Bedford in 1920. The only other person to have a longer membership is her husband, Estel, who became a member in 1917.
On July 2, 1923 she was united in marriage to Estel Larison at Bedford, Iowa. Besides being a homemaker, she taught at the Rural School Level for nine years, after having spent a year at Normal School Training. They lived at their 404 King Street address of Bedford for 45 years, until moving to the Bedford Manor in February 1997.
To this union four children were born, Dale Larison of Moline, Illinois; Dwight Larison, now deceased, and formerly of Kansas City, Missouri; Harlan Larison of Lee’s Summit, Missouri and one daughter, Janet Larison, who died at six months of age.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Roy and Pearl Lucas, three brothers, Kenneth, Max and Ivan Lucas; one son, Dwight Larison; one daughter, Janet Larison and one grandchild, Brad Larison.
Left to cherish her memory are her husband Estel Larison of Bedford, brothers Vane and Ronald Lucas, both of Bedford, and sisters Vadonna Price and Doris O’Dell, both of the Bedford Nursing Home of Bedford, son Dale and wife Joan Larison; Harlan and wife Twyla Larison; grandchildren Philip Larison, Mark Larison, Stan Larison, and Lisa Larison Hallier; great grandchildren, Jacob Larison, Grant Larison and many nieces and nephews.
Besides being a long time member of the Baptist Church, which included involvement in the Baptist Women’s Ministries, she was also a member of the Rebekah Lodge and the Twentieth Century Club.
Marie loved crafts, which provided opportunity for many handmade cards, which used previously pressed flowers. She enjoyed painting, sewing, crocheting, quilting and tatting. She made many afghans, but none were as special as those received by each of her own boys.
Many fond memories are remembered of the Sunday Lucas family get togethers. Although the Lucas home might rotate, there would always be plenty of food and card games such as Pitch to follow. These games could get pretty excited, especially for the kids who watched, wondering if the adults had any control left at all. There would always be as well the traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners at Grandpa and Grandma Larison’s home. Marie was noted as a good cook and baker. It was remembered that once a young grandson noted an empty cookie jar upon arriving at grandma’s house. This was truly an abnormal emergency that was soon rectified upon the lament of the young loved one.
Speaking of her love and preferential affection for her grandkids, one day a dirty mangy looking cur followed Stan back to Grandpa and Grandma’s house from downtown. They took the time to wash up this stray, only to find that it was a white dog, which was then named Snowflake. When an owner was not to be found, it became a permanent part of the family at Grandpa and Grandma’s home. Even though none of the farm animals had ever made it into the house, Snowflake had this great privilege, even enjoying specially made biscuits and gravy for its happy palette.
This loving home all came about because of a wink. One day Estel happened to be lounging around at the Stingley’s Grocery Store in Sheridan, Missouri. It was this day that he noticed a young woman, who he later found out to be Marie Lucas, and he gave her a wink. That was the beginning of a tender love that endured for 74 years, after a courtship that meant many miles of traveling by buggy just to see her.
She was a kind and considerate wife, mother, sister, grandmother and great grandmother, and will be missed by all who knew and loved her.
A memorial is being established in her name at the Bedford State Savings Bank.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday December 12, 1940
Estel Larison’s Infant Daughter Succumbs
Janet Sue, daughter of Estel and Marie [Lucas] Larison was born March 30, 1940 and died Monday, Dec. 2, at the age of 8 months. Besides her parents she leaves to mourn her passing, three brothers, Dale, Dwight and Harlan; three grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lucas and Roy Larison.
Although little Janet had never been well she had always been a contented and smiling baby, who had day by day endeared herself more and more to those in the home. We well know she is now in the arms of the Master, who said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.”
The funeral services were held at the Christian church in Sheridan, Mo., Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 3, conducted by Rev. Mary Prather. Burial was in the Luteson cemetery.
The Larisons are former residents of Bedford.
Taylor County Herald
Thursday December 1, 1932
George Larison Is Buried Tuesday
George W. Larison died Sunday at his home east of Bedford at the age of 69 years.
For more than a year he had been in a serious condition. All of his life had been spent in Bedford and community.
For 35 years Mr. Larison had been a member of the Baptist church, and for 30 years he had been associated with the local Odd Fellows Lodge.
Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 o’clock p. m. at the First Baptist Church with Rev. C. M. Crowell preaching the sermon. Interment was made in Fairview cemetery.
Taylor County Herald
Thursday December 8, 1932
George W. Larison
George W. Larison, son of Enoch and Cathryn [Smith] Larison, was born on a farm near Bedford, Iowa, on December 29, 1863, and departed this life from his home in Bedford, Ia., on November 27th, 1932, at the age of 68 years, 11 months and 7 days.
He grew to manhood in this community, and in the year 1910 on the 30th day of March he was united in marriage to Miss Clara Spencer, Mrs. Larison having preceded him in death on April 3, 1928. Since that time he has been living with his brother, John Larison, of this place.
Those who are left to mourn his departure are his two brothers, John Larison, of Bedford, and Dave Larison, of Olympia, Washington. Four nephews and three nieces in addition to those above mentioned are also left to mourn his departure. Also a large number of relatives and admiring friends.
Brother Larison united with the Baptist church at East Mission 35 years ago, and was a member in good and regular standing of the First Baptist Church in Bedford at the time of his death.
He had been a faithful member of the Odd Fellows Lodge in Bedford in good and regular standing for about 30 years and was a member at the time of his death.
Brother Larison has been a faithful citizen of this community for more than 68 years, during which time he was engaged in the farming profession. He was a township trustee of Bedford Township for 9 years. He was without doubt one of Bedford’s most upstanding citizens and a man with many very warm friends and no enemies. Few men leave this world with so many singing words of praise as has been contributed to brother George.
On the 23rd day of last November he was taken seriously ill, and for one year and seven days he has suffered continually with very few days free from pain. But the remarkable fact relative to the entire situation, he never complained, took all the suffering and pain like unto a brave soldier of Jesus Christ that he was. Kind hands were ever ready to serve him and help in easing his pain and making him happy. He has been given every care that a man could possibly receive from the hands of those who loved him. Friends came by the hundreds to visit him during his long illness; only two days passed in that time without someone calling on him. He fought a courageous battle against pain and human suffering, but at last the battle against uneven odds gave way to the death angel’s visit, and as the Lord’s Day was drawing to a close he ceased to struggle, the end came and he fell asleep.
Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 o’clock p. m., at the First Baptist church with Rev. C. M. Crowell preaching the sermon. Interment was made in Fairview cemetery.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday June 9, 1977 p. 7
Wade Larison, 69, Last Rites Held Here May 29
Funeral services for Wade Theron Larison, 69, of Bedford, held May 29 in the First Baptist Church in Bedford were conducted by Pastor Carter Smith. Mr. Larison died May 26, 1977 at St. Joseph Hospital, St. Joseph, Mo. Interment was at Bedford Cemetery, Bedford.
Wade Theron Larison, son of James Enoch and Sarah Elizabeth [Ulrich] Larison, was born on a farm near Bedford, Iowa on April 19, 1908.
On July 5, 1930 he was united in marriage to Elma Rae Allen at Princeton, Mo., and they lived near Bedford for a number of years, then moved to Pontiac, Michigan, where he was employed at General Motors until he retired in 1964 due to poor health. Since that time they have resided in Bedford.
Wade received Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour June 13, 1973 and later united with the First Baptist Church in Bedford.
He was preceded in death by his parents, his older brother, Elmer, two sisters and two brothers who died in infancy.
He will be greatly missed by his wife Elma; one brother, Wilbur [Don] and his wife, Marie, Twin Falls, Idaho; three sisters, Ethel Wilson and her husband, Charles, Twin Falls, Idaho; [Ina] Fern Williams and her husband Bus [Leslie Murray], Bedford and Beulah Larison, Monterey Park, California; one sister-in-law, Thena Larison, Bedford, five nieces and five nephews.
Although he had no children of his own, Hank, as he was affectionately known, loved children and endeared himself to many.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday November 16, 1967 [p. 1]
Cpl. Larison, 18, Dies In Vietnam
Cpl. Robert W. [ilbur] Larison, 18, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Larison [Marie Holloway], formerly of Bedford, was killed in Vietnam Nov. 1. Cpl. Larison died of wounds received when the military vehicle in which he was riding struck a land mine. He was the son of George Larison of Twin Falls, and Mrs. Max Bennett, Seattle, Wash.
Funeral services for Cpl. Larison were held November 9 in Twin Falls, attended by Mrs. Bus Williams of Bedford.
Mrs. Williams [Ina Fern] is a sister and Elmer and Wade Larison of Bedford, brothers, of Wilbur Larison.
Cpl. Larison is survived by his wife, JoAnn, and five month old daughter, Holly Ann.
Mrs. Williams, who made the trip to Twin Falls by air, was a guest in the Wilbur Larison home and in her sister’s home, the Charles E. Wilson’s.
Miss Beulah Larison of Monterey Park, Calif., also attended the services.
Taylor County Herald
Thursday March 5, 1942 p. 8
Rites Saturday
Funeral services for Mrs. [Fannie] Belle [Kinzer] Rubart, who died this morning at the Mrs. Amanda Robbins home, will be Saturday at 10:30 a. m. from the Wetmore Funeral Home. Interment will be in Graceland cemetery.
[Montgomery, Elvira Loraine “Ella” Starling]
Taylor County Herald
Thursday December 8, 1932
Mrs. H. Montgomery
Elvira Loraine Starling, daughter of R. [ichard] O. [scar] and Nancy [Elizabeth Lindsey] Starling, was born in Illinois, February 18, 1857.
When a child she moved with her parents to Iowa. On May 16, 1905, she was married to Harlan Montgomery.
Mrs. Montgomery died at her home in west Bedford December 2, 1932.
Besides her husband, Mrs. Montgomery is survived by 2 sisters, Clara Jones, of Delphos, Kan., and Margaret Pfiffly of Santa Fe, N. M.
She was a member of the local Eastern Star Lodge.
Funeral services were held last Sunday afternoon at the Christian Church, conducted by Rev. J. C. Harris and interment was made in Fairview Cemetery.
Bedford Times-Press, Thursday, December 8, 1932
Among those from out-of-town who were called to Bedford by the death of Mrs. Harlan Montgomery, and attended funeral services for her Sunday afternoon included the following: a sister, Mrs. Clara Jones of Delphos, Kans., Dr. William Montgomery of St. Joseph, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Montgomery and two sons, Arthur and Harry of Ottumwa, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Miller and William Haller of Des Moines, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Chandler of Gravity.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday April 5, 1962 p. 4
Mrs. Roy Lucas Dies Here Mon.
Mrs. Roy Lucas, 77, a long time resident of Bedford and community, died at her home in Bedford early Monday morning, April 2.
She is survived by her husband and eight children. The sons are Vane, Kenneth, Max and Ronald of Bedford; Ivan of Lenox; and daughters, Mrs. Estel (Marie) Larison of Bedford, Mrs. Herman (Doris) O’Dell of New Market, Mrs. Ralph (Vadonna) Price of Gravity. There are also grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at the Baptist church at two o’clock Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Colvin Caughey officiated. Burial in Fairview cemetery.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday April 12, 1962 p. 10
Mrs. Roy Lucas Rites Held Here Wed.
Mrs. Roy Lucas [Lena Pearl Stutesman] died at her home in Bedford, Monday, April 2 at the age of 77 years, eight months, 15 days.
Funeral services were held at the Baptist church at two p. m., Wednesday, April 4. Rev. Colvin Caughey, pastor of the church, officiated. Burial was in Fairview cemetery.
Lena Pearl Stutesman, daughter of John A. and Mary Jane Stutesman, was born July 18, 1884 near Parnell, Mo. She was one of a family of ten children.
She was married to Roy Lucas in Blockton, Iowa on August 24, 1901 and they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in 1961.
They were the parents of eight children, all of whom survive. They are Mrs. Estel Larison [Marie], Vane B. Lucas, Max L. Lucas, Kenneth E. Lucas, Ronald O. Lucas of Bedford, Mrs. Herman O’Dell [Doris] of New Market, Mrs. Ralph Price [Vadonna] of Gravity, Ivan Lucas of Lenox. There are 25 grandchildren, 18 great grandchildren and four sisters. She was preceded in death by her parents, one granddaughter, a great grandson, four brothers and one sister.
Mrs. Lucas was a member of the First Baptist Church of Bedford. Her early life was spent near Parnell, Mo. and her latter life in Bedford and community. She was a loving wife, mother and grandmother and her great joy was in ministering to the needs of her family.
Bedford Times-Press
Thursday April 12, 1962 p. 10
Attend Lucas Funeral
Out-of-town relatives attending the funeral services for Mrs. Roy Lucas in Bedford Wednesday, included: Dale Larison, Rock Island, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. James Lucas, Ames; Miss Adena Lucas, Iowa City; Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Larison, Kansas City; Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Larison, Lee’s Summit, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Lucas, Ames; Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mason, Guthrie Center, Mr. and Mrs. George Griffin, Mrs. Mary Bell, Ottawa, Kans.; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Shannon, Omaha; Mrs. Elizabeth Emmons, Miss Mamie Winemiller, Barnard, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goff, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rauch, Mrs. Neola Rauch, Maryville; Mrs. Edna Stahl, Harold Rickabaugh, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Lester, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Wilson, Mrs. Melvin Dickey, Mrs. Clarice Johnson, Sheridan, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, Mrs. Susie Stutesman, Blockton; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stutesman, Clearfield; Mr. and Mrs. Gail Dorsey, Griswold; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Campbell, St. Joseph; Mrs. Joan Schmitz, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stutesman, Parnell; Mr. and Mrs. George Lucas, Kansas City; Keith O’Dell, Salina, Kans.